TNA's new direction-- more Adult programming vs Family Friendly WWE programming

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I think what they mean by more adult themed, Jack, is simply put – storylines that appeal more to adults than they do children. A feud over a man's wife, for example (Lashley/Steiner), or quite simply a feud over jealousy or the fear of losing your job. All of these things (and more) simply appeal to the adult mind more than they do that of a child, because they're events that adults live with and fear every day. Living vicariously through them through a television program isn't something that's respective only to professional wrestling. Numerous television programs and sitcoms do the same, and with good reason – it works. At least in my opinion. I find the more adult-themed storylines to be much more fulfilling than I do the more childish and humorous ones. It's why I don't watch the WWE anymore.
Thats why I watch TNA and not WWE.

I'm used to the stuff WCW, ECW and the WWF had all the years I was growing up. Even though I liked a bunch of pre-attitude/nWo era, I find it hard to watch the stuff WWE puts on now.

I think TNA are doing a good job targeting this audience. All they need to do now is not have their shows be a clusterf*k and be organised and there going all the way to the top.
Tna would be smart to market their product as more edgy "raw" towards the key adult male demographic. Having the beautiful people and sexy divas would attribute to that. With that in mind has there been a knockout bra and panties match ever cause that would pop huge "ratings" regardless the edgy attitude style wod perfectly contrast wwe and could really bring in new viewers.

With that said I also want to comment on the argument about nWo and there involvment in this. From a storyline perspective it makes perfect sense for them to return now with Hogan in charge and wanting the spotlight again the key is follow up with TNA guys taking them on and clashing in interesting feuds and storylines.
TNA is on the way up. The got thier highest rating even going up against Bret Harts return to WWE.

Hogan,Bishoff,Hall,Waltman,Flair are all good signs. The NWO will attract that old fan base that left with WCW and got tired of midget wrestling on WWE. An adult them witll get those die hard ECW fans that Vince pissed off back into the game. Vince will shoot himself in the foot. He is to PG and stale. Also Hall and Hogan are entertaining. They provide good mic skills and below average skill in the ring, but TNA has good ring guys like Styles and Daniels. Wrestling is 50% ring talent and the other 50% is entertainment. You guys keep talking about how Hogan an these old guys cant If we all think about to the WWE biggest era which was Attitude it was at a time when people fussed about WWE only putting on short matches and having more stories. I think TNA will do more stories on Impact and put on great PPV shows, just like the attitude era did back in the day. WWE is seriously lacking the entertainment value. Guys like Kingston and They have ring talent but shoot me please if they get on the mic. Please go back to fighting Goldust on ECW sheamus. Also why is Sheamus such a believable He got pushed down our throat so fast because WWE lacks the talent needed.

This brand seperation is killing WWE. While you can tune into TNA and see all of the stars. I dont have to wait until SD to see taker and Edge. I dont have to wait until Raw to see Cena and Orton or who ever. The brand seperation has killed the tag division and spread out the talent that WWE doesnt have. I saw kill the brands and WWE will have a shot to get away from Orton vs Cena vs Triple H. You could add Edge,Taker,HBK,Triple H,Cena,Orton all in the hunt or one title. Also doesnt the brand thing kill each heavyweight Wrestling has always fought for 3 or 4 belts WWE has like 80 now dont they. How do any have prestige

Vince droped the ball along time ago. He should have let WCW return with Shane running it. Just cancel SD and have WCW shown in its place. ECW should have stayed the same and let Heyman run it. Vince should have kept his big stars together on RAW. He could have satisfied everyone. WCW could have been PG..ECW would be HARDCORE BLOOD and RAW could be the mix....

I guess I hate Vince because he owned the wrestling world and blew it. Also for his horrible stale product. TNA needs to attract new fans and having guys like Hogan who people know will do that. I have friend who stopped watching years ago but tuned into Hogan returns and see the NWO back. They have no idea who Aj Styles is but tuned in and after the Angle Sytles match admitted they want to see him again. The TNA fans already in place should stop bitching about Hogan...I am a tna fan and we are drawing the 1.4 and 1.9 ratings but the new fans attract by the older guys will help get that 2.0 or more.

its no different than what the WWE did while edge was ragin wars in tag team land. Austin who was less wrestler than edge and older but more entertaining was winning championships. TNA just has no older guys to fall back on they have not been around long enough so they go an get the older older guys.....c'mon its basic business skills.

If WWE went out of business and then came back after just 4 years would u really want them to hire all new guys and none of the old Its fake guys its all entertainment an hearing Bishoff and Hogan on the mic is better than watching no name guys in the ring at least it is for new guys just tuning into TNA...

When starting a company you need familiar faces why else would they get TAZ to do announcing. He is know Marv ALbert but he is a face people recognize. They see him and say oh thats were he is........duh duh duh
I personally think this is a major step in the wrong direction for TNA the last few years of TNA were terrible 2008 saw petey williams downfall and firing sonjay dutt becoming so full of steroids he couldnt move and the start of the most boring storyline ever the Main Event Mafia however they did get much better in 09 with mick foley a title reign for a.j. and the debut of the awesome pope d'angelo dinero then for 2010 you go to the retirement home pick up WCW rejects and val venus and the nastys its become seniors vs jobbers :banghead:
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