Bubba the Love Sponge Released From TNA

No offense to anyone but thank goodness this fat piece of worthless shit is gone! Thank you TNA you have done the right thing, though a couple months too late but its done never the less. God I would also pay to see Kong wally stomp this loser. Good Riddance No one will miss you.
I do think there is a special place in hell for this lardass. As we saw in the little nicky movie, he'll be taking it up the rear with pineapples hopefully. I can only hope that some other bigwigs in TNA get some HUGE repercussions for allowing this TurdBucket to fester in public on tv for so long. Do you think they have any idea how many people/talent/fans/money they've lost due to his toxic attitude, racist behavior and sexist attitude toward women? I wonder if TNA even cares at this point? You see the number of Knockouts that have left and that certainly has to be an omen ... :wtf:

You really can't deny those things. When they say everything is hindsight, but look at how MANY people tried saying "This was a bad idea from the start bringing him on. " There has to be some kind of consequences for this to Hogan and his little 'in crowd' to say that TNA corporate WILL NOT stand for this kind of hostility towards its workers.
ok first of all yea he wasnt exciting to watch in tna and we all know the only reason he was introduced in tna was cause he is one of hogans homies, but on the other hand what he does on his own time and with his job at the station and not on tna is totally his own business and since kong is not with tna anymore its really none of dixies business either and for getting rid of him because of that is bullshit. I agree with what he said about kong. people these days are so wrapped up in believing what they want to hear when they haer something they dont like and is prolly the truth they go irate, so go ahead bubba tellem how you feel.
but on the other hand what he does on his own time and with his job at the station and not on tna is totally his own business and since kong is not with tna anymore its really none of dixies business either and for getting rid of him because of that is bullshit
He was let go because more of the guys backstage hated him than enjoyed him being backstage. he was toxic to the atmosphere backstage and provided nothing to the show. That's why he was let go, not just the Kong issues. That was just the icing on the cake.

I agree with what he said about kong. people these days are so wrapped up in believing what they want to hear when they haer something they dont like and is prolly the truth they go irate, so go ahead bubba tellem how you feel.
Bubba is the exact same way and proved it in his riduclous rant on Cow head show or whatever the fuck that douches' name is. Listen to it again and realize that Kong was trying to speak calmly and all Bubba did was yell louder and louder and didn't let her get a word in. That is the mark of a man who knows he is wrong and can't provide facts to back himself up so he has to try to be the loudest because we all know the loudest moron is the smartest right?
You're entire life is pointless. Go back to screwing your sister and watching TNA you white trash simpleton

Was it his step sister though? was she hot? Things to be considered, really.

and please, I woud love for mister sponge to enlighten me on just how exactly HIS life has such "meaning" in this world. Please.

Thank fucking GOODNESS this worthless sack of shit will not be on my television anymore. A television i spent a lot of damn hard earned money to have, and veiw. He was utterly worthless, useless, a fucking idiotic looking fat choad, who got to be put in front of a mic and get radio muscles. he is just so ubeeerrr kewl with his mega awesome "celebrity". I bet he even gets into strip clubs for free, thats how fucking cool and famous he is.

This day shall live on in infamy as a great day in TNA, and a great day in my life.
Like everyone else has already said, I am SOOO happy to see him get canned…..couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. The Haiti comment was pathetic, disgusting, and a reminder that free speech can be abused. If I were TNA, I wouldn’t want my company associated with that kind of insensitive nonsense. When Americans wonder ask the question “why do they hate us?” well…..Anyhoo, IMHO, he also served no purpose on the show and every story they put him in made very little sense anyway. I mean, why the hell was a radio show host hanging out with "the band" anyway?
Awesome Kong should have been arrested after punching BTSP several times in the back stage incident. Bubba also should have sued TNA for every dime its worth for allowing this sort of behavior to happen and TNA for not firing Kong Immediatly after the incident. Dixie should be thanking her lucky stars every night the Bubba and Hogan are friends and he didn't sue her and TNA! They would have been bankrupt.

People are acting like Kong is the Victim here, but none of this would even be an issue if she had never ATTACKED Bubba in the first place. You people, cheer for Kong because she attacked a guy you all personally don't like. Thats fine. If I saw some guy I didn't like getting beat up i'd be cheering too. But the fact of the matter is Kong broke the law when she assualted Bubba. Bubba has not broken any laws.

Everyone agrees and complains that Wrestling doesn't have any managers or Agents anymore. Any wrestling fans know how important they can be when used correctly. I think TNA missed the boat on using Bubba as a manager (Before his most recent comments). He had legit heat, could cut a promo, and could have been used as a manger for a heel.

For the Record, Bubba is getting a bad rap here. F*** Haiti and Dez Bryan's mother is a prostitute
Some new twitters from Fat Boy

No Bubba it was the only shot. You are gone fat boy.

Bubba Army or Crucial Crew? Who had the worst name and brings the least to TNA's fanbase? You decide. Plus there was only ever anti-bubba tweet.

So now he attacks the fans for what? Because we stucik up for the wrestlers and the company that we love as opposed to somebody who brings nothing to a company? Yeah I guess I'm a coward. Love for him to say that to someone's face.

What 40 year old man uses the world douche nozzle and thinks he's cool? Plus isn't he friends and just worked for a company that employs oiled men in tights?

A fat man who wears sleeveless shirts and leather jackets named Bubba is calling someone else white trash? Buy the man a dictionary and a mirror please!

I no way defend his actions on air as to what he said to Kong, and I'm glad he's gone from TNA. To be fair if you look on twitter those tweets where signed by his producer Bret. Bubba didn't write them some site just took Brent off them and posted as Bubba. The guy is a big enough douche bag on his own web sites don't need to twist things.http://twitter.com/btlsradio

Him and Cowhead should get fined, suspended, or even fired. I was a fan of both their radio shows, but to trick a guest to come on just to blindside them was taking it to far. Not to mention the racial overtones used and threatening to attack a woman. I used to listen mainly cause he had wrestlers on often. I'm sure after this Vince will ban his guys from going on.
Fuck bubba the *********** he had no business n the A neway im glad his show dont reach in texas i was pissed after hearin that shit i would kick his ass for kong n he would b my black n blue bitch
He was let go because more of the guys backstage hated him than enjoyed him being backstage. he was toxic to the atmosphere backstage and provided nothing to the show. That's why he was let go, not just the Kong issues. That was just the icing on the cake.

Bubba is the exact same way and proved it in his riduclous rant on Cow head show or whatever the fuck that douches' name is. Listen to it again and realize that Kong was trying to speak calmly and all Bubba did was yell louder and louder and didn't let her get a word in. That is the mark of a man who knows he is wrong and can't provide facts to back himself up so he has to try to be the loudest because we all know the loudest moron is the smartest right?

well if she attacked me i wouldnt let her speak either. that whole thing started with haiti, and i agree with bubba, we need to start helping ourselves instead of everyone else first, so what if they dont like us weve as a nation have never been liked. and as far as him being fired because noone liked him backstage is bull shit just because he got heat backstage doesnt mean u need to be fired. if you arent helping the company by brining up ratings then yes, which he wasnt really doing but if he could of been givin some change to and maybe a gimmick then maybe he could of. and as far as the kong thing goes she started it by attacking him bubba was just speaking his mind which brings me back to my point.
It's a good thing BTLS is gone from TNA, but Hogan shouldn't even have brought him in.
I really hope this means there's an increased possibility Awesome Kong will return to TNA some day, rather sooner than later.
Awesome Kong should have been arrested after punching BTSP several times in the back stage incident. Bubba also should have sued TNA for every dime its worth for allowing this sort of behavior to happen and TNA for not firing Kong Immediatly after the incident. Dixie should be thanking her lucky stars every night the Bubba and Hogan are friends and he didn't sue her and TNA! They would have been bankrupt.

People are acting like Kong is the Victim here, but none of this would even be an issue if she had never ATTACKED Bubba in the first place. You people, cheer for Kong because she attacked a guy you all personally don't like. Thats fine. If I saw some guy I didn't like getting beat up i'd be cheering too. But the fact of the matter is Kong broke the law when she assualted Bubba. Bubba has not broken any laws.

Everyone agrees and complains that Wrestling doesn't have any managers or Agents anymore. Any wrestling fans know how important they can be when used correctly. I think TNA missed the boat on using Bubba as a manager (Before his most recent comments). He had legit heat, could cut a promo, and could have been used as a manger for a heel.

For the Record, Bubba is getting a bad rap here. F*** Haiti and Dez Bryan's mother is a prostitute

So because while Bubba who was a representative for TNA blasts a country that was a victim of a natural disaster Kong acted out of emotion because she was baited Bubba deserves a second chance? Here's the problem with your logic, after the incidents (both the F Haiti comment and backstage fight) Bubba goes on a media blitz calling out Kong repeatedly and creates hostility in the locker room. Nothing Bubba did could translate to onscreen material otherwise it'd be boycotted by over half the country (see muhammad hassan angle and cause for cutting it short). Bubba is getting a bad rap cause he insists on keeping his "positive" and man i use that word as loosely as possible traits saved for his lil radio show instead of for TV.

And by the way who cares about dez bryant, we're not talking about the NFL.
Awesome Kong should have been arrested after punching BTSP several times in the back stage incident. Bubba also should have sued TNA for every dime its worth for allowing this sort of behavior to happen and TNA for not firing Kong Immediatly after the incident. Dixie should be thanking her lucky stars every night the Bubba and Hogan are friends and he didn't sue her and TNA! They would have been bankrupt.

People are acting like Kong is the Victim here, but none of this would even be an issue if she had never ATTACKED Bubba in the first place. You people, cheer for Kong because she attacked a guy you all personally don't like. Thats fine. If I saw some guy I didn't like getting beat up i'd be cheering too. But the fact of the matter is Kong broke the law when she assualted Bubba. Bubba has not broken any laws.

Everyone agrees and complains that Wrestling doesn't have any managers or Agents anymore. Any wrestling fans know how important they can be when used correctly. I think TNA missed the boat on using Bubba as a manager (Before his most recent comments). He had legit heat, could cut a promo, and could have been used as a manger for a heel.

For the Record, Bubba is getting a bad rap here. F*** Haiti and Dez Bryan's mother is a prostitute

Regardless of what happened between Kong and Bubba (since none of us were actually there, we can only speculate), do you honestly think that the following is not worthy of getting canned and yanked off the air, fast:

1) "Fuck Haiti" -- just after a time when an estimated quarter of a million people died and countless numbers were injured or made homeless.

2) Calling Kong a "black bitch". Regardless of whose side you're on, that's an extremely horrible and racist thing to say to someone. He might as well have called her the "N" word, put it that way. Also, calling a woman a "bitch" is definitely not cool either.

It's one thing to be controversial and a real "shock jock", like Howard Stern, but Bubba takes it way too far. Here in FL, we get his radio show. I did listen to it for a while, but it got old, fast. After the Haiti comments, I pretty much stopped listening.

Also, the man basically called TNA's fans a bunch of trailer trash and dissed them. In doing so, he dissed most of his "Bubba Army". The funny thing is that most wrestling fans are probably far more intelligent and far more educated than Bubba himself.

I think it's fair to say that Bubba well and truly abuses the right to free speech. I'm glad he's gone from TNA. Like Don Imus, I hope they yank him off the air too. I'm sure the TNA locker room will be a better place now that this proverbial boil on TNA's ass has gone.
Bubba was useless in TNA. Those tweets/posts after the fact are just sad, especially trashing the fans. If he was really trying to help TNA and not himself in the first place, he wouldn't have posted any of that crap. Hopefully his radio show gets cancelled soon too.
You love oiled up men in tights. You are a douche nozzle that thinks wrestling is real. Get a f***ing life. Go away

You're entire life is pointless. Go back to screwing your sister and watching TNA you white trash simpleton

These two quotes really speak volumes about the guy. Wrestling fans don't have a life and think wrestling is real huh? Isn't Bubba the one with a wrestling ring in his garage? doesn't he hang out with all the wrestlers? Not to mention harassing every wrestler on the radio and calling it a "shoot". That's like me calling Honky Tonk Man and calling him a piece of shit and expecting him to wrestle me. Say what you will about wrestlers or fans, but even Honky Tonk has done ten times more for wrestling then Bubba ever will for radio.

I'm glad he is fired because ratings would of gone in the toilet even more if he was allowed to stay and wrestle in TNA. You know that was probably going to happen too. Bubba would of probably been The Band's third man. It would of been terrible too. No wrestler should even talk to Bubba or do his shitty show anymore.

Bubba plugging TNA was a joke. Do you really think all of those 10 Bubba Army fans are TNA fans? No one is except for the plant in the front row. Bubba is the biggest wrestling mark of them all, he just doesn't think its cool anymore when his sorry ass got fired.

Adios Bubba, thanks for accomplishing nothing in TNA but turmoil and bad ratings you fat prick.
BTLS is a fat tub of shit who was lucky enough to be kept around for as long as he was. He should have been fired after the Haiti comment -- I only imagine Hogan campaigned to keep him around, and that BTLS would be kept tight on his leash. He should have been fired again after the first "black bitch" comment. What he needs to realize is that he is a representative on TNA, and should have acted in a professional manner. No one gives a shit about his stupid-ass opinions about Haiti OR Kong, yet he felt the need to voice them anyway and he dragged the company through the mud.

Now he's all butthurt about getting fired, as if he didn't see it coming, and just as expected, he's throwing a temper tantrum like the piece of shit brat that he is, insulting everybody even related to TNA, including the fans.
So because while Bubba who was a representative for TNA blasts a country that was a victim of a natural disaster Kong acted out of emotion because she was baited Bubba deserves a second chance? Here's the problem with your logic, after the incidents (both the F Haiti comment and backstage fight) Bubba goes on a media blitz calling out Kong repeatedly and creates hostility in the locker room. Nothing Bubba did could translate to onscreen material otherwise it'd be boycotted by over half the country (see muhammad hassan angle and cause for cutting it short). Bubba is getting a bad rap cause he insists on keeping his "positive" and man i use that word as loosely as possible traits saved for his lil radio show instead of for TV.

And by the way who cares about dez bryant, we're not talking about the NFL.

OK, lets break this down. First off Bubba didn't bait Kong from his initial response. Bubba would have made that comment no matter what. So Kong started this whole beef when she attacked Bubba. Second of all, I never said anything about second chances, or turning this into a storyline. Just that the guy had heat and TNA dropped the ball on using him as a talent and outlet from the get-go.

And you still DUCKED the original point that in any other company Kong would have been fired IMMEDIATLY for assaulting him. Second of all, I could argue that Kong is a racist since she attacked a White man. But thats just as stupid as calling Bubba a racist cause he has beef with a black bitch.

Now the one point you managed to stumble upon is that while Bubba DOES have his own Radio show, as long as he's a member of TNA he is representing them. So any bad publicity he gets, so does TNA. TNA should have know he's controversal and taken that into consideration
Regardless of what happened between Kong and Bubba (since none of us were actually there, we can only speculate), do you honestly think that the following is not worthy of getting canned and yanked off the air, fast:

1) "Fuck Haiti" -- just after a time when an estimated quarter of a million people died and countless numbers were injured or made homeless.

2) Calling Kong a "black bitch". Regardless of whose side you're on, that's an extremely horrible and racist thing to say to someone. He might as well have called her the "N" word, put it that way. Also, calling a woman a "bitch" is definitely not cool either.

It's one thing to be controversial and a real "shock jock", like Howard Stern, but Bubba takes it way too far. Here in FL, we get his radio show. I did listen to it for a while, but it got old, fast. After the Haiti comments, I pretty much stopped listening.

Also, the man basically called TNA's fans a bunch of trailer trash and dissed them. In doing so, he dissed most of his "Bubba Army". The funny thing is that most wrestling fans are probably far more intelligent and far more educated than Bubba himself.

I think it's fair to say that Bubba well and truly abuses the right to free speech. I'm glad he's gone from TNA. Like Don Imus, I hope they yank him off the air too. I'm sure the TNA locker room will be a better place now that this proverbial boil on TNA's ass has gone.

First off, none of you have your facts straight. When Bubba said "Fuck Haiti" He also said "We have enough problems in our own country to deal with" and he's right! I'm sorry about Haiti, but let Haiti deal with their own problems. I want my tax dollars to go to fixing my own country, not somebody elses. If we ever DO fix things, THEN I'll consider helping another country. Trust me, haiti ain't gonna help us! So while what Bubba said was abrasive and harsh, it was true. He wasn't just saying Fuck Haiti for the hell of it, or to get ratings (Maybe alittle), or because he's a racist or just Hates haiti, or to piss off Unawesome Kong. He had a point.

As far as the TNA fans suck comments. First of all Bubba didn't say that. It was from another guy on the show named Brent. and Second of all. one of Bubba's twitter account has been hacked for the past several weeks anyways. And even if he did say it I don't care. he's just lashing out cause he was totally screwed in this situation.

I repeat. Unawesome should have gone to jail for assault. Trust me, if Bubba had hit her back everyone be screaming racisim.
I was never a fan of BTLS, and I say good ridence, that dick was no good for TNA, he was fat and JB and Christy are much better interviewers. It is quite obvious that the only reason that he was ever in TNA is because of Hulk Hogan. I thought he would be released right when he said all the shit about Haiti, and then he started poking shit at Kong, if he gets all pissed because he was fired, that will be bullshit, he knew he had it coming from day 1
First off, none of you have your facts straight. When Bubba said "Fuck Haiti" He also said "We have enough problems in our own country to deal with" and he's right! I'm sorry about Haiti, but let Haiti deal with their own problems. I want my tax dollars to go to fixing my own country, not somebody elses. If we ever DO fix things, THEN I'll consider helping another country. Trust me, haiti ain't gonna help us! So while what Bubba said was abrasive and harsh, it was true. He wasn't just saying Fuck Haiti for the hell of it, or to get ratings (Maybe alittle), or because he's a racist or just Hates haiti, or to piss off Unawesome Kong. He had a point.

As far as the TNA fans suck comments. First of all Bubba didn't say that. It was from another guy on the show named Brent. and Second of all. one of Bubba's twitter account has been hacked for the past several weeks anyways. And even if he did say it I don't care. he's just lashing out cause he was totally screwed in this situation.

I repeat. Unawesome should have gone to jail for assault. Trust me, if Bubba had hit her back everyone be screaming racisim.

Wow...someone sticking up for Bubba...that's pretty rare.

I couldn't care less if Kong had gone to jail. Good. Great. Taker her away for assault. But that doesn't mean Bubba should still be with the company. He shouldn't have been there in the first place, and I bet Hogan is kicking himself for signing the guy.

Bubba had the ability to add exactly a big fat F*****G zero to the show. The guy is a talentless, bitter hack. He calls people white trash who were, just a few weeks ago, watching him on television? I don't care if he wrote it or not, he has control over his twitter page (unless those posts were made by someone who hacked his account, and I highly doubt that was the case).

When you are representing a brand of anything, you are held to high standards. When you are seen week in and week out on television, you are held to an even higher standard. The problem really doesn't reside with Bubba. It's TNA management (Hogan). They should have never brought the guy in. If they needed managers, mouthpieces, etc., there were plenty of other guys out there who can get the job done, and draw less controversy.

Bubba's an asshole, but that really isn't the point. The point is he should have never been hired. He's a radio personality, a shock jock. Did they think he was going to clean up his act for a part-time gig on tv? If they did, they're nuts. So while I am personally glad he is gone, I don't blame him nearly as much as I do TNA. They finally made the right decision. It was just one thing after the other with the guy, and eventually you had to know it was going to get him canned.
Why this whole experiment with Bubba is even registering as a blip on the radar is funny to me. Like many have said, he was nothing, and added nothing to the TNA product. He only got the job because of his relationship with Hogan, and probably only took it thinking it would somehow bring more listeners to his crappy radio show, while he simultaneously became a huge star on television.

Hopefully TNA management takes the high road, and prohibits its stars from appearing on the show. Bubba was and is beneath the caliber of TNA, and TNA would be right to absolve any association with him. Rest assured, though, the listeners of his show will never forget the time he was a huge star in wrestling.

Just the name "Bubba the Love Sponge" sounds like some old, crusty, semen-drenched scrubbing apparatus. And even that would possess more talent than Bubba does.
First off, none of you have your facts straight. When Bubba said "Fuck Haiti" He also said "We have enough problems in our own country to deal with" and he's right! I'm sorry about Haiti, but let Haiti deal with their own problems. I want my tax dollars to go to fixing my own country, not somebody elses. If we ever DO fix things, THEN I'll consider helping another country. Trust me, haiti ain't gonna help us! So while what Bubba said was abrasive and harsh, it was true. He wasn't just saying Fuck Haiti for the hell of it, or to get ratings (Maybe alittle), or because he's a racist or just Hates haiti, or to piss off Unawesome Kong. He had a point.

As far as the TNA fans suck comments. First of all Bubba didn't say that. It was from another guy on the show named Brent. and Second of all. one of Bubba's twitter account has been hacked for the past several weeks anyways. And even if he did say it I don't care. he's just lashing out cause he was totally screwed in this situation.

I repeat. Unawesome should have gone to jail for assault. Trust me, if Bubba had hit her back everyone be screaming racisim.

Well, I disagree with you on Haiti. If a big media personality from another country had said "fuck the USA" right after 9/11, I'm sure you'd be all over them. Regardless of whether you agree with giving aid to Haiti or not, his comments were highly offensive and highly inappropriate (not to mention that there's a sizable Haitian population here in FL). If you want to talk "facts", the facts are that a quarter of a million people DIED in Haiti....not something you joke about, unless you're a pretty twisted, lost and sad excuse for a human being.

Regardless of what happened between Kong and Bubba, you don't go around calling someone a "black bitch". Like I said, he may as well have used the "N" word.

Bubba is a classless moron. I'm glad that most people see him for what he is, in that sense. I realize that his radio show is not going anywhere (at least until he does something to fuck that up too), but at least I can watch TNA again without having to endure that asshole.
This is very reassuring. TNA is listening to the live fans and to some extent, fans on the internet. He offered nothing. He was Hogan's little Gilligan so he had a job. Good riddance.
I can't believe some posters would actually defend bubba. Look awsome kong got let go for punching bubba, and that was her punishment. Bubba won, Tna took his side. But then he has the nerve to ambush her and rub it in even more by setting her up on a radio show, just to call her a "BLack B1TCH" Wow, as the MIZ would say "Really?" You would defend a guy that would do that to someone, Really? He thinks he is a tough guy, but in reality he just talks tough, and is just a fat poser. Everyone on that damn show of his are a bunch of pricks, they aren't likable, they aren't entertaining, and all they do is just complain, and try to be controversial. What a joke of a show he has, and how anyone can be a fan of his I will never know. Fuck Haiti? No bubba, "FUCK YOU"

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