Bubba the Love Sponge Released From TNA

good. bubba was essentially worthless and brought absolutely nothing to the table. all he is is a liability.
God, I hate the fact that I have to jump in on this one, but I hate this assclown so much, I have no choice. Anyone who is pissed that this piece of shit is gone really needs to get their head examined. Other than the fact that he's a buddy of Hulk Hogan, he "NEVER" would have been in wrestling, EVER! I can honestly say that having Bubba the Love Sponge on TNA was worse than any of the guest hosts that WWE has ever had. He pissed off almost everyone in the back, he caused Awesome Kong to leave the company, he goes on the radio and instead of giving TNA that "Free Radio Promotion" they were looking for, he makes the company look second rate and full of idiots. I can honestly say "Goodbye and Good Riddance to old Rubbish". Now all we need is for someone to flush the turd and all will be right with the universe.
As far as the TNA fans suck comments. First of all Bubba didn't say that. It was from another guy on the show named Brent. and Second of all. one of Bubba's twitter account has been hacked for the past several weeks anyways. And even if he did say it I don't care. he's just lashing out cause he was totally screwed in this situation.

Apparently the twitter account that Brent has been using was the main account that looks as though it has not been hacked, and Bubba needs to be responsible for those that represent his product i.e. his show. And by the way no one from TNA has actually said that kong is gonna be brought back just because Bubba is gone so you can't say that this move doesn't reverse Kong's release from TNA so Bubba has no leg to stand on in terms of being "screwed". Frankly as long as Bubba continues to whine like an 8 yr old he'll have the same credibility in pop culture that Ann Coulter does in politics. It's time for Bubba and his army of idiocy to grow the you know what up.
You know it's not like this guy was some golden ticket for the company or anything. I mean he only got in by association with Hogan. Really he was useless. I mean the only wrong is not that he was fired but that he wasn't fired SOONER. This guy gives the phrase "dead weight" a new meaning. He made A1 from the old Team Canada days look like Samoa Joe. I mean personally, I am glad he's gone. he was nothing but a big bloated loud mouthed howard stern wannabe. Good riddance is all I got to say
Hey Yo!
Survey says Good Fucking Riddance to Bubba The Love Sponge, seriously what could he possibly bring to TNA in the first place other than bad publicity and disappointment to the TNA fans in attendance man i am happy this guy is gone he was making The Wolfpac look bad and i mean the actual stable in TNA not me it just fucking burns why would you hire this idiot that has done nothing but cost TNA and it could be seen coming the guy is ******** in general. Does Awesome Kong ring a bell but hey im just stating the obvious. I'm Out.
.Tha Wolfpac.
This is very reassuring. TNA is listening to the live fans and to some extent, fans on the internet. He offered nothing. He was Hogan's little Gilligan so he had a job. Good riddance.

That was exactly my thoughts on his role, I always just thought he would be there to shine the shoes of Hogan and Co. I didn't think he done anything other than that.

On a serious note.

Why was he there for, what purpose did he serve there. I don't understand the nuisance he cause between himself and Awesome Kong, also don't understand why ne needed to make himself public enemy #1 by saying Fuck Haiti, even with the words following it.
I'm so glad he's finally gone. It took them way too long (he should have been gone after the F*** Haiti comment). He just brought turmoil and was a huge part of Kong's departure. If he wasn't Hogan's stooge, there is no way this bad Stern knockoff would be anywhere near TNA. At least they're cleaning up one of Hogan's many bad decisions.
Now they need to rid, Hall (sorry he is old dusty and useless), The Nasty Boys and any other Hogan entourage/ass kissers that come onto TNA that serve no purpose other than squashing teams/ wrestlers 10 times the skilled athlete they are.
Now they need to rid, Hall (sorry he is old dusty and useless), The Nasty Boys and any other Hogan entourage/ass kissers that come onto TNA that serve no purpose other than squashing teams/ wrestlers 10 times the skilled athlete they are.

Hall is getting into a lot better shape recently if you haven't noticed and he seems to be cleaning up his act for the most part. I would have agreed if you said Waltman. Unless Hall messes up again, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. At least he's still pretty good on the mic and if he keeps on getting in better condition, his solid matches might return as well.

To keep it on topic though, Bubba is useless in every way imaginable and I would LOVE for a member of the "Bubba Army" to show up on here and give us all just ONE reason why Bubba is not completely worthless.
Than ask some wrestling fan with some sense of wrestling backstage and ask him for reason why he should have been offered the job in the first place besides being Hogans bitch.

Hall has been good on the mic and quite frankly it saddens me how bad Waltman is these days. He was a real good prospect in his junior days and always had the charisma and technique during his first run in the WWF to have made a better splash........ real life can be a real bitch.
Now they need to rid, Hall (sorry he is old dusty and useless), The Nasty Boys and any other Hogan entourage/ass kissers that come onto TNA that serve no purpose other than squashing teams/ wrestlers 10 times the skilled athlete they are.

Sorry dude i don't agree with you on the Scott Hall part now it may have something with me being a huge Scott Hall fan im not sure but man recently on the mic he's shown a little glimmer of his glory days and slowly he's getting into shape i ve actually been quite impressed with Hall hope he stays in line and under control of himself so anyway i think Scott Hall should be given this final and i stress final CHANCE
Bubba the Love Sponge is an unintelligent and untalented grizzly who knows nothing about wrestling. I was laughing at his ignorance when he was slamming Jim Cornette about Jim Cornette taking wrestling too seriously. Why would he not take wrestling seriously? He's been in the business for about three decades or so, was a promoter, was in the top wrestling promotions and was a notable manager. He has his wide catalog of knowledge, regardless of whether or not people disagree with his remarks. Bubba is a prime example of Mr. Contradictory, picking out petty little things like the sound quality as well as comparing professional quality to amateur quality when it's on the internet. In this case, he's picking out things that are irrelevant to the content of the rant that he's spewing. I don't care much about Jim Cornette to be honest, but BtLS has nothing on him. He says things about how Cornette is bitching after having been fired by TNA and this implies that since BtLS was employed by TNA at the time of the rants, he was subtly defending them. He, like Cornette has a history of being fired from various places. He, like Cornette also bitched after he got fired from TNA. The fact of the matter? He's no better. Good riddance of a fat goof that can't do anything but flap his lips and act like anything he does is absolute.
Good riddance to Bubba 'The Love' Sponge. Should now be Bubba 'God I hate him so much I want Awesome Kong to powerbomb him through a table' Sponge. Yep, I know. Pretty long but it fits.

I checked him out a few times on TNA. Everything he said and done, whether it was on the show or off camera, scripted or not, they were either moronic, boring or both. And not in a good way.

Remember the radio show interview he had with Jeff Jarrett? He was boring the hell out of me. And concerning what he did to Awesome Kong and with those Haiti comments, I'm glad that Kong smacked him about.

So therefore, Booboo, excuse me, Bubba, how about we have a little 'goodbye' chant?

Bubba Bubba Bubba who gives two shits about this assclown? I know I dont. This guy comes off as more then a *******! Words cannot describe him. Hell anytime he was on TNA air, I muted it. That drives me nuts to watch tv with no sound. Hell, I would have watched a year of nonstop Barney and Friends to avoid him. (by the way that year of nonstop is literal..no sleep)

I remember a few months ago Bubba was blasting TNA like there was no tomarrow. The next thing I know he is on the show! Now, at the time I really didnt know much about him. Looking back, ignorance is really bliss!

I don't really know what happend between him and Kong, not sure if I really care. I missed what he said about it as well. But from what I have seen, the guy probably should get his ass beat for it.

Well Bubba, it wasn't nice knowing ya....bad luck in the future.....yeah thats about it.
Bubba has been making fun of Awesome Kong all week on his shitty radio show. I don't listen, but in flicking between channels, they were playing a really juvenile song about Awesome Kong (anyone living in FL may well have also heard it).

The joke is on Bubba though. Honestly, he *could* have pressed charges against Kong & TNA, but he chose not to (for whatever reason). If you're in a situation where you're punched, you do one of two things: 1) hit back or 2) press charges. If you choose to do neither of those things, it's case closed. Instead, Bubba decided to ambush Kong on the radio; the cowardly way.

TNA had no choice *but* to fire him and the blame lies solely on Bubba himself for what was (at best) shockingly unprofessional behavior.

For the record, I don't condone Awesome Kong punching Bubba, but I don't blame her. His Haiti comments were worthy of a bruising!

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