Whenever I see the TNA vs. WWE stuff, a main argument that I've seen is that TNA is more adult programming while WWE programming is PG and thus, geared towards children.
I prefer to say it's marketed as child friendly. I'm mean, look at Cena, he is a walking billboard for believing in yourself and defying the odds to always beat evil. I'm not saying this is a child like story by any means, but the way it's executed in my opinion, has been geared towards selling children his t-shirts. I'm also not saying that everything the WWE does is meant to sell kids merchandise over pleasing fans either, just a large enough part that I take notice.
However, as a viewer of both companies, I find myself confused by this statement. I have seen Raw, ECW, Impact, and Smackdown, and the content to me seems very similar.
I agree with this statement, they both offer similar content, but in my opinion, enough is different.
I know I'm going to get the "WWE has Hornswoggle" argument, but to me, that really has nothing to do with it. I'm talking purely about content.
Well, a large part of the content is dedicated to being family friendly. It is just a fact indicated by their rating. Sure, it's a match/story/match format but the way it is done is quite different in my opinion.
Take a look at both shows without a bias.
Sadly impossible sir. I'm sure everything I type has some sort of bias even though I try my best to be objective.
What is it that TNA does other than have the TV-14 label that makes it more adult? I mean, is there worse language? Worse violence?
Worse language, I'm not sure, I never take a count of the "naughty" words they use on any show unless they are bleeped. Which in TNA, they are, so I know something was said my virgin ears shouldn't be able to hear. Worse violence, well, I'm not sure about this one, in my opinion, wrestling is wrestling and blood is never truly needed unless you are in a gimmick match. Although they did just use tacks on Sundays PPV so I suppose there is that.
More "adult" storylines? I am someone who doesn't see much of a difference. In fact, I can argue that the storylines on WWE programming are more in depth and thus, adults with bigger brains can understand them better.
Well, this is were you and I diverge in opinion. I feel that TNA's current story lines are better then those of the WWE. WWE tends to spoon feed the audience quick resolutions to story lines that should not end the way they do. The stories are often predictable and don't offer much room for surprise. Now I'm not saying their stories are utter trash with no potential at all or that they are all terrible by any means, in fact I'm rather enjoying HBK's current predicament. But that is the only story I'm actually invested in. I watch Raw and Smackdown every week as well and can't find any other story that I care about.
Now I'm not saying that TNA is throwing out script after script of pure greatness, but I do care more about what happens with Angle versus Mr. Anderson then the mysterious disappearance of MVP's hatred for the Miz. Their stories have enough open room in for a good swerve and conclusion. That's also not to say they can't mess them up, I'm sure they could, and more then likely will, but I haven't seen it yet so I have hope.
Also was the little quip about fans of TNA's current story lines really needed?
So the point of this thread is to ask why you think TNA is more adult programming?
I wouldn't say that is more "adult", but more mature in it's injection of sexual themes and it acceptance of blood use and overall violent material.
I want specific examples of stories that are more adult, specific actions that make it adult, etc.
Well, I may be wrong about this, but I don't think the WWE has ever addressed the fact that people die during wars. I know they have said multiple times they support the troops and have had shows in Military post, but I don't think they have ever readily addressed the fact that people's lives are lost during any of those trips. Now I'm not saying they should, but TNA did (In a very respectful way might I add) and it's a good example of their willingness to use more mature content.
Any way I tried. Plus they have

Velvet's ass, that should warrant a TV-MA rating all on its own

there isn't a drool emote that would drive this home, so use your imagination.