What makes TNA "adult" programming?


The Mouth of the South Shore
Whenever I see the TNA vs. WWE stuff, a main argument that I've seen is that TNA is more adult programming while WWE programming is PG and thus, geared towards children. However, as a viewer of both companies, I find myself confused by this statement. I have seen Raw, ECW, Impact, and Smackdown, and the content to me seems very similar. I know I'm going to get the "WWE has Hornswoggle" argument, but to me, that really has nothing to do with it. I'm talking purely about content.

Take a look at both shows without a bias. What is it that TNA does other than have the TV-14 label that makes it more adult? I mean, is there worse language? Worse violence? More "adult" storylines?

I am someone who doesn't see much of a difference. In fact, I can argue that the storylines on WWE programming are more in depth and thus, adults with bigger brains can understand them better. So the point of this thread is to ask why you think TNA is more adult programming? I want specific examples of stories that are more adult, specific actions that make it adult, etc. Do comparisons if you have to, but give me some reasons, because I have failed to see it.

Good luck!
Well I believe The Pope said 'Crap' and 'Shit' on the latest Impact and Orlando Jordan was apparently kissing a man so that's what's possibly 'adult'.

Honestly though I feel WWE's storylines are far fetched and TNA's aren't as much as they use issues that could be real life (Angelina feeling betrayed by TBP, Styles changing his personality and mistrust between Hogan and some superstars) meaning their storylines are classed as more adult
Well TNA is TV14 and they say ass,shit,crap,bitch.And in the WWE they dont say nothing like that.Also on TNA you could bleed your ass of and they wont stop the match,But if that happends in WWE they stop the match until the wrestler stops bleeding even on there PPViews.

So I really dont think that RAW,and SD are really the same as Impact.That why TNA is more for adults then for little children.Now in the other hand WWE is more for Families with little children so the whole family could watch RAW or SD.
The first thing that comes to my mind is last nights edition of impact. When The Pope was calling out Ric Flair and AJ Styles, He referred to Ric as "Dick". And he said Dick a few times after another making it a point that he was saying it. That caught my attention right away last night because the language is something that has toned down a good bit on WWE programming. So the more adult language would have to be one of the main noticable reasons for me.
The first thing that comes to my mind is last nights edition of impact. When The Pope was calling out Ric Flair and AJ Styles, He referred to Ric as "Dick". And he said Dick a few times after another making it a point that he was saying it. That caught my attention right away last night because the language is something that has toned down a good bit on WWE programming. So the more adult language would have to be one of the main noticable reasons for me.

Just to quickly counter that argument, when DX threw a birthday party for Vince, they referenced his love of dicks, so the word dick is not an example of "adult language". And even if it is, is that a reason to watch one show over the other because of "adult" content. The few words used that people are stating have been bleeped out so it's not like they can say it. The same would happen on WWE programming, except I believe the talent understands what is and is not allowed better and dont' have to worry about censors so much.
I wouldn't say it is adult programming, but it is intended for a more "Mature" audience. Slightly Off-Color language, close up shots of the "naughty" parts of scantily clad women (I am looking at you Velvet), and blood are all contributing factors to the TV-14 rating that TNA currently earns. These are all things that you will not find on WWE's programming today (Bret Hart's potty mouth not withstanding, hahaha.)
As far as the Pope calling Flair "Dick", to be fair, Dick is an acceptable nickname for the name Richard, as is Ric and Rick. Which is also why when DX did that one segment, where they flat out said "I love Dicks", they started to spout out Dick Cheney, Dick Clark, and Dick Ebersol. Dick (just like Cock) when referring to male genitalia would take the programming from the TV14 rating that WWE was getting at the time to TVMA.

Personally, I find using double entendres and innuendo to allow a company to get away with language like that to be childish at best. Perfect example of that comes from an episode of South Park:
I understand your argument and I can agree with you. I forgot all about the DX party for Vince that was about 3 years ago. I was thinking about more recent times but I get what your saying. I don't choose one show over the other and especially not for the adult content. I enjoy both companies. I just think TNA is pushing more of a less "family friendly" show when they are using more toilet humor, more blood in matches and use of weapons in matches on TV. It reminds me of wrestling ten years ago when it did seem like there were no boundaries on what can and cannot be done on TV.
I understand your argument and I can agree with you. I forgot all about the DX party for Vince that was about 3 years ago. I was thinking about more recent times but I get what your saying. I don't choose one show over the other and especially not for the adult content. I enjoy both companies. I just think TNA is pushing more of a less "family friendly" show when they are using more toilet humor, more blood in matches and use of weapons in matches on TV. It reminds me of wrestling ten years ago when it did seem like there were no boundaries on what can and cannot be done on TV.

I was actually referring to the party they had this past August, a mere 5-6 months ago, since the official move to PG. They reference their old antics and did use such language. However, it's kind of minute in the grand scheme of things. If you are watching one wrestling program over the other because one says ass and the other doesn't, that's pretty sad. I'm actually looking more for content because I can't imagine that everyone who has made the argument on these boards that TNA is "more adult" has said so simply because they heard a bad word or 2 (if it wasn't bleeped out of course). I would think someone has an example of content based stuff, and I'm interested to see it because I've never noticed it myself.
I'm actually looking more for content because I can't imagine that everyone who has made the argument on these boards that TNA is "more adult" has said so simply because they heard a bad word or 2 (if it wasn't bleeped out of course). I would think someone has an example of content based stuff, and I'm interested to see it because I've never noticed it myself.

They aren't running around throwing F Bombs and things of that nature on national television uncensored. But they are using the language that is excusable for a TV-14 show and not permitted for the most part on a WWE show, such as "Bitch" and "Ass". That, along with the close ups of Velvet's inner most workings and the occasionally buckets of blood loss (see Angle) and you have yourself a recipe for a TV-14 program.
Very Interesting all it is that Tna uses blood they cuse and they allow their knockouts to wear hotter outfits then the wwe divas. You can take the beautiful peoples entrance as an example.
Very Interesting all it is that Tna uses blood they cuse and they allow their knockouts to wear hotter outfits then the wwe divas. You can take the beautiful peoples entrance as an example.

Now, the BP's outfits still don't compare to what the Divas wore back in the Attitude era, and to be honest, I don't notice that much of a difference between what they wear and what Kelly Kelly often wears, but the greater question is: are you attracted to the show because of those aspects? Do those "adult" things make the show better for you? And I'm not directing that question specifically at you, it's for everyone to answer.
Whenever I see the TNA vs. WWE stuff, a main argument that I've seen is that TNA is more adult programming while WWE programming is PG and thus, geared towards children.

I prefer to say it's marketed as child friendly. I'm mean, look at Cena, he is a walking billboard for believing in yourself and defying the odds to always beat evil. I'm not saying this is a child like story by any means, but the way it's executed in my opinion, has been geared towards selling children his t-shirts. I'm also not saying that everything the WWE does is meant to sell kids merchandise over pleasing fans either, just a large enough part that I take notice.

However, as a viewer of both companies, I find myself confused by this statement. I have seen Raw, ECW, Impact, and Smackdown, and the content to me seems very similar.

I agree with this statement, they both offer similar content, but in my opinion, enough is different.

I know I'm going to get the "WWE has Hornswoggle" argument, but to me, that really has nothing to do with it. I'm talking purely about content.

Well, a large part of the content is dedicated to being family friendly. It is just a fact indicated by their rating. Sure, it's a match/story/match format but the way it is done is quite different in my opinion.

Take a look at both shows without a bias.

Sadly impossible sir. I'm sure everything I type has some sort of bias even though I try my best to be objective.

What is it that TNA does other than have the TV-14 label that makes it more adult? I mean, is there worse language? Worse violence?

Worse language, I'm not sure, I never take a count of the "naughty" words they use on any show unless they are bleeped. Which in TNA, they are, so I know something was said my virgin ears shouldn't be able to hear. Worse violence, well, I'm not sure about this one, in my opinion, wrestling is wrestling and blood is never truly needed unless you are in a gimmick match. Although they did just use tacks on Sundays PPV so I suppose there is that.

More "adult" storylines? I am someone who doesn't see much of a difference. In fact, I can argue that the storylines on WWE programming are more in depth and thus, adults with bigger brains can understand them better.

Well, this is were you and I diverge in opinion. I feel that TNA's current story lines are better then those of the WWE. WWE tends to spoon feed the audience quick resolutions to story lines that should not end the way they do. The stories are often predictable and don't offer much room for surprise. Now I'm not saying their stories are utter trash with no potential at all or that they are all terrible by any means, in fact I'm rather enjoying HBK's current predicament. But that is the only story I'm actually invested in. I watch Raw and Smackdown every week as well and can't find any other story that I care about.

Now I'm not saying that TNA is throwing out script after script of pure greatness, but I do care more about what happens with Angle versus Mr. Anderson then the mysterious disappearance of MVP's hatred for the Miz. Their stories have enough open room in for a good swerve and conclusion. That's also not to say they can't mess them up, I'm sure they could, and more then likely will, but I haven't seen it yet so I have hope.

Also was the little quip about fans of TNA's current story lines really needed?
So the point of this thread is to ask why you think TNA is more adult programming?

I wouldn't say that is more "adult", but more mature in it's injection of sexual themes and it acceptance of blood use and overall violent material.

I want specific examples of stories that are more adult, specific actions that make it adult, etc.

Well, I may be wrong about this, but I don't think the WWE has ever addressed the fact that people die during wars. I know they have said multiple times they support the troops and have had shows in Military post, but I don't think they have ever readily addressed the fact that people's lives are lost during any of those trips. Now I'm not saying they should, but TNA did (In a very respectful way might I add) and it's a good example of their willingness to use more mature content.

Any way I tried. Plus they have :worship:Velvet's ass, that should warrant a TV-MA rating all on its own :( there isn't a drool emote that would drive this home, so use your imagination.
There isn't really anything huge that makes TNA more adult then WWE. WWE doesn't have as many curse words or any blood in their matches. WWE has more clear angles that say wrestler A is a face who is feuding with wrestler B because of C. In TNA, you never know who is face or heel because they mainly let you decide that for yourself.

You won't see super heroes or leprechauns in TNA either. I think Raw and TNA are pretty tame compared to the Monday Night Wars over 10 years ago though. It's just when you watch and see wrestlers playing The Price is Right or acting as guests on The Jerry Springer Show is kinda childish.

Especially when DX and Hornswoggle danced around and acted like teenagers in the ring. Basically you are more likely to see an adult program between wrestlers talking about their sex lives and storied past on TNA then on WWE.

Promos on Raw have been more about wrestlers fighting each other not because of personal issues, but because of championships. Besides Bret and Vince, there is really nothing personal or adult about any feuds in WWE right now.

I think that is the main difference between TNA and WWE besides the curse words, blood, and women showing their ass cheeks. TNA has more personal feuds like Jarret/Angle, Foley/Bischoff, and Flair/Bischoff. WWE is more about wrestler x fighting wrestler y for a championship.
lol.. wwe is way more pg that tna.. smackdown is like the most tv-14 wwe has right now.

i mean think about last nights impact.. pope said dick twice and i know i've heard shit before.. the wrestling is usually more violent than wwe crap and whenever the beautiful ppl come out the camera men put great emphasis on their asses and chests..
TNA is, as I've said before, a mix between the Attitude WWF and WCW at its height. It may not have the success but it's playing with those same ideas. One thing that someone else pointed out is that TNA is really what would probably happen if wrestling was real. The line between heels and faces is almost non-existent, except of course for a few promos meant to anger the crowd. Everyone seems to be out for themselves or their team and they'll stop at nothing to get it. WWE guys turn on a dime and immediately drop their characters, save for a few exemptions. MVP went face and it's hard to tell he's the same guy. Morrison is similar.

TNA's wackiest character was Suicide, a masked guy whose taunt was shooting himself in the head. I'm still surprised Homicide, Suicide, and Sabu (Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal) didn't form a stable. Oppose that with WWE's wackiest character, an Irish midget who dances around and just growls. One very big difference I saw was on this past Impact when they showed the replay of Angle bleeding. It was visible and about as close as possible. In WWE, if there had been blood and they didn't immediately suture the wound then any replays, which they would not show anyway, would be grayed out. They've even started doing this with archival/classic matches and DVDs.

I don't think that the moniker "Adult" is appropriate for most things it's used for, which is normally boobs and cussing, as if that's adult. Both companies aren't really adult but they are most certainly not child friendly.

But on a quick tangent, one of my favorite things was at the beginning of 2009 when Vince called out TNA because "they need to get with the times" and this was while the whole Orton/Triple H/Stephanie story. Here's a link: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/wrestling/article2344951.ece
I don't know that it is more "adult", I just don't think they play to kids. They are at least willing to acknowledge sexual content and violent content. I think the most mature part of last night Impact was the Angle/Anderson bit. Kurt Angle put on a tremendous promo, and Mr. Anderson had the perfect heel response. I'm really intrigued by this feud and really looking forward to where it is going. Someone else made a good point-WWE loves the troops, but they never mention the consequences of war. Maybe this has to do with the McMahon family's political leanings, but there's nothing wrong with acknowledging it. I also wish TNA hadn't edited out Orlando Jordan's kiss with his male valet, that would really be pushing the envelope. But hopefully they'll return to it.
Now, the BP's outfits still don't compare to what the Divas wore back in the Attitude era, and to be honest, I don't notice that much of a difference between what they wear and what Kelly Kelly often wears, but the greater question is: are you attracted to the show because of those aspects? Do those "adult" things make the show better for you? And I'm not directing that question specifically at you, it's for everyone to answer.

Well not the beautiful peoples outfits all the time but the way they enter the ring grinding on the second rope isn't for kids. But I really dont watch tna Im always flipping the channel between that and what game is on tnt last night their was a good finish between the cavs and nuggets so i was mostly tuned into that I'd change to impact during commercial. But now that you mentioned it the tv-14 aspect isn't what caught my attention.
I know I'm going to get the "WWE has Hornswoggle" argument, but to me, that really has nothing to do with it. I'm talking purely about content.

um isnt them having hornswoggle considered part of WWE's content? the fact that they feature him on every episode shows they are geared towards children. Other than that TNA had strip poker on 1/4 while WWE no longer even has bra and panty matches, something that was a big hit in the 90s. Val Venis was released in part because his gimmick is that of a porn star. What about their content is the same? Remember this is national TV meaning there are restrictions so TNA cant push the limit to far, but WWE stays far from the limit they could push.
When you get right down to overall basics, there's not really much of a difference between them. There are some differences yes, but not nearly to the degree that some try to make them out to be.

The reason there are so many comparissons is because both companies actually have a physical label that people can see. The "PG" symbol pops up in the corner of your screen when a WWE program comes on and, while it may not seem like much, human beings are very visual and actually just seeing the PG letters is enough for a lot of people.

TNA does use some words like dick, ass or bitch every now and again. Sometimes, even words like bitch are bleeped out. A few dirty words that any average 12 year old runs around and says nowadays isn't something that I find to be overly impressive. As for the Orlando Jordan kissing another man aspect, it wasn't shown on television. It may have happened in front of a thousand people in the arena, but it wasn't seen by the 1.7 million other people that watched iMPACT! last night so it may as well have not happened at all.

Probably the greatest difference overall is the lack of blood. Blading is pretty much gone in the WWE for now, but TNA wrestlers don't cut themselves open all that often anyhow. You do it too often, the novelty of it loses all meaning quickly. Lastly, I think the antics, particularly the entrance, of The Beautiful People is another somewhat more adult aspect. But, like everything else, it's nothing overt really.

As I said, a lot of people are hung up on the labels. When you just sit back and actually watch the shows to be watching them and not to be looking for something to complain about in a forum the next day, the differences between the two companies programming aren't major or extreme by any degree.
I personally think the reason TNA is more for adults is because of:

*The Language - Desmond Wolfe perfect example.
*The Blood - Any PPV From TNA that i've seen.
*The Old Superstars - Too many to name but it's great as an adult to remember old wrestlers and get the instant curiosity about TNA.

Basicaly it is like a new attitude era and that is why i think it appeals more to adults as the new generation of viewers are spoon fed this 4 moves of death super human stuff AKA Triple H, Batista, John Cena (I got pretty bored with this very quickly) and i as an adult myself like to watch matches that are out there like the X-Division & Hardcore Matches.

Just my opinion, hope someone reads and agrees, thank you for your time :)

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