TNA is getting it right

ECW has gotten dull but how the hell is Fortune "just another Main Event Mafia" MEM were all ex WHC, fortune has one active wrestler who has been a heavyweight champ in AJ, and no one else in the group has even been close to a world title.

Im not going to judge Fortune because this is their FIRST FUED all stables minus the NWO (which is the greatest stable ever in wrestling) have never gotten super popular over their intro feud NONE DX, The Nation of Domination, Evolution, the Ministry of Darkness etc... none of these stables reached got over with their first feud.

TNA isnt going the just have Fortune go and shyt on Anderson, Hardy, Angle, Pope, MCMG, Joe, etc... without being sure they will be able to gain mega heat, this EV2 thing is nothing more then elevating Fortune, to the next step, What people need to look at is what is TNA going to look like after BFG, honestly once Fortune gets ride off EV2 im pretty sure they well be the main point of Impact once this "they", and "deception" thing happens

hell if anything Fortune might be TNA's only hope against they. We will know if TNA got it right 30 days from now once all the fog has cleared from BFG, and the aftermath occurs, Is TNA getting it right with building the hype absolutley, but the resuts will determine if they got it right, its a shame that hogan or bishoff need to remain netural or else everyone will scream NWO rehash which i can't understand , trust me as a huge NWO fan i understand current stables cant live up to it but their is no need to think every stable is trying to copy it.

You are wrong though some stables do get over right away. The 4 horsemen were over right way and DX was over against the Hart Foundation right way as were for that matter the Hart Foundation. But and this is a huge but it must be done correctly and TNA does not do correctly.

Elevating Fortune to the next step? AJ has held every damn title in the company, Kaz is one of the most consistent dedicated performers on the roster, who now has Flair behind him. Beer Money is already the best tag team in the industry today even before they were with fortune. Morgan has main evented, and stole the show with Kurt. Doug Williams is the only one who you might elevate with a feud with EV2 and I think just carrying Flairs bags might do more for him.

If Fortune is to play such a huge role why not have Sying and Nash explain to Flair and AJ what the Deception is all about. Hell them united might be enough to get rid of Hogan and Bischoff or at the very most get Dixie to listen to them. Instead we get a bullshit feud with guys who have never drawn a dime against the stable that should be running rough shot ape shit all over TNA. That no matter how you try to defend it is bad booking.
I disagree TNA's booking has been pretty poor to be honest. The only good, honest to god, simply booked storyline going on right now is the MCMG VS GenMe. Its a simple story and easy to understand and digest.

Wheras the Deception storyline has been going on for 6 FUCKING months and were still no close to understanding anything about it. The best storylines in wrestling slowly but surely unravel themselves. Just saying confusing things about shadow politics doesn't make a good storyline. Are people actually expecting this to have a good ending that'll make you go "Oh wow, that makes perfect sense"?
I personally think TNA is getting it right lately, not perfect but right enough for me to care.

It's been years since I ordered a WWE PPV or a PPV in general for that matter because nothing interest me enough to shell out 50$, but for the first time I will order a TNA PPV because I really can't wait to see who THEY are and I want Anderson to heel turn on Angle and so much thing. If it was the WWE I wouldn't order it because I know that they will fell short on everything deceiving me again, but with TNA I have hope still but maybe this PPV will make me delusional after it, it's their opportunity to not f up imo, if they manage to have a good payoff and a strong show I am sure TNA will get some viewers again an gain a couple of point on the rating, not taking 1 to 3 but .2 to .6-7-8.

If they manage to do this PPV good I am sure it will bring them to another step.
You are wrong though some stables do get over right away. The 4 horsemen were over right way and DX was over against the Hart Foundation right way as were for that matter the Hart Foundation. But and this is a huge but it must be done correctly and TNA does not do correctly.

Elevating Fortune to the next step? AJ has held every damn title in the company, Kaz is one of the most consistent dedicated performers on the roster, who now has Flair behind him. Beer Money is already the best tag team in the industry today even before they were with fortune. Morgan has main evented, and stole the show with Kurt. Doug Williams is the only one who you might elevate with a feud with EV2 and I think just carrying Flairs bags might do more for him.

If Fortune is to play such a huge role why not have Sying and Nash explain to Flair and AJ what the Deception is all about. Hell them united might be enough to get rid of Hogan and Bischoff or at the very most get Dixie to listen to them. Instead we get a bullshit feud with guys who have never drawn a dime against the stable that should be running rough shot ape shit all over TNA. That no matter how you try to defend it is bad booking.

Lets be serious I am a HBK mark, and I am willing to admit the DX really started and was really over AS A STABLE when it was HHH, the NAO, Xpax and chyna. Sure When it was HBK, HHH, and Chyna they got attention but they had HBK and lets be serious HBK at the time of DX was mega popular, DX was over simply because HBK was over, and to dive into history the fueded with Undertaker and Mankind first then feuded with the Hart Foundation

and they walked a fine line with promos, AJ might be the best in TNA but he is no where near HBK status, same thing with the heart foundation having bret hart.

Hart Foundation was over because they had bret hart, the feuded with Dx so it was the #1 and #2 stars feuding with each other with there own stables, and the HF where feuding with Austin after WM13, that whole feud was about Austin shining to prepare him for WM14 against HBK, and more importantly they were over AS A STABLE because the held every title at them time, they didnt just get over off top.

I think you are right when it comes to Fortune they have a bunch of talent with 3 guys who are definitely over in beer money, and AJ, with Morgan not far behind, but as a stable not so much, they have nothing that personifies them to a fan, as good as AJ is he isnt at that level where just because he is attached to a stable they are over like he is. Fortunes whole thing is they built TNA they made it what it is today, they felt EV2 stole their shine so they are feuding, the fact is Fortune is a heel stable the little thing of "we built TNA" is what personifies them so what where they going to do, go after Mr. Anderson, Jeff Hardy, RVD, and Hogan????

Then everyone would be bitching about a TNA vs ex WWE feud, Fortune is being built as a heel stable the best faces in TNA are in the main event, Joe is part of deception, and as much as you want to knock the EV2 stable im pretty sure those guys have sold more seats then all the guys on the TNA roster put together once you knock off the guys who are in bigger storylines (hardy,Anderson,ANgle, Joe, Pope,Hogan,Sting, Nash) I rather see EV2 then see a bunch of TNA mid carders go against whats suppose to be the cream of the crop in TNA talent, at least their is a story line and a purpose behind this feud, having Fortune go against a bunch of midcarders like Hernandez, Rob Terry, London Brawling etc... would just be half asses
Ugh. And like I said earlier, every time someone brings up TNA's failure to bring in new viewers, people blame it on WWE fanboys. It's the world's most popular position when it comes to someone disagreeing with them- "everyone who disagrees must be a mindless puppet of someone bigger than them". It can't possibly be that people just aren't entertained by what TNA is offering.

The WWE owns the market simply because no one is offering anything more interesting to a broad audience right now (which I find terribly sad- the WWE is pretty uninspiring right now.) That is very changable, but TNA is currently writing for the people that are already watching, and not writing for the audience they need to attract.

I reiterate- I really, really want TNA to succeed. Competition is good for the wrestling industry, as it forces all companies involved to step up their game, which is great for us fans. But at the same time, I'm not willing to pretend I like a product that I don't.

Don't take any of the back and forth personally; a lot of what you say I'm using to respond to the TNA diehards in general, who espouse a lot of the same ideas. And you do happen to be more open to other ideas than a lot of other people on this board, who are completely adversarial to anyone who is dissatisfied with TNA's current product.

I really don't understand why this is such a hard concept to understand...

Let's put it this way... How many STUPID loyal fans are there for a team like the Chicago Cubs??? The Cubs SUCK every year, but for some reason the stadium is PACKED every single day!!! How does that happen??? IT ALL COMES DOWN TO LOYALTY!!! People love the Cubs, so they will ALWAYS love the Cubs... It doesn't matter how much they suck... Now ask yourself one SIMPLE question... What would it take to get that loyal Cub's fan to start cheering for the Cardinals and to say FUCK the Cubs??? These kind of things very RARELY happen...

The same thing happens with the WWE & TNA... I happen to be one of the rare people who changed from being a WWE loyalist... Somewhere between Cena, Miz, & the Spirit Squad I realized that the WWE has really lost it's way... Ask yourself another simple question... What would it take for the WWE fans to say FUCK the WWE??? I will answer this for you... It can only be done by snatching away SEVERAL of the WWE's top guys... This way the WWE fans do not feel like they are disowning the WWE... The same formula that WCW used... Only a moron would point out TNA's ratings and say that they are not successful because WWE is putting on a better product... It really DOES come down to being loyal to the WWE... Whether you ever want to admit it or not, this is the case... And if you don't believe me... Just imagine your favorite sports team, and then cheering for their arch rivals the next time they play each other...

Thank you...
I really don't understand why this is such a hard concept to understand...

Let's put it this way... How many STUPID loyal fans are there for a team like the Chicago Cubs??? The Cubs SUCK every year, but for some reason the stadium is PACKED every single day!!! How does that happen??? IT ALL COMES DOWN TO LOYALTY!!! People love the Cubs, so they will ALWAYS love the Cubs... It doesn't matter how much they suck... Now ask yourself one SIMPLE question... What would it take to get that loyal Cub's fan to start cheering for the Cardinals and to say FUCK the Cubs??? These kind of things very RARELY happen...

The same thing happens with the WWE & TNA... I happen to be one of the rare people who changed from being a WWE loyalist... Somewhere between Cena, Miz, & the Spirit Squad I realized that the WWE has really lost it's way... Ask yourself another simple question... What would it take for the WWE fans to say FUCK the WWE??? I will answer this for you... It can only be done by snatching away SEVERAL of the WWE's top guys... This way the WWE fans do not feel like they are disowning the WWE... The same formula that WCW used... Only a moron would point out TNA's ratings and say that they are not successful because WWE is putting on a better product... It really DOES come down to being loyal to the WWE... Whether you ever want to admit it or not, this is the case... And if you don't believe me... Just imagine your favorite sports team, and then cheering for their arch rivals the next time they play each other...

Thank you...
Yeah, except the WWE and TNA aren't sports teams. My apple is not your orange. It's quite possible to like both, or, in my case, be annoyed by both.

Save the "thank you...." for the relevant analogies.
I really don't understand why this is such a hard concept to understand...

Let's put it this way... How many STUPID loyal fans are there for a team like the Chicago Cubs??? The Cubs SUCK every year, but for some reason the stadium is PACKED every single day!!! How does that happen??? IT ALL COMES DOWN TO LOYALTY!!! People love the Cubs, so they will ALWAYS love the Cubs... It doesn't matter how much they suck... Now ask yourself one SIMPLE question... What would it take to get that loyal Cub's fan to start cheering for the Cardinals and to say FUCK the Cubs??? These kind of things very RARELY happen...

The same thing happens with the WWE & TNA... I happen to be one of the rare people who changed from being a WWE loyalist... Somewhere between Cena, Miz, & the Spirit Squad I realized that the WWE has really lost it's way... Ask yourself another simple question... What would it take for the WWE fans to say FUCK the WWE??? I will answer this for you... It can only be done by snatching away SEVERAL of the WWE's top guys... This way the WWE fans do not feel like they are disowning the WWE... The same formula that WCW used... Only a moron would point out TNA's ratings and say that they are not successful because WWE is putting on a better product... It really DOES come down to being loyal to the WWE... Whether you ever want to admit it or not, this is the case... And if you don't believe me... Just imagine your favorite sports team, and then cheering for their arch rivals the next time they play each other...

Thank you...

Absolutely. Before I was a TNA mark, I was a WWE mark. I grew up with it. It was the only wrestling I ever saw. The first time I saw a TNA show I felt like I was cheating on a girl or something. It didn't seem right, at all. But hey, that bitch I cheated with turned out to be daaayum fine. Dumped the old scallywag like I should've years ago.

It does come down to loyalty. That's why people blindly bash TNA while not even caring to pay attention to the product, because they set their minds WAY before the show even started and they're looking for the SMALLEST things to make themselves believe it's bad. But then they watch RAW, which has the exact same problems to solve and they somehow ignore them.

TNA fans on the other hand - well we kind of have a right to bash WWE. We've all been watching it for YEARS. We're quite aware of where the product is, and still, I end up watching RAW every Monday. I still watch Smackdown too. Why? Well I guess that WWE loyalist in me has some life left in his lifeless carcass. It's just a habit. But I do not enjoy it. Go figure.
Absolutely. Before I was a TNA mark, I was a WWE mark. I grew up with it. It was the only wrestling I ever saw. The first time I saw a TNA show I felt like I was cheating on a girl or something. It didn't seem right, at all. But hey, that bitch I cheated with turned out to be daaayum fine. Dumped the old scallywag like I should've years ago.

It does come down to loyalty. That's why people blindly bash TNA while not even caring to pay attention to the product, because they set their minds WAY before the show even started and they're looking for the SMALLEST things to make themselves believe it's bad. But then they watch RAW, which has the exact same problems to solve and they somehow ignore them.

TNA fans on the other hand - well we kind of have a right to bash WWE. We've all been watching it for YEARS. We're quite aware of where the product is, and still, I end up watching RAW every Monday. I still watch Smackdown too. Why? Well I guess that WWE loyalist in me has some life left in his lifeless carcass. It's just a habit. But I do not enjoy it. Go figure.
i never could understand why wrestling fans could hate tna and then i read your thread. i kind of feel the opposite way tho. i dont think wwe fans r all that loyal, but its more of everybody loves something to hate and feel better then. wwe fans will never realize that to make it better, they need to support tna in some way ... the same way tna fans would have to support wwe if it were to ever go under. im a wrestling fan and im going to need options other then wwe now that hhh will prolly be running it for 40 years.
on top of that i just want to say that spike hurts tna while usa helps wwe`s. if tna were on cbs it would beat raw and still be cbs lowest rated show. like wrestling, ppl are loyal to channels.
Yeah, except the WWE and TNA aren't sports teams. My apple is not your orange. It's quite possible to like both, or, in my case, be annoyed by both.

Save the "thank you...." for the relevant analogies.

Why do people try to make everything so difficult... COMPARE WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT TO!!! It doesn't matter... Compare the NFL to College football... Or compare the NFL to the CFL... It doesn't matter... Smarten up dude... There are plenty of people who are indifferent to certain things... Try to convince someone to watch the CFL INSTEAD of watching the NFL... How F**king hard would that be to do??? Think about that one for a second... And yes I will use the "thank you" line when I KNOW that I am right...

Thank you...

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