King Of The Ring
the problem here is no matter what happens on the 10th or what the outcome of any of the storylines are people are going to say it makes no sense and is shit. the current wrestling fan base is so brainwashed by what the wwe has force fed them over the years that no other company is given a chance.
Yes the storylines are complex, that's the damn point. it makes u think. likeing it or dislikeing it is secondary. the 90's style of fast paced, in ur face action left no room for storytelling. lets remember folks that this is more or less a soap opera. it doesn't have to be a tale for the ages it just has to move things along until something new is thought of.
the fans of today would never have liked all the matches and storylines of old that they often quote because those feuds make u think. dusty roads and ric flair had an on again off again feud for damn near ten years. when hogan and andre had the historic match at mania 3 it was the end of a long feud that had played out all over the world for years, sorry kids vince didn't come up with that one.
the point is tna is working but not in the popular fashion, it's old school.
I completely agree. Do you know how long it's been since wresling has ACTUALLY made me go .. "Shit who might this be!". At LEAST some good 10 years.
I can agree and disagree with the fact that they are drawn out. They are, if you think about it. But at the same time the build up has been going on for a YEAR, that means that the pay-off cannot and will not be shitty. Either way, we're two weeks away from B.F.G. We've waited a LONG time to see the conclusion of the biggest storyline of 2010, and I expect TNA to make our waiting worth.
What I find funny is that every single person who watches and follows TNA's product can explain all of their storylines at the drop of a dime. The people who question it usually don't watch it, but come here and post saying that they've been watching it for two years. If that's the case, then their IQ must be below the zero point.
Bash Bischoff all you want but this storyline has EZ-E written all over it. He made TNA iMPACT be like one big season of an episodic TV show. You have a variety of different and interesting characters, you have heel turns, face turns, new people coming in, old ones coming back. You have mysteries, who did what and why. Plus the wrestling on iMPACT is always good. Not great, good. The matches are short - yes, but still enjoyable. Why should they give you 10 minute awesome ass matches? They do that at the PPV if you hadn't noticed. That's why you buy it, cuz it's better than iMPACT, not cuz it's just a PPV.
Plus, if you've DECIDED on not liking TNA, there's pretty much nothing that anybody can do to make you think differently. Your brain shuts off, you nit-pick and you bitch about the smallest things. Keep bitching, I just can't wait for BFG so I can give all of the idiots a major Fuck you.