TNA is a mind boggling failure

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Seriously having major players on your team means nothing. This week's Impact and probably 3 out of the last 4 weeks (and Wrestling Observer backs me on this) has been the best wrestling show on TV, with great build, good logical stories (a rarity for TNA) and just some interesting TV period. Especially the go home show to Lockdown which aired yesterday - it was fantastic. BUT it doesn't matter. For the same reason you guys can't watch it. You say something as simple as the small venue puts you off the product. If YOU (a member of the internet wrestling community and ergo a passionate wrestling fan) can't look past small things like this, why would you expect an average joe mark to? They don't.

The fact that they have stars in their roster means nothing. Its like saying that if you took Cena, Triple H, HBK and the Undertaker and put them all in ROH, overnight ROH would be the biggest thing going. Its not going to happen. ROH is not ready to go head to head with the WWE just like TNA isn't, regardless of how much star power they have. For the average fan, TNA looks like the minor leagues and its hard to change perception. If even you looked past the small Impact Zone, the substandard production values, the commentary and just took the product for what it was you would surprise yourself at how good some of it is. TNA's product has admittedly been a fucking joke for a long time but when it comes good, like it has in the last month, its hard to deny that they have a pretty decent thing going.

And the brand has a lot to do with it. WWE IS wrestling. And don't feed me crap about the WCW being a player. WCW was every bit the minor leagues that TNA is. WCW was nothing. If it wasn't for a shitload of money being thrown at them, the boss being the owner of TV networks and a billionaire's dark agenda to take down an old business partner with whom he was at odds - WCW would never have been a player. A combination of money, power and just great timing with a fresh product is the only thing that made the WCW as big as they got. They had a two year run and then fell back to where they belonged. Success in this business is not as simple as we think it is when we throw in our two cents from the refuge of our keyboards.

For the record I fucking loath TNA and WWE equally. The product they put out is just plain garbage relative to my tastes and what I look for in a wrestling product. I'm an ROH/Dragon Gate type of guy. And I have to agree with most guys who have posted - TNA has over the last 18 months had the worst wrestling show and has been host to the most illogical series of bullshit storylines this business has ever seen - right up there with WCW circa 2000. But I have to take a step back and take my own personal opinions out of the equation when I write about wrestling as a business. My promotion, ROH, will never make it big in its current format. There is no market for a product that is all about the in-ring stuff. The general public has no patience for it. They need bang bang crash style TV with a lot of talking, short matches, high spots and lots of bullshit soap opera content. As much as I hate it - its what sells.

Big stars don't make a promotion. A great plan, a strong corporate structure, strong marketing and PR, effective brand management and leveraging, a half-decent TV product and lots and lots of fucking money make a promotion.
You're forgetting the main ingredient for a successful promotion is a loyal fan base, and believe me, the WWE has that. I like to call them the WWE Lemmings, they are the ones that believe Vince McMahon created wrestling, that the WWE is the only organization that "creates Superstars" that only the WWE has great angles, that if a wrestler works for the WWE, he's great, if he leaves for another promotion, he's washed up, and that if it's not WWE, it has to be shit.

Exactly! Nail on the Head! Take a Bow! etc

Saw a shoot with Ed Ferrara where he talked about how throughout the mid-90s he watched WWE out of habit and nothing more. All you fans of WWE from the late attitude era, for one minute step back. Be who you were when you watched your first wrestling show....then honestly tell me you'd be more attracted to WWE's product than TNA's.

Show me a person who can do that, I'll show you a liar.

WWE has been awful for a long time, they take every major opportunity for huge money and blow it. The Invasion angle, nWo return, DX return, ECW return to TV....any smark could right those angles, but could WWE's writers? could they f*ck! What are these guys being paid for?!

WWE fans of over 6-7 years know that the product is rubbish, they just watch it in hope of a glimpse of what once was. An Austin beer celebration, a sweet chin music, a tombstone from taker....anything that recalls the days when they had the best wrestling show on TV.
I started watching TNA because I was hoping that the company overall would try to do something different. You know, a nice alternative from WWE. I've regularly watched TNA since it debuted on Spike and one thing I've noticed is that, in too many ways, TNA tries to emulate what WCW and WWE have already done.

I was hoping that half the TNA roster wouldn't be made up of WWE rejects or over the hill has beens reliving the glory days of WCW and/or WWE. TNA has done nothing whatsoever to really make me stand up and say "These guys are gonna give Vince some real competition." TNA has snatched up every former WWE and WCW superstar that they can lay their hands on in the hopes that those names will draw ratings and they simply haven't done it.

I feel that's probably due to some loyalty to the WWE but that's not the only reason. Most of their storylines and angles have completely sucked. They do have some entertaining matches now and again, but then so does the WWE. The WWE's problem, well one of its problems, is that it's just simply gotten lazy. As long as the WWE's C show, namely ECW, continues to outdraw or at least equal TNA's ratings on a regular basis, Vince will spend longer contemplating on wiping his ass after taking a dump than he will when considering TNA as a viable threat. Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker at WM25 show me that the WWE still has it and can still call it up when they want to. Without a need to, unfortunately, they don't have to pull IT out very often. I'd like to see TNA succeed, I honestly would, but they're simply going to have to change nearly everything they're doing for it to happen. In all honesty, the only realm in which TNA is superior to WWE is the women's division. Hell, 90% of the time, I'd rather watch the Knockouts wrestle than see any other match on the card because, sometimes, the Knockouts have legitimately had the best match on the card.
I really don't understand all that bullshit!
TNA doesn't have the same amount of ratings as any wwe show is because of several differant reasons..
1: TNA is on once a week!
2: Everyone in TNA is old or unknown!
3: TNA writing sucks!
4: Pay roll! Too much money on talent!
5: Tna doesn't tour!

When did TNA file for bankruptcy?
They seem to be doing just fine!
They don't try to compete with WWE... And they don't!
This thread is pretty ridiculous. TNA is not a failure. If you don't like it, don't watch it. Personally I prefer TNA's weekly product over WWE's.

Well, me or you liking it or personally prefering it has about shit all to do with it being a failure. It has to do with the fact they cant beat out other wrestling brands which have FAR weaker talent available. I dunno, maybe respond to what the thread is actually about next time.

and it DOES matter to me what ratings they do, and what money they make, becuase if they show themselves to be a half competent viable threat, two things happen

1. I get to have more wrestling to watch, which I want
2. WWE has to rise its game, and do better than they are now

so it DOES matter, a lot
No, it really doesn't matter. TNA doesn't have to impress with me ratings in order for me to enjoy a show. I'm pretty sure wrestling is the ONLY form of entertainment on tv where fans care about what the ratings are for the shows (obviously a result from the monday night wars).

But the wars are dead. Would it be cool if TNA was large enough to start a new one? Sure it would! But as of right now, there is no war. And if there ever is a war, unless something drastic happens, there won't be another one for at least another 5 years. Either WWE has to have something very bad happen, or TNA has to be given a bigger production and advertising budget.

It's as simple as that. It really is. Do you really think the WWE product and booking is that much better and that's why they are on top? They are a household name. It'll take a SHITload of money for TNA to ever overcome that.

Am I saying Impact doesn't have its flaws? Of course it does! But the point is, they could be writing the best wrestling shows ever written on tv, and it'd still be a struggle to gain momentum any faster than they currently are. Sure they might be able to get to 2.0's in the next year if they do that, but it's not going to take any chunk of the WWE's audience away.
STOP! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD...STOP! Does nobody realise what the fuck they're doing? If you keep bitching, moaning, complaining and whining (I mean everyone, absolutely fucking everyone) then you're slowly going to destroy the wrestling buisness.

do you not realise what you could have? In a couple years, if u stop ur bitching, we could have a serious WWE vs TNA thing. This would seriously improve wrestling! Everything would get better because of the competition!

So if you stop. then people will stop reading all of the BAD things about WWE and TNA and will want to watch them. If you let them FUCKING EXPAND then you can sit back and watch improvement! Just saying.

P.S. I'm posting this anywhere I can so that it sinks in.
STOP! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD...STOP! Does nobody realise what the fuck they're doing? If you keep bitching, moaning, complaining and whining (I mean everyone, absolutely fucking everyone) then you're slowly going to destroy the wrestling buisness.

do you not realise what you could have? In a couple years, if u stop ur bitching, we could have a serious WWE vs TNA thing. This would seriously improve wrestling! Everything would get better because of the competition!

So if you stop. then people will stop reading all of the BAD things about WWE and TNA and will want to watch them. If you let them FUCKING EXPAND then you can sit back and watch improvement! Just saying.

P.S. I'm posting this anywhere I can so that it sinks in.

The point is I don't want to see TNA right now, why in the hell would I want to see it in the future?
Why, if you all hate TNA so much as you in a TNA discussion board in the first place? A thread gets started by a guy that has watched a total of ten minutes on TNA lifetime and that somehow makes him an expert on the subject? If you don't like it don't watch, and don't come here and run it down if you don't watch. Some of us enjoy TNA. I don't like a lot of storyline and filler on my wrestling shows, I would rather watch a group of talented in ring wrestlers go at it for two hours with no backstage or in ring promos then watch Triple H and company stand in a ring for 30 minutes and waste my time.
"I would rather watch a group of talented in ring wrestlers go at it for two hours with no backstage or in ring promos then watch Triple H and company stand in a ring for 30 minutes and waste my time."

But you don't mind Jeff Jarrett & Mick Foley being in every other segment on Impact and taking up 45 mins of a show where the few matches they have normally last 3-4 mins? Every WWE show regularly features good matches that are given a decent amount of time, in the past month alone, Morrison-Bourne, Swagger-Christian, Cena-Jericho, the tag match with Steamboat etc.

So people shouldn't post on the TNA boards unless they enjoy it? So free speech doesn't exist here? Maybe some people dislike TNA and actually want it to improve so they can be a legitimate threat to WWE, right now I think the TNA product sucks, but it's just my opinion, people shouldn't be annoyed by it, I don't get offended by people who say they like TNA, hell I wish I could enjoy it right now like I did in 05/06.
Did you read my post? I didn't say anything about Mick Foley and Jeff Jarrett segments what I said was I would prefer a two hour show that was nothing but wrestling, no segments. And free speech is fine if you have something constuctive to say. I'm more then happy to hear from people who think TNA needs to improve if they have ideas to put worth on how to do that. The problem is in this thread I just keep seeing people saying tna is shit over and over without offering any really insight into how it could be improved
TNA just likes gimmicking the dog shit out of everything, its like they feel everything should have this over the top sports entertainment schtick to it. This used to help them get stuff over but now there are a lot of bewildered crowds at TNA shows.

They will also go out of their way to both try and be less like WWE while at the same time riding on WWE's coat tails. This always pisses me off when I watch the product.

When TNA first started I thought their edge was going to be non stop action. None of the gimmicky shit that WWE was doing thus giving the real wrestling fans a place to go. Nowadays TNA seem to be scared to do a card of straight wrestling and litter their shows with as much whacky shit as possible as if people won't watch it if they don't. Now whacky shit is fine sometimes if your name is Vince McMahon and you have the money, experience and manpower to do whacky shit in a well presented way, unfortunately TNA is a young company with a limited budget who don't have TV production down to a basic science like Vince, this means when they decide to do some skit or stick a laughably bad gimmick on someone it feels like you're watching some late night japanese TV show. This usually alienates me from watching the product and I'll usually skip over most of it and watch any stand out matches on the card.
STOP! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD...STOP! Does nobody realise what the fuck they're doing? If you keep bitching, moaning, complaining and whining (I mean everyone, absolutely fucking everyone) then you're slowly going to destroy the wrestling buisness.

do you not realise what you could have? In a couple years, if u stop ur bitching, we could have a serious WWE vs TNA thing. This would seriously improve wrestling! Everything would get better because of the competition!

So if you stop. then people will stop reading all of the BAD things about WWE and TNA and will want to watch them. If you let them FUCKING EXPAND then you can sit back and watch improvement! Just saying.

P.S. I'm posting this anywhere I can so that it sinks in.

You think some bitching on a forum will somehow destroy the multi billion dollar, centuries old wrestling business?

TNA just likes gimmicking the dog shit out of everything, its like they feel everything should have this over the top sports entertainment schtick to it. This used to help them get stuff over but now there are a lot of bewildered crowds at TNA shows.

They will also go out of their way to both try and be less like WWE while at the same time riding on WWE's coat tails. This always pisses me off when I watch the product.

When TNA first started I thought their edge was going to be non stop action. None of the gimmicky shit that WWE was doing thus giving the real wrestling fans a place to go. Nowadays TNA seem to be scared to do a card of straight wrestling and litter their shows with as much whacky shit as possible as if people won't watch it if they don't. Now whacky shit is fine sometimes if your name is Vince McMahon and you have the money, experience and manpower to do whacky shit in a well presented way, unfortunately TNA is a young company with a limited budget who don't have TV production down to a basic science like Vince, this means when they decide to do some skit or stick a laughably bad gimmick on someone it feels like you're watching some late night japanese TV show. This usually alienates me from watching the product and I'll usually skip over most of it and watch any stand out matches on the card.

That right there is quoted for the truth. I wasn't into TNA when they first went onto Cable, first on FoxSportsNet, then Spike, but talked to many friends who enjoyed it and said it was different. There were little storylines and more of an emphasis on wrestling. And they had the Wrestlers to do it (X Division).

Now, most of the X Division matches have become spot matches (in the Impacts and PPVs that I watched..which was for about 3 months). These wrestlers, who could have been the face of the company by now, have been pushed back by TNA bringing in these ok-wrestling talent wise wrestlers (don't want to refer to them as "Has Beens".) We all know Kurt Angle can wrestle, but pushing Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, Mick Foley ahead of these young starts....

Now I know what people are going to say, "Its what the WWE does." Well, they have been doing it for YEARS Now. For them, Wrestling became a gimmick oriented thing a while ago, like in the late 80s early 90s. TNA went from Wrestling-oriented to Gimmick-oriented fairly recently, and it was too fast of a product change. Much like WWE had done with John Cena, Edge, Randy Orton...they have built their own up and pushed them. AJ Styles seems to have that, but he isn't getting pushed to the level he should be at, because he is behind these guys who aren't the future of the company. At some point TNA is going to have to push Styles up to beat one of these Champions and put the belt on him while Sting and Angle are still competing to make Styles look legit. We all know he is legit and that's not an argument, but storyline wise, if he can't be built as a legit champion, then the TNA Title loses all value.

Another thing is all these gimmick matches. It seems to have calmed down a bit, but it seemed like EVERY MATCH at a PPV had a gimmick behind it. Whether it be a stipulation about person A doing something or a match stipulation..Why can't they just have Wrestler A face Wrestler B in the first one to a pin match with no "additions" to it. Storyline wise it could be something that is built up to a match, but is not an actual part of the match such as "winner a gets this" or "match of a 10,000 tacks"....

TNA was a great product that was gaining steam fast..then they changed their product. They should be pulling more than 1.2s and 1.3s with the stars they have. Yes, they are guys that don't "Sell Out", but they do sell. Kurt Angle? One of the best wrestlers in the business, almost ever. TNA has a bit of star power in Sting, Foley, Jarrett, Nash, Steiner, Booker T...But yet, these guys can't draw more than a 1.2 cable rating.

I know I can't sit through an episode of TNA. The booking is absolutely horrible.
This is just driving me crazy.... Is TNA just ******ed? The only reason I watch this show is to see some old faces... BUT they can't establish heel/face. The crowd is always confused on who to cheer. Sting as a heel or face of a heel group? Foley as a popular heel? or is a bad face? I'm confused....

The worst thing they could've done was with Sting's reign they did. They built Sting up as a credible champion since October's Bound for Glory having him defeat Angle, Joe, Styles, Rhyno, etc.... then he loses to old out of shape foley?!?!?!?!?! who isn't even an active wrestler?!?!?!? FREAKIN A!!!! He really should've dropped it to a Styles or someone like that... Maybe even Hernandez (who needs a new gimmick)... someone unexpected who has great potential. (he has a world title shot available by the way still)... But no they've ruined the whole thing... IF this company stays this way it will be WCW in half the time. Shut down!

Sting was a champion.... Foley is a joke! Come on... is there a bigger rub from Sting or Foley? Ya exactly!
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