TNA is a mind boggling failure

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TNA is such a failure because it tries to hard to have 80% of their talent (about 35 superstars and 10 knockouts) appear each and every week.

Imagine that ! Why, the WWE could do a whole show just with Triple H talking, TNA has no clue as to what the fans want, why waste time having a good match when you can have Cena alone do a promo for 10 minutes ? If the WWE went and created intersting storylines for each and every wrestler on the roster, why that would be chaos ! People need to concentrate on what's important, so just have the same people on each and every week doing the same things over and over again, THAT is what people want !

BTW: I forget, Orton vs HHH has been done how many times now ? I know last time it was the "Now it's personal !" variation, and this month it's the "Family Affair" cluster, but what's the number of the times Orton has faced HHH for the title, really, I want to know.
I think I have a fair way of determining what is garbage compared to what is successful. First, we need to even the playing field. Let's bring both organizations back to their beginnings. TNA's was in 2001, and for the sake of argument, let's bring WWE's back to the birth of Hulkamania. As far as I'm concerned, that's as even as we can make things. They both had national television. They both had the same amount of shows on TV. They both began to put on annual wrestling supershows. (Well, maybe it's not exact... but it's the best we can do for now and I think you get the point.)

Fast forward to 7 years later on both programs. TNA is where it is now... call it what you will.

The WWE is in 1989, and the WWE is on the cusp of it's 5th annual PPV, Wrestlemania, being headlined by Hulk Hogan vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage. Not to mention that they made the sport of wrestling a household name and a cultural phenomenon. Now THAT'S progress.

That's about as fair as we can make things. Does anyone agree?
Rome, I can go line for line with you, quoting you up and down again if I want. The bottom line is that we should agree to disagree. If the opinions of only you and me were the only ones that mattered in this business, this would be different circumstance. All I can say that is truly 1,000,000% accurate is the fact that millions of wrestling fans can't be wrong.

It didn't take the WWE 7 years to build their television ratings points by 0.5%. They grabbed them MUCH quicker for one reason... smarter business.

Once again, I will not go back and forth with you, so I will try to state something that we can both agree on... WWE is far superior than TNA from a business standpoint.

TNA doesn't have the right muscle, and it is hurting them.

Can't be wrong in what sense? Because they think TNA sucks? Show me the "millions" of wrestling fans who think TNA sucks. I think you'd be hardpressed to find that many. Most probably don't even know it's on television because WWE is the only thing that matters to them. Even during the WCW era it took some loyal fans losing their most prized competitors – Hall, Nash, Hart, etc. to jump ship. Did that mean WCW sucked?

WWE built it's television ratings when no other professional wrestling was broadcast nationally. It's apples to oranges. The only reason WCW managed to pull from their ratings was because WCW was backed by a billionare with a grudge who was willing to pour money into the brand if only to hurt his competition – not to actually put out a successful product fans cared about.

TNA increasing their ratings by .5% in an era when they're going up against the only dog in the yard – who just so happens to be the biggest dog in said yard is a crowning achievement. They're managing to pull in fans while the WWE is struggling to retain theirs and/or losing them.

But if you want to call a cease fire that's fine –*from a purely business standpoint TNA doesn't have the muscle to go head-to-head with a far superior business model in the WWE. I agree.
WWE built it's television ratings when no other professional wrestling was broadcast nationally. It's apples to oranges. The only reason WCW managed to pull from their ratings was because WCW was backed by a billionare with a grudge who was willing to pour money into the brand if only to hurt his competition – not to actually put out a successful product fans cared about.

See, that's BS, that was the line used by Vince to play the victim. In actuality, Ted Turner didn't give a shit about "hurting the competition" he just wanted the best wrestling show money could buy, same as Vince did when he raided the AWA, NWA and the rest of the territories. Only difference, here he was the one with less money.
Ted Turner didn't give a shit about "hurting the competition" but employed Eric Bishoff who wrote in weekly spoilers to the "other show" also known as "the competition" to stop people from watching it and frequently raided their roster for the biggest names they could pull over including former WW(F) women's champion "Alundra Blaze" who threw the WWE womens belt in a garbage can on national television?

I don't believe that even for a second. Turner was absolutely out to hurt the WWE – especially if it made him look better.

There's a reason Vince came back with the "Billionare Ted" character.
I find it hilarious that everyone is trying to compare TNA's growth now with the WWE when it started.

Er. difference being TNA has a roster of established HUGE stars, and we have a far more advanced form of media now than they did back then. What a ridiculous comparison. I dont think its at all unfair to expect much faster growth when there have been two huge boom periods, and its much easier to get your product out to large quanitites of people.

Whose roster would you rather have right now? SmackDown!'s or TNA's? If you answer anything but TNA, your absolutely lying to yourself. The fact that TNA cant beat TV programs of the same medium of entertainment with vastly superior talent to utilize is a pretty clear indication of negligence and a huge misuse of said talent.

Many pure wrestling fans have come forward saying they could care less what acronym they are watching. I feel the same way, and I say the vast majority does as well. I just do NOT buy that its simply a situation of name value. Thats weak.

TNA is just shit, that offends and disgusts wrestling fans with how abysmally(<--- possibly not a word) stupid it is.
I think it's because TNA dug itself into such a big hole with their awfulness over the last year or two that now they're right back where they started. The show was so awful for awhile that it took the better part of a year to get them back in the right direction. Even now they have hiccups every once in awhile, such as Kipp James in the main event for a show. It should be better than it is, but it could be far worse. Still mostly a failure though.
I got hooked on wrestling when I first saw TNA. I started watching the WWE later and it was hard to watch. Batista and Triple H are not entertaining but appear to b walking ads for roids.

Wrestling is about the "holy crap" moments. There are two kinds. One is like watching something happen that appears physically imposible and TNA has the talent to do that well. There is also the swerve like when Matt hit Jeff Hardy which TNA fails at doing more often than the WWE (any one remember ODB being enterviewed taking a dump, ugh).

Their writing is not great but until 2005 they were only doing PPVs and now they don't match up because TNA does bad writing and WWE does boring feuds not giving fans the matches they want.

Tenay is the best commentator in the business. Don West is the worst.

The six sided ring is fine just like the 4 sided ring.
ANSWER ME THIS...if TNA is a MIND BOGGLING FAILURE..then why is it on TV?
I personally prefer TNA over WWE.. i never read the spoilers from the tapings so when it comes on TV i have no idea what is going to happen. i never miss impact and i watch all the ppv...granted at times they are pretty bad....but i still watch EVERY week. only WWE show i watch anymore is raw because i love where they are going with orton... so tna a failure....NO..just not getting it's full potential
As I mentioned a few pages back, TNA has far more success in international countries. Australia in particular. In Australia iMPACT regularly out rates RAW and ECW, not SD! though.

I would credit its international success partly to its reason for still thriving. You Americans seem to be hugely forgetting that there is a world outside of the United States and we do actually matter.
OK all you smarks / marks out there in the IWC TNA isn't a failure because thay have managed to stay around for nearly 7 years now . Have World Title status has the BEST workers in the sport today names like AJ STYLES , CHRISTPOHER DANIELS , BEER MONEY , SAMOA JOE , ERIC YOUNG , TEAM 3D , JEFF JARRETT .

TNA isn't a failure in terms of all of those things however I'll go on record right now for all you marks to get in an uproar and stay up late in front of your keyboards all night long writting little smart remarks about this forum post .
The real Failure is the real ECW like it ot not the real ECW failed don't get me wrong I loved the real ECW not the watered down WWE version of ECW but it was a failure .

All you fans I think deep down don't want to see TNA as a sucess because it makes the real ECW that much more of a failure and you all want to cling on and hold on to the memories of the real ECW so much that you don't want to give TNA a fair chance to be that second promotion that challanges WWE . whick in my eyes is really childish and all you marks need to grow up and see TNA for what it is the FUTURE of Pro Wrestling where as the WWE if it stays on it's current course will be the past of Wrestling .

Thank you For yout time now go back to typing your forums all night . :ass::schild13::fuckoff::
As I mentioned a few pages back, TNA has far more success in international countries. Australia in particular. In Australia iMPACT regularly out rates RAW and ECW, not SD! though.

I would credit its international success partly to its reason for still thriving. You Americans seem to be hugely forgetting that there is a world outside of the United States and we do actually matter.

You dont though, do you?

America is were the company is based, thus America is were it makes the most money. they could likely DOUBLE the rating of the WWE shows in Aussieland and still not even come remotely close to the total number of US veiwers (think about it for a bit) you DO understand how ratings systems work dont you?

If it mattered that much, then why the shit doesnt TNA base itself out of austrailia? hmmmm.
OK all you smarks / marks out there in the IWC TNA isn't a failure because thay have managed to stay around for nearly 7 years now . Have World Title status has the BEST workers in the sport today names like AJ STYLES , CHRISTPOHER DANIELS , BEER MONEY , SAMOA JOE , ERIC YOUNG , TEAM 3D , JEFF JARRETT .

TNA isn't a failure in terms of all of those things however I'll go on record right now for all you marks to get in an uproar and stay up late in front of your keyboards all night long writting little smart remarks about this forum post .
The real Failure is the real ECW like it ot not the real ECW failed don't get me wrong I loved the real ECW not the watered down WWE version of ECW but it was a failure .

All you fans I think deep down don't want to see TNA as a sucess because it makes the real ECW that much more of a failure and you all want to cling on and hold on to the memories of the real ECW so much that you don't want to give TNA a fair chance to be that second promotion that challanges WWE . whick in my eyes is really childish and all you marks need to grow up and see TNA for what it is the FUTURE of Pro Wrestling where as the WWE if it stays on it's current course will be the past of Wrestling .

Thank you For yout time now go back to typing your forums all night . :ass::schild13::fuckoff::

why thankyou for proving my point for me.

Im pretty sure in the OP I stated TNA has a far superior roster, and yet, still recieve butt spankings in the ratings and revenue department. Therefore more than illustrating that they are shit, and a failure. Superior talent, but cant compete. Pretty easy equation.
ANSWER ME THIS...if TNA is a MIND BOGGLING FAILURE..then why is it on TV?
I personally prefer TNA over WWE.. i never read the spoilers from the tapings so when it comes on TV i have no idea what is going to happen. i never miss impact and i watch all the ppv...granted at times they are pretty bad....but i still watch EVERY week. only WWE show i watch anymore is raw because i love where they are going with orton... so tna a failure....NO..just not getting it's full potential

Why is it on TV not even coming close to competeing with the only other option in its demographic, when they arent even on TV the same nights? You personally prefer TNA? You seem to be the only one in this country that does so.

and actually the thread, was sorta about TNA not reaching is true potential. not reaching you full potential means your a failure. duh.
After posting a few times on this thread(all negative towards TNA), and reading the pro-TNA points. I gotta say, you guys bring some interesting points to the table. But here is where I am having the problem. You see, I have tried, honestly, to sit down and watch TNA and actually try to be entertained. Ever since I have been a wrestling fan, everytime any kind of wrestling is on, I would sit down and watch it. WWF/E, WCW, ECW, WCCW(yes, i do remember when it was on ESPN in the afternoons, long around 1990 or so), hell, even back in the mid-90's, a small territorial fed had a show come on Sunday mornings, I would be entertained to some form or another. I just cant, CANNOT get into an Impact show! Usually, when wrestling is on now or even back in the last year of WCW, I would stop what I was doing and watch it. (Remember Thunder?) But, I turn on TNA now, and I lose interest in about minutes.

I have expressed my opinions of their writing but let me tell you why I cant get into it. First, and foremost, the "six-sided ring." Now, this could probably have it's own thread, but it is just not good. It provides for awkward spots, botched spots, and half the time, the performers have to look to see if they are going to hit rope or turnbuckle when they were caught in a simple irish-whip. It's not revolutionary, it's not state-of-the-art, it's just a BAD IDEA!!

Second, stop with the bad rip-off gimmicks. A "Stone-cold" shark and a macho man rip-off is just stupid. The bad part about it is that Shark Boy and Jay Lethal are great in the ring. When I see these gimmicks, all I see is TNA's bad attempt at trying to PISS off WWE. Almost like they are trying to be Eric Bischoff back when he did his "challenging Vince to match" bullshit.

Last, when it's time to hang 'em up, hang 'em up. Now, what this means is that Nash and Steiner need to let it go. They no more need to be in the main event than I do!! Sting, still has it. Name and ability. I know that some of the TNA fans will say "Well, Snuka, Piper, and Steamboat were in a match at Wrestlemania." True, Piper and Snuka, have no business in there. But, you cant tell me that you can honestly watch that match from 'Mania and say that you weren't somewhat impressed and entertained by Steamboat's natural god-given ability. Steamboat can easily wrestle circles, CIRCLES, around Nash and Steiner. Plus, Steamboat was not in the Main Event. Hell, Nash and Steiner are part of the Main Event Mafia!!

But, I will agree with some of the pro-TNA fans. I think, and I dont remember who posted it, but TNA has Spike backing it. They need a new network.

TNA is where WWE used to be. As a wrestling fan, I can only hope that TNA DOES grow to one day compete head-to-head with WWE. This can only improve both the writing and entertainment values of both companies!

I also agree that TNA is NOT, NOT a failure. God bless Jeff Jarrett(which I am a huge fan of by the way.) He has worked his ass off to get where they are today. Just, for me, it's just not very entertaining right now. Like I said in a previous post, They have the ball, they just need to decide to run with it!
The reason TNA is lacking are three fold really:

Booking: Im not saying the entire show becausse after watching impact ive realised there are some segments booked really well, for example the beutiful people vs kong situation, its down right sadistic and they have still managed to book both the beutiful people and kong strongly at this point going into lockdown.

But they have booked other segments badly such as the whole Jeff Jarrit is he trustworthy situation, I hate it, the teams called team Jarret for a reason and now hes siding with the MEM after being the lead antagonist?, i just dont understand it and it seems worse then the Ortan Trips feud going on at the moment, at least i can understand why the backlash main event was booked (dont like it but understand it)

Promotion: Panda energy is a multi billion dollar company, TNA is Seeing profit, they have a game out but yet they do not promote outside of Orlando and Spike TV?, why is that, maybe because everyone associated with the company has no clue how to promote it, dont they have a budget?, dont they actually have an agency that specialises in promotion?

Thirdly I would have to say its the commentary, I would rather listen to a drowning rodent then sit down and take the garbage the commentators talk about each week, Tenay and West are the worst i have ever heard in the history of the wrestling business and ive heard Mark Madden call matches, its terrible they keep talking over the action so much i had to use the mute button on more then one ocassion, they even talk over segments, damn segments explaining what the damn wrestler is saying!!!

If TNA can fix these issues i think they will grow, but like most wrestling promotions they dont care about what we think or anyone else for that matter, so they will continue plodding along until they either no longer become financially viable or just end up getting cancelled, till then i will continue watching on mute!
I find it hilarious that everyone is trying to compare TNA's growth now with the WWE when it started.

I rather compare TNA to the wrestling plummers and garbage men era of the WWE, horrible stuff, but still wrestling. TNA is right now horrible, no if or buts about it, yet it's still wrestling. I got to see Chris Daniels vs Kurt Angle on the main event this week, I seriously doubt that would have been possible in the WWE, and it was a good match. Beer Money vs Team 3 D at ECW Arena on the next PPV, I don't know about you, but I'm interested. You see, TNA might be the shits, but it still is wrestling and it's not the WWE, as a wrestling fan, I'm going to support it because it offers an alternative, and any alternative is better than having one main stream product that will dictate what it wants on it's fans.
There will always be a promotion that is horrible in every way, to make the WWE look so good.

TNA is hands down, that promotion right now. WCW was before. (The final years)
TNA fans just have low standards. While they're impressed with overtaking ECW one week out of 52, I'm unimpressed that they can't do it more.

While they'll rave about one good match with Kurt Angle, I'll wonder why it doesn't happen more often.

Somebody will cut a good promo, I'll watch it and it'll be good by TNA standards.

Fans state that if you're not a fan of TNA then you must be a WWE mark. Whilst being TNA marks themselves. It's a lame excuse. I'll give as much criticism to WWE as I do TNA, probably more because they should be better.
This thread is pretty ridiculous. TNA is not a failure. If you don't like it, don't watch it. Personally I prefer TNA's weekly product over WWE's. The actual wrestling on TNA's programs is just flat out better. Impact as a whole has been getting better lately. Hell even Lance Storm loved the last show. (Long known as a TNA hater.) Why do you care what the ratings are or how much money TNA makes? Does it really affect you at all? It's entertainment.

I think the return of The Fallen Angel is great and TNA is definitely starting to take the steps they need to take to start building up the younger generation of stars.
OK all you smarks / marks out there in the IWC TNA isn't a failure because thay have managed to stay around for nearly 7 years now . Have World Title status has the BEST workers in the sport today names like AJ STYLES , CHRISTPOHER DANIELS , BEER MONEY , SAMOA JOE , ERIC YOUNG , TEAM 3D , JEFF JARRETT .

TNA isn't a failure in terms of all of those things however I'll go on record right now for all you marks to get in an uproar and stay up late in front of your keyboards all night long writting little smart remarks about this forum post .
The real Failure is the real ECW like it ot not the real ECW failed don't get me wrong I loved the real ECW not the watered down WWE version of ECW but it was a failure .

All you fans I think deep down don't want to see TNA as a sucess because it makes the real ECW that much more of a failure and you all want to cling on and hold on to the memories of the real ECW so much that you don't want to give TNA a fair chance to be that second promotion that challanges WWE . whick in my eyes is really childish and all you marks need to grow up and see TNA for what it is the FUTURE of Pro Wrestling where as the WWE if it stays on it's current course will be the past of Wrestling .

Thank you For yout time now go back to typing your forums all night . :ass::schild13::fuckoff::

That post just has so many things wrong with it. Firstly, you can cannot claim to be successful on the basis that you have been around for a while. I mean my car is 20 years old and it's still a pile of shit, I'm almost 19 and I still don't have a career, I'm not successful. You look at all the other things out there that have been going for a while, doesn't mean they are successful, just means they are hanging on. Secondly, all of those guys you mention are not notable in any way. For me the only guys on TNA that are notable are Sting, Kurt Angle and Booker T. It's that simple. Guys who can actually make me tune in to watch a show.

Thirdly, I don't think ECW was a failure. The main thing about a Wrestling company is that it has to satisfy the fans who pay their money to go and see it. ECW did this like no other. I remember watching ECW - One Night Stand one day and was completely blown away with the danger levels and the sheer guts of the show. That's what ECW did though, they entertained the fans. TNA so far has not been able to satisfy me or a number of wrestling fans as of yet. I watched iMPACT a couple of days ago and the fans were so quiet. I honestly couldn't believe it, they didn't cheer or boo. It was mind boggling.

The next thing you say s about how we don't want TNA to succeed because it makes ECW look like more of a failure. This is just plain stupid. ECW is not a failure. Back when it was a stand alone project, it was entertaining and that's all I ask from a show. I am by no means an ECW fan but I liked it. Now as a part of the WWE, ECW has a base on which to build. Also, TNA is the company that is challenging WWE, there is no doubt about it. Simply because there isn't another one around. The point being that it is such a poor challenge, no one really cares.

Just for your own edification, TNA is by no means the future of Pro Wrestling. That is sucha stupid and naive thing to say in my opinion, they have no claim to that title. They have showed me nothing both in a creative storyline manner or ana actual wrestling manner that tell me that they are going to be big in the future.

As for your last point. I don't see how you can say things about us that you are doing yourself. The mind boggles.
I don't think TNA is a failure, but I will agree that the writing sucks. Now Impact was really good Thursday night. They furthered the storyline for every matchon ppv Sunday night very well. But they kill stories too quick with no explanation. Perfect example is Steiner wearing a hood for only a week to sell his "injuries" from Joe. WWE would've had that hood on him until WM 27. The other main issue is they won't push their young guys like evrybody else has said. Kurt Asshole wiped out half the roster in the cage match with a kick to the gut and that stupid fucking Angle slam. Gimme a break. And Stink as champion? Are you fucking kidding me? The only person he loses to is Angle. When he beats the young guys he doesn't even make them look that good. Joe was an exception at BFG. Joe beat his ass the whole match only to lose cuz that old fuck Nash. Booker T is a fucking ******! Nuff said about that waste. I love Steiner. Always been a fan of his since his tag team days. Love the character and gimmick, but it's getting to be his time to go. The X-division and the Knockouts put TNA on the map, and they take a backseat now. X-division stars are better than most of what WWE has on their roster. The Knockouts are better than the Divas for the most part. No diva could even come close to beating Kong. I'm pissed they keep having the upset c@#t Taylor Wilde beat Kong. Gimme a fucking break. I used to think Russo was a genius before I reached the age of reason. He buried WCW and isn't helping TNA much. He's a total fucking idiot. I wish Heyman was in TNA. Just signing him would help a ton. Anyway thanks for reading.
I don't think TNA is a failure, but I will agree that the writing sucks. Now Impact was really good Thursday night. They furthered the storyline for every matchon ppv Sunday night very well. But they kill stories too quick with no explanation. Perfect example is Steiner wearing a hood for only a week to sell his "injuries" from Joe. WWE would've had that hood on him until WM 27. The other main issue is they won't push their young guys like evrybody else has said. Kurt Asshole wiped out half the roster in the cage match with a kick to the gut and that stupid fucking Angle slam. Gimme a break. And Stink as champion? Are you fucking kidding me? The only person he loses to is Angle. When he beats the young guys he doesn't even make them look that good. Joe was an exception at BFG. Joe beat his ass the whole match only to lose cuz that old fuck Nash. Booker T is a fucking ******! Nuff said about that waste. I love Steiner. Always been a fan of his since his tag team days. Love the character and gimmick, but it's getting to be his time to go. The X-division and the Knockouts put TNA on the map, and they take a backseat now. X-division stars are better than most of what WWE has on their roster. The Knockouts are better than the Divas for the most part. No diva could even come close to beating Kong. I'm pissed they keep having the upset c@#t Taylor Wilde beat Kong. Gimme a fucking break. I used to think Russo was a genius before I reached the age of reason. He buried WCW and isn't helping TNA much. He's a total fucking idiot. I wish Heyman was in TNA. Just signing him would help a ton. Anyway thanks for reading.

I agree that Russon buried WCW, but what they need to do is what WCW was poor at: Develop their young stars. They will not get anywhere if they don't push aside the MEM and Jarret.
Thank U BradXXX that is the awnser right there if you don't like TNA don't F***in watch it turn the channel don't support it don't watch it don't buy TNA stuff and you won't have to "mark out" and stay up all night to complain to the IWC about how TNA is failing /a failure ect so all you marks / smarks can shut up about TNA and stay loyal like the God damn sheep you are and fallow the WWE which is the same shit everyweek and the goddamn draft didn't mean a damn it won't "shake things up" it will make them more boring week in and week out but all u marks / smarks will continue to watch like the loyal f***in sheep you are keep fallowing shepard Vince I like MANY fans will continue to CROSS THE LINE to TNA the better of the two wrestling shows THANK U !!:schild13::yousuck::ass::fuckoff:
Thank U BradXXX that is the awnser right there if you don't like TNA don't F***in watch it

What about the people who don't like TNA but who watch it anyway like myself? We're the reason you TNA fans can brag if you get good ratings occasionally.

turn the channel don't support it don't watch it don't buy TNA stuff and you won't have to "mark out" and stay up all night to complain to the IWC about how TNA is failing /

I like to see people blindly defending TNA as the exact opposite of waht you just said. It's the same thing in a lot of ways.

a failure ect so all you marks / smarks can shut up about TNA

It's a TNA section, not all of the stuff about the promotion can be positive.

and stay loyal like the God damn sheep you are

Isn't that what you're doing now, but with a different promotion?

and fallow the WWE which is the same shit everyweek

Do you watch iMPACT? It's rather similar each week.

and the goddamn draft didn't mean a damn it won't "shake things up" it will make them more boring week in and week out

The Draft is supposed to be one entertaining show. That's all. As such it was a success.

but all u marks / smarks will continue to watch like the loyal f***in sheep

Along with all the other wrestling I watch.

you are keep fallowing shepard Vince

He's more of a Pied Piper imo.

I like MANY fans will continue to CROSS THE LINE to TNA

Slow and steady wins the race, huh!

the better of the two wrestling shows THANK U !!

WWE? Yes, I agree.

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