George Steele's Barber
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Doesn't mean he isn't popular.
He needs another fall (personal or spot) to get his mojo back. I don't think it's worth it.
Once you have the kids, does she really have a choice? I guess my wife is even crazier since she doesn't have that enormous weight hanging around her vagina. What does your wife think of wrestlezone?
Great point, clearly my wife just wanted a wedding and trip to Hawaii, the shackles of being pregnant a couple months after the wedding was just collateral damage. Now she's basically Amanda Berry.
My wife doesn't get WZ but I think she's just happy that I have something outside of work and parenthood that may not be cool but at least it doesn't take me away or get me hurt.. She gets annoyed sometimes when I'm reading or typing on my phone but overall she sees this as harmless compared to porn or crack cocaine.
Apparently killjoy does. It is actually a somewhat interesting dynamic on WZ. In the US it is mostly married but wildly immature people that are relatively well adjusted compared to the young people that aren't so much actually stupid as most guess at first glance opposed to emotionally or physically damaged well above average. Were we once like that or is this a product of the way WWE is marketed now?
Yeah, people are a little quick (myself included) to pick on the youngins. I sometimes forget how stupid I used to be and how sometimes I'm not that bright even now. I was never stupid enough to think WWE would overall benefit from running a program with a lot of TNA's roster but I was pretty stupid.

It has been a while since I read a good overshare on here.
KKG's House of Bullshit doesn't do it for me either. Somewhere on this forum one of the guys reading this is covering their junk in peanut butter and calling the family dog for "treats!". It's just up to them to do the brave and cool thing and share this information with the rest of us.