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Time for a New TNA Champ? If So, Who?

Who Should Be The New Champ?

  • Angle

  • Cage

  • Booker

  • Sting

  • Styles

  • Storm

  • Roode

  • Rhino

  • Other/Keep Joe

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
So, the general consensus is that, love him or hate him, Joe just isn't suited to be TNA champion. I thought a title change would have sparked at least some interest. Instead, it seems to be at least partially responsible for the recent dip in ratings. I know that I've stopped watching. That's not entirely Joe's fault, as I'm bored with pretty much every aspect of TNA right now. However, if I were to watch TNA, I definitely would not feel compelled to sit through to the main event with Joe as the champion. That being said, this isn't really a thread about Joe, this is about who should replace Joe as champion. So, let's look at the options:

Kurt Angle: The most obvious choice. The most significant champion in TNA's history. However, I'd say that Angle doesn't have the oppurtunity for any decent feuds at the top. Some other people will have to be built up first before he can return to the top. That said, still a better option than Joe in every respect. He's also facing Styles at Slammiversary I believe, and so would have to wait more than a month. I want a change ASAP.

Christian Cage: The second, or perhaps third, most obvious choice. The second most significant champion in recent years. He plays a better heel than face, although he still plays a much better face champion than Joe ever could. Currently, at least. He's also proven he can have some pretty good matches, despite not being the type of wrestler that TNA fans usually mark out for. Still, I feel he's too obvious. He could have some great feuds, as every other contender in TNA seems to be a heel right now. Too obvious though, and he'll inevitably get his time again anyway. I also don't want to see another Joe/Cage program.

Booker T: After his heel turn, this sucka is beginning to dig Booker once more. He's finally interesting again, and a KOTM win over the newly crowned champion would make him really hot, as well as equaling ratings. I'd probably say he's the best option for the new champion. Definitely among the top two. Could have a great program with most people, and it'd be good for TNA to finally give him some fucking exposure at main event level.

Sting: I didn't really want to go here, but he is an obvious option. Obviously not to win the KOTM, as he won't be in the thing. However, he's definitely a big name and has lacked a long run with the belt since joining TNA. I think there's a good reason for that though: he's passed it. He's a much smaller Hulk Hogan on a much smaller stage, and no one really gives a crap any more. At least Hogan has the decency to appear sporadically. "The Icon" gets a definite no from me.

AJ Styles: Many people have been saying AJ should be in the title chase, but I personally don't see it. Unless there's been a massive change since Sacrifice, he's still far too much of a comedy character. If his impending feud with Angle changes him back into the more serious character that he was just after his heel turn but just before his comedy turn, then I'm all for it. He'll definitely get back over (like properly over, like he was before) in an instant. A smart choice... under certain conditions.

Now we go into questionable territory.

James Storm: I'm desperate for this guy not to be a career midcarder. I've seen that happen to so many of my favourites and damn it, I won't let it happen again. One of the best heels they have, and one of the best brawlers in the business. He could come out of nowhere and get the title in the KOTM. The fans suddenly remember Joe as their smark favourite, and Storm as the bastard that dethroned him. Instant heat, instant interest, instant ratings. That's presuming he gets into the match. Maybe they could turn Storm tweener again. I never understood why they didn't stick with that, it seemed to be going well.

Robert Roode: Pretty much the same situation as Storm, except he's less of a brawler. I also thought his previous feud with Joe was great. With Roode as the champion and Joe as the chaser, I think that'd draw. He's strangely popular as a heel too. He's already qualified for the KOTM match, so I'm rooting for a surprise win in that. 99% won't happen, but still. I'm rooting for a Roode/Storm, heel/heel feud anyway.

Rhino: I don't think much of this guy any more. Looks like he may qualify alongside Christian for KOTM, don't see why. Was bound to come up, but I doubt he'd bring much to the title scene. Still, would be more entertaining and less predictable than Samoa Dull.

There are probably others. If you think so, you may as well say.
Hey Sam, surely you should know as well as I do that Booker is the obvious choice right now, he just turned heel and is the only realistic choice too. Everyone else has either already been champ or just won't be anytime soon (i.e. Roode). And the same can be said for Storm, he may be a decent heel right now, but do you really think he will be TNA champion anytime soon?
Why is everyone hating on Sting? I think AJ is the best worker in the league and has been for years. I think a AJ/Sting feud could work well for the title. I think Styles as champ could open him vs Angle, along with Storm, Booker or any of the stars and put on a great match. Styles vs Joe for the title would be great, as seen from their X Division matches in the past. Styles is only comedy in his interviews (wasn't that like the Rock was?), but in the ring, he's the top worker. When he was NWA/TNA Champ in the past, he wasn't as developed as he is now. Give it to Styles.
Hey Sam, surely you should know as well as I do that Booker is the obvious choice right now, he just turned heel and is the only realistic choice too. Everyone else has either already been champ or just won't be anytime soon (i.e. Roode). And the same can be said for Storm, he may be a decent heel right now, but do you really think he will be TNA champion anytime soon?

Well, I did say that Booker was the best option. Should have probably mentioned he was the most realistic too. Sort of did. He's in the King of the Mountain match and has been having altercations with Joe, as well as other top stars - Sting, Cage, er, Rhino. Heel Booker also has me very interested, and I'd love to see Joe/Booker. Joe as the chaser would be so, so much better than Joe the champion though. The classic formula is that the face chases the belt and the heel defends it. We all know TNA like to be different, usually in the wrong ways, but I doubt they'd want to fuck with that. Not to mention that Booker has much more value as the top name than Joe.

I agree that I don't see Roode or Storm getting it any time soon. However, that doesn't stop them from being two of the best options. About 90% of the people on this site can pinpoint what TNA are planning to do next with incredible precision. Storm and Roode as champions isn't completely out there, but it's shocking enough to attract a lot of attention, which could be maintained if TNA didn't fuck it up. They probably would though. I just want a fresh face in the title scene. Roode and Storm are two potential faces, and two of my favourites in TNA. They are infinitely better than Joe as championship material, that's for sure.

TNA probably don't have the balls to pull an Edge, which is a shame. Whatever happened to Edge anyway? I don't think he turned out to be a very big star... TNA rips off old WWE angles, why not recent ones?

I could see them throwing the belt back on someone like Angle or Cage in a panic to try and drive ratings back up. Problem is, TNA have trouble plotting coherent storylines when they're in a steady position, can you imagine how fucking crazy shit would go when they're panicking? I'd go for Cage over Angle. If they ever plan on Jeff Jarrett coming back though (there's a guy to throw under the other option) they should have a semi-long Angle title reign before the two feud, which they inevitably would do.

Concerning AJ Styles, I see from YouTube highlights - iMPACT! doesn't air until tonight in the UK - that he's turned face, or at least tweener. Hopefully that, and the angle he's in, means he'll be making a return to seriousness. That, however, doesn't mean he has to abandon his character. He just has to make him less of a moron and bingo, we have championship material.
Personally, i actually like Joe as champion right now, the problem is that most people are not sure what to make of Joe as champion for the simple fact that TNA didn't use Joe properly. But give him a chance to settle in to the new role before given the belt to another ex-wwe wrestler that doesn't need the belt and quite frankly don't deserve the belt. Personally i don'T see anybody else that could carry the belt beside Joe simply because even if the IWF don't like Joe has champion, TNA fans actually like him and he'S doing a really good job with the belt so i say leave the belt on him until Bound For glory and then give it to somebody else maybe Robert Roode Or James Storm.
I disagree with virtually every single thing you said. I don't think Joe as champion is that boring, but i think he needs to get some important feuds going, not just defending against whoever challenges, Booker will likely be his first and then Nash. I'd like to see Joe turn heel as champion and be that bad-ass destroyer he was in the X-Division that people cheered for because he was just plain bad-ass.

Kurt Angle being champion again within 6 months will be so unpopular of a decision i think people would riot. I don't deny he is their best wrestler and most important champion and marketing tool, but he lost the belt to Sting for about 2 weeks before winning it back, take that out and he was champion for damn near a year, i am very much against reigns lasting longer than 6 months i think it gets stale. Also i honestly think Angle is done, he is SO banged up it isn't funny anymore, it will be bad for TNA if he does retire but, i think he needs to face facts and just have a few more feuds, try and make some mid-carders and then leave. He has a chance to put AJ back on the map, he could make Kaz, hell if it was booked right he could make Storm and Roode.

Christian Cage as champion i would have no issues with but i do think he is a better heel than face, the only good face feud he had was with Abyss. No reason why he cant win it, but, i think he's gonna be feuding with Booker for a while yet.

Sting is NOT a smaller Hogan, he is and always was better than Hogan in every way. He can wrestle at pushing 50 better than Hogan could at 30. I will grant you he cant go 100mph anymore, but when he is booked correctly he is a top draw, eg against Angle.

AJ seemed to get pushed aside when they brought in the influx of new talent but that is only natural, he is DAMN good, but if he is your top talent then you need some help. They needed Angle, they needed Christian, they needed Sting, they needed Joe to elevate (as it was clear Joe was being wasted on lesser talent). For AJ to return he needs to have a 20-minute singles match or two on PPV. He dipped his feet in the heel tag champion water and served his role as a henchmen, he's done the comedy thing to try and give him personality, and now i think he has done what he needs to and can return to top level feuding. But still, not for the belt, perhaps if Joe does turn heel then he could challenge.

James Storm will NEVER be TNA champion. He's great, but he would not draw as a main event heel, much less a champion.

Robert Roode WILL be TNA champion, but it will be a while, he will challenge fairly soon i think, within 6 months, but he wont hold the strap for a good while yet. I think he would draw but needs a better manager or some sort of stable, Traci was good when she was actually helping him but Peyton Banks, just, bland. I see him with a loudmouth male manager and maybe also an attractive female.

You did NOT insult Rhino. This guy is great, he is one of the most thickly built men on the planet and screams animal intensity. His feud with Cage all that time ago proved he can draw in a feud like that. The only reason he wont be getting the strap is because he cant draw in a main event wrestling feud, he can in a violent match, street fight, cage match, tables match, stuff like that, but not just straight up wrestling. He can at a mid-card level or as a tag team though.
Why is everyone hating on Sting?

He hasn't done anything new since the 1990's, and is more dried up than... well, something that's dried up that can't be considered flaming.

I think AJ is the best worker in the league and has been for years. I think a AJ/Sting feud could work well for the title.

I really don't. Sting and AJ are on two different sides of the wrestling spectrum. Opponents are meant to be different, but not that different. Sting has infinitely more name value and a higher status, AJ has a much more exciting wrestling style. They'd just conflict too much.

I think Styles as champ could open him vs Angle,

I think that horse will be fairly dead after their big match at Slammiversary. If they hadn't suddenly gone from slow burn to "let's burn this motherfucker to the ground" so suddenly, it could have been milked some more. Just beause the horse is dead though, doesn't mean TNA won't love to beat the shit out of it.

along with Storm,

That could be interesting, but it wouldn't be a big fued. Well, it would be for Storm, but not in championship, main event or company terms.

Booker or any of the stars and put on a great match.

Booker/Styles has the same problem as Sting/Styles though, although I think that it could work much better given the right spin. And yes, all of AJ Styles matches are generally good, or entertaining at the very least.

Styles vs Joe for the title would be great, as seen from their X Division matches in the past.

As X Division athletes they were very different though. AJ has benefited from said changes, but will benefit more from reeling back a little. Joe may well have been turned into something like an enzyme under high temperatures (or was it low temparatures?), completely unworkable. GCSE Biology FTW.

Styles is only comedy in his interviews (wasn't that like the Rock was?),

Comparing The Rock to AJ Styles is like comparing The Office to The Office: An American Workplace. Point being, The Rock breathed cool, he was calm, collective and intelligent. AJ is the village idiot. He can keep some of the comedy, but will have to tone it down a little if he's to challenge for the belt. At least if he's to do it as a face.

but in the ring, he's the top worker. When he was NWA/TNA Champ in the past, he wasn't as developed as he is now. Give it to Styles.

NWA/TNA wasn't as big and didn't have as many choices or as many repercussions from making the wrong ones as current TNA does though. That's the difference. Right now, TNA is suffering the repercussions of giving the strap to Joe.

On a side note, are they seriously teasing a Nash/Joe fued? I left Nash out deliberately. The minute they make that match, I'm quitting the product entirely.
Also, did anyone else read the post on the main page about them cutting a piece of footage from a Nash/Joe training session due to audio problems. If you didnt, Nash said as a joke, so show me how to get out of that Choke again. I personally think they need to re-film that and get it on tv, i dont think Nash could ever win it of course, but that feud could be good for Joe as champion, his mentor turns on him, he has to put out his friend, maybe it awakens his killer instinct again and he does his X-Division style domination. I personally think that's the only way him as champion is going to work, straight up knocking and choking people out.

Otherwise i'd have him lose it to Booker after a few months.
Personally, i actually like Joe as champion right now, the problem is that most people are not sure what to make of Joe as champion for the simple fact that TNA didn't use Joe properly.

I don't have a problem with Joe. I like Joe. In fact, he's one of my favourite wrestlers. My problem lies with Joe as the top name in TNA. Maybe Joe as the "I'm gonna eat burgers and remain undefeated... and I'm all out of burgers" guy would work at the top, but Joe as the "Hey Kevin, what am I meant to do now... uh, I wuv wu fans!" guy just doesn't fit the mold for me.

But give him a chance to settle in to the new role before given the belt to another ex-wwe wrestler that doesn't need the belt and quite frankly don't deserve the belt.

Who are you talking about? Cage, Booker and Angle might not need the belt, might not even deserve the belt, but they'd do a better job with it than Joe is doing. Giving "he hasn't had time to settle in as champion" is not an excuse. If anything time takes away from a champions momentum, it doesn't add to it. Joe should be as hot as ever right now. He's lukewarm. If he were in a midcard feud, that wouldn't be a problem. He's the champion, so it is.

Personally i don'T see anybody else that could carry the belt beside Joe simply because even if the IWF don't like Joe has champion, TNA fans actually like him and he'S doing a really good job with the belt so i say leave the belt on him until Bound For glory and then give it to somebody else maybe Robert Roode Or James Storm.

TNA has never had a face champion that isn't liked by their core fans. Fact is, this isn't just the IWF. Ratings are dropping and Joe's momentum has nearly slowed to a stop - that isn't just my interpretation, that's what's happening. Normally, I wouldn't consider a champion suddenly drop his belt this shortly into what is meant to be a short title reign, but it's that bad. The main event scene needs a big kick up the ass to get it moving, an annual event (i.e. an event that takes place every year) isn't going to do that by itself. And that's the biggest thing on the horizon for Joe.
I disagree with virtually every single thing you said. I don't think Joe as champion is that boring, but i think he needs to get some important feuds going, not just defending against whoever challenges, Booker will likely be his first and then Nash. I'd like to see Joe turn heel as champion and be that bad-ass destroyer he was in the X-Division that people cheered for because he was just plain bad-ass.

I agree with you completely, except I say that Joe as a champion is boring and simply bad for business. Joe as a "bad ass" could work, but he's lost his capacity to display menace after being around Nash for so long.

Kurt Angle being champion again within 6 months will be so unpopular of a decision i think people would riot. I don't deny he is their best wrestler and most important champion and marketing tool, but he lost the belt to Sting for about 2 weeks before winning it back, take that out and he was champion for damn near a year, i am very much against reigns lasting longer than 6 months i think it gets stale. Also i honestly think Angle is done, he is SO banged up it isn't funny anymore, it will be bad for TNA if he does retire but, i think he needs to face facts and just have a few more feuds, try and make some mid-carders and then leave. He has a chance to put AJ back on the map, he could make Kaz, hell if it was booked right he could make Storm and Roode.

I think Angle as champion wouldn't be unpopular, but it would draw serious heat. Jeff Jarrett/Triple H, "oh he's got the fucking belt again, are you fucking kidding me!?" style heat. Seen the end to KOTM 06, when all the fans start throwing their rubbish at Jarrett? I want that scene to repeat itself.

I don't think Angle is as banged up as you say. All wrestlers are banged up, and all wrestlers aggravate previous injuries, just as Angle did his neck. He's lost a lot of weight lately, but that's for his MMA debut. Yeah, he'll get the shit kicked out of him and hopefully won't wander there again, but he has enough left in the tank for at least one main event feud. And that one would have to be Double J himself. That's got BFG 08 or 09 written all over it.

Christian Cage as champion i would have no issues with but i do think he is a better heel than face, the only good face feud he had was with Abyss. No reason why he cant win it, but, i think he's gonna be feuding with Booker for a while yet.

Eugh, I hope not. Christian/Booker is a place to visit down the road. TNA needs Joe/Booker right now.

Sting is NOT a smaller Hogan, he is and always was better than Hogan in every way. He can wrestle at pushing 50 better than Hogan could at 30. I will grant you he cant go 100mph anymore, but when he is booked correctly he is a top draw, eg against Angle.

That match he had with Angle was the worst on the card. Even the excitable TNA audience wasn't very up for that one. Hogan is a much bigger draw than Sting and better in many ways, even in his current elderly, ignorant packaging. Just ask Slyfox. As in Slyfox696. Inside joke: the search engine should do its work there.

AJ seemed to get pushed aside when they brought in the influx of new talent but that is only natural, he is DAMN good, but if he is your top talent then you need some help. They needed Angle, they needed Christian, they needed Sting, they needed Joe to elevate (as it was clear Joe was being wasted on lesser talent). For AJ to return he needs to have a 20-minute singles match or two on PPV. He dipped his feet in the heel tag champion water and served his role as a henchmen, he's done the comedy thing to try and give him personality, and now i think he has done what he needs to and can return to top level feuding. But still, not for the belt, perhaps if Joe does turn heel then he could challenge.

AJ's two primary modes are that of X Division Champion, or that of Tag Champion. I thought his entire makeover was to rejuvenate and repackage him. He'll hopefully be fairly hot after his feud with Angle, he's already back over - even in iMPACT! Zone terms over - after iMPACT! As a face, he could have a fairly decent run. Nothing epic, but he's at the very least good enough to be transitional champion.

James Storm will NEVER be TNA champion. He's great, but he would not draw as a main event heel, much less a champion.

They said that about Edge too.

Robert Roode WILL be TNA champion, but it will be a while, he will challenge fairly soon i think, within 6 months, but he wont hold the strap for a good while yet. I think he would draw but needs a better manager or some sort of stable, Traci was good when she was actually helping him but Peyton Banks, just, bland. I see him with a loudmouth male manager and maybe also an attractive female.

I think Robert Roode can handle himself. He's been spoken for for a lot of his career. He's show he has the talent. Remove the stabilizers, TNA, remove the stabilizers! I agree that Roode probably won't be the champion for one time, but I think TNA are just trying to find that killer feud for him right now. His one with Booker was meant to be it, but that turned to shit. I don't even think it was even partially Roode's fault. Booker should have feuded with him on his way back down, not the way up.

You did NOT insult Rhino. This guy is great, he is one of the most thickly built men on the planet and screams animal intensity. His feud with Cage all that time ago proved he can draw in a feud like that. The only reason he wont be getting the strap is because he cant draw in a main event wrestling feud, he can in a violent match, street fight, cage match, tables match, stuff like that, but not just straight up wrestling. He can at a mid-card level or as a tag team though.

It seems you just admitted Rhino only really works in gimmick matches. I like Rhino. He's good. He's not great though, is he? Not any more at least. TNA are sensible about him for once, and so he'll be an upper mid-carder for the rest of his career, at least in TNA. The only main events he'll be seeing are the ones with tons of guys in them. So... a lot. But he won't get the strap.
My heart says AJ Styles. He is the reason I started watching TNA and is still a big part of why I still tune in every week.
AJ is one guy on the roster that constantly gives his ALL for TNA and it's fans and it should be recognised. I know he has just had the tag belts but at the same time he was made out to be a total ASS CLOWN which somewhat took away his limelight.


Putting aside personal loyalties and thinking with my head, I'd have to go for James Storm. This guy is just amazing at the moment! He can be piss yourself funny OR be serious as hell. He's proven that he can have a great match in the past. He is great in the ring, he is great on the mic, he can play it good enough to get the crowd totaly on his back. The guy is totaly impressing me this year.

I think him as champ would be a GREAT swerve by TNA and would be something fresh which we wouldn't really expect.
They said that about Edge too.

James Storm does NOT compare in any way to Edge, he's not on Edge's level nor was he on Edge's level when Edge was finally given his first chance in the main event. Storm isn't that great of a heel, whether you're a fan or not. Storm does nothing for ratings, and that wouldn't change at all with him a champion. Storm is only being pushed because he's pals with Jarrett. Chris Harris was the better of the team.. :)

As for future champions, I don't think they're planning to drop the belt anytime soon. The ratings decline isn't just because of Joe but because of the entire product. The negative of Joe's character is entirely the fault of the bookers who screwed it all up a long time ago. Booker is definitely the obvious choice to be next champion, as heels go. My choice would be Robert Roode, I'd definitely prefer him over anyone right now.
I'd like to say "that's what they said about Edge" about this entire post. Sadly, I cannot.

James Storm does NOT compare in any way to Edge, he's not on Edge's level nor was he on Edge's level when Edge was finally given his first chance in the main event.

In what way? Of course TNA is on a much smaller stage, so obviously he doesn't compare to Edge on levels of star power or general success - nobody on the TNA roster really compares to their WWE counterparts in that respect. However, his resume and history is actually shockingly similar to Edge, with consistent success in tag team divisions and the mid card, just waiting for a killer fued or for someone to utilize him properly.

Storm isn't that great of a heel, whether you're a fan or not. Storm does nothing for ratings, and that wouldn't change at all with him a champion.

Yes it would. Storm would be a much more effective heel as champion, I don't see how you can deny that. The level of exposure he would recieve alone would improve him as a heel, not to mention all the best heels hold positions of authority or a higher status than their face opponents.

Storm is only being pushed because he's pals with Jarrett. Chris Harris was the better of the team.. :)

Harris was far, far blander. And what is this push you speak of? Storm has been lingering in the middle of thecard forever, his position deteriorating if anything.

As for future champions, I don't think they're planning to drop the belt anytime soon.

Sadly, that's probably true.

The ratings decline isn't just because of Joe but because of the entire product.

Which Joe is a prominent part of. The tag division is doing OK. The X Divisions shit and the knockouts are fantastic and popular but all eyes are on the main event.

The negative of Joe's character is entirely the fault of the bookers who screwed it all up a long time ago.

Doesn't change the fact that his character is far less impactful than ever before, and that he's lost a massive amount of momentum.

Booker is definitely the obvious choice to be next champion, as heels go. My choice would be Robert Roode, I'd definitely prefer him over anyone right now.

TNA has never had a face champion that isn't liked by their core fans. Fact is, this isn't just the IWF. Ratings are dropping and Joe's momentum has nearly slowed to a stop - that isn't just my interpretation, that's what's happening. Normally, I wouldn't consider a champion suddenly drop his belt this shortly into what is meant to be a short title reign, but it's that bad. The main event scene needs a big kick up the ass to get it moving, an annual event (i.e. an event that takes place every year) isn't going to do that by itself. And that's the biggest thing on the horizon for Joe.

The ratings were dropping even before Joe got the belt so i don'T think that Joe is at fault for the ratings dropping and sure the main event scene needs a big kick up in the ass but putting the belt on guys like angle or booker t or any former WWE star isn't going to cut it simply because they try that already and the ratings were at the same state the are now. So sure TNA drop the ball with samoa Joe but that what they do and swiching champion every 2 or 3 month isn't going to change anything. So let joe keep the belt for a while, have him beat all the big name stars like Booker t and Scott Steiner and then at bound for glory have him lose the belt to anybody you want, That way you get another establish main eventer and somebody that can actually carry the company after all the wwe guys retired.
Scott Steiner should be the champ. Scott Steiner has the experience needed, he knows what's needed to sell tickets and get people watching, not like the current generation who are marks for themselves.

Scott Steiner can out promo anyone given the mic and his run in WCW was awesome, not to mention he has the right looks as well, something the current fat champ don't have.

Seriously only people TNA have right now who are credible champs are Kurt Angle, Booker T, Scott Steiner and maybe Sting. If Scott got the belt he could have an AWESOME feud vs Booker T based on their WCW days.
Scott Steiner should be the champ. Scott Steiner has the experience needed, he knows what's needed to sell tickets and get people watching, not like the current generation who are marks for themselves.

The most I've ever seen Steiner exhibit knowledge of what the crowd wants is when he bitched about Steve Austin being let go by WCW... after he'd become a megastar. Besides, how would that benefit Steiner as a champion? Surely by being champion it'd make him as bad as the people who are marks for themselves.

Scott Steiner can out promo anyone given the mic and his run in WCW was awesome, not to mention he has the right looks as well, something the current fat champ don't have.

I'm sorry to say this, but I find Steiner grotesque. So do other people. His physique is simply disgusting and clearly not a good image to have in such a "are you doing steroids" age? Not to mention that his promos make the Ultimate Warrior seem entirely coherent. He messes up a lot. Apparently, he just can't get it right either, because most of his promos aren't even shot live.

Seriously only people TNA have right now who are credible champs are Kurt Angle, Booker T, Scott Steiner and maybe Sting. If Scott got the belt he could have an AWESOME feud vs Booker T based on their WCW days.

Steiner just can't go any more. I mean, he can surprise you with stuff, but he's more than a few steps behind what he used to be. We're not talking Shawn Michaels level deterioration, we're talking Ric Flair level.
When Joe became champion it was late but I met it with great glee! But after watching iMPACT since hes just not champ material, infact I keep forgeting hes champ not Angle and thats bad considering I watch iMPACT every week so a title change I think needs to be done. I thought Joe could carry the TNA brand but maybe he cant, maybe he just needs time to get used to it. But if they title I was to change I would say it would be to Booker without a doubt, TNA need another huge name thats recognized by wrestling fans like Angle was. I would say second choice was to turn AJ serious and face, AJ still has a very loyal fan base and he is TNA bascially I feel he would carry the company pretty well, but only time will tell to see what happens!
I think, given time, Matt Morgan could be a bigger draw than anyone on this list.

TNA despite doing so badly in most fields has done excellently in slowly building up Matt Morgan.

Again a giant that walk and talk can't help but draw big.

As for now...I'd say Booker T. But I want to say Robert Roode, but I think he's still a few months away from that.
the obvious choice for New TNA champion is Booker T he would be perfect to
take the title away from somoa joe who has been a huge disapointment
as the TNA champion Booker T would at least be a entertaining champion
but if booker t dont win it Christian Cage would be a great choice to make another
run with the strap as far as young wrestlers go i think there is two
who could carry the title now
1 James Storm - he's good and everyone knows that its just a matter of time before
he wins the world title
2 Matt Morgan - for some reason i like this guy he's huge and he can wrestle
pretty good plus with him bieng on American Gladiators that would give
TNA crazy exposure
Sting needs a good run before he retires forever.

Its sad to see he's had a couple of weeks, tops, with the title. And then last year was a lame excuse for a Title "run".
AJ Styles is definitely my choice. However, he absolutely has to beat Angle whenever they actually have their match, be it at Slammiversary or some other time, in a long solid match focused on actual wrestling, not a gimmick match, as a start to a push. Impact this week was an extremely good start to having him be a face again.
Wow been a lot of posts since i replied this morning man. Well you make your points logically so we can discuss this properly, it's 3am so im not doing so well with the chronological order of everything you said but i'll try.

Angle as champion would be unpopular yes, it would probably get fans throwing things at him, but, personally, i think it would also make them turn the tv off in frustration. I LOVE Kurt Angle, he is their top guy, but i got beyond bored of his title reign, largely because in his 9 month (ish) reign, he defended against three guys on PPV, Joe, Sting and Christian, the early Joe feud i didnt mind, the Sting feud i actually liked, the Cage feud i liked in the first month, but TNA filled the time inbetween with constant meaningless tag matches and to me that doesnt cut it. I became bored of my favourite wrestling company due to Angle.

I think he IS burned out, moreso than people realise. Apparently his neck is so bad he can't bend over to tie his shoes or turn it to the side properly without wincing in pain. We've seen this guy continue to compete through pain before and he was looking very rough in ECW, if i recall he tore two seperate muscles in a match with Sabu (i think) and continued to wrestle. I dont want Angle to be left a completely broken shell of a man when his wrestling career is over.

Cage WILL be feuding with Booker in the short term, otherwise TNA cant book for shit, he smashed Cage+Rhino with chairs and has been beating him down with Team 3D, i dont see how Cage bows out of this feud without a PPV match with Booker.

Hogan draws better than Sting but Sting is the superior wrestler and personality and is more respected by wrestlers and fans in my opinion. People who mark out for Hogan still to this day are the same idiots that like seeing Shark Boy. His match with Angle was better than the Steiners/Team 3D, the Fight for the Right, Team Pacman/AJ+Tomko and Monster's Ball. I'm not foolish enough to believe Sting is the man he was ten years ago, but i think when he is booked correctly he is as good as anyone.

Point taken about Edge, looking at him from his tag team days compared to now is amazing, but, i personally dont think Storm could do it, Edge was very fortunate in the way he made his ascension, he got a feuds with Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair and Mick Foley as well as winning Money in the Bank and challenged at the most ingenious time ever against a very unpopular champion. What's the TNA equivilent of those things? Sting, Jarrett (if he ever comes back) and... (a third legend?), Feast or Fired and cashing in against Angle. Hmmmm...... ya know, it no longer seems as impossible.

Roode's feud with Booker started off hot and made him look great, but they drew it out too long, ending with the strap match would have been more than fine. Roode is ready to go, just package him correctly.

I was admitting Rhino can't main event in a straight-up one on one match but from your initial post it seemed as though you were insulting his skills in general but you said you like him so fair enough about that.

As for AJ well, i dunno what more to say, he is gifted in the ring and if they let him wrestle he'll be over again instantly, the feud with Angle could re-launch him.

Booker is of course the strongest candidate, they brought him in to enhance talent while Angle main events but given injuries i can see those roles reversing.
I have been watching wrestling since ive been in my mother stomach and i have never seen such boring wrestling in my life.
I am so so so tired of this new " cross the line " TNA. If they continue in the direction that they're going, they will not last. Cross the line? WWE is not even seeing the line.
What TNA must do before getting better is Fire Russo and get a good writer like Paul Heyman. Paul Heyman could change the dircetion and start a real war with WWE.
Then when that happens they could market AJ Styles as champion. Man does this guy got potient. If i had a promotion this guy would be the first guy i would want for my promotion. AJ Styles is the HBK of TNA and he could build TNA into something bigger.
TNA is doing what WWE/WWF use to do back in the 90's. You can't mix comedy/gimmicks with attitude. Im soo tired of seeing these dumb ass gimmicks.
TNA has too much talent to be down in ratings. They have AJ Styles, Somoa Joe, Kurt Angle( even though he has gotten soft), Booker t, and James Storm.
TNA also should hold tna on the road. TNA has to be the dumbest organization in the world.
How the hell do you have two time slots on spiketv and you dont take advantage of that. Why not have another show brodcasting the talent that they're not using. Man i could be a good writer.
And another thing when they do pay-per-views they dont promote it at all. Not on they're website and not even on they're show. The only way u would know what happen at the pay-per-view is if you watch the beginning of the show. They use to highlight they're pay-per-view but ever since they've been on spiketv they have been getting worst and worse.
And if they're going to do pay-per-views at the impact zone lets change up the equipment. Its common knowledge that if you change your product people become interested. change the color of the ring ropes, change the entrance on every pay-per-view that it will give your pay-per-view an identity.
I think if a wrestler is being pushed as a champion he should have some new image, like new wrestling gear a new attitude and determination for the title, new entrance music.
People also like spontaneous stuf there's nothing sponteous about tna.
And then not only will they get the attention of the aduience, they will get the attention of other promtions. Notice that awhile ago when tna use to show wut happen at they're payperviews they use to freeze it when somone would be in the air about to do something and all u could hear is the excitment of the commentators, AND WWE stole that from tna.
when this happens wrestling will be better.

Respectful Bored by tna
So, the general consensus is that, love him or hate him, Joe just isn't suited to be TNA champion. I thought a title change would have sparked at least some interest. Instead, it seems to be at least partially responsible for the recent dip in ratings. I know that I've stopped watching. That's not entirely Joe's fault, as I'm bored with pretty much every aspect of TNA right now. However, if I were to watch TNA, I definitely would not feel compelled to sit through to the main event with Joe as the champion. That being said, this isn't really a thread about Joe, this is about who should replace Joe as champion. So, let's look at the options:

Kurt Angle: The most obvious choice. The most significant champion in TNA's history. However, I'd say that Angle doesn't have the oppurtunity for any decent feuds at the top. Some other people will have to be built up first before he can return to the top. That said, still a better option than Joe in every respect. He's also facing Styles at Slammiversary I believe, and so would have to wait more than a month. I want a change ASAP.

Christian Cage: The second, or perhaps third, most obvious choice. The second most significant champion in recent years. He plays a better heel than face, although he still plays a much better face champion than Joe ever could. Currently, at least. He's also proven he can have some pretty good matches, despite not being the type of wrestler that TNA fans usually mark out for. Still, I feel he's too obvious. He could have some great feuds, as every other contender in TNA seems to be a heel right now. Too obvious though, and he'll inevitably get his time again anyway. I also don't want to see another Joe/Cage program.

Booker T: After his heel turn, this sucka is beginning to dig Booker once more. He's finally interesting again, and a KOTM win over the newly crowned champion would make him really hot, as well as equaling ratings. I'd probably say he's the best option for the new champion. Definitely among the top two. Could have a great program with most people, and it'd be good for TNA to finally give him some fucking exposure at main event level.

Sting: I didn't really want to go here, but he is an obvious option. Obviously not to win the KOTM, as he won't be in the thing. However, he's definitely a big name and has lacked a long run with the belt since joining TNA. I think there's a good reason for that though: he's passed it. He's a much smaller Hulk Hogan on a much smaller stage, and no one really gives a crap any more. At least Hogan has the decency to appear sporadically. "The Icon" gets a definite no from me.

AJ Styles: Many people have been saying AJ should be in the title chase, but I personally don't see it. Unless there's been a massive change since Sacrifice, he's still far too much of a comedy character. If his impending feud with Angle changes him back into the more serious character that he was just after his heel turn but just before his comedy turn, then I'm all for it. He'll definitely get back over (like properly over, like he was before) in an instant. A smart choice... under certain conditions.

Now we go into questionable territory.

James Storm: I'm desperate for this guy not to be a career midcarder. I've seen that happen to so many of my favourites and damn it, I won't let it happen again. One of the best heels they have, and one of the best brawlers in the business. He could come out of nowhere and get the title in the KOTM. The fans suddenly remember Joe as their smark favourite, and Storm as the bastard that dethroned him. Instant heat, instant interest, instant ratings. That's presuming he gets into the match. Maybe they could turn Storm tweener again. I never understood why they didn't stick with that, it seemed to be going well.

Robert Roode: Pretty much the same situation as Storm, except he's less of a brawler. I also thought his previous feud with Joe was great. With Roode as the champion and Joe as the chaser, I think that'd draw. He's strangely popular as a heel too. He's already qualified for the KOTM match, so I'm rooting for a surprise win in that. 99% won't happen, but still. I'm rooting for a Roode/Storm, heel/heel feud anyway.

Rhino: I don't think much of this guy any more. Looks like he may qualify alongside Christian for KOTM, don't see why. Was bound to come up, but I doubt he'd bring much to the title scene. Still, would be more entertaining and less predictable than Samoa Dull.

There are probably others. If you think so, you may as well say.

The TNA ratings fluctuate up and down a point almost it seems on a daily basis. Give Joe some time to settle in, some decent feuda, and within a day an half the rating will be back up. I mean the rating at point was at the same level with Angle, give it some time to come back up before we jump the gun and cause a riot over Joe being champ. Some people have too itchy of a trigger finger.
The TNA ratings fluctuate up and down a point almost it seems on a daily basis.

Do you mean weekly basis? TNA's only on weekly, so you must. And no, there hasn't been fluctuation quite as extreme as this in quite a while.

Give Joe some time to settle in, some decent feuda, and within a day an half the rating will be back up.

Joe's the weak point of the show. His current character, well, he hasn't even got a character. It's just fucking confusing. And God help us if they actually go through with this Nash/Joe feud they've been teasing.

I mean the rating at point was at the same level with Angle, give it some time to come back up before we jump the gun and cause a riot over Joe being champ. Some people have too itchy of a trigger finger.

I don't believe it was. Angle's title reign gave fairly consistent ratings as far as I'm aware. Not to mention that, poor ratings or good ratings, Joe is an appaling champion. Settling in? Please. With the company on your shoulders, you don't have time available to settle in. It's sink or swim. Joe's sinking like a stone.
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