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Thoughts on Kharmas Goodbye Promo

WWE fanboys are just so always in denial. The character is ruined. If she comes back, she'll soon be put in comedy segments with the likes of Khali, Kozlov, and Hornswoggle.

All the mystery and monster aura, and the psycho laugh they spent time building up along with her going through the divas absolutely went out of the door with that speech and was a complete waste of time and buildup.

Even though the breakdown was stupid, there was still a mystery about it. She should have been simply written off TV from that point on. Her character is absolutely flushed down the drain now. She is no more a monster.

WWE apologists can come up with as many excuses as they want but she is no longer a fearful monster. She's done for and there is no return.


Your joking right, I mean, please tell me your joking.

She's done for? There is no return? She talked, so-motherfuckin-what? Didn't Kane talk during when he had the mask, yes. What about Undertaker, yes. Monster's can talk, and Kharma is not injured or released, she is haivng a baby. Which, in many people's mind's, a cherished thing to accomplish. Much less the fact that Vince let her tell the whole world is adding more ot the fire that they think very highly of her and sh'es got a long future ahead of herself once she return's. What if she return's the same way she debuted a fewm onth's ago but as a face and actually with a character instead of some monster who just like's to hurt people. Trust me, in 5 month's there be no diva's left and people will be complaining about how it's "run it's course" and such. No, she has a character, and a voice. Which, she was quite good on the microphone I might add.

Like I said before, do you think the majority or WWE fan's are gonna remember this promo, becuase I don't. The only people that'll remember it are the pessimistic bastard's who don't understand why she was given time to state that she's having a baby and is going be gone for a year.
I'm not sure why every other post on here has been ripping the wwe for bad character development? She's having a kid, its not like she is leaving because she is a whimp. If anything, the wwe should be looked up to for keeping her on staff while she is on leave. I think they have utilized her very well, and am excited for her return.
One thing I am surprised that no one has brought up is the corny, CORNY promo done by the bellas yesterday. Was it just me or did that whole segment appear way to obviously involved in their anti-bullying camp.?
I say Vince and Paul(Triple H) did the right thing and actually let her speak which I was shocked how soft spoken she is. Off Topic, does everybody remember when The Undertaker was deemed "The American Bad-Ass" that right there humanized the Taker character but nobody f'n bitches and man about that but (back on topic) almost is bitching and moaning about letting Kia "Kharma" Stevens actually speak to address the rumors and not let the King or Cole announce it which was honorable. Paul 'Triple H' Levesque did not get her signed for no reason did he I think not. QUOTE]

Why the hell do you keep reffering to them by their real names and ring names? You don't know them, stick to their ring names.

As for the promo, I didn't see it so it's hard for me to judge but I don't like what I read about it. I'm usually not too critical about WWE storylines or "character development" but this just hurts her character in my eyes. Sure, a lot of the fans know her previous track record and know that she's pregnant, but that doesn't mean you acknowledge it. She had a mystic to her before which just isn't the same. She didn't come off as the monster they were building her up to be.

I don't want to play fantasy booker too much here, but I think just having her go away without explanation would have been fine. Maybe have a few divas attacked backstage over the new few months and leave hints that it was Kharma. Hell, they could have done something like WWE has banned her because she keeps attacking everyone so she does it behind the scenes and eventually gets signed for her first match. The promo didn't appear to be in touch with her character. Many people are saying "oh I'm glad WWE didn't BS us and blah blah" but what are you going to be saying when she returns? Probably "WWE is insulting our intelligence, they expect us just to forget the promo she cut x amount of months ago".
I think it was great and shows the entire world what they probably already knew. She's a superstar in the making. I think the "WWE Universe" already loves her. They went from fear to face pops in less than 10 seconds. And no, they didn't ruin her "character". Some of you guys need to get real.
WWE apologists can come up with as many excuses as they want but she is no longer a fearful monster. She's done for and there is no return.

That's not so; in a year, no one is going to be focusing on what she said last night. The company can be doing promos in the weeks before she's scheduled to return. The Bellas' (or someone else) can throw down the gauntlet, criticizing Kharma and causing her to come back as a monster. There are many ways to do it.

But I'd still like to know what happened behind the scenes. What's her story? She signed with WWE at the end of December, then waited until April to make her debut. The company invested time and money in turning their entire diva program upside down to accommodate Kia Stevens......and she immediately gets pregnant. Yes, when a gal is gonna, she's gonna..... but Kia is 33 years old and you have to wonder what prompted her to do it at this juncture, with a new career just starting.

As for last night's promo, it's ironic how wrestling fans have complained in the past about a performer disappearing from the organization with no explanation as to what became of them. Now, the company allows the performer to explain herself, and several of the posters in this thread don't like that, either. They can't win, can they?

Personally, I think it was a good way to handle it...... but still, the company must be upset about Kia Stevens choices and timing, no matter what they say in public about it.
Monsters that show a human side to their character tend to last longer then those that don't..... just saying is all.

Do you really think Kane would of been in the WWE as long as it has been if he just stayed mute and came and cleaned house every day? No..... the moment he'd start loosing he would quickly fall out of favor with the crowd as he no longer seems like a legitimate monster, add the human side to Kane & he was one of the most over superstars during 2001 - 2003.
It's a shame that things worked out this way, because this angle was becoming the 2011 version of Nexus. It grabbed everyones attention at a time when a lift was needed.
Will last night hurt her legacy? No. In a years time they could start running the exact same promos again, have her come down to ringside and destroy people again and then have her carry on on the path that was laid out for her in the first place. Wrestling fans have long memories, the young demographic of today does not, so it really doesn;t matter whetgher she came out last night and said she was going away for a year to learn how to be a ballet dancer. If she comes back in a year doing all the same stuff again it will still work.
Hell, thy could start with a promo of a baby playing with a barbie doll only for kharma to come in, take the barbie away, rip its head off and say 'now what has mummy told you about playing with fake, plastic dolls.'
Some fans will never be happy, when WWE don;t break Kayfabe they claim that the written angle made no sense and that it would have been better to just tell the truth. On the flip side, when this happens, the same fans say 'I knew all along that the WWE would screw this up.' - there is just no pleasing some people, simple as.
I for one will not forget about Kharma. She said it herself, she is a wrestler. If all you care about is storylines then go buy yourself a boxset of Days of Our Lives. I for one can't wait to see her add some genuine credibility to the Divas division upon her return.

On the flip side, comparing her speech last night to the likes of Kane is equally ridiculous. Kane spoke after a LONG time in the WWE because of fears of his character becoming stale. Don't believe for a second that last night was an indication of the character Khamrma will be when she returns. She will go straight back to being a silent monster and run with it for a good year before they give her the mic again.
The stupidity of some of these TNA marks and internet smarks is so obvious that I don't even know where to begin but I'll give it a shot.

I've read that some people are complaining that Kharma didn't have a "proper match" before all this happened. You people are familiar with the concept of human pregnancy right? You know that Kharma just can't go bouncing around all over the place inside a wrestling ring because she'd ultimately cause herself to miscarry? Based on what's been said, Kharma's pregnancy wasn't something that was planned but it seems that people are actually criticizing the woman for getting pregnant. You need to jerk your head out of your ass and realize that there's more to life than wrestling & giving you something to bitch about on these forums.

I've heard so many people say that they want a little more realism injected into wrestling. Well, last night, there it was. A woman stood live in the middle of the ring in front of millions of people and beared her soul about what wrestling means to her and how much the idea of being a mother means to her. I guarantee, I guaran-fucking-tee, that if this exact same thing had taken place in TNA instead of WWE, there wouldn't be as much of the idiotic posts in this thread as there've already been.

As far as Kharma ruining her character, how exactly? We're not going to see or hear from Kharma for at least a good year and there are any number of ways that the WWE can work this. By the time she comes back, they can put her back to exactly the same kind of character she was. Oh yeah, I forgot. She spoke. I guess that means the possibility of making her more than a stereotypical, one dimensional monster heel, thereby making her more interesting in the long run, is a horrible idea. It's ok for Abyss to go around quoting passages out of Sun Tzu's "The Art of War", but God forbid Kharma open her mouth and deliver a heartfelt, genuinely emotional promo that could potentially result in people wanting to invest more of their attention on her.
WWE fanboys are just so always in denial. The character is ruined. If she comes back, she'll soon be put in comedy segments with the likes of Khali, Kozlov, and Hornswoggle.

All the mystery and monster aura, and the psycho laugh they spent time building up along with her going through the divas absolutely went out of the door with that speech and was a complete waste of time and buildup.

Even though the breakdown was stupid, there was still a mystery about it. She should have been simply written off TV from that point on. Her character is absolutely flushed down the drain now. She is no more a monster.

WWE apologists can come up with as many excuses as they want but she is no longer a fearful monster. She's done for and there is no return.

This is straight up sillyness. And not positive, charming silly - 13 year old kid without any developmental disability shitting himself in public sort of silly.

Even with the Monster gimmick, Kharma was over big as a babyface female wrestler. He had a reputation coming in, and the fans were already cheering her. Her coming out last night to bear her soul was just more reason for fans to like her and anticipate her return. Jack-Hammer hits the nail on the head with his post.

I'm not at all concerned about Kharma, but I am concerned about the Bella Twins. Basically, now, to make last night effective, WWE is locking them in to the heel twin role for at least one year. The idea last night was to give Kharma a ready made feud when she returns in 2012 and to give fans a reason to be excited for her to come back. But for that to happen, the Bellas have to stay put.

That may not be a bad thing - they've played their heel turn very well, and both of them are far better than I'd given them credit for when they first arrived. They're a more natural version of LayCool because they are twin sisters and can pull the switch off - an age old heel team technique. I'm not saying they shouldn't remain heels for 1+ years - I'm merely saying they've lost any flexibility with that.
I thought the situation was handled brilliantly and it doesn't mean she's gonna come back as a face. she will still destroy everything in her path. thing is, the crowd were cheering her right at the beginning of her speech so would she even make a convincing full-on heel if she's getting cheered? i think she'll be the female equivalent of what kane used to be, and just destroy everything and everyone, face or heel
Post #33 and #34 are filled with typical WWE apologist attitudes just making excuse after excuse. Her character is ruined. All the buildup, all the random diva beatdowns, all the psycho laughter at the end amounted to nothing. No one will take her serious because we know she is a human being with emotion and compassion. The mystique is gone. Someone said it best when you add human emotions to a monster character, it fucks up the character and it's hard to go back no matter what. Someone brought up Kane but Kane is among 1 of the biggest jokes in WWE. Kane is not feared whatsoever and isn't a credible monster as well as any other big man/giant in WWE. The same goes for Abyss in TNA. Ever since Abyss started speaking and showing human traits like sympathy, he's been struggling to get back to his old monster ways ever since so much to the point that his character now has completely evolved into something else.

The guy in post #33 sits above me and pretends as if being 1 dimensional is a curse? Who says 1 dimensional is bad and that multi-dimensional is always good? You know who was 1-dimensional? Goldberg! And he was a huge success. As soon as they started trying to experiment and do different things with him is when he lost his steam. You know why Kong/Kharma was so hot in TNA is because they never did anything with her character. She was booked as a monster consistently and it worked for the 3 years she was there. Over the past few weeks, we learned that Kharma is not really a monster. She is compassionate, wanted to be a mother, had a dream of being a diva, gets emotional and tears up. Does this spell monster to you? Stop kidding yourselves. If she ever returns WWE, will re-run her breakdown and her heartfelt speech to remind their short attention span audience and make her a babyface. The character has single-handedly evolved into a sympathetic babyface.
I loved the promo last night. It showed off how well spoken she is. But lets not get this thing twisted cause if that were to happen in TNA, there would be easily twice the hate posts. Look at all the Anti-TNA writers on this site. There isnt any writers that actually take the time to point out the good stuff that TNA puts out.

And a lot of posters on here follow suit with the writers.

And yes TNA does do something good from time to time.
All this they should have given her a match crap is stupid. I am happy they stopped her being physical asap because all we need was something to go wrong and watch her have a miscarriage live on Raw. That would be awful to watch. So everybody just needs to stop saying they didn't even put her in a match blah blah. I hope she has a safe delivery and I am sure she will come back with open arms from the WWE fans.
Karma has sure come back round for her as she fell pregnant at the complete wrong time.

I'm just not that sure whether it'll be longer, for first time mothers, they don't want to let their baby go, but on the other hand, the WWE might give her the Michelle Mccool treatment, where she doesn't do houseshows and just works the TV.

My respect for the WWE has gone to another level for letting Kharma speak the truth on why she is taking hiatus and not her making somethin' up.

The WWE thought they had the answer for the diva divison but now, it has gone back to where it was before, actually, it has gotten worse with laycool over, michelle gone and kharma taking hiatus, they need to think quick on their feet and do something, which they won't because it's the WWE. I think for a few months, until they think of something to do, they will throw random matches and title matches out on TV.

As for Kharma, congratulations on the pregnancy and hopefully she does come back in the 12 month period.

But i have thought of something and I don't want to bring it up, but what if she loses the baby? will she come back sooner? I'd rather her have a healthy pregnancy and come back in 12 months than losing it and coming back in 3/4 months. I know it's sad, but it could happen ):
Post #33 and #34 are filled with typical WWE apologist attitudes just making excuse after excuse. Her character is ruined. All the buildup, all the random diva beatdowns, all the psycho laughter at the end amounted to nothing. No one will take her serious because we know she is a human being with emotion and compassion. The mystique is gone. Someone said it best when you add human emotions to a monster character, it fucks up the character and it's hard to go back no matter what. Someone brought up Kane but Kane is among 1 of the biggest jokes in WWE. Kane is not feared whatsoever and isn't a credible monster as well as any other big man/giant in WWE. The same goes for Abyss in TNA. Ever since Abyss started speaking and showing human traits like sympathy, he's been struggling to get back to his old monster ways ever since so much to the point that his character now has completely evolved into something else.

The guy in post #33 sits above me and pretends as if being 1 dimensional is a curse? Who says 1 dimensional is bad and that multi-dimensional is always good? You know who was 1-dimensional? Goldberg! And he was a huge success. As soon as they started trying to experiment and do different things with him is when he lost his steam. You know why Kong/Kharma was so hot in TNA is because they never did anything with her character. She was booked as a monster consistently and it worked for the 3 years she was there. Over the past few weeks, we learned that Kharma is not really a monster. She is compassionate, wanted to be a mother, had a dream of being a diva, gets emotional and tears up. Does this spell monster to you? Stop kidding yourselves. If she ever returns WWE will re-run her breakdown and her heartfelt speech to remind their short attention span audience and make her a babyface. The character has single-handedly evolved into a sympathetic babyface.

On second thought. I agree with what you said about being one dimensional. And that she should've at least kept that going for the time being.
It's like you people have never heard of a face turn. Whenever a heel turns face, yea he might lose a little character, but it doesn't mean they can't get it back (EX. Kane) Kharma can come back and destory all the divas again and become a monster heel again. It's as simple as that.
Monsters that show a human side to their character tend to last longer then those that don't..... just saying is all.

Do you really think Kane would of been in the WWE as long as it has been if he just stayed mute and came and cleaned house every day? No..... the moment he'd start loosing he would quickly fall out of favor with the crowd as he no longer seems like a legitimate monster, add the human side to Kane & he was one of the most over superstars during 2001 - 2003.

Correct, but Kane was that silent monster for three years. We knew bits and pieces about him, but we never heard anything from him. But after a while, yes you need to add that AFTER theu are a well established monster. Kharma just doesn't look like that monster any more. I mean it is possible to still have her come back that way, but it's not as believeable now. Had she "left" because WWE wouldn't sign because she wasn't a "typical divas" could work much better with her character. My biggest issue isn't that she spoke, it's what she said. It just didn't go with her character. While no, she isn't Undertaker, but what if Taker came out and said "I'm old and beat up and I want to start a family with Michelle McCool, so I'm going to be gone for a while". While yes that's the truth, but that doesn't mean he should come out in say it during WWE programming.
I thoroughly enjoyed the promo. I feel like WWE let her go out there and say what she wanted to say. It takes a lot of balls to let someone "destroy" their character for a five minute promo. A real life pregnancy is bigger than any character.

Personally, I got bored with her character in TNA after about 6 months (which I think a lot of people did, since she ended up doing $25,000 challenges and joining TBP). If this leads to a change for her then it could be for the best.

Maybe she will become this Mother Earth nuturing Oprah/Adrian Adonis type. She could have a talk show called the 'Nursery' where she would interview other Divas about their empty wombs. Eventually she would after being convinced that all of the other Divas are trying to take her baby (Willow style) and destroy everyone. I don't know, she could easily go back to being the same old mute monster in a year. Either way, great promo.
IMO the fans ruined the original plans for Kharma, even if she was not pregnant she would be a face because the fans were cheering her and couldn't wait to see her. Vince must have watching week after week saying WTF monsters never get cheered like this we need to change everything .

Then the send off last night that some people are complaining about that was Kia Stevens in the ring speaking to us from the heart she was not Kharma until the Bellas came out

To those who think it ruined her character, when she comes back and starts dominating again we wont even remember that she broke character for this speech. I just hope when she comes back there are no promos or spoilers and one show she just shows up out of nowhere while the bellas are in the ring because by then Im sure the fans will forget about her. But will quickly be in shock and awe once they realize she is back and business will go on as usual.

The only way the character changes from a monster to some goodie goodie is/will be because of the crowd cheering her when she was suppose to be getting massive heat.

Well done WWE that shows the class of the company to allow her to be herself in explaining this rather than some lame storyline write off
I have already posted here but I just want to add one more thing. Why should you write Kharma off? She is not injured, she is just goddamn pregnant and that is seen as a good thing in most cultures around the world. Now Kharma was getting huge pops when she came out to attack divas and it was obvious to everyone that she was going to be a face. Is there a better way to generate goodwill for a character than by letting her say that she is going off to live her other dream in life? It will actually give her character a lot more material to talk with. See, most of the divas on the roster have not been pregnant and at the height of their beauty and careers, they do see pregnancy as an inconvenience. Not Kharma. She can talk about how some of the girls here may be prettier than her but she is more of a woman than they are and they will ever be. Being a mother will only raise the respect that people have for Kharma.

I wonder how TNA would have booked Kharma in a similar situation. Maybe they would have shown Winter controlling Kharma's head and forcing her to abort her baby and Kharma commiting suicide once she realizes what she has done. Then a few videos would have started airing about how the Apocalypse is going to strike Winter for her evil deeds. Then Kharma would have debuted as Apocalypse, the female version of Undertaker and the angle would have been praised as the best thing since nWo by the TNA Marks.
I just have to get this out of the way because it bugs me. She was popping the heads off of Moxie dolls, not Barbie dolls. :nugget:

Anywho, I'm glad they let her speak instead of just leaving it at her crying in the ring. The timing is unfortunate career-wise, but personally I believe it's fantastic. I'm sure she'll be back with a vengeance in a year or so, and there won't be any "repercussions" in the overall WWE Universe. -- Not every wrestling fan is a part of the IWC, thank goodness. :disappointed:
For anyone wondering why inbreeding is wrong, just look at the posters in this thread who actually want Kia Stevens to risk losing her baby for whatever fucking dumb reason(s) they listed. Jebus take that wheel, plz.

Anywho, as far as the actually promo.. I think she came across as much more likeable in that promo than "monster" in anything she has done up to this point. Geez, a fat woman that isn't a laughing stock. Who would've thought you would see THAT day in the WWE? If they did "kill" her character, a year is a really, really long time to be MIA to wrestling fans.

I thought the Bellas were spot on too, but in a different reason. I read some LayCool comparisons, but I don't think that is what they were going for. LayCool tried to be a pseudo-comedy act whereas Nikki and Brie just came across as nasty towards her.

Sure, Kharma's voice didn't match her look; and I hate those "thank you fans!" kinda of speeches, but at least people are talking about the actual content of what was said as oppose to "Divas? Next."

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