AJ Lee's "Pipe Bomshell": Keep It All Here!!!

The pipe bomb was probably the best one since CM Punk did his before Summer of Punk. And she was spot on with everything she said. They're horrible. None of them have any in-ring talent. None of them can cut a promo to save their life. They are best in small doses which relieves the chances of them screwing up.

The Bellas and that red-haired chick were annoying during the whole thing, which I'm not sure if they were told to act that way to make the shoot that much more realistic or if they were TRULY acting that way because that's all they know.

Natalia was, at least, a bit civil about it.

Either way, it's the first time I didn't fast forward when a woman had the mic.
The only one who did the right thing was Nattie Niedhart. The Bella's tried to steal the heat w/ their antics, and they should have just kept their mouths shut. The one Funkadacil that yawned committed another no-no, as she seemed like she was trying to no-sell the entire promo. Nattie reacted wityh disgust, and worked the entire segment like a pro, which proved the point of the promo. Only have women compete in the division that are wrestlers, and not models. 95% of the women's division should be future endeavored. Katlyn, Nattie, A.J., are the only ones under contract who should remain.

btw, why has the WWE done nothing with Sara Del Ray?

Now if only someone could do a promo on why Hornswaggle is allowed to steal a paycheck.
I suspect that it'll all wind up being part of Total Divas. It wasn't a genuine shoot, but that still didn't stop it from being a great piece of work by AJ. I've read reports online that she got rave reviews from management and other wrestlers backstage for it, and rightly so.

But yeah, I think this will be part of Total Divas. After the show's success, I think I read somewhere that E! has ordered several more episodes so that it will total the same number of episodes per season as most reality shows, which is somewhere around 13.
I'm glad to see everyone has picked up on how unprofessional the Bellas were, both of them come off as insecure and I think deep down they know that no one gives a shit about them or sees them as "Respected Veterans" like they want to be, because being around a long time doesn't make you deserving of respect, it's the reason you have been around a long time that dictates the respect. To me it came off like them going into business for themselves and in truth they looked just like two hookers on a street corner arguing over a trick.

I didn't have an issue with the reactions of the Funkadactyles, Naomi looked angry, Nattie actually looked like she was sad because she agreed with a lot of what AJ was saying, and everyone knows Cameron is an idiot so her yawn thing didn't even register with me, I only know she did it from reading this thread.
Wow, I didnt give that promo a second thought. It was just another promo to me. AJ will show up on Total Divas next season and contradict herself.
On the Bellas being completely worthless and massively annoying.

How obnoxiously stupid do you have to be to stand there shouting 'say it to our face' for three minutes when the girl you're shouting it is a 30 second walk away from you? And there are three of you versus one of her?

Not only do you look like a complete annoyance and a total idiot but you also seem like a bit of a coward. Just one of the worst things I've ever seen in wrestling, firing offence if she wasn't sucking up to the right people as AJ pointed out
It was a fantastic promo by AJ, and a top contender for the best promo of the year. There was a lot of truth behind what AJ said, and you could clearly hear and see the fans rallying behind her.

I also hope this leads to a face turn, because the "Crazy Chick" character has run its course. The character peaked during the love triangle storyline with Bryan, Kane, and Punk. There was a slight resurrection, when AJ turned heel by screwing Cena out of the Smackdown MITB briefcase in the match against Dolph, but her character is in need of a change. And it's almost impossible to not root for anyone, who's going against the cast of Total Divas (with JoJo and maybe Natalya as a few exceptions).

But yeah, in the grand scheme of things, this promo will be used as a springboard to help push Total Divas even more. Like it or not, the show has an audience, and Vince loves mainstream attention. Although, on a more positive side, AJ being apart of Total Divas could help the show, because Total Divas could use some more variety.
Comrade_mario is on point. "Come say it to my face!" may have been a genius threat back in the time of phonographs, but any idiot with a partial brain knows when someone says "Come say it to my face!" what they are really saying is "I'm a chickenshit who won't step up to you, you have to step up to me!"

The whole time watching, I'm steadily thinking "There are 3 of you. She is not that far away. Go do something about it and give me a reason to root for you." Why WWE is pushing The Bella Twins at this point is beyond me.

The damn Bashum Brothers had more personality.

As far as AJ said, I have nothing to add that hasn't been addressed already. She did better than most men on the roster have done. I look forward to seeing where the company takes this, if they take it anywhere at all.
I hate these "pipe bombs". They are over rated and it just seems disingenuous on WWE's behalf to put something out there and then instantly let one of their entertainers take a shit on it.

If WWE isn't proud of what they put out (Total Divas) then don't put it out there.

That being said, I couldn't take this promo seriously with Natalya in the middle of the ring who has 7 years more experience than AJ. Being the top "Diva" has never been about talent and always been about appealing to horny male teens. I'm not a Bella Twin fan but they are right about the whole skipping thing. The only difference I see between AJ and the rest of the Divas is that she skips and has been the ass of several really shitty story-lines.

I know I'm not going to be the most popular for this opinion but I actually respect the Bellas more for shitting on AJ's promo. Clearly this is a written segment (you guys understand that right?) and the Bellas weren't booked to bum rush AJ so the did the best with what little defense they were given.
I hate these "pipe bombs". They are over rated and it just seems disingenuous on WWE's behalf to put something out there and then instantly let one of their entertainers take a shit on it.

If WWE isn't proud of what they put out (Total Divas) then don't put it out there.

That being said, I couldn't take this promo seriously with Natalya in the middle of the ring who has 7 years more experience than AJ. Being the top "Diva" has never been about talent and always been about appealing to horny male teens. I'm not a Bella Twin fan but they are right about the whole skipping thing. The only difference I see between AJ and the rest of the Divas is that she skips and has been the ass of several really shitty story-lines.

I know I'm not going to be the most popular for this opinion but I actually respect the Bellas more for shitting on AJ's promo. Clearly this is a written segment (you guys understand that right?) and the Bellas weren't booked to bum rush AJ so the did the best with what little defense they were given.

Of course it was written and the Bella's didn't have much to go on, but you have to recognise they didn't really put on a realistic reaction to the accusations AJ was spewing at them. The ladies in the ring did a decent job, being astounded at what was being said about them (Natalya actually pulled the same face I would if someone who hadn't been around for as long as i was told me I was worthless) and AJ brought the promo like she really meant what she said.

Sure, it was another "pipe bomb", but the sincerity of it all is way more important than the way it's presented. And though AJ never was much more of a "real" wrestler than any of the other ladies, she did put in the effort and convinced me that she was about more than cheap lays, photo shoots and crappy real life shows.
Of course it was written and the Bella's didn't have much to go on, but you have to recognise they didn't really put on a realistic reaction to the accusations AJ was spewing at them.

How exactly could anyone have any reaction since A) they had no mics and B) the camera was barely on them? I don't think you understand but I'm saying I like that they screamed over AJ's shitty "pipebomb".

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