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Thoughts on Kharmas Goodbye Promo


Getting Noticed By Management
I thought it was very well done and was glad that the WWE allowed her to be honest about it all. Seemed like they let her go out there and told her to say what she wanted to say. I hope this doesnt ruin her in the end though by making her not come back as a monster. I want her destroying the face divas also.

Anyway i was surprised she said the words " wrestler and wrestling ". I dont know ive heard those words used on wwe tv in a very long time.

Your thoughts
I think it is a situation where you have to let her tell the truth since alot people already know she is pregnant anyway. I was more surprised by the Bella Twins coming out and basically making her a face if and when she returns as opposed to just writing a finale for the Kelly Kelly storyline
I figured it was a baby last week when I heard she was gonna be gone. She really hadnt done anything to get a injury and there was no reason for time off. (Although, a parasite in you for 9 months with side effects lasting upto 18 years is a injury, yeah?) Diva divison was kinda getting intresting and now shes gone. Im so over the Bella Twins, cant wrestle hacks. You never see Beth Phoenix or Natalya. Why? McCool is gone, Layla is on the DL. They need to do something with the Diva Division. While Cole was saying it as an antagonist, he was right in saying the divas are a joke.
she got pregnant at the worst time possible.

I cant see her as a face she has to be a heel diva and tonight they made her out to look like a face and killed all those promo videos and the past month of her comming out and destroying pretty things.

I think we wont see her for a long time 9 months is just carrying the baby but its not like a few days later she will be back on raw she will probably stay home with the baby the first few months atleast and then she has to get back in ring shape I say atleast 18 months before she comes back on TV.
I loved the crude humor that The Bellas came out with. That's a great heel tactic to do that while someone is saying an emotional shoot story.
She said she would see the bellas in one year. I think that this means she will spend the first few months with her child. I thought it was good that the wwe let her talk that way. I dont think it killed anything, she can come back as a monster still, but with a new side to her. i loved her coming out and destroying the divas too, but it would have gotten old after a few months, at least now she has character. the bellas were gold too, but i do think that the wwe goes a bit too far with fat jokes when it comes to women. i dont mind them, but if they are trying to push anti bullying, it doesnt work as well, even if the bellas are heels.
I think it was done well becuase it was a real life situation. If she was say, injured, last week would've probably been a way to write her off. But, she was pregnant, so they had to have a way to reveal it to tell the real life situation of why sh won't be on television for probably a year, maybe more.

I think she is actaully pretty good on themic and the Bella's coming out was a good way to garner them heat and to want the fan's wait for Kharma to come back and beat them.

This also goes out to a few people. "But she said wrestling and wrestler, I thought they weren't a wrestling company anymore!" TNA, and their fan's, I'm talking to you. :disappointed:
The promo was good and I personally loved the fact that she just went there and said the truth, no bs, just straight up told the facts and why she is leaving and that she will come back after.It was well done and she got a good reaction for someone who just debuted basically.
Didn't like it one bit. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy she's pregnant, but did she really need to sadomize her character? Did she really need to give us this forced speech about how she always wanted to be a "WWE Diva" and all? Really? You couldn't just write her off TV after she cried her ass off? Leave a little mystery? A little opening for her to come back after a year and destroy everything? Hell no. Let's wipe our asses with her character.

Have you seen The Undertaker break character and tell us how he's hurt and injured and needs to go home and get McCool to kiss his boo boo? No.

What happens when she's back (if she comes back)? She's a face? She's the same psycho she used to be? The character's done, and if Kharma is not a wrecking ball with feet, she's nothing. I doubt WWE would have the patience to wait for her big ass for an entire year.

Leave it up to WWE to fuck a good thing up.
Didn't like it one bit. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy she's pregnant, but did she really need to sadomize her character? Did she really need to give us this forced speech about how she always wanted to be a "WWE Diva" and all? Really? You couldn't just write her off TV after she cried her ass off? Leave a little mystery? A little opening for her to come back after a year and destroy everything? Hell no. Let's wipe our asses with her character.

Have you seen The Undertaker break character and tell us how he's hurt and injured and needs to go home and get McCool to kiss his boo boo? No.

What happens when she's back (if she comes back)? She's a face? She's the same psycho she used to be? The character's done, and if Kharma is not a wrecking ball with feet, she's nothing. I doubt WWE would have the patience to wait for her big ass for an entire year.

Leave it up to WWE to fuck a good thing up.

It's a real life situation, they needed to explain why she would'nt be on television, so they had that promo to tell the people, instead of her just disappearing for over a year after last week without any reason why.

It makes sense.

Wait, WWE won't wait for her to return. Judging by what they were doing with her, you know mauling through all the Diva's and such, they had big plan's for her before her unpredictable pregnancy. You realize people do leave and come back, right? Jericho, Cena, Undertaker, Triple H. It's like an injury, she's sit out for a year, tend to her pregnany and her new-born child, then when's she ready she's come back. I think WWE has big plan's for her, this is her dream job, and I don't see why she would want to leave. She's a unique talent, WWE know that, and she bring's alot of edge to the Diva's division be it her size or her misque, she'll be back in the WWE when's she's ready.

Yep, they definitely ruined her. Not to say she can't come back in a year and be dominate again. No, she'll return with a tutu on and be K.K. The Big Bear.

Yep, that's a TNA mark for ya.
Didn't like it one bit. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy she's pregnant, but did she really need to sadomize her character? Did she really need to give us this forced speech about how she always wanted to be a "WWE Diva" and all? Really? You couldn't just write her off TV after she cried her ass off? Leave a little mystery? A little opening for her to come back after a year and destroy everything? Hell no. Let's wipe our asses with her character.

Have you seen The Undertaker break character and tell us how he's hurt and injured and needs to go home and get McCool to kiss his boo boo? No.

What happens when she's back (if she comes back)? She's a face? She's the same psycho she used to be? The character's done, and if Kharma is not a wrecking ball with feet, she's nothing. I doubt WWE would have the patience to wait for her big ass for an entire year.

Leave it up to WWE to fuck a good thing up.

Dude are you seriously comparing the Undertaker to Kharma? Wow. That right there shows your problems. Everyone KNOWS the Undertaker is injured. NOT everyone knows Kharma is pregnant. Have you ever even FOLLOWED what happens when someone returns after a year away? They are an INSTANT face. Having Kharma go out like this is great. Who is to say that the Divas she had a problem with in a year wont be solid faces? Then you could have someone mysteriously attacking them in the backstage area, leave them laying. Boom Kharma is back and she is looking for vengeance. That keeps her heel. How can you NOT expect WWE to explain a pregnancy? WWE is trying to be kid friendly. Best way to do that is to make everyone appear human. WWE didn't "fuck up a good thing". Did you not watch Edge's retirement? Were there only faces clapping and applauding him on stage? No there were heels. What happened the following week. BOOM back to heel form. It's ok to break character. I think you are just nitpicking and need to get over it.

As I previously stated there is still room for mystery. She could return and start terrorizing the Divas that made fun of her as she was leaving. You need to look at the BIGGER picture here and not short term. Kharma is a LONG TERM investment in the WWE.

Was it tacky for Edge to say it was his dream to be in the WWE?

Kharma's goodbye was perfectly done and sets the stage for her return in 10-13 months.
I think it's a waste of time. She didn't even have a proper match, and here she is giving the "I have a dream" speech. Come on, does she deserve to be given the time? Some of the wrestlers backstage don't even have any screen time, and WWE is giving special privileges to Kharma, who has yet to prove herself? (BTW, Kharma isn't the only new comer who's has preferential treatment.)
I think that the initial plans for Kharma were for her to be a somewhat supernatural monster in the divas division. She was supposed to be a huge heel. But as she came out every week assaulting divas who stood in her path, it became obvious that the crowd liked what they saw and it is there that I guess that Vince decided that she was going to be a face.

Then came her pregnancy and I think Vince saw it as a good way to turn her into a face. They still tried to make it mystical by having her come down last week and cry in front of the divas, but the audience obviously did not like it too much. That is why they went the easy way. They made Kharma look human tonight. The promo that Kharma delivered tonight came straight from the heart and it was really touching to see her speak.

I think that when she comes back, she is going to be like the Stone Cold of the divas decision. There will be no more mysticism, no more maniacal laughter, just a ruthless desire to dominate and destroy anyone who stands in her path. We have not seen a badass diva in quite some time so I think that this new character of Kharma is going to be very interesting. Perhaps it will be even better than what WWE had originally planned for her.
I think it's a waste of time. She didn't even have a proper match, and here she is giving the "I have a dream" speech. Come on, does she deserve to be given the time? Some of the wrestlers backstage don't even have any screen time, and WWE is giving special privileges to Kharma, who has yet to prove herself? (BTW, Kharma isn't the only new comer who's has preferential treatment.)

Um, what?

She didn't have a proper match? Maybe that's becuase before she knew she was pregnant they were just going to have he plow through the Diva's until a Diva actaully stepped up.

Yes, she deserves to be given time to tell everyone of her pregnancy and how she will have to take time off. If she just disappeared after last week, nobdoy who have a damn clue what happened to the "big black lady who was killing all the diva's." There's no real way to write of a pregnancy, you can't actaully take a bump becuase you could hurt your baby.

What WWE did tonight was the best they could in this situation, make her return in a year, and dominate again.
Didn't like it one bit. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy she's pregnant, but did she really need to sadomize her character? Did she really need to give us this forced speech about how she always wanted to be a "WWE Diva" and all? Really? You couldn't just write her off TV after she cried her ass off? Leave a little mystery? A little opening for her to come back after a year and destroy everything? Hell no. Let's wipe our asses with her character.

Have you seen The Undertaker break character and tell us how he's hurt and injured and needs to go home and get McCool to kiss his boo boo? No.

What happens when she's back (if she comes back)? She's a face? She's the same psycho she used to be? The character's done, and if Kharma is not a wrecking ball with feet, she's nothing. I doubt WWE would have the patience to wait for her big ass for an entire year.

Leave it up to WWE to fuck a good thing up.

Yes, let us forget the fact that once a heel turns face, they can never become a heel again. Just because Kharma cut a face promo explaining why she wouldn't be on TV for a year, doesn't mean she can't return with an impact. It's like if a heel champion gets injured, they then cut a promo explaining what happened. Then they can return and either become a once again hated heel or a fan favorite. (Ex. When HHH returned as a fan favorite, and became a heel by turning on Ric Flair)

When Kharma returns she can easily return as the wrecking ball. I can see a diva battle royal going on and her coming out and destroying every diva. And who knows, by that time, the Bellas could be faces, and she would destory them. The point is, WWE has a year to think of how to bring Kharma back. Heck, she could even come back and attack JR after the promo she gave. Vince isn't going to get rid of her, because she is OVER with Vince right now. He see's nothing but dollar signs from Kharma, and that pretty much means she is set. Yes it's sad that this had to happen not even 2 months after her debut, but I for one am happy for her. It's too early to say her character is ruined.
To be honest...I didn't like it. Don't get me wrong, I understand why they did it, but I personally think it devalued her character quite a bit. You've got this big woman who has been running through the entire Diva's Division for a month or so without saying a thing, just kicking ass left and right. In her pre-debut promos she was flicking the heads off of barbie dolls and laughing like a psycho in the dark, she was meant to be the monster heel of the Diva's Division. Then she comes out on RAW, takes the mic for the first time and gives a 'hopes and dreams' speech...I was kinda just like, "This is suppose to be the woman who everyone was scared of?" Sure she's big and looks powerful, but the crazy laughing/serious smile psycho aspect was what really drew me into her being "scary".

I know everyone (obviously) doesn't agree with me, but there's my two cents about the whole situation.
Instead of repeating the routine of having her come out to attack divas for weeks, they could have given her a match on Raw or Smackdown the week after her debut and got her into a feud. Then you could have had either Beth Phoenix or/ and all the divas whom Kharma attacked teaming up to beat her up in the ring, causing her injury and exile from the WWE. Then she could have taken a maternity leave and her time off would also have been part of an angle, and she would get immediately into a feud upon returning. Right now, her stint in the WWE was worth nothing otherwise and they need to start from scratch when she returns (the Bellas promo was hardly anything).
In recent years, with the number of deaths and career-ending injuries, WWE has adopted a policy of breaking "kayfabe" and allowing the real-life stories of their talents tell their stories in their own words. You have to remember, this is a TV show. If you've ever sat in the audience of a live taping of any TV show, you'll see alot of the same principals applied to the actors and their interaction with their audience both on and off stage. The only real difference is WWE is "live". Other than that, performers addressing the audience as themselves is very normal.
It's apparent by now that WWE has absolutely zero clue of character development and protection. I loved what Nash said about Sheamus in this shoot inteview with Waltman. Sheamus comes out, sees Nexus and yells for Cena. If a viewer saw him for the first time, he'd think he's a big, cowardly cunt, yet Sheamus is a huge guy and is supposed to be a wrecking machine. If Undertaker came face to face with Nexus they'd part like the Red Sea. If Triple H did, he'd fuck them up. Sheamus comes and he screams for Cena, and the viewers are supposed to take this guy seriously? Aren't you people sick of being insulted? I am.

This is exactly the problem we have on our hands here. You have this big, fat monster heel who's been laughing her ass off after beating someone to a pulp, she's psychotic, she's wiping the mat with blond bitches week in and week out, then she cries in the middle of the ring for WHATEVER reason (again, character protection. If you want a monster heel, make her act like one, you idiots), and next week she breaks character, she breaks kayfabe, she cuts a speech about her fucking dreams, aspirations, sugar, spice and everything nice, turns incredibly nice, says how she wants to be a mother, and I'm sitting there thinking why is WWE still in business?

This was a stupid move, it was not needed, she could've been written off TV in SO many creative ways which do not completely eradicate any credibility her character HAD, but as always WWE chooses the easy way out, she gets a few cheap pops (and not even good ones), and gives her fairwell to everyone. Why do I have this funny feeling that this is the last time she'd be on WWE programming?

Yes, faces can turn heels again, but this is not a normal female wrestler. It's Awesome fucking Kong. Her "thing" is destroying everything in the ring with a pulse. She looks like a maniac, she wrestles like a savage. Monster heels are a different kind of breed. The minute you add human traits to them, they're done, over. That's what they did to KONG, they ruined the character, and from this point on people won't look at her the same way they did before, because she's no longer that crazy big broad that kicks a lot of ass, she's the mellow black woman that had to be a mother.

WWE fucked up, once again. If you wanna live in denial, then do it.
It's apparent by now that WWE has absolutely zero clue of character development and protection. I loved what Nash said about Sheamus in this shoot inteview with Waltman. Sheamus comes out, sees Nexus and yells for Cena. If a viewer saw him for the first time, he'd think he's a big, cowardly cunt, yet Sheamus is a huge guy and is supposed to be a wrecking machine. If Undertaker came face to face with Nexus they'd part like the Red Sea. If Triple H did, he'd fuck them up. Sheamus comes and he screams for Cena, and the viewers are supposed to take this guy seriously? Aren't you people sick of being insulted? I am.

This is exactly the problem we have on our hands here. You have this big, fat monster heel who's been laughing her ass off after beating someone to a pulp, she's psychotic, she's wiping the mat with blond bitches week in and week out, then she cries in the middle of the ring for WHATEVER reason (again, character protection. If you want a monster heel, make her act like one, you idiots), and next week she breaks character, she breaks kayfabe, she cuts a speech about her fucking dreams, aspirations, sugar, spice and everything nice, turns incredibly nice, says how she wants to be a mother, and I'm sitting there thinking why is WWE still in business?

This was a stupid move, it was not needed, she could've been written off TV in SO many creative ways which do not completely eradicate any credibility her character HAD, but as always WWE chooses the easy way out, she gets a few cheap pops (and not even good ones), and gives her fairwell to everyone. Why do I have this funny feeling that this is the last time she'd be on WWE programming?

Yes, faces can turn heels again, but this is not a normal female wrestler. It's Awesome fucking Kong. Her "thing" is destroying everything in the ring with a pulse. She looks like a maniac, she wrestles like a savage. Monster heels are a different kind of breed. The minute you add human traits to them, they're done, over. That's what they did to KONG, they ruined the character, and from this point on people won't look at her the same way they did before, because she's no longer that crazy big broad that kicks a lot of ass, she's the mellow black woman that had to be a mother.

WWE fucked up, once again. If you wanna live in denial, then do it.

You realize that she CAN come back and be a dominate monster like she was before. Do you really think, come say March 2012, that people are actually going to remember this promo?

Kharma had to state why she'll be gone for the next, say, year. She can't just disappear. What's better, seeing her crying the ring, or saying she's gonna come back and beat the shit out o the Bella's?

So, your assuming that since she had human trait's, her character is ruined and she's not a monster anymore? She'll be back in a year, I doubt in a year that people will remember this promo.
I think it's a waste of time. She didn't even have a proper match, and here she is giving the "I have a dream" speech. Come on, does she deserve to be given the time? Some of the wrestlers backstage don't even have any screen time, and WWE is giving special privileges to Kharma, who has yet to prove herself? (BTW, Kharma isn't the only new comer who's has preferential treatment.)

Generally as a rule of thumb as a wrestling promotion, when you sign a new talent & it's a significant signing that you have big plans for you give them as much exposure as humanly possible... it's just good business sense.
i was suprised they went with the truth. TRUE, alot of people already knew she was pregnant but not everyone did. And thats as far as i casn remember wwe using a true pregnant storyline. Not saying it hasnt happened, just saying i dont remember one.

But i think they gave her an open mic and let her shoot on it. It didnt feel rehearsed or practiced.

I really dont like Kharma as a face but it did feel appropriat for this promo. I think when she comes back in around a year she will be her monster self again. Maybe come back and crush the bellas then go heel

personally what i think will happen is the Bellas will be face in around a year, Kharma keeps good on her promise and destroys them making her a instant heel.
It's apparent by now that WWE has absolutely zero clue of character development and protection. I loved what Nash said about Sheamus in this shoot inteview with Waltman. Sheamus comes out, sees Nexus and yells for Cena. If a viewer saw him for the first time, he'd think he's a big, cowardly cunt, yet Sheamus is a huge guy and is supposed to be a wrecking machine. If Undertaker came face to face with Nexus they'd part like the Red Sea. If Triple H did, he'd fuck them up. Sheamus comes and he screams for Cena, and the viewers are supposed to take this guy seriously? Aren't you people sick of being insulted? I am.

This is exactly the problem we have on our hands here. You have this big, fat monster heel who's been laughing her ass off after beating someone to a pulp, she's psychotic, she's wiping the mat with blond bitches week in and week out, then she cries in the middle of the ring for WHATEVER reason (again, character protection. If you want a monster heel, make her act like one, you idiots), and next week she breaks character, she breaks kayfabe, she cuts a speech about her fucking dreams, aspirations, sugar, spice and everything nice, turns incredibly nice, says how she wants to be a mother, and I'm sitting there thinking why is WWE still in business?

This was a stupid move, it was not needed, she could've been written off TV in SO many creative ways which do not completely eradicate any credibility her character HAD, but as always WWE chooses the easy way out, she gets a few cheap pops (and not even good ones), and gives her fairwell to everyone. Why do I have this funny feeling that this is the last time she'd be on WWE programming?

Yes, faces can turn heels again, but this is not a normal female wrestler. It's Awesome fucking Kong. Her "thing" is destroying everything in the ring with a pulse. She looks like a maniac, she wrestles like a savage. Monster heels are a different kind of breed. The minute you add human traits to them, they're done, over. That's what they did to KONG, they ruined the character, and from this point on people won't look at her the same way they did before, because she's no longer that crazy big broad that kicks a lot of ass, she's the mellow black woman that had to be a mother.

WWE fucked up, once again. If you wanna live in denial, then do it.

WWE fanboys are just so always in denial. The character is ruined. If she comes back, she'll soon be put in comedy segments with the likes of Khali, Kozlov, and Hornswoggle.

All the mystery and monster aura, and the psycho laugh they spent time building up along with her going through the divas absolutely went out of the door with that speech and was a complete waste of time and buildup.

Even though the breakdown was stupid, there was still a mystery about it. She should have been simply written off TV from that point on. Her character is absolutely flushed down the drain now. She is no more a monster.

WWE apologists can come up with as many excuses as they want but she is no longer a fearful monster. She's done for and there is no return.
I say Vince and Paul(Triple H) did the right thing and actually let her speak which I was shocked how soft spoken she is. Off Topic, does everybody remember when The Undertaker was deemed "The American Bad-Ass" that right there humanized the Taker character but nobody f'n bitches and man about that but (back on topic) almost is bitching and moaning about letting Kia "Kharma" Stevens actually speak to address the rumors and not let the King or Cole announce it which was honorable. Paul 'Triple H' Levesque did not get her signed for no reason did he I think not. WWE did what TNA or ROH have never done and that's let her speak. We will see Kharma back next year at Summerslam I think as that's when they do big returns there. Hoping to a safe pregnancy for her and wishin to see next year.

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