Those Brilliant Republicans

Ironically, I read the first four pages of this thread thinking "Wow! People are actually managing to do this thread without having to resort to the lowest common denominator of invoking George W. Bush"


And then.. wait. Anarchy? Someone actually mentioned anarchy?


What have these threads come to!?

By the way X, when you mentioned your preferred form of government I bursted out laughing because my mind was immediately reminded of Dennis' spiel in Monty Python and the Holy Grail about the anarchosyndaclist (sp?) commune.

Oh, and KB... in order for Rush Limbaugh to be the leader of any political party.. he'd have to.. you know.. actually hold an office or be in charge of a Republican organization. The closest thing to a correct answer to your question would be Michael Steele. You'd never know it though, what with him being a black guy and all. Its amazing how many skulls full of mush think Powell is the only one.
And then.. wait. Anarchy? Someone actually mentioned anarchy?


Great, another person with misconceptions about anarchism.

By the way X, when you mentioned your preferred form of government I bursted out laughing because my mind was immediately reminded of Dennis' spiel in Monty Python and the Holy Grail about the anarchosyndaclist (sp?) commune.

Do you even know what collectivist-anarchism is?

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