Censorship and anti-patriotism - the way of the Republicans (Obama's speech to kids)


Excellence of Execution
As you may have heard, President Obama has planned upon delivering a speech to all school children this coming Tuesday after Labor Day. The White House has said that his speech is intended to encourage the benefits of an education, and the positives of setting goals in life and reaching them. Sounds great, right?

Apparently not to the Republican Party, who have caused a massive uproar over this planned speech? Why? Because they are greedy politicians, who don't care about the people of this country, only getting themselves in power.

At this point, I'm sure steam is coming out of FTS's ears, so allow me to REALLY post this thread. I just used that thread title and opening to catch people's interest. :)

Here's the deal. President Obama originally planned on delivering a speech to all public school students. This has caused controversy with opponents of Obama and some parents. Originally, Obama's camp had kept quiet on what he was going to say, but had posted a "lesson plan" on the Internet which encouraged children to "write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president." (source later in post). Since such a furor erupted, the White House has gone back and revised what they originally put up, and offered more details on what Obama is planning on talking about, including posting the entire speech on Monday before the speech. According to the White House, Obama plans on talking about doing well in school and setting high goals for oneself and working to achieve them.

This isn't a Republican vs. Democrat thing, in my mind. If a Republican President were to try to speak to kids in school, then the Democrats would be up in arms about it to. The problem here, in my mind, is that nearly half this country is mad that the PRESIDENT, the leader of our country, is going to speak to kids about the positives of staying in school and setting goals and reaching them. Really now? Are we so jaded and caught up in politics that we don't want the leader of our country trying to send a positive message to our children?

And schools are taking a beating on this. Which is fucking ridiculous considering most schools didn't even know about it until they started receiving nasty calls. Not just where I work, but school districts all across the state of Missouri have had the same issue, since no one gave school districts any kind of notice about this. Schools have been forced to take a variety of stances, either mandated by the state or their district, with some districts forcing their teachers to show the speech, others forbidding it, and most somewhere in between. For example, I think our school district will give teachers the option of showing it, and any students who do not wish to watch may be excused.

But, how sad is this, that parents are outraged that the leader of the United States is going to address its children? That seems so preposterous to me. How sad is it that parents are FORCING their children to not watch, that states are FORCING districts not to show it? Isn't it sad that politics have evolved to this level, where it interferes with positive reinforcement, at a time when our country seems to desperately want out public school system to do better? Apparently, we want schools to do better, but not give them any help to do so. I can understand being against the early release of lesson plans, given the wording of the questions, and the secrecy of the speech, but now they have revised their speech plan and will make it available to the public ahead of time, don't you think it's a tad ridiculous to continue to criticize this?

As far as the Republicans go, in my mind, they've just made asses out of themselves. Here are some good quotes, from the same source as above:

Texas Governor said:
"Nobody seems to know what he's going to be talking about," Perry said. "Why didn't he spend more time talking to the local districts and superintendents, at least give them a heads-up about it?"

Florida Republican Party Chairman said:
In Florida, Republican Party chairman Jim Greer released a statement that he was "absolutely appalled that taxpayer dollars are being used to spread President Obama's socialist ideology."


Really now? You have no idea what he's going to be talking about, but you're sure he's going to be trying to spread a socialist ideology? How does that even begin to make sense? Wouldn't you actually have to have a clue to what Obama was going to talk about before you could ascertain whether or not he was going to push a Socialist agenda that many people say he doesn't have to begin with?

Another quote I read from a Republican, which I can't find now, condemned the President for having too much federal government involvement in the public education system. Which I found absolutely absurd considering the Republican Party passed the infamous No Child Left Behind Act, which is very MUCH government involvement into public education.

Pay attention to this...this thread is NOT a criticism of Republicans, as I have no doubt that the Democrats would do the same...hell, did, back in 1991 apparently. This thread is designed to do two things:

1) Discuss how you feel about Obama speaking to school students

2) Discuss whether or not you find it sad that a President can't give a speech that is supposedly designed to encourage students, without a massive backlash.
1) Discuss how you feel about Obama speaking to school students

2) Discuss whether or not you find it sad that a President can't give a speech that is supposedly designed to encourage students, without a massive backlash.

First of all, good thread, and I actually agree with a lot of your points, oddly enough. Partisan politics fucking sucks. Byproduct of the two-party system, I guess. But, getting to your points...

1. I don't know yet, honestly. Lets see if he actually says what he says he's going to say, and only that. If it's basically a pep rally from the president encouraging the students, that's great, and kudos to him for doing that. It's admirable. BUT, if he sneaks in some "tell your parents health care reform is a good thing", that's fucked up. Not saying it's going to happen, just saying I'll be watching.

2. It's just mistrust I guess, but yeah, it sucks. I can understand it to a certain extent though. He's got the opportunity to address a nation full of impressionable children in a situation where they can't just change the channel, so I suppose the apprehension is natural and understandable. IF he does utilize that opportunity as a bully pulpit, that would be just about the lowest and most despicable thing I can imagine a politician doing. Like I said, we'll just have to wait and see. Shame on anyone drawing conclusions before it's even happened, though.
Well, I think the reason people are getting upset about the speech is because of the DoE "worksheets" and "guidelines" that were sent with classroom activities to do to prepare for and following the speech. They were pretty out there, from what I understand.

There is also the issue of the people Obama has in his cabinet and advising him that have pretty radical views on education, i.e. they advocate taking the emphasis off hard academics and focusing on "social justice," etc.

However, me personally... I don't care about this. But then again, I'm not a parent. I would love to sit here and say I wouldn't mind this speech if I were a parent, but I can't be 100% sure on that because I'm not one.

At the end of the day though, my opinion as of now is that I don't think any harm or good will come from this. It's pretty pointless to me, in fact. Like anything he will say will inspire kids to be better; that's not going to happen. Some kids will listen, others will sleep, others will text, etc. But no one's life is going to be changed because of a speech, no matter who it's from. So, no... I have zero problem with this, but at the same time, I do think it's pointless.
I for one would have felt honored if the President would have talked to me and my fellow classmates. It would have been cool to know that he was personally taking an interest in our education and that the education of the future leaders of this country was important to him. So I feel that is really cool that he wants to personally address students across the nation to offer his hopes and dreams that they do their best, finish school and go on to bigger and better things. I highly doubt he is going to push his healthcare agenda at all or any over agenda for that matter. He is just wanting to take a more personal approach to handling the education reform this country so badly needs. What's wrong with that? Nothing I tell you, it's about time a President paid more attention to the students of this nation, I commend him for it.

I also find it extremely sad that he can not give his speech, without the republicans throwig a fit, trying to say that he is using this speech to push his views on our children. It's pathetic and appalling that a simple speech to our children has to be turned into a political attack of the republican party by our President... how the republicans can even get that thought process from a educational speech is asinine. Screw politics and bi-partism for once and step back and let our President say a few motivational words to the students. Really this is not the time or place for people to climb up on their soapboxes and preach their views. The republicans are going exactly what they say the President is doing, filthy hypocrites. Bi-partisan politics was the worst thing to happen to this country and it is being proven even more so by this.
Someone else a long time ago gave speeches to kids. He had political views very similar to some of obamas czars. Anyone know who I'm refering to? Alot of libs called bush this guys name. Anyone know? I'm not going to type it I'll get banned.

No other president has done this and the libs would have as big a fit as the republicans are if Bush had tried it. The schools need to teach the kids to READ & Write not have them listen to political propaganda from either side.

I don't think it was the repubs who started this outcry, it was the parents of the students and the repubs just latched on. If obama was just going to say stay in school how come he had worksheets and other stuff for the teaches to discuss with the kids after?
I am absolutely disgusted with the uproar over the speech. In my school district, teachers have been banned from showing it on Tuesday. My government teacher is going to show us it anyway, but on Wednesday.

It's a speech, given by the man who runs the country, about how student should stay in school and do things right. How is this a bad thing? He's not going to "indoctrinate" anyone!

I'm pretty sure things like this have been done in the past, and I don't remember any insane furor over it. It's completely ridiculous.
If it's just an innocent stay in school speech what differance does it make when you see it?
If it's just an innocent stay in school speech what differance does it make when you see it?
With that logic, why should it be prohibited?

I've yet to see ONE reason why PUBLIC school districts, which receive money from the federal government, should be banning the President of the United States from their classrooms. The best I can tell, the only reason these things are being banned are based upon personal politics. And I find it appalling that personal politics are being used to censor material to help children...especially when it is the President of the United States being censored.

There are people pissed off about the President talking to kids because they think he's going to push socialism on them? Seriously? WOW. Ok, where to begin with why this is stupid.

They're kids. Do you think they're going to know what socialism is? Let's say they do. Do you think they're going to care? I don't know how old these kids are going to be, but I know this much. If i were them, he could sing Pop Goes the Weasel and it would be cool. Like him or not, that man is the most powerful man in the world and in the most elite club of all time: the Presidents of the United States. I'd love to meet any of them, even if I didn't agree with them. That's the kind of moment that you never forget. Screw any politician that wants to take this away from kids.

Second, how stupid do Republicans think Obama is? Ok, let's say for argument's sake he's going to talk about socialism. Do they think that he's going to get away with it? yes he would and do you know why? HE IS THE PRESIDENT. Is there a law against telling children what he thinks? Not that I know of. he would get blasted in the media because of it, but people that hate Obama are going to do that anyway, so what difference does it make?

Third, are you kidding me? Seriously I can't believe this is even an issue. It's the President talking to kids about education. Is that really a sign of the apocalypse or something? This right here is why I can't stand adults and it scares me every day that I move closer to truly being one: they have to make it about themselves. This should be an amazing moment for the kids. They could get to meet the President of the United States. But no. instead, it's about the adults and their agendas and how they don't like or do like national politics. This is just flat out sad all around.
I'm not going to say he has a master plan on pushing crap into the ears of every child in America, but what is really going to come out of this speech? "Stay in school", that goes in and out of a child's head. I really don't like Obama, at all, I'm not really optimistic about how his presidency will turn out, but I have to assume it will be more than the usually jazz "Stay in school, don't do drugs, blah blah" that nobody listens to. He's smarter than that.

I'll repeat that I do NOT believe he will flat out brain-wash the children with liberal-rhetoric, but I do think he'll drop a bomb shell on the educational system. Is it unfounded? Mostly, but there has been talks for years about overhauls in the system, and almost every release on the topic sings something to the tune of that- toughening the schools and decreasing drop-out rates. Where some people can be concerned with that is simply Obama spreading ideals through just THAT message.

It all remains to be seen, I'll keep an open mind, but I'm not optimistic about many things that Obama is tied into, though.
I'm a Republican and I couldn't care less.

Obama gives lots and lots of speeches. This is just one more. I really see no point in making an issue out of him giving ONE more. I do think that if parents want to opt out of viewing the speech, then that's fine. But just DOING the speech?

This just in... wait. Yes. Its confirmed. The leader of the country wants to address its citizens in a public form.

Give me a break. Long as he stays on topic, I couldn't care less.

Unless.. you know.. he starts handing out condoms or sumthin'.
"Write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president."

That is fucking SCARY. I don't care if they changed it later. They changed it because they got called out on it. Obama is continuing to try and brainwash the young and sooner or later we're gonna have another Hitler Youth on our hands.

We can really only wait and see what he actually says Tuesday (and I'm sure it will now be toned down if not completely changed) but from what we know about his original plans, it's certainly cause for alarm. I mean can you imagine if Bush had such plans? I really can't. I seriously can't imagine the uproar it would have caused.

Obama just keeps revealing more and more of the wolf skin under his sheep's clothing.
"Write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president."

That is fucking SCARY. I don't care if they changed it later. They changed it because they got called out on it. Obama is continuing to try and brainwash the young and sooner or later we're gonna have another Hitler Youth on our hands.

Hitler Youth..did you REALLY just say that? Really?

... :twak:

I haven't been a big fan of his tenure thus far either, but to compare the man to Hitler...absolutely ridiculous. Wanting to encourage children to learn about politics isn't comparable to genocide, now is it?

As for the hooplah over this...I don't see the big deal. It's rather sad that the Republicans have done the usual partisan bitching that they always do.
Hitler Youth..did you REALLY just say that? Really?

... :twak:

I haven't been a big fan of his tenure thus far either, but to compare the man to Hitler...absolutely ridiculous. Wanting to encourage children to learn about politics isn't comparable to genocide, now is it?

As for the hooplah over this...I don't see the big deal. It's rather sad that the Republicans have done the usual partisan bitching that they always do.

I compared one aspect of his political prowess to Hitler. I'm not saying he's killed any Jews. Sorry for the confusion.

And it's not only Republicans taking issue with this. I, for one, am not alligned with any party and was certainly no fan of Bush. But Obama is fucking scary.
Yeah, I'm about to shock the world here. I think every President should address kids every year. I think there should be a state of the union speech for school children after every state of the union. If the leaders of this country, no matter the party, are going to continue to run up massive deficits that the children, the ones in school right now, are going to have to pay, then I think that President of the United States should have to justify why they are spending that money, and provide the benefits in an easy to understand message.

I don't think Obama was going to push socialism on kids. I do, however, think that the idea of writing a letter to yourself about how best to serve the President is a stupid ass statement. We don't fucking serve him. He serves us. The President, Congress, Postmaster General, and Fruit Content in Jelly Czar work for us. Their job is to best serve the people. Combining the idea of "serving the President" with the ludicrous PSA, seen here....

just seems a bit off to me. He wants us to pledge to follow every step of his agenda without question. By using Ashton Kutcher to pass this message, he more easily influences kids. It's almost as if he's using celebrities to tell us to stop questioning the government and let them do as they please. Not only that, he wants us to help him.

Anyway, that was a bit off topic. As far as the speech to kids goes, yeah, he should do it. Bush 41 got a lot of shit for it, but in all reality, I think it should be an obligation, complete with opposite party comments afterward.
Obama has said "I want to have a national security force as powerful and well funded has the military" inside the country. Hitler didn't start out putting jews in ovens but what he did before allowed him to get powerful enough to get away with it.

" I peldge to be a SERVANT to our president"? wtf!!!!!! whoa.

Here's my pledge: I pledge to fight obama on EVERYTHING he is trying to do that I disagree with.

Obama has said "I want to have a national security force as powerful and well funded has the military" inside the country. Hitler didn't start out putting jews in ovens but what he did before allowed him to get powerful enough to get away with it.

" I peldge to be a SERVANT to our president"? wtf!!!!!! whoa.

Here's my pledge: I pledge to fight obama on EVERYTHING he is trying to do that I disagree with.


Exactly. Obama and Hitler DO have things in common. Both are/were very charismatic speakers. Both put a big focus on getting the youth on their side. Both were looked at as "saviors" for thier country at one time. Comparing the two completely valid and frightening.
Exactly. Obama and Hitler DO have things in common. Both are/were very charismatic speakers. Both put a big focus on getting the youth on their side. Both were looked at as "saviors" for thier country at one time. Comparing the two completely valid and frightening.

You cannot be serious. You'd be hard pressed to find a world leader that wasn't a charismatic speaker. Was FDR similar to Hitler? JFK? Abraham Lincoln? Tony Blair? Francois Mitterand? You're basically saying that the fact that they are both politicians is frightening.

Hitler did not "put a big focus on getting the youth on his side" by writing speeches, he made it a legal requirement them to join the Hitler Youth. Hitler killed his political opponents, stopped elections and started to do things he was forbidden by international law all within a year of coming into power. I sincerely suggest that you pick up a history book before you start making offensive comparisons.

As for the matter at hand, I agree with FTS, actually. Kids are the future of the country and if your youth are as switched off to politics as ours, then this can only be a good thing. It doesn't matter what he says, as very few will take it in, but the idea that the President is interested in kids means that the kids are more likley to care aout politics.

There seems to be a morbid tendancy in the US that progress must be hampered at all costs. There can be no consensus on anything and the parties must hae differing viewpoints at all costs. Personally, I think this is borne from the fact that the two are so similar now that they overcompensate. This would be the same if it was the other way around, which says it all really.
Exactly. Obama and Hitler DO have things in common. Both are/were very charismatic speakers. Both put a big focus on getting the youth on their side. Both were looked at as "saviors" for thier country at one time. Comparing the two completely valid and frightening.
So was Jesus Christ. :shrug: Hell, he called himself a savior, his preaching has led to the deaths of MILLIONS of people over the years, has started many wars, and he was delusional enough to call himself part divine.

I mean, if we're going to paint with such broad generalities, then let's paint for real. Are you telling me then, that you are not a fan of Jesus Christ? Even if you don't believe the religious nature of his mythology, you certainly can appreciate the message of peace and tolerance he preached, right? But, according to you, Jesus Christ and Adolf Hitler were the same person.

How's THAT for scary?

You cannot be serious. You'd be hard pressed to find a world leader that wasn't a charismatic speaker. Was FDR similar to Hitler? JFK? Abraham Lincoln? Tony Blair? Francois Mitterand? You're basically saying that the fact that they are both politicians is frightening.
That and he's saying that since Obama is black, that's scary too. After all, the fact that Obama is a black Democrat is easily one of the reasons he's been pegged as a socialist. Nevermind the fact that socialism is actually more of an economic system than a governmental system...we have people to scare!

This would be the same if it was the other way around, which says it all really.
Agreed. And how sad is it that these old rich bastards would rather make more money than try and do something positive for children.
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Way to bring race and religion into a discussion that had nothing to do with either.

I don't care that obama is black, my pick the last 3 elections was a black repub who I think would be a great role model and leader.

I oppose obama because of what he is doing and saying not because he's black.
Sorry i did not see the thread already posted on this may a moderator please merge it:blush:

On Tuesday our President Barrack Obama will talk to all public school children about such things as good grades and staying in school.

Of course all Republicans are up in arms about A democrat promoting "propaganda" to our kids. Yes He will talk about staying in school how dare he. All kids were given a paper which when signed by a parent they will not have to sit and watch the speech. Many are trying to make a "Political Statement" by not watching the speech.

First lets not insult our Intelligence (sorry about the wrestling line) we know most of the people my age do not care or do not know anything at all about what goes on in this country. They consider themselves Democrat or Republican based on what there parents have drilled into there heads. Basically they label themselves in the same way a child is labeled Christian Muslim or Jewish based on what there parents are. But enough on my rant i would like to ask every one a question.

Are we that politically opposed to each other that when a Person tries to promote good values such as staying in school or college we are actually mad at each other? What do you think about all this?
The people making a big deal out of this were afraid it was not going to simple be a stay in school, have a great year speech. Guess what? IT WASN'T!! The department of education had sent every school a lesson plan to discuss with the kids after the speech.
The doe isn't supposed to do that. I know 2 of the questions were " what can you do to help the president? and How does the president inspire you?"

A simple stay in school speech doesn't need a lesson plan.

Some parents were afraid the speech would be about global warming, health care and other politacl things that kids shouldn't worry about.

Little johnny do you like polar bears? well, your moomies suv is killing them, go home and tell your mommy to buy a smaller car.
Look around your classroom today kids, by the time you graduatehalf your classmates will be dead because they don't have healthcare. tell your parents to call those evil republicans and demand that we provide everyone with healthcare.

Thats what some people thought the speech was going to be. Maybe it was, maybe not.

Why the lesson plan?
You cannot be serious. You'd be hard pressed to find a world leader that wasn't a charismatic speaker.

George W. Bush.

Wow, that wasn't hard at all.

So was Jesus Christ. :shrug: Hell, he called himself a savior, his preaching has led to the deaths of MILLIONS of people over the years, has started many wars, and he was delusional enough to call himself part divine.

I mean, if we're going to paint with such broad generalities, then let's paint for real. Are you telling me then, that you are not a fan of Jesus Christ?

Yes, I am telling you that.

Way to bring race and religion into a discussion that had nothing to do with either.

I don't care that obama is black, my pick the last 3 elections was a black repub who I think would be a great role model and leader.

I oppose obama because of what he is doing and saying not because he's black.

I know, I love how anytime anyone says something negative about Obama, it's because they're "racist".

But all the Democrats that criticized Condoleezza Rice weren't. They weren't sexist either (neither are all the Hilary haters).

And I guess we're supposed to pretend Obama isn't half-White...or do people actually not know that? I wouldn't be surprised. :disappointed:
The people making a big deal out of this were afraid it was not going to simple be a stay in school, have a great year speech. Guess what? IT WASN'T!! The department of education had sent every school a lesson plan to discuss with the kids after the speech.
The doe isn't supposed to do that. I know 2 of the questions were " what can you do to help the president? and How does the president inspire you?"

It is actually beyond belief that there are people that are stupid enough to think that those questions are in any way, shape or form loaded. Clearly, the president whoever it is has an inspirational afigure and a role model, hence the "how does he inspire me". To stay in fucking school, that's how. Secondly, "what can you do to help your president", while badly worded, obviously means what can you do to make this country better. "A shite sight more than the current politicians and media" being the correct answer.
A simple stay in school speech doesn't need a lesson plan.

Do you know anything about children and education at all? Remember when teachers just spoke at their students for 13 years and then at the end they left school. No, because that never happened. To know a child has taken things in, and to help them to take them in you give them follow up work to what they began with.
Some parents were afraid the speech would be about global warming, health care and other politacl things that kids shouldn't worry about.

This is wrong two times over. Firstly, this is a completely fabricated thing, with no evidence to suggest he was ever going to say that. Secondly, you think things like global warming and healthcare issues don't affect kids? Their parents are doing fuck all about said issues, it would be nice to think that there would be a higher percentage of Americans in the next generation that actually take a look outside their windows.

Little johnny do you like polar bears? well, your moomies suv is killing them, go home and tell your mommy to buy a smaller car.
Look around your classroom today kids, by the time you graduatehalf your classmates will be dead because they don't have healthcare. tell your parents to call those evil republicans and demand that we provide everyone with healthcare.

Yes. This is an entirely legal statement to make, and I'm sure Obama would make it.
Thats what some people thought the speech was going to be. Maybe it was, maybe not.

Every single one of "those people" is a moron.

Why the lesson plan?

Seriously, school. Have you ever been there?

George W. Bush.

Wow, that wasn't hard at all.

Oh he did a bad with his words, he obviously isn't charismatic. Have you ever wondered why Bush beat a man that was clearly better suited to the job? The terms Bush uses "insurgency", "war on terror" have come into our everyday language, because he instilled them into our minds. By no means was Bush a great leader, or one of the worlds great speechwriters, but he managed to convince your government into two wars that it was ill equipped to win and in the case of one had very loose reasoning. If being able to convince people that what you are doing is the right thing, when it really isn't, isn't being charismatic, than I don't know what is. Nice try though. You could have said John Major, I suppose. Still, maybe I should have said "influential" world leaders.

Yes, I am telling you that.

So you are saying a man that preached tolerance, peace and to love thy fellow man is the same thing as Hitler. There's no religious element required, Jesus was a historical figure that did those things.

I know, I love how anytime anyone says something negative about Obama, it's because they're "racist".

Well, its hard to justify why they are saying it otherwise. It seems the man can't do anything without being "sneaky" or "deceitful".
But all the Democrats that criticized Condoleezza Rice weren't. They weren't sexist either (neither are all the Hilary haters).

Because most of the criticisms levelled at them are legitimate. If you said "there's little substance to what Obama says and the change he preaches is so loosely defined that it is actually very hollow." Then I'm sure people wouldn't call you racist. If you compare him to Hitler, for literally no reason, then its hard to justify it for any other reason but racism.

And I guess we're supposed to pretend Obama isn't half-White...or do people actually not know that? I wouldn't be surprised. :disappointed:

Yes, because he's half white, you can't be racist to them. How about you go back to the 1960s and tell Martin Luther King that it isn't racist for the white man to make the mixed race people stay at the back of the bus, because their half white.
I guess it was ok to call bush hitler, but all I did was say that obama and hitler both gave speeches to kids I'm a racist. OK.

If critisze obama by saying there is "very little substsnce to what obama says........" is ok, but if I say I disagree with something he says or a specific policy, I'm racist. OK

I guess I need to go to camp and learn to love the dear leader.

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