Those Brilliant Republicans

I'm actually asking, not being rhetorical, but why doesn't this count as Obama's birth certificate? The original, not this scan, has been verified by just about everyone, it would appear.

The Obama birth thing is a dead thing, let it stay dead.
It's the receipt for what Hank Johnson and Jimmy Carter said the day before. Stupidity lives and thrives on both sides. That's why I remain a moderate, because alligning yourself with either side at this point is mind boggling.
One good thing.

So you admit you were wrong then.

Local issue, not his job. If he wants to do this, he should be establishing special crime programs in all urban areas.

...Yeah, because it's not like crime has been horrendous in New Orleans. It's not like they had a hurricane that wiped out their city or anything. :rolleyes:

Continuing Bush's work.

Your point? Obama is helping to rebuild schools. That's a good thing. You were wrong.

Fail to see how paying people not to contribute to the economy is a good thing.

Wow. Apparently you know absolutely nothing about Americorps, as it's one of the best programs available to youth today.

I couldn't care less about this.

You should. Fighting corruption is definitely a good thing.

This is him pissing on the Constitution. The decisions of the Judicial Branch can't be overturned by the President, no matter how good of a speech he gives.

So, let me get this straight, employer discrimination is something we should uphold now? Yeah. That makes sense. Yay for discrimination!

Bush passed $10B in funding in 2001 in this area. Does he get some credit from you?

Sure. Does Obama get credit from you?

Because AmTrak is run so well.....

I fail to see how investing in more efficient public transportation is a bad thing.

Or lower taxes and then the people dependent upon it can buy cars.

Public transportation as opposed to everyone owning their own car is CLEARLY the better choice. Less cars on the road, less pollution, less gas being sucked up. There's really no way you can spin this as a bad thing.

Two good things.

So you again admit you were wrong?

Yeah, this is the money that went to ACORN. Thanks for bringing that up.

Except most of the money went to health centers. Not ACORN. Damn that Commie Obama, helping improve community health centers...what' a dick.

Merely a formality. The ADA far exceeds the UN.


So? I don't see why we need to bend over backward for them. Has he been to a synagogue?

Are we at war with Jewish extremists? No we sure as fuck are not. But we are at war with Islamic extremists. Stop with the bullshit excuses.

That was a promise to try and swing some votes from the Cuban population who always vote Republican. I question his intentions here.

Who gives a shit about his intentions? The fact is that he's started to lift some of the restrictions on Cuba, something we should have done years and years ago.

Except his birth certificate.

I will lose a lot of respect for you if you continue with THAT hunk of bullshit.

You do know what a Certificate of Live Birth is, right?

On his first day in office, Obama fulfilled a promise to roll back some Bush administration restrictions on presidential records. He signed an executive order that restored a 30-day time frame for former presidents to review records before they are released. It also eliminated the right for the vice president or family members of former presidents to do the reviews.

If this sounds familiar, it may be because we covered this issue during the Democratic primary. It became a controversy because restrictions put into place under Bush potentially delayed the release of records from Hillary Clinton's time as first lady.

Here's how the release of presidential papers generally works: When a president leaves office, the records of his administration go to the National Archives. After five years, the records are subject to public records requests under the Freedom of Information Act. Professional archivists determine which records should be publicly available, and the current and former presidents have the right to review them as well. The former president is given seven years to claim exemptions for his entire White House archive under the Presidential Records Act of 1978.

Under the FOIA and the Presidential Records Act, exemptions include matters of national security and national defense; invasions of personal privacy such as personnel or medical records; federal appointments; proprietary commercial or financial information; and confidential communications between the president and his advisers.

It used to be that former presidents had to claim an exemption within 30 days of receiving them. But Bush signed an excutive order in 2001 that did away with the timeline, giving former presidents the right to review every document no matter how long it took them.

In the event of a former president's death or disability, it gave the former president the right to designate his family to review records. It also gave the vice president the right to review records.

Obama's executive order, signed Jan. 21, 2009, restored the 30-day time frame for former presidents, and it removed additional review rights for the vice president or the family members of former presidents.

Groups that advocate for open government praised Obama's order.

"It brings us back to the original concept of the Presidential Records Act," said Meredith Fuchs, general counsel for the National Security Archive, an independent nongovernmental research institute affiliated with George Washington University.

We asked Fuchs whether the public should expect changes to archives with each new presidential administration.

"I think Congress should legislate here," she said. "This is not the kind of thing that should change back and forth every time there’s a new president with a new philosophy on transparency."

There is federal legislation that has passed the House that would codify the changes Obama made through executive order, she said, and Obama said he would support it. As of this writing, it still needed to pass in the Senate.

"The truth is, every government bureaucracy has the potential to become secretive and cover up what it’s doing," Fuchs said. "That could happen with this administration or any other administration."

In the meantime, Obama signed the executive order as promised. Promise Kept.


White House, Obama executive order on presidential records , Jan. 21, 2009

Government Printing Office, Bush executive order on presidential records , Nov. 1, 2001

Thomas, HR35 .

National Security Archive, statement on Obama executive orders , Jan. 21. 2009

And I'm sure that Dan Rooney's qualifications as owner of the Steelers is all that got him the position of fucking Ambassador to Ireland. It had nothing to do with contributions, support, and events.

Are you REALLY arguing that fighting corruption is a bad thing? Really?

Fine, you got me, four good things. Whoopty fucking doo.

Quite a bit more than four.

OK, he's done more bad than good. Better now? He sucks, get over it. And stop taking that superior tone with me. It's not becoming.

Lol, I'M the one with the superior tone? You're the one sitting here refusing to acknowledge anything Obama has done, being so blatantly partisan and biased it's actually laughable. Obama has done some good things in office. You've ADMITTED this. No one is calling him our fucking savior, but to pretend he's done nothing is simply bullshit.
Democrats are power hungry liars with no right to try to pass half of the legislation they are trying to pass. The stupid fucking liberal senator from bumfucking Montana thinks he can fine people for choosing to not have health insurance.

So, before you get on Republicans, remember Democrats are pretty fucking stupid too.
our whole government is pretty fucking stupid most of the time.
Another lefty talking point. Everything was fine until the libs won congress. In 2006 the Dow was at an all time high, home ownership was at an all time high, the banks were fine, and in early 2007, new regulation were put on the banks, and everything started crashing.
I'm sorry, I have no plans to get in this squabble, but FTS this is just beyond absurd, if you really mean what you are implying here.

As for the debate, I think most of you have it wrong. This isn't a Republicans vs. Democrats thing, it's a Raw vs. Smackdown thing. You see, the two parties pretend to fight it out and squabble, but at the end of the day, they do so only to line their pockets with money.

The only real losers are the American public who have basically have their freedom to vote completely undermined.
I'm sorry, I have no plans to get in this squabble, but FTS this is just beyond absurd, if you really mean what you are implying here.

As for the debate, I think most of you have it wrong. This isn't a Republicans vs. Democrats thing, it's a Raw vs. Smackdown thing. You see, the two parties pretend to fight it out and squabble, but at the end of the day, they do so only to line their pockets with money.

The only real losers are the American public who have basically have their freedom to vote completely undermined.

As usual Sly comes along and imparts a nugget of wisdom upon us.

As I said before...

Fuck Republicans and Fuck Democrats.
Democracy is bullshit. Seriously. It ends up going one of two ways, no change and constant unproductive slagging off the opposition, as happens in the US and France, or parties becoming so similar that you are basically voting on if you prefer red or blue, as in the UK.
Obviously, both Parties have their own set of special interests. But realistically speaking, you have to pick one or the other, because there is no chance in Hell that our 2 Party system is going away. Not a chance.

With that being said, the Republicans have done so much damage to this country under President Bush, and still continuing to do damage today in trying to kill Health Care Reform in this country. It is sad to see the Health Care Industry lining their pockets to the extent that has been, that they outright lie about disabled children being at risk, older people being put to death, and the like.

These protests around the country are an embarrassment to this country, as it is absolutely stoked and fueled by Racism. And I can safely say that because if Hillary Clinton was in there pushing for Health Care Reform, you may have seen some protesting .... but it would have contained nowhere near the hatred and vitriol that these protests we've seen today do.

But that is what happens when the Christian White .... I mean ... Right senses they are losing power and influence in the country.
So you admit you were wrong then.

I admit I overstated his incompetence. I still don't like him.

...Yeah, because it's not like crime has been horrendous in New Orleans. It's not like they had a hurricane that wiped out their city or anything. :rolleyes:

But, crime is terrible in Houston, DC is a dangerous place, and what is the federal government doing about it? Nothing. Rudy Giulliani cut the crime rate in New York City in half and cleaned up the city, and he did so without government aid. If Obama would leave the local politics to local governments, we would all be better off. This is my problem with Democratic politics. They micromanage, and there is no need for that when there are overarching domesitc and foreign policy concerns. No matter is we blame the Republican administration or the Democratic congress, there is a mess to clean up. New Orleans crime policy is like cleaning the fridge when the house is on fire.

Your point? Obama is helping to rebuild schools. That's a good thing. You were wrong.

All I'm saying is that not stopping what the previous administration started isn't exactly a proactive response to a problem.

Wow. Apparently you know absolutely nothing about Americorps, as it's one of the best programs available to youth today.

Enlighten me.

You should. Fighting corruption is definitely a good thing.

Explain to me how this does? If someone is corrupt, they will accept the gift discreetly and still influence the change they were paid for. A new coat of paint doesn't fix holes in the wall.

So, let me get this straight, employer discrimination is something we should uphold now? Yeah. That makes sense. Yay for discrimination!

This is a weak argument. The Consitution expressly forbids the executive branch from meddling in high court proceedings. In fact, there is no avenue for him to do so. I don't know what he has done to overturn the decision, but he can't do it without wiping his ass with the Consitution. And furthermore, shouldn't we be a bit concerned with a President who's grasp of middle school social studies is so lacking that he thinks he alone can overturn Supreme Court rulings?

Sure. Does Obama get credit from you?


I fail to see how investing in more efficient public transportation is a bad thing.

Because it's another mismanaged government industry. Throwing more money at it doesn't fix the fundamental inefficiencies, and, in fact, it encourages more. The cities need more buses and hires more dispatchers.

Public transportation as opposed to everyone owning their own car is CLEARLY the better choice. Less cars on the road, less pollution, less gas being sucked up. There's really no way you can spin this as a bad thing.

But I tried.

So you again admit you were wrong?


Except most of the money went to health centers. Not ACORN. Damn that Commie Obama, helping improve community health centers...what' a dick.

Yeah, dick is a good word for him.

Fine, any endorsement of the UN is an endorsement of the world of corruption they have reaped. From oil for food to their failure to stop genocide, the UN is the most impotent body since the inception of Viagra, and I see no need to participate in it, much less endorse their weak and wildly inefficient charters. We don't sign UN charters because they are worth about as much as toilet paper. The rights and protections in the US far exceed that which is called for in those charters. So, Mr. President, thank you for signing that charter and telling the world that the example we set in taking care of the disabled is too much, and that we fell you should just follow what the UN says. Whoo fucking hoo.

Are we at war with Jewish extremists? No we sure as fuck are not. But we are at war with Islamic extremists. Stop with the bullshit excuses.

So, whya re we apologizing to Muslims? Yes, they had a little rough treatment after 9/11, but frankly, as a community, they could have done more to help. If a bunch of Jews were terrorizing the nation, and I knew who they were and how to find them, I would come forward. Why hasn't the Muslim community? If you want to repair the public perception of your people, then you should be the ones turning over extremists left and right. They should be bending over backwards to help us.

It is shameful the way the people were treated, but at the time, everyone was fueled by paranoia and fear. It's not like we put them in internment camps or tore them from their homes. Their communities and mosques were under surveillance, because, GASP!, that's were the attacks were planned and financed.

Who gives a shit about his intentions? The fact is that he's started to lift some of the restrictions on Cuba, something we should have done years and years ago.

I'm not sure Kennedy ever should have embargoed them in the first place. But, beyond that, why limit the exchange of money and visitation, and not just life the embargo and travel restrictions? It seems to me like he's trying to pander and not piss anyone off. I think Cuba is the most real example of all or nothing we have to deal with. If we lift the embargo, the people of Cuba would no longer be poor. Tourism to the beautiful island paradise would enrich the entire island within a decade. So, yes, I do like that he is trying to open up the nation, but why not open it up completely? We aren't at war with the Communists anymore.

I will lose a lot of respect for you if you continue with THAT hunk of bullshit.

You do know what a Certificate of Live Birth is, right?

Yeah, I never saw that. You win this one.

Are you REALLY arguing that fighting corruption is a bad thing? Really?

Nope, I just wish he was.

Quite a bit more than four.

But nothing landmark. Should we examine the bad? How about the refusal of the federal government to pay car dealers their $4500 per car for cash for clunkers? Dealers need to replenish their lots, but can't because the feds are holding out. Sending that money would fill up lots, and increase orders, which would open up employment in Detroit. Instead they sit on their asses, leaving UAW workers unemployed (which, by the way makes them dependent upon the government, and more likely to vote for the party that GIVES them more next year) instead of putting them to work, which still remains a promise unfulfilled.

Lol, I'M the one with the superior tone? You're the one sitting here refusing to acknowledge anything Obama has done, being so blatantly partisan and biased it's actually laughable. Obama has done some good things in office. You've ADMITTED this. No one is calling him our fucking savior, but to pretend he's done nothing is simply bullshit.

I didn't say he's done nothing. He's done plenty of harm.

And I'm so blatantly partisan right now because this thread is nothing but an attack on Republicans. If this was the government is shit thread, I would be the first to praise Bill Clinton, the ultimate libertarian, but this thread calls for me to do some Obama bashing, because frankly, he sucks.

Man, old Metalica is the shit. Going on an 80's and 90's power rock kick for a little while.

I'm sorry, I have no plans to get in this squabble, but FTS this is just beyond absurd, if you really mean what you are implying here.

I'm an economic analyst. The economy's growth was slowing, but was still growing when the Dems took control of congress. It was manageable depreciation until suddenly the bottom dropped out.

As for the debate, I think most of you have it wrong. This isn't a Republicans vs. Democrats thing, it's a Raw vs. Smackdown thing. You see, the two parties pretend to fight it out and squabble, but at the end of the day, they do so only to line their pockets with money.

The only real losers are the American public who have basically have their freedom to vote completely undermined.[/QUOTE]

The American people allowed themselves to be captivated by a young charismatic leader promising change, and got this guy. I am for a UK parliamentary system right now more than ever before.

There are no candidates with all the answers. There are no politicians who could really change America in the Presidency anymore. If someone says Ron Paul is that guy, my head is going to explode.

As usual Sly comes along and imparts a nugget of wisdom upon us.

As I said before...

Fuck Republicans and Fuck Democrats.

But, we can't just say fuck the parties. Debates like this, hopefully, will spark the changes in the parties that we need to make a real difference in 2010 and 2012. I think we can all agree that something needs to be done to eliminate the bickering between the parties. We need a uniter, but all that wins elections is divisiveness.

We need someone who espouses the true economic views of the Republican party, the real Republicans, and the social values of a moderately left society, focused on forgiveness and progressive social values. A true libertarian, but unfortunately Reagan is dead and Clinton can't have his babies.
Obviously, both Parties have their own set of special interests. But realistically speaking, you have to pick one or the other, because there is no chance in Hell that our 2 Party system is going away. Not a chance.

I am with you at this point, but I have a feeling that is about to change.

With that being said, the Republicans have done so much damage to this country under President Bush, and still continuing to do damage today in trying to kill Health Care Reform in this country. It is sad to see the Health Care Industry lining their pockets to the extent that has been, that they outright lie about disabled children being at risk, older people being put to death, and the like.

No one said we were going to wheel disabled kids to gas chambers. It is the inefficiency of the government in approving treatment that is detrimental to disabled kids. Read what I wrote about the experiences I've had dealing with government healthcare with my father. Adding more people to the plan isn't going to make it more efficient.

And since when is a company trying to make a profit a bad thing? No one says a word about telecom and computer companies making 200% profit every year. Isn't communication and internet access an essential right too? Why not take control of those industries? Oh, because they endorese Democrats, so they are free to practice restriction free. This is another reason that I prefer Clinton to other dems. He went after Microsoft, despite their huge contributions to him.

These protests around the country are an embarrassment to this country, as it is absolutely stoked and fueled by Racism.

I would love for you to prove this.

And I can safely say that because if Hillary Clinton was in there pushing for Health Care Reform, you may have seen some protesting .... but it would have contained nowhere near the hatred and vitriol that these protests we've seen today do.

Are you fucking kidding me? Hillary Clinton did push government health care under her husband's adminstration and caused the American people to elect the first Republican congress in two decades out the outright hatred of the idea. :lmao: How soon we forget.

And, I find it funny that when the right protests it's out of racism and when the left protests it's out of necessity. The tables are turned dumbass. It's out turn to protest, and at least we aren't firebombing building like the left does. At least we're protesting something real instead of global warming. This is the worst argument I hear. It's not fucking racism, we're protesting idiocy.

But that is what happens when the Christian White .... I mean ... Right senses they are losing power and influence in the country.

Short memories make for bad presentations. How soon we forget.
I'm an economic analyst. The economy's growth was slowing, but was still growing when the Dems took control of congress. It was manageable depreciation until suddenly the bottom dropped out.
I don't give a fuck what you are, trying to blame what happened over the last couple years on the Democrats taking Congress in 2006 is nothing but blind party loyalty. Are you really suggesting that if the Republicans had the same majority the Dems had, then it wouldn't have happened? And what about the recession back around 2002-2003? Please tell us how that was the fault of the Democrats as well

The American people allowed themselves to be captivated by a young charismatic leader promising change, and got this guy.
And in 2000, the American people voted for a man who ran as a moral Christian, who turned out to be for the death of innocent people in unjustified wars, and who apparently condones torture and an usurping of our American Constitution.

What's your point? At least our current President is TRYING to stick to his slogan of change. Regardless of whether you agree with the change or not, at least he's trying change. At this point, I think most of us can agree that President George W. Bush was far from a "moral" man.

There are no candidates with all the answers.
Sure there are. Maybe not all the answers, but at least some of them. The problem is these people don't get a chance to be President, and the ones who do have the chance are more worried about doing what it takes to secure their own financial future.

But, we can't just say fuck the parties. Debates like this, hopefully, will spark the changes in the parties that we need to make a real difference in 2010 and 2012. I think we can all agree that something needs to be done to eliminate the bickering between the parties. We need a uniter, but all that wins elections is divisiveness.
We don't need united parties, we need more parties, with more ideas and more power. Why? Because Americans need a REAL choice, not just picking between two men based upon their age, skin color, or perceived religion.

I mean, think about it...were those not the major themes of the last election for a good number of voters? How sad is it that we don't actually have a choice of political views, and have to rely on things like age, skin color and religion?

We need someone who espouses the true economic views of the Republican party, the real Republicans, and the social values of a moderately left society, focused on forgiveness and progressive social values. A true libertarian, but unfortunately Reagan is dead and Clinton can't have his babies.
Hell, what IS a "real" Republican anymore? What's a "real" Democrat anymore? At this point, do we even HAVE "real" anything? Basically, we get the moderates, because of the people who don't align themselves with an R or D, generally fall in the moderate category. And since all candidates get their Rs or Ds automatically, they have to sway the both candidates are generally going to fall in between a Republican and Democrat.
I don't give a fuck what you are, trying to blame what happened over the last couple years on the Democrats taking Congress in 2006 is nothing but blind party loyalty. Are you really suggesting that if the Republicans had the same majority the Dems had, then it wouldn't have happened? And what about the recession back around 2002-2003? Please tell us how that was the fault of the Democrats as well

1. A recession is two consecutive period of negative growth. That didn't happen in 2002. It was a brief slowdown, that picked right up imeediately after.

2. Yes, I am saying that there wouldn't have as precipitous of a drop if the right would have stayed in power.

And in 2000, the American people voted for a man who ran as a moral Christian, who turned out to be for the death of innocent people in unjustified wars, and who apparently condones torture and an usurping of our American Constitution.

And in 2008, they voted for a man who is trying to consolodate all economic and social power in his office, condones sojourns into our allies soverign territory, and likes to go back on promises, like not investigating Bush era CIA agents, and like usurping the Constitution, just the enumerated powers parts instead of the bill of rights. Can we agree that they both suck ass?

What's your point? At least our current President is TRYING to stick to his slogan of change. Regardless of whether you agree with the change or not, at least he's trying change. At this point, I think most of us can agree that President George W. Bush was far from a "moral" man.

I don't see why change is automatically good. Shitty domestic policy instead of shitty foreign policy is not change I can believe in.

Sure there are. Maybe not all the answers, but at least some of them. The problem is these people don't get a chance to be President, and the ones who do have the chance are more worried about doing what it takes to secure their own financial future.

Then join me in voting Huckabee and saving billions by eliminating the IRS, and producing revenue based on what is consumed instead of taxing earnings, which creates a huge burden for the lower incomes.

We don't need united parties, we need more parties, with more ideas and more power. Why? Because Americans need a REAL choice, not just picking between two men based upon their age, skin color, or perceived religion.

Then join me in trying to empower the libertarian party. I would vote for their candidate if they would actually run a libertarian instead of Bob fucking Barr.

I mean, think about it...were those not the major themes of the last election for a good number of voters? How sad is it that we don't actually have a choice of political views, and have to rely on things like age, skin color and religion?

I think this last election was the closest to what America wants. It wasn't two polished Washington insiders. You knew where they stood, it's just they were both idiots. If we could get reasoned versions of the last election's candidates we could get somewhere.

Hell, what IS a "real" Republican anymore? What's a "real" Democrat anymore? At this point, do we even HAVE "real" anything? Basically, we get the moderates, because of the people who don't align themselves with an R or D, generally fall in the moderate category. And since all candidates get their Rs or Ds automatically, they have to sway the both candidates are generally going to fall in between a Republican and Democrat.

A real republican is one who is in support of what is best for the republic. A true democrat is one who is in support of what is in the best interest of the electorate. If we could remember that, there could be a measure of balance that might actually get something accomplished in Washington.
What shocky said was so true. There's stuff I'm conservative about, there's stuff I'm liberal about. I try not to go with just one party, but it rarely works out that way sadly/
Let it be known I've been sorely disappointed by Obama thus far as well, I just thought it was a bit ridiculous for FTS to be saying he's done nothing. He hasn't done much, granted, but he's atleast done some good things thus far. It's still the very early stages of his presidency, and before I completely write him off like some have already, I'd rather wait and see.
You know, I was very willing to be open about him, but he promised radical change in the first 100 days, and it didn't happen. And then, he tried to rush national healthcare, and get it done in like two months.

I would like to compliment him on staying above the nastiness of the debate that Pelosi and Jimmy Carter seem to enjoy.
With Obama so far, I think the big thing he's done is it seems like the free fall of the economy has stopped. Whether or not that can be credited to him is obviously debatable, but it happened under his watch.
Xfear talked about "Jewish extremists"

For some reason that thought is appealing, appaling, and hilarious all at once.

What would do, throw Matzah balls at passers by protesting taxes and tipping?
Xfear talked about "Jewish extremists"

For some reason that thought is appealing, appaling, and hilarious all at once.

What would do, throw Matzah balls at passers by protesting taxes and tipping?

If you weren't Jewish that right there would be an infraction for prejudicial remarks :lmao:

I love you FTS.

And yes, I think we can all agree that Pelosi is a fucking dolt. I imagine her vagina probably has cobwebs and a troll who has a riddle you have to solve.

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