Those Brilliant Republicans

Maybe if they weren't having money sucked dry in other areas they wouldn't be such a failure.

Money isn't being sucked dry on other places. Medicaid and Medicare funds come from the FICA taxes which are static and guaranteed no matter how other money is being spent.

Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security get their own separate tax that does not go into the general fund which is funding the wars.

Nice try.

And that money is far better spent on war than another Obama entitlement.
And you honestly believe that money isn't being filtered in from other places? So let me get this straight. There just happens to be 100 billion dollars a year lying around that we can use?
Yeah I'll take 10,000 Obama entitlements over thousands of dead American soldiers, maybe that's just me. I happen to think American lives are more important than fucking money though.
As I've said before: if nothing else, Obama is paying attention to THIS country, not 3 of them halfway aroudn the world.
So, you're happy that Obama decided to ruin THIS country instead of other ones? Awesome KB. Let me know when he does something good for this country.
And you honestly believe that money isn't being filtered in from other places? So let me get this straight. There just happens to be 100 billion dollars a year lying around that we can use?

It's federally mandated where 100% of the FICA money goes. Are you trying to find a conspiracy to blame Bush for something that's not his fault now too?
I love how people say Obama is ruining this place. Yeah because it was in GREAT shape when he took it over. The republicans had their shot to run the country for 8 years and look at how they left it. That system failed so now it's time for the Democrats to have their turn.
I love how people say Obama is ruining this place. Yeah because it was in GREAT shape when he took it over. The republicans had their shot to run the country for 8 years and look at how they left it. That system failed so now it's time for the Democrats to have their turn.

Another lefty talking point. Everything was fine until the libs won congress. In 2006 the Dow was at an all time high, home ownership was at an all time high, the banks were fine, and in early 2007, new regulation were put on the banks, and everything started crashing.
Oh wait. So this whole collapse happened in just a year or so? In other words, the system that was in place before had NOTHING to do with the collapse and it all happened in about a year? Do you realize how delusional that is?
I've been through that website. OK, he's kept 41 promises, one of which is getting a dog, three of which are listed twice, one of which he's going to have to go back on (GITMO), not raising taxes on the middle class is a sham because by taxing business he raises prices and gets that money away from the middle class anyway.

But, hey, milk is cheaper! I liked that he called Kanye a jackass. Face it, he came in unprepared and is terrible at the job.

X: But he's only been in office for 8 months

FTS: Well, let me know when it is OK for me to call him a failure and I will, because he sucks as President.

You know that congress, his own party, is investigating his czars because he made them policy makers, and that is outside of the consitutional limits of the executive branch. He is pissing all over the Constitution and you are sitting by and letting it happen by defending him.
I love how people kept saying give Bush more time for years but Obama's first time ever even looking over his shoulder he was jumped on. Who jumped on him? The leader of the Republicans: Limbaugh.
Saying Limbaugh is the leader of the Republicans is like saying Jeannine Garafolo is the leader of the Democrats.

KB, that is another lefty talking point that isn't true. Way to prove that it's the RIGHT that tells all the lies. :lmao:
ROFL at someone who defends Bush getting pissed over someone "pissing on the Constitution". That's rich.

Why did you AGAIN ignore all of the good things on that list? You asked to tell us something good he's done. Here's several things:

  • Reverse restrictions on stem cell research
  • Establish special crime programs for the New Orleans area
  • Rebuild schools in New Orleans
  • Fund a major expansion of Americorps
  • Ban lobbyist gifts to executive employees
  • Overturn Ledbetter v. Goodyear
  • Invest in all types of alternative energy
  • Support high-speed rails
  • Invest in public transportation
  • Expand funding to train primary care providers and public health practitioners
  • Increase funding to expand community based prevention programs
  • Sign the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
  • Give a speech at a major Islamic forum in the first 100 days of his administration
  • Grant Americans unrestricted rights to visit family and send money to Cuba
  • Release presidential records
  • Require new hires to sign a form affirming their hiring was not due to political affiliation or contributions.
  • Push for enactment of Matthew Shepard Act, which expands hate crime law to include sexual orientation and other factors

...So, you still want to claim he hasn't done any good?
Saying Limbaugh is the leader of the Republicans is like saying Jeannine Garafolo is the leader of the Democrats.

KB, that is another lefty talking point that isn't true. Way to prove that it's the RIGHT that tells all the lies. :lmao:

So, who is the leader then?
ROFL at someone who defends Bush getting pissed over someone "pissing on the Constitution". That's rich.

Why did you AGAIN ignore all of the good things on that list? You asked to tell us something good he's done. Here's several things:

  • Reverse restrictions on stem cell research

  • One good thing.
    [*]Establish special crime programs for the New Orleans area

    Local issue, not his job. If he wants to do this, he should be establishing special crime programs in all urban areas.
    [*]Rebuild schools in New Orleans

    Continuing Bush's work.

    [*]Fund a major expansion of Americorps

    Fail to see how paying people not to contribute to the economy is a good thing.
    [*]Ban lobbyist gifts to executive employees

    I couldn't care less about this.
    [*]Overturn Ledbetter v. Goodyear

    This is him pissing on the Constitution. The decisions of the Judicial Branch can't be overturned by the President, no matter how good of a speech he gives.
    [*]Invest in all types of alternative energy

    Bush passed $10B in funding in 2001 in this area. Does he get some credit from you?
    [*]Support high-speed rails

    Because AmTrak is run so well.....
    [*]Invest in public transportation

    Or lower taxes and then the people dependent upon it can buy cars.
    [*]Expand funding to train primary care providers and public health practitioners

    Two good things.
    [*]Increase funding to expand community based prevention programs

    Yeah, this is the money that went to ACORN. Thanks for bringing that up.

    [*]Sign the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

    Merely a formality. The ADA far exceeds the UN.
    [*]Give a speech at a major Islamic forum in the first 100 days of his administration

    So? I don't see why we need to bend over backward for them. Has he been to a synagogue?
    [*]Grant Americans unrestricted rights to visit family and send money to Cuba

    That was a promise to try and swing some votes from the Cuban population who always vote Republican. I question his intentions here.
    [*] Release presidential records

    Except his birth certificate.
    [*]Require new hires to sign a form affirming their hiring was not due to political affiliation or contributions.

    And I'm sure that Dan Rooney's qualifications as owner of the Steelers is all that got him the position of fucking Ambassador to Ireland. It had nothing to do with contributions, support, and events.
    [*]Push for enactment of Matthew Shepard Act, which expands hate crime law to include sexual orientation and other factors

Fine, you got me, four good things. Whoopty fucking doo.

...So, you still want to claim he hasn't done any good?[/QUOTE]

OK, he's done more bad than good. Better now? He sucks, get over it. And stop taking that superior tone with me. It's not becoming.

So, who is the leader then?

I'd say Lindsay Graham.
It was from a TV show. There was nothing to link or I would have.

I've never said the left hasn't failed at things. They certainly have. Just not as badly as the right.

And finally, perhaps the title should have been clearer. It wasn't meant against all Republicans. Just ones that make zero sense. And FTS because he's fun to fight with.
I like Obama, but I feel he needs to be more like Bush. Go ahead with what he wants to do and not give a damn about what the other party thinks.
The issue with putting them in the lounge is that a lot of the time it's hard not to just do one liners etc.
The issue with putting them in the lounge is that a lot of the time it's hard not to just do one liners etc.
Bush is Hitler
Obama is a Communist
The Republicans own Fox News
The Liberals own everything
Conservatives wanna arrest all gay people
Liberals hate everybody who doesn't agree with them

Nonsense like that?
I'm actually asking, not being rhetorical, but why doesn't this count as Obama's birth certificate? The original, not this scan, has been verified by just about everyone, it would appear.


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