Those Brilliant Republicans


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Two Congressmen (man and a woman, one was named Trent Franks, can't remember the second) have said that if healthcare reform passes, disabled children will be in big trouble. When asked for proof in any document about the proposed new system, the female congresswoman said she had none, but parents are concerned that the system will hurt disabled kids anyway.

Source: Rachel Maddow Show.

If this is true, I want them out of office. Is it possible, just possible, that parents think this because members of CONGRESS are saying it but then saying they have no evidence of it? If this is the best the Republicans have for 2012, Obama can keep his house in Illinois rented for another four years.
Yeah, at least a few years ago politicians had the respect to actually make evidence up or at least twist the facts a little. Now they're just outright admitting they're lying, and expecting us to still believe them?

..And before you say anything FTS, Obama is at the very least stretching the truth.
Democrats are power hungry liars with no right to try to pass half of the legislation they are trying to pass. The stupid fucking liberal senator from bumfucking Montana thinks he can fine people for choosing to not have health insurance.

So, before you get on Republicans, remember Democrats are pretty fucking stupid too.
Yeah, at least a few years ago politicians had the respect to actually make evidence up or at least twist the facts a little. Now they're just outright admitting they're lying, and expecting us to still believe them?

..And before you say anything FTS, Obama is at the very least stretching the truth.

Obama's a fucking liar. But, hey, at least milk is cheaper.
Obama's a fucking liar. But, hey, at least milk is cheaper.

This bitch just stood up and said that disabled children will "be in danger" or some shit like that. That is a blatant lie and nothing but a last ditch attempt to somehow link Obama to wanting to fucking euthanize disabled children. That is low, and you fucking know it FTS.
Disabled children will be in danger.

If it's not cost effective to heal them, they will die. This is what the death panels will do.
So wait.

Disabled children, who are covered under Medicaid and various other government institutions, will die? I'm going to enjoy this explanations.
Disabled children will be in danger.

If it's not cost effective to heal them, they will die. This is what the death panels will do.

*FTS is being sarcastic. I know he is. I just know it.*
Oh please. You know damn well that disabled children aren't going to be put out to pasture. Don't get all eugenics on me, FTS. Please.
I pay $80 a month for health care. The federal government wants to tell me that I can keep my coverage and in the next fucking sentence, they tell me they are going to tax the shit out of my insurance company. Do you fucking think I can keep my coverage, at this cost, if they tax this shit out my insurance company.

Fuck No.

The left is a bunch of fucking liars. Any party that would elect Al fucking Franken is a bunch of fucking idiots. Al Franken is possibly the stupidest fucking person to ever live and he is a Senator. This is fucking stupid. Don't start threads bashing Republicans when they are in support of a lying bunch of fucking ******s.
Fuck Republicans
Fuck Democrats
Communal collectivist-anarchism FTW.
So in other words, it'll be the same as it is now.

Also, the other three might be affordable if there weren't billions being spent in the Middle East in a pointless war that we can't win, but hey, at least you can't bring shampoo on airplanes anymore.
Oh and FTS, what's the big fucking deal about medicine becoming socialized? There are already several "socialist" branches of the government. And last I checked we haven't disintegrated into communist Russia.
I pay $80 a month for health care. The federal government wants to tell me that I can keep my coverage and in the next fucking sentence, they tell me they are going to tax the shit out of my insurance company. Do you fucking think I can keep my coverage, at this cost, if they tax this shit out my insurance company.

Fuck No.

The left is a bunch of fucking liars. Any party that would elect Al fucking Franken is a bunch of fucking idiots. Al Franken is possibly the stupidest fucking person to ever live and he is a Senator. This is fucking stupid. Don't start threads bashing Republicans when they are in support of a lying bunch of fucking ******s.

...The bitch just implied that disabled children will be killed by the government because it'd cost too much to keep them alive. And if not "killed," just not cared for until they did die from lack of care. Because, you know, most parents can't afford constant support for their child. Tis why they're on Medicare or some kind of support plan in the first place.

How you can compare a higher tax on your insurance company to quite plainly and boldly making the false assumption that the government will stop all care for disabled children, if beyond me.
Fuck Republicans
Fuck Democrats
Communal collectivist-anarchism FTW.

The parties could work if they didn't keep competing against each other. It hasn't been about the people in centuries. That post Obama reply from the Republicans fucking pissed me off.

Also, the more I read about anarchism the more appealing it sounds. Don't think it could actually work, but some ideas of it are solid.
The parties could work if they didn't keep competing against each other. It hasn't been about the people in centuries. That post Obama reply from the Republicans fucking pissed me off.

Also, the more I read about anarchism the more appealing it sounds. Don't think it could actually work, but some ideas of it are solid.

Read Bakunin. Lots of Bakunin. Don't be one of those 13 year old kids who listens to the Sex Pistols and thinks it's cool to draw anarchy symbols on things, because I despise those people. Anarchism is not about complete and total chaos ("every man for himself"), and anyone who tells you it is, doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about.

On a large scale, anarchism wouldn't work. But on a smaller scale (collectives), it can and has worked. If only we could figure out a way to implement it onto a global scale.
I honestly don't care about disabled children nearly as much as I care about how much I, personally, have to pay. I already have to pay the stupid ass charges involved with medicare for my father, so I'd like to keep my health insurance, that I don't use, as cheap as possible.

Until you've actually dealt with this country's attempts to manage healthcare you have no idea. My dad was denied treatment for TTP until he started having seizures in the hospital and almost dies. It wasn't cost effective as a preventative measure, however, when it became an emergency matter, that same treatment was authorized. This is how it's bad for kids. The government chooses to wait until it is absolutely necessary before authorizing treatment, and not everyone can be treated in time. Seriously, my father was driven in an ambulance three hours on a respirator, IV, and a transfusion constant all because they wouldn't take him up there a week earlier to do the same fucking thing.
I took a political theory class last semester that was really interesting. My professor said we wouldn't recognize an anarchist if he looked us in the face. He was right, we didn't. And we had to read some Bakunin.
Wow FTS. Fuck disabled children, I don't want to pay for those leeches!

The reason for that is simple FTS: people that go to the ER for a sore toe or insist that they need 3 cosmetic surgeries a year. There's one of your main issues.
All I'm saying is that government is incapable of running the healthcare system on a nationwide scale, and I submit as proof the failures of Medicaid and Medicare.
The reason for that is simple FTS: people that go to the ER for a sore toe or insist that they need 3 cosmetic surgeries a year. There's one of your main issues.

I have no idea what this applies to.

My father caught a virus with a 25% survival rate, and one acceptable treatment, and the government made him wait a week for the treatment, and only authorized it when he was on death's door. This is how the disabled kids will die. Not all of them will get treatment in time when the government pulls shit like that. There is a reason that so many Canadians come over here for treatment. It's because national systems are failures.
I have no idea what this applies to.

My father caught a virus with a 25% survival rate, and one acceptable treatment, and the government made him wait a week for the treatment, and only authorized it when he was on death's door. This is how the disabled kids will die. Not all of them will get treatment in time when the government pulls shit like that. There is a reason that so many Canadians come over here for treatment. It's because national systems are failures.

The insurance companies/government couldn't pay for your father because they had to pay for three stomach shrinking operations.

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