Things that piss you off

When people bad mouth the Jaguars.

Bret Favre

Hines Ward

Getting gasoline. Every time I get gas someone approaches me wanting money. GO GET AS JOB YOU USELESS FUCK!
Getting gasoline. Every time I get gas someone approaches me wanting money. GO GET AS JOB YOU USELESS FUCK!

Spray them with the gas, then flick a lighter and watch as they run screaming or are stupid enough to stay and still demand money, then torch them, and watch as they run away screaming in flames.

What pisses me off are people who truly think they are funny, but aren't.
Girls who say no when they are clearly wanting to say yes.

Don't play your games with me cunt. If I say I'm gonna fuck you just lay down and take it don't say no then cry when I do it anyway
- People who walk really slowly in front of you and you can't pass by them
- Children
- When you're debating/talking with someone and they say "whoaaaa, calm down!" when you're completely calm
- Mayonnaise
- Mayonnaise

I agreed with you all the way, until this, what went wrong?

I fucking hate getting off the train, walking down the small alleys of the train station, pisses me off when someone walks in front of me and I can't get around the person.

And they're not even walking very slow, I just walk with an above average tempo when I need to get to places.
Internet speak
Slow moving people

There's so much more, but I can't be bothered to carry on.
Aren't jokes supposed to be funny?

How Sly rated you the same as me, I have no idea.
Salv ftw.

Come on, anime is just Japanese animation. There are good movies and shows out there that are just as good and though-provoking as live action shows. I don't see why something I like should have any influence on how you see me. I mean, if I was one of those annoying morons who go around saying "OMG KAWAII DESU~~~~" and wishing they were Asian and stuff, then yeah. But I'm not.
Spray them with the gas, then flick a lighter and watch as they run screaming or are stupid enough to stay and still demand money, then torch them, and watch as they run away screaming in flames.

What pisses me off are people who truly think they are funny, but aren't.

I absolutely HATE when a girl calls me "sweetie" it has to be one of the lamest "complimenting nicknames" you could possible come up with, I know damn right I'm sweet, you told me 5 minutes ago..

I could definitely live without that word.
People who stop in the middle of tha damn aisle in the grocery store and just stand there looking at their list / the shelves, but the isle is clrealy not wide enough for anyone else to get by

Just OH so difficult to get off to one side of the aisle, I suppose
I absolutely HATE when a girl calls me "sweetie" it has to be one of the lamest "complimenting nicknames" you could possible come up with, I know damn right I'm sweet, you told me 5 minutes ago..

I could definitely live without that word.

I call everyone that I like "sweetie". :rolleyes:

Stupidity pisses me off. Very quickly, I might add.
People who stop in the middle of tha damn aisle in the grocery store and just stand there looking at their list / the shelves, but the isle is clrealy not wide enough for anyone else to get by

Just OH so difficult to get off to one side of the aisle, I suppose

I can add to this, people who what you that so that they can have a fucking conversation with someone they just happen to run into, shit pisses me the fuck off, you really wanna catch up with that person fine but do it else where
Same thing for people who stop in the aisle in the parking lot waiting for someone to back out and really, its just a parking spot you lazy sack of shit, why slow EVERYONE else's day just so YOUR worthless ass can have your precious little parking spot...

just anything in general were people pretend to be entirely clueless to the existance of human beings other than themselves.
I hate you :(

I just find it incredibly boring, I can have a great conversation with some girl, or funny etc. but as soon as I read or hear the word "sweetie" I die a little.

Sometimes I swap out "sweetie" and use "lovie" or "fuckstick". All are terms of endearment.

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