There's too many unoriginal posters here...

Love to read it.

Aww Sally :)
Our mutual Drew McIntyre love notwithstanding, you've been one of my firm favourites for such a long time;
In the music section, your post about the Sounds of Silence went over the heads of many and may have brought you an infraction from LSN too.
In the movies section, you showed you have immaculate taste in men by choo-choo-choosing Paul Newman over Robert Redford and saying what I tried to say about him in a much more concise way.
In the Potluck and Newswire sections you're able to lift a line from someone's argument and bring in a whole other viewpoint to the issue at hand without derailing the thread. A skill that is quite rare.

I feel bad I didn't nominate you for minority poster of the year, but your double whammy of being female and Jewish should seal you that award for a good few years to come, so you need no Dowds help.
Last one for tonight fellas.

Go ahead.

You're a fellow Kane-a-nite, this is a good thing.

Your ability to find large breasted asian females is second to none. I also have no idea what your name relates to but it just sounds fucking cool.

While you seem to have mellowed a fair bit in the past few months, I still get a bit of guilty pleasure whenever you unload on anyone's stupidity, all the while quite thankful I'm not on the receiving end. Aside from that you're a funny dude who doesn't take himself too seriously, which I think is why there's a lot of respect on you here.
That, and you could likely shit on anyone here at will ;)

I think my problem with not having common ground to discuss certain subjects can be summed up by a phrase of yours that stuck in my head;
"walks in
British (interchange with (North) American) stuff
walks out"
Sure, lay your compliments on me. As if this exam season hasn't bolstered my ego enough.
Go for it.

I've never completely understood the amount of hate you get here to be honest. During the election a few things were brought up about your lashing out at criticism of your game, the PMs about Tastycles mod spot and a couple of other things too. While admittedly the whole "going behind Tastycles back" thing did seem quite underhanded, it surprised me that it was brought up again and again, and I thought that when you did respond to the criticisms you handled them maturely. Of course by that time I think you'd spread your rep and played the game enough to have pretty much clinched the election anyway!
Aside from that election business, you've always been a good guy to me so no real complaints.

Sure, lay your compliments on me. As if this exam season hasn't bolstered my ego enough.

Ooh shit, exam season is something I'll never miss. What is it you're studying anyways?

Its tough to think about what to say about you that hasn't already been said to be honest; you're without doubt one of the funniest posters here, very sharp and have a fantabulous taste in TV shows as well as films. Some of your best stuff is when you get into a debate/argument with someone that can give it back, like D-Man recently or Sly on occasion.
If there had been a post of the year award, this would definitely be a contender;

I could go for an ego boost. In the words of Fluttershy: yay

As I'm not a fan/haven't watched any of the MLP stuff and my only experience of Whedon is Serenity and Avengers, this could have been quite short.
But thank the Todd, some of your posts in the Legalise Marijuana thread were great! There's only so much enjoyment one can get from seeing Rayne verbally (textually?) crucify an imbecile so it was good to see someone else join in on the fun.
There haven't been too many occassions when our paths have crossed but you've always seemed like a decent guy.
I'll bite. I'm cruisin for a bruisin.

I haven't seen much of your posting lately but when I have seen your posts, you come off as a sound enough person. Bonus points for liking Oz too.

I... got nothing. I like bacon, so that's something.

Be gentle. Or not.

You met Ryback and survived, kudos. It would have been more impressive if you had made him smile though ;)

You have a habit of up and disappearing for random periods of time and while we haven't ever conversed, its always good to see you back as you come across as a nice and positive person.

What is this?

I only recognised your sig, but after looking up your past posts it appears we discussed Breaking Bad in that underrated/overrated TV shows thread. You may be pleased to know I watched the 2nd series but will be disheartened to hear I've gone no further.
That's what this is. Not really but whatevs
Oh Ming, for about a week or so I think you were almost like the British version of Stormtrooper after the Chelsea- United game and subsequent Clattenburg fall-out. While a lot of teasing does happen in the Football thread, you seemed to take some of the Chelsea flack a bit too personally.
I get that you're passionate about Chelski and all, but I thought you should have lightened up a bit.
Aside from that you don't seem like a bad lad.

Surely you're exaggerating there? Had no idea. I did lighten up... eventually. Don't worry about that happening again anytime soon. I've written the season off now that Benitez is in charge (the shivers that crept up my spine when saying that).

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