The WZnWo

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JKO do you want to do a quick Heat like CKD with like 2 matches and a bored but feeling creative.
I'm great, David. Well, actually, I feel like I need to take a crap. It hurts really bad. But, I get to eat breakfast with my gramps in the morning. I'm looking forward to that.

:lmao: Run to the bathroom man. Haha. Very cool. Cherish those moments man. I can't anymore, as both passed in the past year.
Damn i can' stop making sigs today.

:lmao: Run to the bathroom man. Haha. Very cool. Cherish those moments man. I can't anymore, as both passed in the past year.

I'm on the toilet as I write this.

I'm sorry to hear that, brother man. My mom's dad passed when I was almost six. I still remember going camping with him at Detroit Lake. I caught my first fish with him. It's a great story. I can tell it better in person, but we had been out there for a few hours. I had next to no activity on my line. Just out of the blue, I asked him to reel mine in to "check". He assured me that there was nothing there, but I told him I had a good feeling, or something along those lines. Lo and behold, a beautiful trout was hooked. He bought me a milkshake with dinner that night. :) It's my favorite memory I have with him.

I really am excited to see my Gramps. He and I don't see each other much, as he doesn't get around too well. But, whenever I am down at his house I am in for a great conversation about religion, politics, ethics, the future, history, and everything else you could imagine. The last one lasted into the early hours of the morning. Oh, I have a good memory with him. The Civil War is a huge college football game in Oregon. It's the Ducks against the Beavers. My Ducks blew the Beavers out on their field this year, 65-38. We went to Denny's the next morning, and the Beaver's quarterback was there. Naturally, I was all Ducked out. My grandpa patted Lyle on the shoulder and said, "I hope for a better game next year, son." I sort of chuckled and said, "I don't." His dad stood up and yelled in my face for a minute or two. We laughed about it the whole way back to his house.

I'm going to lose this grandpa sometime soon, I figure. He's a war veteran who was partially disabled in it. He smokes, has had a quadruple bypass surgery, a stroke, a heart attack, and everything else you can imagine. He's still kicking though, building barns and selling boats and hunting bear. Dude is crazy.
How's it going, gents? Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been helping my favorite cousin with her wedding (stuffing envelopes,interviewing DJ's, Making deals with the liquor store for the reception), and doin' my day and night jobs. Tonight was my only day off all week, so I felt it neccesary to play a round of golf, a game of street hockey, and go to a bar to sing kareokee with my brother. What'd I miss?

Edit: 48, congrats on the Yankees. I may not like them, but I will at least admit when they're winning a series over my Sox.
I'm on the toilet as I write this.

I'm sorry to hear that, brother man. My mom's dad passed when I was almost six. I still remember going camping with him at Detroit Lake. I caught my first fish with him. It's a great story. I can tell it better in person, but we had been out there for a few hours. I had next to no activity on my line. Just out of the blue, I asked him to reel mine in to "check". He assured me that there was nothing there, but I told him I had a good feeling, or something along those lines. Lo and behold, a beautiful trout was hooked. He bought me a milkshake with dinner that night. :) It's my favorite memory I have with him.

I really am excited to see my Gramps. He and I don't see each other much, as he doesn't get around too well. But, whenever I am down at his house I am in for a great conversation about religion, politics, ethics, the future, history, and everything else you could imagine. The last one lasted into the early hours of the morning. Oh, I have a good memory with him. The Civil War is a huge college football game in Oregon. It's the Ducks against the Beavers. My Ducks blew the Beavers out on their field this year, 65-38. We went to Denny's the next morning, and the Beaver's quarterback was there. Naturally, I was all Ducked out. My grandpa patted Lyle on the shoulder and said, "I hope for a better game next year, son." I sort of chuckled and said, "I don't." His dad stood up and yelled in my face for a minute or two. We laughed about it the whole way back to his house.

I'm going to lose this grandpa sometime soon, I figure. He's a war veteran who was partially disabled in it. He smokes, has had a quadruple bypass surgery, a stroke, a heart attack, and everything else you can imagine. He's still kicking though, building barns and selling boats and hunting bear. Dude is crazy.

Damn bro. That sounds awesome. Your grandpa sounds like a really cool guy.

I wish I could have done more stuff with my mom's dad the last 2 years of his life. I worked every weekend, still do, and when my mom would go over there to visit, it was always while I was at work. He passed last April, I didn't see him since Christmas. I felt like complete shit. He was the head of the family, and it was very emotional for everyone. The thing that upset me the most was that the last holiday he got to spend with the family was Easter, and I couldn't be there. Then later that week he went. But he is in a better place, and I can still visit his spot and talk to him.

My dad's dad I didn't see a whole lot period. Following my parents divorce, I didn't see my dad a whole lot, at least while I was in high school. So I would only see my grandpa on like Christmas and Thanksgiving. But he was a great man, both in the family and in the village I live in. He started his own charity, played Santa for 20+ years, and was really involved with the town itself. Damn near 500 people went to his wake.

I know I don't have to tell a good kid like you twice, but like I said, cherish those times 48. Because when they finally go, you can remember the great times, which really help when you are going through bad times.
So, right, yeah, fuck sadness and all that shit. Fuck that shit, gonzo style.

Still drunk...still jammin' out to the Cult...still 3:30 AM...thats WZ for ya.

Livin' in a shack in a one horse town
Tryin to get to heaven before the sun goes down
Lizard in a bottle, YEAH

Dizzy in a haze for 40 days
Hey there little devil

Come on little devil
Be my little angel!
So, right, yeah, fuck sadness and all that shit. Fuck that shit, gonzo style.

Still drunk...still jammin' out to the Cult...still 3:30 AM...thats WZ for ya.

C'mon little devil! Be my little angel!

Lol, X I wasn't trying to be sad. Just trying to remember both my grandpas and give 48 some good advice. What you been drinking tonight?
Edit: 48, congrats on the Yankees. I may not like them, but I will at least admit when they're winning a series over my Sox.

The Yankees are on fire, man.

Damn bro. That sounds awesome. Your grandpa sounds like a really cool guy.

I gained so much respect for my grandpa as I got older.

I wish I could have done more stuff with my mom's dad the last 2 years of his life. I worked every weekend, still do, and when my mom would go over there to visit, it was always while I was at work. He passed last April, I didn't see him since Christmas. I felt like complete shit. He was the head of the family, and it was very emotional for everyone. The thing that upset me the most was that the last holiday he got to spend with the family was Easter, and I couldn't be there. Then later that week he went. But he is in a better place, and I can still visit his spot and talk to him.

My mom's dad was never religious. No matter how my grandma tried, he just wouldn't give it a go. When he was diagnosed his cancer, my great-uncle Bob, who was in his late-eighties then, would go over there daily and just read a bit out of the good book. Towards the end of his life, my grandpa accepted the Lord. I have a great peace, knowing he's much better off now.

My dad's dad I didn't see a whole lot period. Following my parents divorce, I didn't see my dad a whole lot, at least while I was in high school. So I would only see my grandpa on like Christmas and Thanksgiving. But he was a great man, both in the family and in the village I live in. He started his own charity, played Santa for 20+ years, and was really involved with the town itself. Damn near 500 people went to his wake.

My dad's dad is the same type of guy. He's been a pastor, a marine, an auctioneer :)lmao:), everything. He's the type of guy who will give you the shirt off of his back if you need it, then he'll make you take the steps to help yourself. He's taken in children of close friends and relatives to straighten them out, and boy did he straighten them out. He went to school for two weeks with this girl to ensure that she was going and doing what she needed. She was a tough cookie, he told me. He's just an amazing human being, and I want to be able to say that I was half of the man that he was when I'm his age.

I know I don't have to tell a good kid like you twice, but like I said, cherish those times 48. Because when they finally go, you can remember the great times, which really help when you are going through bad times.

It'll be tough when he goes, but I'll always have those memories. I'll see him again, I'm certain of it.

I like you, David. I Razorback-like you.
That'd be a mix-a-ruski of Corona and a few Jaegar bombs. We laughed, we cried, we watched BJ Penn make Florian his little bitch, we paged Dr. Greenthumb and now im in the living room, jammin' the Cult much too loudly and doin' a little strut-jig. A combo of cool and drunk basically. Man The Cult were so underrated!

In other news, Billy Mays apparently used a shitload of coke and thats why he's dead. Happy entrails!
I should start watching it again.

I'll probably start watching whenever the next game is and see if I get back into it.
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