The WZnWo

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So, I was feeling kinda down earlier, but I'm feeling good now. We got a new printer, one that is a network printer.

How are my other brothers doing?

Doin' quite well. Havin' a Corona, smokin' a bowl and watching One Night Stand '05, waiting for my boy to get out of work so we can get piss drunk and watch UFC 101 tonight.

Shall be fun.

Storm-Jericho is such a great opener.
Doin' quite well. Havin' a Corona, smokin' a bowl and watching One Night Stand '05, waiting for my boy to get out of work so we can get piss drunk and watch UFC 101 tonight.

Shall be fun.

Storm-Jericho is such a great opener.

That sounds really fun. Storm-Jericho is one of my favorite matches on there. Really shows just HOW exciting a regular wrestling match in ECW could be. Shame Psycosis-Misterio didn't really go so well. I laughed when they boo'd the 619. Fuckin great DVD, ruined by Metallica's greedy asses.
ECW gets way too much shit on this board from guys like Sly. Just because Heyman was a shit businessman doesn't mean he wasn't a great booker and that ECW didn't give us some of the most entertaining wrestling ever. Man you wouldn't believe just how awesome it was watching Hardcore TV back in the day on one of the leased channels, me and my friend used to stay up until it came on at midnight and just shit ourselves every time they showed that clip of Brian Lee falling off the scaffold against Dreamer. We were convinced that was the most hardcore thing in the history of wrestling. My buddy's dad used to love wrestling and always let us stay up and watch with him, good times man one drunk middleaged guy and two 11 year old kids going fuckin' crazy every Saturday at midnight. I miss how revolutionary ECW was, it was just so groundbreaking for it's time.

Yep I'm a bit tipsy thats why I'm ranting about ECW memories!
I wish I had some ECW memories. All I got is what ONS05 and The Rise and Fall of ECW has shown me. Dreamer's last match against Raven nearly ave me a heart attack. It was SO amazing to watch, even though I knew the winner, and that Lawler would invade, I never knew just how incredible it was. Entertaining as fuck. And on ONS05 it showed me how great the regular wrestling was. I ripped ONS05 and put it on my PSP so I could have me some ECW wherever I went. Saved me on the plane ride to here.
ECW used to be on Sun Sports in Orlando at 2 AM. Hardcore TV. It was epic...and some of the things they did were revolutionary. Paul Heyman was a booker who also handled business aspects of it also, and not well I might add. That's why I see Paul Heyman as a solid wrestling mind, but not someone who should be the last word on the product. But Hardcore TV was great, especially when either 911 or New Jack would come out for one of his matches.
I have tons of memories of those old ECW days on Sun Sports! That's where I got know guys like Raven, RVD, the Dudleys, & TAZ, That's also where I rediscovered Shane Douglas & Bam Bam Bigelow! I miss those days, but at least the vids are posted on the net!
I don't have ECW recollections. I just have WWC and early IWA. fuck, I still remember that Shane Sewell when he debuted as Glamour Boy Shane lol. The hardcore matches too.

You'd wonder whether or not Abdulla/Colon would wind up repetitive and stale, but it wasn't back then xD

Fuck, I miss those days!
Why the hell haven't they released an ECW: The Complete Series yet?

What do you mean complete series? Like every episode of Hardcore TV and ECW on TNN? 'Cause that'd cost far too much money, would be like a 150 disc set, and it wouldn't sell enough.
What do you mean complete series? Like every episode of Hardcore TV and ECW on TNN? 'Cause that'd cost far too much money, would be like a 150 disc set, and it wouldn't sell enough.

Fuck. Well, maybe they could release a highlights DVD covering the best episodes? Not just matches or promos, but best overall episodes. Maybe have some commentary by ECW alumni. That'd be cool. I want to see some of the old Hardcore TV episodes in their entirety.
Fuck. Well, maybe they could release a highlights DVD covering the best episodes? Not just matches or promos, but best overall episodes. Maybe have some commentary by ECW alumni. That'd be cool. I want to see some of the old Hardcore TV episodes in their entirety.

Subscribe to WWE 24/7. They've been playing the entire run of Hardcore TV episodes since they started 24/7, right now I think they're on like fall of 1996 or early 1997, I canceled my subscription like a month ago. Attitude era Raw and Nitro's as well, plus PPVs and everything, 24/7 is a fuckin' goldmine.
I knew it wasn't going to get many posts and NorCal did what he thought was right. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disapointed though.

I did what I wanted to do anyway which was post it.
Interesting read, though. I don't listen to a lot of ICP, but I kinda like them. I like The Oddities theme, Thy Unveiling, and Fuck the World. I only listen to rap that's either:
A. Uplifting
B. From the 80's
C. Fun

By fun, I mean it has to have a sense of humor or playfulness.
I'm a huge fan of rap, I just like listening to it, it gets my adrenaline going and gets me pumped up. But also love anything ranging from metal to emo, I'm just an all around music guy
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