The WZnWo

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39 people, goddamn.






Pretty much every member is either already established or is on their way to becoming a great poster. Slick's list was just a random sampling of the excellence in our stable.

Oh hey, I know. Sorry, deadpan doesn't translate well into text, I need to add some of those emote thingies to be more clear. My bad. :D
We have a Goldust. Look at the new roster up a few posts.

Why do you think Brad is turning on us?
So, fellow members of the nWZo, hows it hanging?

And I would like to add, even though nobody cares, that NCAA 10 screwed me so bad in my online dynasty. I am 12-1 and won the Big 12, but I didn't make the title game. But Texas who I beat did make it. I call shenanigans.
We have a Goldust. Look at the new roster up a few posts.

Why do you think Brad is turning on us?

Actually, originally I thought he red-repped me for no reason, because I have never talked to him, ever. But then he said it was because I put a 'Exclamation' sign on my post. It's on this post for example. Well in my other post, the mods put it on there, so it doesn't have to do with the nWZo, just between me and him.
I was on vacation when all this shit went down. Someone should tell me who we're taking over. Ya know, so I can do something heelish.
The forums, duh RVDgurl. We've been holding some posting contests to try and get some of the junior members of this little stable to go out and make quality non-spam posts instead of just hanging out in the bar room all the time.
I get "the forums", silly. But what shall we do about the other factions? Are they included in these posting contests?
We actually aren't really heels. We are the SAVIORS of WrestleZone! Let me find my epic promo to prove my point.
When TM finally realizes how stupid his lWo is, he isn't going back to being TMed DiBiase. It's TM Harris for him all the way.
I get "the forums", silly. But what shall we do about the other factions? Are they included in these posting contests?

The other "factions" don't really do anything. A DX formed and died within about 10 minutes...and that's about it. TM has the LWO, but no one likes TM so it doesn't really matter.

Basically this is just an excuse to have kick-ass sigs.
Who would Join lWo when you can join nWo? I think our only parody threat would be bWo depending on who starts it.
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