The Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament

Who Will Win the Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament???

  • The British Bulldgos

  • Edge and Christian

Results are only viewable after voting.
Finally, the last set of matches from the 2nd round are in.

#2 The New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn and Jesse James) vs. #15 Los Guerreros (Eddie and Chavo Guerrero)

Where the hell is X?? He was supposed to be defending actions like what has happened in this match. A big name tag team from the Attitude Era goes home in round 2. The Guerreros take down won of the most decorated tag teams in WWF history, and pretty solidly to as well.


2. #7 MNM (Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury) vs. #10 The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff Hardy)

Well in this match, there are no real winners, only the unlucky bastards that move onto round 3. Spot fest galore enshrines this match, but in the end, it's yet another Twist of Fate/Swanton Bomb/Pose for the Crowd, Weak Leg Drop/Another Swanton by Jeff/Matt gets the pin, typical Hardy Boy match, (insert 15 year old girls screaming).


3. Match 3: Triple Threat, First Team to Score a Pinfall wins the match
#3 Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray) vs. #14 the Blackjacks (Mulligan and Lanza) vs. #19 the Rock and Sock Connection (The Rock and Mick Foley)

Ahhh, good old triple threat fun. Not an elimination match, simply, first team with the first pinfall is the winner. Harlem Heat wins this match very convincingly. I'm really kind of shocked that Foley and The Rock didn't get more, which is good, because it means people understand tag team wrestling, and not two guys thrown together.

Harlem Heat
Rock and Sock

4. Match 4:
#6 The Samoan Swat Team/Headshrinkers (Fatu and Samu) vs. #11 The Hollywood Blondes (Steve Austin and Brian Pillman)

The Blondes move on. Steve Austin and Flyin Bryan are heading into round 3 after putting a beating on the Shrinkers.

Hollywood Blondes

So the last set of third round matches are in.
Los Guerreros vs. The Hardy Boyz
Harlem Heat vs. the Hollywood Blondes

Round 3 will more then likely start on Friday. I think I need just a little breather from this thing without having to worry about getting results in on time. We'll start again this weekend, but I'll start some more arguements to keep the conversation going.

Hardy Boyz Suck.
Eric Bischoff and Vince McMahon were very good business men who were smart enough to take ideas that were first used in ECW. Nitro was wildly successful because they began using storylines that were more realistic. ECW was the first to do that. The entire WWE Attitude Era was based off of the ECW style. And that's fact. Sure, Stone Cold Steve Austin contributed alot to wrestling in the 90's. Of course, the Stone Cold concept originated while he was in ECW and parts of the character was based off of the Sandman gimmick.
Nitro was wildly successful because the nWo, a storyline that people, in America, wanted to see, particularly with the heated rivalry between WWF and WCW. The Attitude era was successful because the nWo jumpstarted the second boom period, and Steve Austin grabbed it by the wheel and drove the truck right down Vince McMahon's throat.

But, ok, let's put it this way. While I disagree with you, let's say that WWF and WCW used the ECW concepts. Does that not, once again, show how minor a player ECW was? That these two other companies could rip off their style and be a whole hell of a lot more successful than ECW dreamed about being?

ECW was a pawn in the chess game between McMahon and Bischoff. It is an overglorified independent regional promotion who relied on castoffs from the big leagues, and guys who nobody else wanted. And, anytime they did develop someone of any remarkable interest, they were stolen away by WCW or WWF. Because, in the end, ECW was the minor leagues.

RVD & Sabu v. The Steiner's will hopefully be interesting. In all honestly, I did pick the Steiner's to win this thing as my pre-tournament pick. I do think they are the best team in the tournament. However, RVD & Sabu are my favorite team here and this tournament needs some debate and controversy! Hence the RVD & Sabu conspiracy has been born. I will be voting for them without any shame because they would definately hold their own against any team in here- Steiner's included.
Maybe if it was a botch contest...RVD and Sabu ladder spots vs. Scott Steiner's mic time. That'd be about the only way they'd be competition.

Or vote for a good team, and vote for the Steiners. Either way. ;)
Maybe if it was a botch contest...RVD and Sabu ladder spots vs. Scott Steiner's mic time. That'd be about the only way they'd be competition.

Or vote for a good team, and vote for the Steiners. Either way. ;)

God, Sly, I love you! I haven't had this much fun arguing with someone since Kaedon posted here (expect he really was an asshole). I still think that you should vote for RVD & Sabu anyway and see how it makes you feel. You never know, you might like it :)

I'm not going to even continue to argue the ECW topic, as once again, this could be a topic for the highly anticipated Slyfox v. RVDgurl thread since I completely disagree with your view of the Monday Night Wars era.

God, Sly, I love you! I haven't had this much fun arguing with someone since Kaedon posted here (expect he really was an asshole). I still think that you should vote for RVD & Sabu anyway and see how it makes you feel. You never know, you might like it :)

I'm not going to even continue to argue the ECW topic, as once again, this could be a topic for the highly anticipated Slyfox v. RVDgurl thread since I completely disagree with your view of the Monday Night Wars era.

Haha, yeah, I'm really a nice person, I swear! I love to argue, and you've been more than a worthy adversary.

And, I know how I'd feel if I voted for RVD and Sabu...the same way I felt when I voted for them the first two times.


But, now they are up against a real opponent, I'll be voting as many times as I can for the Steiners. And I have 7 different computers at my disposal if I so choose...muahahaha.

Seriously though, although I really do have 7 different computers, I'll only vote once. Integrity is important in this tournament...which is why everyone should vote against RVD/Sabu.

Just remember. A vote for RVD/Sabu is a vote against integrity. And a vote against integrity is a vote against this man:


Vote The Steiner Brothers!
And, I know how I'd feel if I voted for RVD and Sabu...the same way I felt when I voted for them the first two times.


Sly, remember that the third time for everything is a charm. You will have luck for the next 7 years if you just vote for RVD & Sabu. I'm only concerned for your well being.

But, now they are up against a real opponent, I'll be voting as many times as I can for the Steiners. And I have 7 different computers at my disposal if I so choose...muahahaha.

Seriously though, although I really do have 7 different computers, I'll only vote once. Integrity is important in this tournament...which is why everyone should vote against RVD/Sabu.

Just remember. A vote for RVD/Sabu is a vote against integrity. And a vote against integrity is a vote against this man:


Vote The Steiner Brothers!

I trust the people to make the right choice:


Join the revolution- VOTE RVD & SABU !!!
Sly, remember that the third time for everything is a charm. You will have luck for the next 7 years if you just vote for RVD & Sabu. I'm only concerned for your well being. are concerned about my health with regards to 7 years of bad luck, but not when it comes to me wanting to :shooter: after voting for RVD/Sabu... this some kind of trick? *narrows eyes suspiciously*

I trust the people to make the right choice:


Join the revolution- VOTE RVD & SABU !!!
I want everyone to notice something...


You see that big word that starts with a "W" on the Steiners belts? That says "World", as in World Champions. When the Steiner Brothers say they are World Champions, they mean it. They've been champions all over the world. RVD/Sabu were the champions of the bingo hall in Philadelphia.

Which is better? World Champions or Philly champions? You make the call.

Vote The Steiner Brothers!
If i'm voting on the best team to get weed from then its hands down RVD and Sabu, but since this is about wrestling then i got to vote for the steiners
Seconded on above, I think that if I need someone to represent the best tag team in the world, it should be the worlds best tag team, the Steiner Brothers.
I was wondering since you dislike the Hardys so much because they are "spot monkeys" what do you think of Triple H, Cena, RVD, Sabu, etc. They all seem to have the same repotoire of moves during matches and their matches all seem to be the same. I think that is one of the problems with WWE right now, all the matches are the same. I know it is not a popular choice for some wrestling fans to do things that were done in the past but I just finished watching the Great American Bash 1990 on WWE 24/7. Sting v. Flair for the title, and fantastic match and I think it would be fantastic still today. What I really think is that the only wrestlers who are not spot monkeys are usually submission wrestlers. Guys like Flair, Bret Hart, Benoit, Jericho, Angle, Samoa Joe, even Austin at times. I'm not disagreeing with you about the Hardys it just seems that high spots are that WWE hopes for anymore for a decent match. I am definitely open to criticism on this.
I was wondering since you dislike the Hardys so much because they are "spot monkeys" what do you think of Triple H, Cena, RVD, Sabu, etc. They all seem to have the same repotoire of moves during matches and their matches all seem to be the same. I think that is one of the problems with WWE right now, all the matches are the same. I know it is not a popular choice for some wrestling fans to do things that were done in the past but I just finished watching the Great American Bash 1990 on WWE 24/7. Sting v. Flair for the title, and fantastic match and I think it would be fantastic still today. What I really think is that the only wrestlers who are not spot monkeys are usually submission wrestlers. Guys like Flair, Bret Hart, Benoit, Jericho, Angle, Samoa Joe, even Austin at times. I'm not disagreeing with you about the Hardys it just seems that high spots are that WWE hopes for anymore for a decent match. I am definitely open to criticism on this.

do you know what it means to be a spot monkey? Do you understand the terminology and the definition?
So you are saying that a vote for RVD and Sabu is a vote against Angle. Well that sways me I was going to vote Steiners but since a vote for them is a vote for Angle I'm going RVD Sabu all the way. Well it only took almost 40 pages but we finnaly have an argument for teams even if it is not when the match is being voted on
Just remember. A vote for RVD/Sabu is a vote against integrity. And a vote against integrity is a vote against this man:


So you are saying that a vote for RVD and Sabu is a vote against Angle. Well that sways me I was going to vote Steiners but since a vote for them is a vote for Angle I'm going RVD Sabu all the way. Well it only took almost 40 pages but we finnaly have an argument for teams even if it is not when the match is being voted on
You must not be American.

Because no American could vote against an Olympic Gold Medalist, and an American hero.

Don't forget, when you vote for RVD/Sabu, you are voting AGAINST INTEGRITY.

Have for the Steiners.
I do understand what it means to be a spot monkey. I guess my post was not very clear. I pretty much am just asking why Shocky is anti-Hardy because they are "spot monkeys" and not anti-HHH/Cena, guys who have the same/limited repotoire, same moves, same matches, most of the time. That's all.
I do understand what it means to be a spot monkey. I guess my post was not very clear. I pretty much am just asking why Shocky is anti-Hardy because they are "spot monkeys" and not anti-HHH/Cena, guys who have the same/limited repotoire, same moves, same matches, most of the time. That's all.

I don't think you understand what it means to be a "spotmonkey". A spotmonkey is the term given to a wrestler who runs random spots in a match, and has no real purpose other than to provide cheap pops. Generally a spotmonkey will not show any logical transition between spots, and many times, the spots will be so choreographed and so obviously work towards, it takes away from the match.

A spotmonkey does not use any kind of psychology or storytelling, and just randomly strings together moves and holds that really have no purpose. A spotmonkey can be someone who does a bunch of flips and high spots like Jeff Hardy, or someone who doesn't do a bunch of flips and high spots and is more ground-based, like Batista.

That label does not apply to either HHH or Cena. Their matches demonstrate some semblance of a story in the ring, and their moves generally have a purpose, and flow together with logical transitions between spots.
Slyfox: I did not label Cena or Triple H as spot monkeys. I said they had the same repotoire of moves. I do understand what a spot monkey is and I just poised a simple question and you gave your answer believing that Cena and Triple H tell a story in the ring and their matches have a purpose with their matches having a natural flow. Thank you for your response. However, I do believe most of Jeff Hardy's matches have the same sort of purpose adding in a few high spots. He might not as technical as Triple H or Cena but his matches seem to more entertaining. I think you are getting somewhat defensive because you are a Cena mark, and that's fine, Cena has carried the company. I was just curious as to why the Hardy's are spot monkeys but Cena and Triple H tell have a good flow in the ring.
So you are saying that a vote for RVD and Sabu is a vote against Angle. Well that sways me I was going to vote Steiners but since a vote for them is a vote for Angle I'm going RVD Sabu all the way. Well it only took almost 40 pages but we finnaly have an argument for teams even if it is not when the match is being voted on

Don't let Slyfox sway you by throwing Kurt Angle in the mix. I'm sure if we asked Kurt himself he would be voting for RVD & Sabu! It's damn true.

Remember, voting for RVD & Sabu is not a knock against the Steiner's, it's simply stating that RVd & Sabu are that damn good together. And, if you vote for RVD & Sabu, you will have good luck for the next 7 years! :)
Slyfox: I did not label Cena or Triple H as spot monkeys. I said they had the same repotoire of moves. I do understand what a spot monkey is and I just poised a simple question and you gave your answer believing that Cena and Triple H tell a story in the ring and their matches have a purpose with their matches having a natural flow. Thank you for your response. However, I do believe most of Jeff Hardy's matches have the same sort of purpose adding in a few high spots. He might not as technical as Triple H or Cena but his matches seem to more entertaining. I think you are getting somewhat defensive because you are a Cena mark, and that's fine, Cena has carried the company. I was just curious as to why the Hardy's are spot monkeys but Cena and Triple H tell have a good flow in the ring.
Me being a fan of Cena has nothing to do with this. You could have said Rey, Benoit, Eddie, Jericho, Finlay, Booker, Hogan, HBK, Savage, Hart, Sting, Jarrett, Styles, etc...and I still would have commented in the same way.

While I hate the term, if there is ever an example of a spotmonkey, Jeff Hardy is it. There is no consistency and no continuity in his matches. There is never any kind of story being acted out. It's a bunch of random spots thrown together for cheap pops.

That is why Jeff is considered a spot monkey, although he is light years better than he was 5 years ago.

Let Slyfox sway you by throwing Kurt Angle in the mix. I'm sure if we asked Kurt himself he wouldn't be voting for RVD & Sabu! It's damn true.

Remember, voting for RVD & Sabu is a knock against the Steiner's, it's simply stating that RVd & Sabu are not that damn good together. And, if you vote for RVD & Sabu, you will not have good luck for the next 7 years! :)
Quoted for emphasis.
Damnit! I knew I shouldn't have gone away from this board for so long! WHY IN GOD'S NAME HAVE THE NEW AGE OUTLAWS BEEN ELIMINATED BY THE FREAKIN' GUERREROS?!

Look, everyone and their mother knows that Eddie Guerrero is one of the top ten greatest wrestlers, ever. Everyone knows how amazing he was. Chavo, extremely overrated. Nothing special at all and has done nothing but live off of his last name his entire life. But people remember this is a TAG TEAM tournament, not a team of individuals put together.

Los Guerreros...they were a joke team. You can't deny that. They came out in low riders, mowed peoples lawns, and re-inforced every single Mexican stereotype you can think of. They stole, they cheated, and they lied. That was their gimmick and that was the point of them existing. They never accomplished anything really. Sure they won the titles a couple of times....and why? There was no one else!

Now you get to the New Age Outlaws, and despite all the hatred they get from internet smarks, they were easily one of the top five greatest tag teams in wrestling history, and you just can't deny that. No other team has ever dominated the WWE tag team scene more so then they did (until the trio of the Hardys/Dudleys/E&C came around). They absolutely DOMINATED that scene in the Attitude Era. And you just can't deny that. The Attitude era had some of the best tag teams around, and they dominated them.

Remember people...this isn't shoot fighting. This is wrestling. And the NAO were ten times the tag team the Guerreros ever were.

I'm sorely disappointed in you all. :disappointed:

I don't think X has even gotten to the Funks being eliminated yet, so it's about to go down, and X, congrats on being my co-mod, I haven't paid attention, don't know when it happened, but bad ass none the less.

Now, I think Slyfox has easily described everything I feel about the Hardy's. There spots are just so unorganized and really serve no purpose in the match. I Know the WWE wrestlers are told to make sure they hit high spots, I get that, it's part of their gimmicks. But Triple H and Cena have the same repitoire of moves they use in each match, but the moves flow better and come off better then when Jeff Hardy randomly hits a whisper in the wind for no apparent reason.

I don't think X has even gotten to the Funks being eliminated yet, so it's about to go down, and X, congrats on being my co-mod, I haven't paid attention, don't know when it happened, but bad ass none the less.

Now, I think Slyfox has easily described everything I feel about the Hardy's. There spots are just so unorganized and really serve no purpose in the match. I Know the WWE wrestlers are told to make sure they hit high spots, I get that, it's part of their gimmicks. But Triple H and Cena have the same repitoire of moves they use in each match, but the moves flow better and come off better then when Jeff Hardy randomly hits a whisper in the wind for no apparent reason.

Yeah, if you were going to try and get debates going, you should have started with something other than saying Hardy and spotmonkey. Not much debate to be had there. :D

Well in all fairness, and I didn't vote for them, they lost to the Midnight Express, the good version of them. I still voted for the Funks, and kidna just shook my head when I saw the results come in.

And for your viewing pleasure

3. #4 The Midnight Express (Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton) vs. #13 The Funks (Dory Jr. and Terry Funk)

Where the Hell is XFear anyway??? Well, this one kinda shocked me. I know the name reputation of the Express is all well and good, but we're talking about the Funks, the damn Funks that both went onto win World Titles after their tag careers. The Midnight Express is good, so I can't complain to loudly, but just a shame to see the Funks go home, XFear is going to kill you.

Midnight Express
The Shockmaster has been banned for not cheating and pretending the Funks won it anyways.
I have never cheated and never will on this thing. For me, The Rockers would have lost to the Briscoes in round 1, and certainly in round 2 to Generation Next. The Rockers are livign off the name of one guy, Shawn Michaels, who as much as I respect him, can't carry Marty Jannety threw this entire tournament. If the Rockers beat the Minnesota Wrecking Crew, I will probably kill this thread.

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