The WrestleZone Posters Tag Team Tournament

How should we pick partners?

  • Out of a hat.

  • Pick our own.

  • Who cares?

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I'd say Becca would have to be the captain of the Kilq team. Unless anyone would like to say they are a bigger Michaels fan than her?
Hell YES! Survivor Series teams would completely own. And with them not being random, we are so getting mega house teams like..

The People's Mods v. Chris' Cash Cows
Jonny, Jake, Shockey & A.J. v. Cash, Konnan, Gilbertti & Kelly

I can see Main Event written ALL OVER THAT ONE.

Then we get undercards such as..

n00b Squad v. Mod Squad
Dewey Cox, Total Impact, precip666 & Cory v. BigWill, Mr. Wesley, Justinsayne & NorCal. (NorCal will be a mod by then, I'm almost sure of this. :lmao:)

I got another one Freedoms rag tag bunch Vs The Bosses

Notorious F.R.E.E, Jonny Bs #1 Slave, COCO, Eugene, and Razakel v. Admin, Ryan Clark, Polosport, and juliengn, and Crave Admins

with me overcoming the odds Cena style of course and being crowned King of WZ Forums
The the WZ Survivor Series team matches sound awesome. Even though Survivor Series isn't until late November.
We're all forgetting about WZEvolution
Shocky, XFear, Jake and Prax (RIP), we need a 4th member now.
there could nbe a team Canada too....

Team US muthafuckin A

NorCal, Slim, Wes, Shocky

U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A

The Kliq could be any number of 4.

Luther, Sam, Cola & ???

Wes, Justin, A.J. & C.M.

Wes, Justin, NorCal & Will

The Kliq (Becca, Justin, AJ, CM) vs The Shockaholics (Shocky, Slim, The Dungeon, and Slyfox)

Team names could also be switched to the Revisionist vs the Realist.
OK so we need to move forward with this soon. a Thread needs to be created

:lmao: If we do this soon, it'll overshadow and eclipse the WZ Tag tourney that Derf put together.

And random/shitty or not.. Derf OWNED for creating that by himself. So he deserves the spotlight for all his work.

Meanwhile.. NorCal & Will = Survivor Series WZ Tourney.. find us a good team to partner with NorCal.. I vote Wes & Justin, we'd dominate and own!
and I dont give a fuck about sighning up. im taking people against their will LOL. im just grabbing every regular poster, and throwing them in a pool. No rules, super teams allowed. everyone who doesnt get scooped, will get mish mashed at random. 4 or 5 man teqms depending on how many posters are involved and how many teams their are, trades are doable between team captains
:lmao: If we do this soon, it'll overshadow and eclipse the WZ Tag tourney that Derf put together.

And random/shitty or not.. Derf OWNED for creating that by himself. So he deserves the spotlight for all his work.

Meanwhile.. NorCal & Will = Survivor Series WZ Tourney.. find us a good team to partner with NorCal.. I vote Wes & Justin, we'd dominate and own!

This is why Will is the best poster at WZ. I've seen him do this a few times and no one ever calls him on it. Really Will, you'd dominate AND own.
Only mods/admin can declare to be captains, but they dont necessarily HAVE to be. (so that superteams can happen)

we can do it like that, or do it based off of other funny shit, such as team USA, team canada, santino club, the newb crew, prisonbreak, etc.
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