The WrestleZone Posters Tag Team Tournament

How should we pick partners?

  • Out of a hat.

  • Pick our own.

  • Who cares?

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All you have to do is what NorCal said, just take the people who were left out, put them in a hat, draw and there you go.
I hate you Derf
1st round vs Jonny???

Also, I'm NOT trading for NorCal

C.M. you bastard, if you trade to team with Brian, you won't have to face Jonny. Trade to team with Brian, so I can team with NorCal you bastard! please? :lmao:

Looking at the bracket I think AJ and I have potential to go far if we can get by Will and his antics in round one.

I'll willingly lay down. :( I'm fucked anyway thanks to Derf and his "I won't stack the decks" Then he somehow ends up with a respected overall mod and against two guys that shouldn't have a chance. :headscratch:

Ok.. I think I MIGHT have to redo the teams, as it seems people are upset about being left out... I'll have to create a poll...


NorCal & Will for the win baby!
If we're redoing this shit for me to get screwed with someone else all over again then why did I just vote yes?

BigWill & NorCal as a team, or BigWill lays down in round one to put over n00b 1 & n00b 2.
Battle Royal poll, top vote getters get in as the final teams. However many teams are needed to even out the brackets will be added (ex- if we need two teams top four vote getters are in).

we could just refill in the brackets, which would take roughly 10X less time, and less effort to do....

If your saying that because I said I'd vote for Jonny Cage, I was just kidding. I would never vote against you or CM, let alone both at the same time.
LOL and CM refused to trade me....

but technically, IC had his pick of the litter, and he picked Polley, making me NOT the number 1 draft pick

we could just refill in the brackets, which would take roughly 10X less time, and less effort to do....

Seriously.. the current teams are already fucked. So if we're gonna redo this just to rerandomize it, we might as well stay with what we have.. otherwise the problem of "I got a shitty partner/not the member I wanted" all over again.

Rerandomizing it won't do any good.

SOLUTION: Everyone that wanted added toss their names in a hat, and draw them at random. Then either redo the brackets, or add them in qualifying match. But if you're redoing this WHOLE THING, then don't make it random teams.
If your saying that because I said I'd vote for Jonny Cage, I was just kidding. I would never vote against you or CM, let alone both at the same time.

no, im saying it cuz its true LOL. one of my biggest pet peeves on earth is when people overcomplicate things. and its not really directed just at you its everyone with all these insane play in ideas....

play in ideas = reformatting and fudging brackets, and extra time for votes to be cast for the play ins

refilling the brackets with all the new people part of the random drawing = 25 minutes
It would be easiest to simply put the remaining people who want in names in a hat and draw them out, and have another triple threat or something. Its the easiest way.
Thats a good idea Will. The teams have already been drawn and redoing it takes a lot of the fun factor out of it. If you look at the brackets, the teams are as even as they are going to get. This is better than having a bunch of powerhouse teams and random nobodies.
It would be easiest to simply put the remaining people who want in names in a hat and draw them out, and have another triple threat or something. Its the easiest way.

Seriously, did I not just say that. :headscratch: :(

Brian & I really are a team, we're both majorly ignored.

The One Mr. Big Friday Afternoon Will!
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