The Whostine Show

After reading an example of your "reviews", I really have to say...

Ive been on a little bit of a Hiatus as of...sometime last year, i dont fuckin know (Meths a hell of a drug). And i decided to come on her to say "What the FUCK kind of hell did i just stumble upon?"

First of all this goddamn webpage page still looks like an internet browser from fuckin 1999 with its red ass background and generic ass buttons. The only time i could ever find this page remotely satisfying is if i was 60 year old piece of shit old fart with Alzheimer...OR, for some odd reason, one of you diehard wrestlezone fans...unless of course you are all old bastards and in that case go pick out a casket and get the hell off the internet....

ANOTHER thing! How in the fuckin hell can you add "checking my wrestlezone" to your daily routine? you are aware that no one has cured the AIDS virus yet, or found a solution to global warming (dont believe in global warming? go fuck yourself you ignorant bastard). but if you arent feeling particularly special then hey, i hear 2k games is handling the new WWE game this year...maybe theyll actually make a piece of WWE memorabilia worth a damn, i mean they're the fuckin makers of Bioshock for god sakes, they could just shit out a WWE game and it would already be better than; the marine, every single SvR, anything the rocks ever been in, and even the WWE franchise itself. but back on topic...go do something with your fuckin life that isnt THIS :twak:

But the shit flavored icing on the cake has to be this pathetic role play. What was your weekly soap opera (RAW) not enough for you ? when Jesus was on the cross i can assure you he was not thinking; :crucified: "when i die for your sins you have to devote the precious hours of your life and make up characters and have fake wrestling matches bleeeeehhhhhh". The way i see it is he should just fart and gas us all (my holocaust friends know what im talkin about) because with the creation of this shit my faith in humanity has dropped lower than Betty Whites tits.

Have you ever gotten so mad that you strangle your wife and child to death before hanging yourself on a bowflex? well that's what i do every time i get on this fucking website...and many of you are probably like "Whostine, y u get on site if it make you mad???" and that reason IS not because i care about you..i actually fuckin despise every one of you and i will not stop until you feel my hate.

I usually end this by giving a rating of something. and in this case i would have to rate wrestlezone itself but the lowest possible rating i could ever think of giving anything is "wrestlezone" so the site itself is its own shitty rating. so the best way i can think to conclude this is by saying fuck you, fuck me for taking the time to write this and forever imbed my name on this piece of shit, and fuck wrestlezone you goddamn-motherfuckin-generic red background havin-********in-communist sympathizing-piece of fuckin shit :2up:
Ive been on a little bit of a Hiatus as of...sometime last year, i dont fuckin know (Meths a hell of a drug). And i decided to come on her to say "What the FUCK kind of hell did i just stumble upon?"

First of all this goddamn webpage page still looks like an internet browser from fuckin 1999 with its red ass background and generic ass buttons. The only time i could ever find this page remotely satisfying is if i was 60 year old piece of shit old fart with Alzheimer...OR, for some odd reason, one of you diehard wrestlezone fans...unless of course you are all old bastards and in that case go pick out a casket and get the hell off the internet....

ANOTHER thing! How in the fuckin hell can you add "checking my wrestlezone" to your daily routine? you are aware that no one has cured the AIDS virus yet, or found a solution to global warming (dont believe in global warming? go fuck yourself you ignorant bastard). but if you arent feeling particularly special then hey, i hear 2k games is handling the new WWE game this year...maybe theyll actually make a piece of WWE memorabilia worth a damn, i mean they're the fuckin makers of Bioshock for god sakes, they could just shit out a WWE game and it would already be better than; the marine, every single SvR, anything the rocks ever been in, and even the WWE franchise itself. but back on topic...go do something with your fuckin life that isnt THIS :twak:

But the shit flavored icing on the cake has to be this pathetic role play. What was your weekly soap opera (RAW) not enough for you ? when Jesus was on the cross i can assure you he was not thinking; :crucified: "when i die for your sins you have to devote the precious hours of your life and make up characters and have fake wrestling matches bleeeeehhhhhh". The way i see it is he should just fart and gas us all (my holocaust friends know what im talkin about) because with the creation of this shit my faith in humanity has dropped lower than Betty Whites tits.

Have you ever gotten so mad that you strangle your wife and child to death before hanging yourself on a bowflex? well that's what i do every time i get on this fucking website...and many of you are probably like "Whostine, y u get on site if it make you mad???" and that reason IS not because i care about you..i actually fuckin despise every one of you and i will not stop until you feel my hate.

I usually end this by giving a rating of something. and in this case i would have to rate wrestlezone itself but the lowest possible rating i could ever think of giving anything is "wrestlezone" so the site itself is its own shitty rating. so the best way i can think to conclude this is by saying fuck you, fuck me for taking the time to write this and forever imbed my name on this piece of shit, and fuck wrestlezone you goddamn-motherfuckin-generic red background havin-********in-communist sympathizing-piece of fuckin shit :2up:

Are you having meth withdrawals? You seem on edge.
He immediately became my favorite character when Michael asked him to mail a letter and he decided to throw it into the sea instead. Carl Weathers was my favorite guest star so far.
Ive been on a little bit of a Hiatus as of...sometime last year, i dont fuckin know (Meths a hell of a drug). And i decided to come on her to say "What the FUCK kind of hell did i just stumble upon?"

First of all this goddamn webpage page still looks like an internet browser from fuckin 1999 with its red ass background and generic ass buttons. The only time i could ever find this page remotely satisfying is if i was 60 year old piece of shit old fart with Alzheimer...OR, for some odd reason, one of you diehard wrestlezone fans...unless of course you are all old bastards and in that case go pick out a casket and get the hell off the internet....

ANOTHER thing! How in the fuckin hell can you add "checking my wrestlezone" to your daily routine? you are aware that no one has cured the AIDS virus yet, or found a solution to global warming (dont believe in global warming? go fuck yourself you ignorant bastard). but if you arent feeling particularly special then hey, i hear 2k games is handling the new WWE game this year...maybe theyll actually make a piece of WWE memorabilia worth a damn, i mean they're the fuckin makers of Bioshock for god sakes, they could just shit out a WWE game and it would already be better than; the marine, every single SvR, anything the rocks ever been in, and even the WWE franchise itself. but back on topic...go do something with your fuckin life that isnt THIS :twak:

But the shit flavored icing on the cake has to be this pathetic role play. What was your weekly soap opera (RAW) not enough for you ? when Jesus was on the cross i can assure you he was not thinking; :crucified: "when i die for your sins you have to devote the precious hours of your life and make up characters and have fake wrestling matches bleeeeehhhhhh". The way i see it is he should just fart and gas us all (my holocaust friends know what im talkin about) because with the creation of this shit my faith in humanity has dropped lower than Betty Whites tits.

Have you ever gotten so mad that you strangle your wife and child to death before hanging yourself on a bowflex? well that's what i do every time i get on this fucking website...and many of you are probably like "Whostine, y u get on site if it make you mad???" and that reason IS not because i care about you..i actually fuckin despise every one of you and i will not stop until you feel my hate.

I usually end this by giving a rating of something. and in this case i would have to rate wrestlezone itself but the lowest possible rating i could ever think of giving anything is "wrestlezone" so the site itself is its own shitty rating. so the best way i can think to conclude this is by saying fuck you, fuck me for taking the time to write this and forever imbed my name on this piece of shit, and fuck wrestlezone you goddamn-motherfuckin-generic red background havin-********in-communist sympathizing-piece of fuckin shit :2up:

So it's like Haiku's Shit List, except you can't call it that, because of the swearing and what not.
:disappointed:WHOSTINE REVIEW…

So.... last Sunday as you all know (sadly) the much popular WWE PPV Summerslam aired for the 25th time. And for reasons I cant quite understand I've decided to break it down...its not because I love wrestling, I fuckin despise wrestling. In actuality I sat my happy ass down last night and watched Breaking Bad, because I’m into that shit and because spending my money to watch men in underwear slapcock around in ring doesn't seem like a worthy investment of my time unless I suddenly awake as homosexual one day. No, Summerslam got all but 15 minutes of my attention on a poorly cited website. So I apologize if some of my statements are inaccurate but; 1. Who fuckin cares? And 2. Trying to correct me because this is actually the 26th anniversary of Summerslam instead of the 25th is about as gay as a tombstone on Darren Young.

Of the many noteworthy pieces of shit matches last Sunday there are only three that I feel I should talk about. Those being Kane’s ring of fire match, Brock Lesnar’s No DQ match, and of course the most contradictory piece of shit I’ve ever heard of; the WWE title match. Some "honorable" mentions being the chick fight, and for future reference any match involving women is an attempt at giving the dominant male demographic a boner, and serve no more purpose other than to annoy the piss out of me with their loud bitchy screaming. Id rather listen to a whole John Cena album.... yes, its that bad... The other matches being a Title fight with some Mexican, and a match involving the not so prodigal son of Dusty Rhodes...speaking of which anyone else find it fitting that the nickname "the American Dream" goes to a 300lbs 67 year old white guy?

The First match I deem worth talking about would have to be the ring of fire match between Kane and man I can only assume couldn’t decide whether he wanted to take on a Hawaiian persona, a rocker persona, hillbilly serial killer persona, or just wanted to do a Notch Perssons impression. Either way I sit here wondering why Kane the supposed demon from hell got his ass beat by a guy…who sits in a goddamn rocking chair? Not to mention his two “family members”. You couldn’t convince me those guys are related just like you can’t convince me they don’t fuck each other’s assholes after the match. And another thing! I’d just like to point out the sheer fucking stupidity of a Ring of fire match. Can the people that watch WWE actually be stupid enough to believe that a televised event would actually burn a man? It’s things like this that make me believe humanity has gone to shit…just like the acting in a WWE film.

Lets make this next one quick, Mexican JBL vs. and Canadian guy whose name isn’t really Christian… Honestly I don’t want to even talk about it now… Mexican JBL won.:shrug:

Now on to the cherry on top of this monumental waste of 60 bucks, Lets forget the fact that John Cena a former football player, bodybuilder, and high school wrestler got beat by a Billy goat, the match itself writes its own book on things that would only happen in crappy soap opera. I’d much rather talk about the fact that after Billy goat Bryan won the championship then was immediately bobba fetted by triple H and Randy Orton. Not even the fact that the repeated formula of using the money in the bank immediately after the match on Paper view was used yet again… Its WHY THE HELL :icon_mad:is triple H and Randy Orton suddenly a team?!?! And you’re probably like “Whostine!!! Triple H and Randy Orton used to be a team” but as I recall it ended with Randy Orton getting his shit kicked in, so even if this was a dramatic ploy by Triple D man boobs to betray Orton again, so unless his IQ is lower than the rottentomatoe score for 12 rounds 2, then I’m sure he’d expect that.

Have you ever gotten so mad that you shot your girlfriend and posted it on facebook? Well that’s what I did when I heard about this year’s addition of Summerslam. This only furthers my belief in the fact that the WWE is the worst thing ever. Last Sunday will probably go down as the worst day in history, even beating the premier of total divas, which made me contemplate suicide by fire. And unless they make “professional” wrestling an Olympic sport it will remain the worst day ever. Out of 10 I give Summerslam a Project X cause it ended just like the movie, everything went to shit and a lot of people regretted it in the morning.
Did you see the moment between Steph and Randy? The most recent development was Randy going psychotic on that family.

They paid a nice homage to that and the commentators brought it up nicely.

As for the rest of your review.

Shut up Filistine.
Ever since my days of joining Wrestlezone i've had a dream to create a show. This show would be a show where i can give my views on current wrestling events. This show would be a show that would allow me to give my opinions about other members of wrestlezone and even tell you a little about myself in the process. Well after numerous infractions, being banned, and several reviews I feel happy to inform you all that my dream of creating a show has become a reality :icon_mrgreen:! Some of you may come to hate me others may come to love me just remeber this quote:

"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you" Matthew 6:14

I think it is also important that I explain to you how I look at life and that way is through the use of constructive criticism. I use this way of criticism not to insult your intelligence and the way you live you life but to better you in the way you do your posts so that they fit the standards that they should be at :)

That is currently all that i have to say about my show and I look forward to begin writing the first one...

If you want to give your opinion on wrestling, Nick Paglino is looking for a new columnist.

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