Ive been on a little bit of a Hiatus as of...sometime last year, i dont fuckin know (
Meths a hell of a drug). And i decided to come on her to say "What the FUCK kind of hell did i just stumble upon?"
First of all this goddamn webpage page still looks like an internet browser from fuckin 1999 with its red ass background and generic ass buttons. The only time i could ever find this page remotely satisfying is if i was 60 year old piece of shit old fart with Alzheimer...OR, for some odd reason, one of you diehard wrestlezone fans...unless of course you are all old bastards and in that case go pick out a casket and get the hell off the internet....
ANOTHER thing! How in the fuckin hell can you add "checking my wrestlezone" to your daily routine? you are aware that no one has cured the AIDS virus yet, or found a solution to global warming (dont believe in global warming? go fuck yourself you ignorant bastard). but if you arent feeling particularly special then hey, i hear 2k games is handling the new WWE game this year...maybe theyll actually make a piece of WWE memorabilia worth a damn, i mean they're the fuckin makers of Bioshock for god sakes, they could just shit out a WWE game and it would already be better than; the marine, every single SvR, anything the rocks ever been in, and even the WWE franchise itself. but back on topic...go do something with your fuckin life that isnt THIS
But the shit flavored icing on the cake has to be this pathetic role play. What was your weekly soap opera (RAW) not enough for you ? when Jesus was on the cross i can assure you he was not thinking;
"when i die for your sins you have to devote the precious hours of your life wrestlezone.com and make up characters and have fake wrestling matches bleeeeehhhhhh". The way i see it is he should just fart and gas us all (my holocaust friends know what im talkin about) because with the creation of this shit my faith in humanity has dropped lower than Betty Whites tits.
Have you ever gotten so mad that you strangle your wife and child to death before hanging yourself on a bowflex? well that's what i do every time i get on this fucking website...and many of you are probably like "Whostine, y u get on site if it make you mad???" and that reason IS not because i care about you..i actually fuckin despise every one of you and i will not stop until you feel my hate.
I usually end this by giving a rating of something. and in this case i would have to rate wrestlezone itself but the lowest possible rating i could ever think of giving anything is "wrestlezone" so the site itself is its own shitty rating. so the best way i can think to conclude this is by saying fuck you, fuck me for taking the time to write this and forever imbed my name on this piece of shit, and fuck wrestlezone you
goddamn-motherfuckin-generic red background havin-********in-communist sympathizing-piece of fuckin shit