The What do People Really Think about "_____" Thread

I'm going to sticky this for now until it eventually dies down so people don't take over others threads with asking to join. I'll unsticky it when we're ready. I'm using a random number generator, but only goes up to 30. That way the people that signed up first get priority in this. If there are more then 30, the newest people stay out until they are grandfathered into the top 30 when they have a chance of being picked.
Can i please sign up Uncle Shocky, not so much to read what people think about me more to see if people know i exist. seriously. :) thanks in advance
You're going to be sorely disappointed, Nametag.

I've decided that any poster I am unfamiliar with will be referred to as Nametag.
I'd actually want to see what people write. I also want to know if people realize that I exist. Definitely some mods and a few admins don't. I also realize that Sly probably won't know who I am(why do you spurn me so?).
No I will. Should be fun, if un-informing. I already have a pretty decent grasp of what most people feel.

On a side note, Shocky should put a "big name" as the next one. He needs to get a big draw going. Luther, Jake, myself, or even Spawn or Slim Pickns would be good. Get someone that people are split on. Everyone loves IC25, everyone (but me apparently) loves HBK-aholic, etc. Need to get someone that'll draw to spice things up from the get go.

Just a suggestion.
You're going to be sorely disappointed, Nametag.

I will assume you were referring to me here, but you spelt my name wrong. For starters you are missing an "r" and the letters are jumbled but I managed to interpret what you were trying to call me.

What you meant to say was, "You're going to be sorely disappointed, GreatMan."
Its ok its all fixed now, crisis averted and thanks for calling me GreatMan, it truly means alot.

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