The Undertaker - Work or Shoot?

I really thought he was out of it, he is getting old and had to ruch his recovery to return before WM27. I mean you can see the aging on him, he is slower, balding, can use less power moves like the tombstone, and his injuries are getting longer and are ocurring more often. i love the undertaker but i want him to retire at next WM for his own health.
Whatever it was, it sure was serious. either serious selling or serious pain. i expected him to rise up like he always does and raise his hand like he does in celebration of win 19, but that didnt happen. He didnt get to ride off into the sunset, which makes you wonder if he'll come back for wm28, or if he really is hurt and will call it quits. But honestly, we've seen taker take some damage, especially to the head, like in taker/hbk vol 1, where he dove out the ring and shawn pulled the camera man in the way and Taker missed everybody and landed head first on the ground. i thought his neck was broken and he got up and still put on a hell of a show after that, but maybe all of that is finally taking it's toll. It does seem kind of acted tho due to the fact that it took soo long to get him to the back. i think if it was serious they would have took him out of the ring and to the back as fast as possible to have him looked at, so i'm totally split on it.
This just proves The Undertaker's supreme selling abilities. I figured he was alright, but there was the feeling that maybe there was something wrong with him. I've been watching wrestling all my life and Taker has been there throughout the whole thing. The guy is an absolute legend and brings so much emotion to whatever match he is in. His selling after the match at Mania was absolutely incredible. He just had you worried about his well being and if he would ever be the same Undertaker you grew up watching. It also shows just how important this damn streak is. Taker (kayfabe) nearly killed himself to keep the damn thing living. It also gives us some character development to one of the greatest characters this industry has ever seen. At Wrestlemania we saw a human side to the Deadman. We saw that maybe he isn't as immortal as he has been made out. It was fantastic work by The Undertaker and it makes me ready to see what the next step is for him and if the streak will be ended and we'll see the end of one of the greatest superstars of all time.
Maybe its the last gimmick for him? You know he now goes by the last outlaw and not the deadman as much. Maybe he will show more human side and emotions that way when he does call it quits he can have all that Ric Flair did plus more. I mean how do you send of the Taker when he goes? Does he retire with streak or how would they do the aftermath to it being broken? They can't "kill" the Taker character then induct him into the HOF otherwise he can't show or has to break kayfabe and he seems to go out of his way to not break kayfabe.

I like it when the WWE goes the same worn path but throws a bump in there. Like when Cena could be fired. I knew he wouldn't be but then thought what if. Like with Taker, he can't lose at WM but what would happen if he did and who the hell decides who? I mean i heard a story that he chose Randy Orton and he declined. It would have to be someone that would benefit. Thats why i hated WM this year my two favorite wrestlers going at it. HHH and Taker had me split at first but went with Taker because i felt HHH didn't need the streak end under his belt.
I cant shake the nagging feeling that if this really was a work and Taker was selling how much the match had taken out of him for the win, wouldnt it then make sense to have HHH sprawled on the canvas aswell. Trips was already on his feet before noticing Takers condition and i am of the belief that had he noticed he would have stayed down also.
In my opinion SELLING as all of you are so sure would entail BOTH men to be unable to walk the ramp? Or am i the only one using this logic??
It is because of these points that i believe it was legit and not a planned work.
I cant shake the nagging feeling that if this really was a work and Taker was selling how much the match had taken out of him for the win, wouldnt it then make sense to have HHH sprawled on the canvas aswell. Trips was already on his feet before noticing Takers condition and i am of the belief that had he noticed he would have stayed down also.
In my opinion SELLING as all of you are so sure would entail BOTH men to be unable to walk the ramp? Or am i the only one using this logic??
It is because of these points that i believe it was legit and not a planned work.

Disagree. Never once did I think Taker was really hurt. It seems obvious to me he was selling. The point is Taker was taken to his absolute limit and willed himself beyond his normal limits to be able to hold onto what’s most important to him; the streak. It’s also setting up next year. This year Taker was just barely able to survive. Even though he won he was in far worse shape than his opponent. It’s becoming harder and harder for him to hold onto that streak.
Disagree. Never once did I think Taker was really hurt. It seems obvious to me he was selling. The point is Taker was taken to his absolute limit and willed himself beyond his normal limits to be able to hold onto what’s most important to him; the streak. It’s also setting up next year. This year Taker was just barely able to survive. Even though he won he was in far worse shape than his opponent. It’s becoming harder and harder for him to hold onto that streak.

It is, the thing Im worried about, is, For every big name that has come and gone, There is two that never competed against him at Mania, that would complete that list. Cena and Hogan.

And since I have absolutely no interest in seeing Hogan every wrestle again, Cena is left off. And since he's already tapped against Rock next year, who's left.

If someone were to beat him now, they are not beating him in his prime, they would be beating a beat down legend, who is close to retiring anyway.

Triple H took him to the limit, in Triple H's best match in years, and at the end...if he retired right now, it would be believable.
I have to go with a mostly sell but a bit of both. Well through out the match he got about 7 moves in first of all. Secondly the match was practically nap time. But you do have to factor The Undertaker's age in all of this to. I guess you could say he took a bit of punishment.:banghead:
In the words of Monsoon - "Will you be serious".

Of course this was a work. Did you see the Refs put up the X symbol? If Taker was legit hurt he wudda been outta there much quicker. He was selling his injuries to make Triple H look stronger. Thats all. Very naive to think otherwise!!!

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