Stone Cold is a bigger star then The Rock and Undertaker just had his streak

This annoys me as much as the Trish / Lita who is better

GREAT stars have GREAT stars to play off of -- Hogan had Piper / Flair had Sting / Austin had Rock / Trish had Lita ...

none were "bigger" than the other, when Austin was down Rock ran with the ball and was just as big as Austin

that being said THAT is what's wrong with WWE right now they have Cena and no second star just a bunch of guy you can rotate in and out. Until there is someone as big as Cena it will be stale. You NEED 2 big stars that can feud long time and Cena never had that

While I appreciate your comment it really isn't the WWE's fault on the Cena thing. Orton is basically Cena's rival and they have had good matches. They aren't equals but they're close. You figure Batista almost was but then left. Punk was without a doubt for a while and he left. Bryan is but he's injured. Jeff Hardy debatable could have but he left. Same with Lesnar and Edge had his injuries. If anything the WWE just gets screwed by other guys they push, no one loves the top of the WWE right now as much as John Cena
Austin is remembered as being a bigger star only bc Rock left to make movies which clearly made Vince bitter hence why they didnt even speak for years and Vince was constantly promoting Austin as the GOAT bc he had issues w. Hogan/Rock so Austin got the title by default. Its funny how in 02 when Vince had all 3 it was Hogan/Rock that he trusted most and built Mania around while he kicked Austin to the curb ahahah

So true.

The Rock outshined Austin from some point in 99 onward. He was the more familiar household name. He became the Hollywood star. He was the most consistent attraction at weekly shows. He was involved in most of the main events for PPVs in that period of time. He was the top guy.

Out of the 3 (Hogan, Austin, and The Rock), who is the least popular? Austin. That's why Vince HAS to cram down every throats that Austin is the GOAT. It's the only vague, baseless, claim that he can make. Hogan is the most popular professional wrestler of all time and meant even more to the generation that he was in than even The Rock meant to kids of the 2000s. The Rock is the most successful professional wrestler of all time (considering his international fame due to movies that stemmed from his success in the WWF). Austin...well he's extremely important to fans and ex-fans of pro wrestling in a particular era.

So we have 1 iconic legend whose star is fading, 1 currently very recognizably famous international movie star, and 1 pro wrestling legend. It's not rocket science to see who is the biggest star.

Austin did not mean as much to pop culture as The Rock did therefore Austin was not the bigger star. Hogan nods.

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