The Thunder-Blog

All 3 hours of it was awesome. I'm tired now though but I am going to see District 9 later on tonight so it's all good, my friend!
FalKon. You failed. You misspelled Maria's last name. It is Kanellis. Not Kennellis. :disappointed: I had higher expectations.

There is a reason why I have spelt it that way. Its to emphasis how stupid she is going to be. Never, EVER comment my womens wrestling knowledge, boy! :lmao:
All 3 hours of it was awesome. I'm tired now though but I am going to see District 9 later on tonight so it's all good, my friend!

3 hours? That blows more than a whale's blowhole. (keeping it PG lol). District 9 FTW lol. I still need to go see it.

There is a reason why I have spelt it that way. Its to emphasis how stupid she is going to be. Never, EVER comment my womens wrestling knowledge, boy! :lmao:

I will comment on it FalKon. She is from the city of Chi. She is actually very smart, and I would rather her be portrayed as such. But I guess it is because she is a hometown girl that I want her to be shown like she should. :shrug:
I will comment on it FalKon. She is from the city of Chi. She is actually very smart, and I would rather her be portrayed as such. But I guess it is because she is a hometown girl that I want her to be shown like she should. :shrug:

Its only Chicagie or whatever its called. Accurate for Maria to be stupid :lmao:
Never, you fiend. It was bound to happen some time. Besides, I can always picture Mickie or look her up when I get home.
Don't apoligise man... Dave BROmance > Chuck Norris

*Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks me in the crotch to make me a woman*
I'm not going to join in this "female dog" fight...

T'is entertaining though, keep going.

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