The Thunder-Blog

Come on, Balde. I'm just playin. I love you, man.

But I still think you're going to continue to get passed up as a mod if you keep bitching about it.
Bitching would imply I'm saying something negative, I was merely passing a comment about when I plan to change my name.
Come on now, bro. Considering your track record for "bitching" about it, the mere mention of it will probably piss them off. Just lookin out for ya.
D-Man, change your avatar. That one belongs to the poster The Brain.

And I love you too.
What he said is an exaggeration. However, even you have to admit that a lot of your non-spam posts came from your sig work. Thoroughly deserved but it is still true.
Yes, but it is deserved, and I have enough of people running the Graphics section down. Our posts are just as important and we deserve posts we received in there, despite what TM and now X thinks.

Anyway, at least I got my posts from posting sigs, unlike his "great work as always doc" posts.
Bitch it was on when he originally locked the factions threads and started being a dick. Hell it was on three months ago when I bitched about him to Tenta in a PM. He needs to get hopped up on luudes again, because since the summer he's metamorphosed into a world-class douche.
Yum, just made Spaghetti Bolognese for the first time ever tonight and it was delicious! Even my housemate approved!

How do guys?
He spotted one of your PM's to Tenta while you were talking shit about him?? HAHAHAAHAH

No. He didn't. I PMed Tenta about my thoughts long time ago.

I'm just saying I have been turned off of X for a while now, ever since he tried insulting FalKon by calling him a "Shit poster", which he certainly is not. Unfunny? Maybe. Bad poster? HELL NO!

It's not just that, though, it's a big combination of things.
It's that you can't shake the image of "sig maker" from your tail, isn't it?
The fuck is your problem Doc? Yeah, sorry, Falkon is a shit poster. Really shit poster. And yeah I don't think you deserve that post count for spam posts, but I feel the same way about half of KB and NSL's posts as well, doesn't seem to bother them though.
You're one to talk about spamming the graphics section. Does "Great work as always Doc" ring any bells?

Basically, it's what Dave said. I'm sick of it. I love being a graphics guy, but I'm severely overlooked when it comes to everywhere else. first I "only posted in the LDs" and now I "only post in the graphics section".

It was the way you said it. Typed it. The way it came across, whatever. It takes a long time to make graphics, and I work my ass off for them and am sick of the section getting looked down upon constantly by the people in charge.
You're one to talk about spamming the graphics section. Does "Great work as always Doc" ring any bells?

I wasn't even aware the post count was on in that section until you guys started making such a big deal out of actually.

Basically, it's what Dave said. I'm sick of it. I love being a graphics guy, but I'm severely overlooked when it comes to everywhere else. first I "only posted in the LDs" and now I "only post in the graphics section".

Then do something to get noticed in other sections.

It was the way you said it. Typed it. The way it came across, whatever. It takes a long time to make graphics, and I work my ass off for them and am sick of the section getting looked down upon constantly by the people in charge.

It's more of you don't deserve the 500+ posts of yours that come from bullshitting and spamming in the Graphics section. Same way KB doesn't deserve 12,000 posts and NSL doesn't deserve over a thousand of his. Because a ton of them came from spam, be it bullshitting and posting pictures in the graphics section, or bullshitting about an e-fed like with KB and NSL, I just don't think it's very fair to others.

Has nothing to do with the graphics section, but I fail to see how because it takes you awhile to make a graphic that you deserve a postcount for it.

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