The Thunder-Blog

A graphic takes just as much thought and work as a long post. You should try making graphics like mine, with my workload. Do not try and run down the work I do.
A graphic takes just as much thought and work as a long post. You should try making graphics like mine, with my workload. Do not try and run down the work I do.

Did I say you did bad work? No. What I said is that you don't deserve postcount for making a graphic. Doesn't matter if it's hard, it's still spam. If I went into a non-spam thread and just posted a picture, that would be spam as well. This isn't a graphics forum, it's a wrestling forum, and I fail to see how making a graphic means you "deserve" post count.

Doc, I just saw you the other day, chill dude! I love your graphics


X, is this a correct interpretation of what you may see in a regular week? If not, I apologise

Please note it's to bring everyone on even keel!
Yet it was me that requested the post ocunt off in that section.

Doc, I just saw you the other day, chill dude! I love your graphics


X, is this a correct interpretation of what you may see in a regular week? If not, I apologise

Please note it's to bring everyone on even keel!

Spot on Phoenix. I actually just gave a mean ****** to a Storm trooper on leave from Tatooine.
What the fuck?!?!?! Why did they stop in Rhode Island? Fucks...

They heard about that c-h-r-o-n-i-c I got NUCCA!

Stormtroopers are all stoners actually. That's kind of why they were defeated so easily. Busy getting high and blowing up planets. Shit's fun.
Sorry Blade but I still haven't forgiven the leprechauns for what they did to Darby O'Gill.
it is different, X. Sigs are more than just random pictures. They are pieces of art that take time and effort to make. This may not be a graphics forun, but there is a graphics section.

Also, I was pissed earlier and tired from school. I still think you're a great poster and I like chatting with you. I've just been mildly annoyed at certain things about you and things in my life, and it boiled over. My apologies.

Dave: Pssssh, you call THIS drama? This is just a spat. I have been involved in some real internet "drama" and it is nothing like this.

Also I am in the parking lot of where RAW is going to take place. :)
Fuck you, asshole.

There is about to be some drama if you keep rubbing that shit in my face...

Lolz. But yeah, I will look out for you mate. Enjoy it.
It never died, Davey. It never died.

Anyway, what is the happy-haps with you?

BTW, I was going to nominate you for Sports Mod but I felt that would have been a slap in the face to TM, who is already doing a great job. Sorry!
Psh...TM lol. Nah its cool. I'm disappointed, but it makes it so I post more in the Stadium for the job. So it is pushing me.

Also not much. Got home from work early, and am tired, but not really in a sleeping mood. How about you bro?
Yeah, same really.

I had a good sleep last night but I have to go and get a few things for my Nan's funeral. I need to get a suit and a haircut. I also haven't shaved in two days because my mind has been a mess. That being said, I am slowly pulling myself out of it.
Hey Dave, I'm going to get some sleep. But if you ever need to talk, you know my PM box is open all the time. Especially for you.

Side note: Hi Nita!!!!!!! I was going to PM you, but I need sleep. Perhaps I will when I wake up. :)

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