The Thunder-Blog

Yeah, same really.

I had a good sleep last night but I have to go and get a few things for my Nan's funeral. I need to get a suit and a haircut. I also haven't shaved in two days because my mind has been a mess. That being said, I am slowly pulling myself out of it.

*Gratuitous amounts of hugs* :(
Ahh that sucks bro. I'm sorry to hear that. I wish I knew sooner, I'd have lended the ear or e-shoulder.

Sorry to hear about your nan passing, Dave.

Hey Dave, I'm going to get some sleep. But if you ever need to talk, you know my PM box is open all the time. Especially for you.

Side note: Hi Nita!!!!!!! I was going to PM you, but I need sleep. Perhaps I will when I wake up. :)

*Gratuitous amounts of hugs* :(

Thanks guys. Believe it or not, with the help of some of the guys on here and this place itself, I have gotten through it a lot easier than if it wasn't here at all. Some of the people on here have been marvellous to me and made this slightly easier to swallow. People can say what they want about this forum but it has helped me take my mind off of what is going on in the real world and some of the friends I have made on here have really helped me cope.
Thanks guys. Believe it or not, with the help of some of the guys on here and this place itself, I have gotten through it a lot easier than if it wasn't here at all. Some of the people on here have been marvellous to me and made this slightly easier to swallow. People can say what they want about this forum but it has helped me take my mind off of what is going on in the real world and some of the friends I have made on here have really helped me cope.

You know what's odd, Dave? That's exactly how I felt when MY nan passed this summer.

My thoughts are with you, man. You have me on MSN if you need to talk about whatever.
Condolances to you Dave and to your family. I know how hard it would be on me if my nana was to pass away and I hope the funeral itself isn't too hard.
Condolances to you Dave and to your family. I know how hard it would be on me if my nana was to pass away and I hope the funeral itself isn't too hard.

That is my main worry now. I cried for most of Wednesday and Thursday. I was really close to her you see and I took it quite hard. I am starting to get over it no but I am hoping that I don't regress when the funeral comes along.
Will a semi-hilarious story about a friend of mine getting Velvet Sky to show up at a Gaming/Wrasslin Convention cheer you up, bro?
They got Sunny and Velvet to show up. One of my friends said Sunny was a bitch the other time, while Velvet was pretty chill. Although I got this confirmed from like 7 other people that went, that Velvet asked if she could shit on this guy's chest, and started calling him a (expletive) when he said no.

Still think it's bull though

Somehow I don't think "I'd let her shit on my chest" is going to replace "I'd pee in her butt" any time soon.
You guys are ruining my thread...

Where is Davey McChiHawks when I need him?

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