The Thunder-Blog

I didn't, mate.

I will go and read them now and let you know what I think.
I had the last three to read anyway. After reading it though, i thing you and Thriller have won it. It is a shame because Tenta really started to convince me at the start of the debate but by the end, ST had kind of let the side down. Thriller owned him and I think that he raised some better points, I do think that the Cruiserweight Championship would be a better championship to bring back. Plus, your team was the onyl one to do a closing statement as per the rules. So you win.
I did get a little worried about Tenta. He is a very good debator, challenging you at all times. ST didn't challenge us too much. I hope we have it won though, I want to face IC and D-Man hahaha.
Yeah, maybe you guys can face them for the number one contender spot after myself and Phoenix are done demolishing them...


I'm kidding. However, I do think that you have picked up the win.
Be careful of what you wish for, friend...

I have a feeling this idea is going to die very soon. I don't think we're gonna hold interest for more debating, especially considering all of stuff that's happening on the forum right now.
Yeah, it is very time consuming, to be honest. Although, I will be very glad when it it is over. I still do the CLDL and such so it's not all bad.
Debate Leagues are great for spreading knowledge and allowing posters to throw their egos around a bit. However, I always knew the CLDL was going to fail. Once you start bringing up REAL issues debates don't seem to be as fun anymore. Considering this is primarily a wrestling website, we should stick to the sure thing.

Now, since the original debate league is over for this year, I think that the competition that fell short in the original league still has a lot to prove, so the motivation is slightly high. However, and not to sound conceited or anything, but I've proven myself enough. And to be honest, I'm exhausted. I had to beat IC25 for Christ's sake!! That's almost as exhausting as doing a 10-minute wall-sit.
Yeah, I completely agree on both points. The CLDL has been awash with people who are not properly motivated and it annoys me that people signed up knowing that they would have to debate but have since been less than driven. That being said, I do get bored with debating and that is the great downfall of the leagues. I think I will see what happens with the CLDL and make my debate with you and IC my last one for now.
And afterwards you took two weeks off D-Man. Buck up son. :lmao: I jest. Debating is a pain in the ass but always a great way to pick up a few things, and learning a ton of stuff. But I tell you what D-Man, we will have our debate one day. Hopefully soonish. But until then, I'm going to bed. Fuckin' working all night, not getting any sleep. I need to be up for this goddamn epic battle tonight. Peace out my homies.
Honestly, I'd love to debate with someone on a valid subject, but without the whole arrangement of the DL. I just want to have an informal battle with someone who thinks they know more about something that me, and I them. The only problem with that is most people on this site agree with things that I post. Granted, it's very flattering and makes me feel like I don't talk out of my ass, but it doesn't give me much of a chance to get in the mix of things.

In the past, I've started fights with people in some of the rooms just to get a rise out of them and create discussion. That's the only way I can get people against me. Apparently, I'm a nice guy LOL. Too nice to debate with.

Come on, people. FIGHT ME!!! :lmao:
It's Blade! I hope you are ready for our epic LD tonight. We are merely hours away.
The excitement is palpable. Bret Hart will be epic tonight. There is no doubt about it. TNA has got nothing compared to him.
Also, I could have a debate with D-Man. I think I could put up good fight, considering the amount of times I've pwned Dave on MSN ;)

Aw, you cunt. I never saw that edit.

It's just because I wasn't trying my hardest.

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