The Three Most Over-Rated WWE Wrestlers by the IWC

What the fuck are you talking about. Shit matches?

The ones with Dean Ambrose sucked ass.

Those were fucking good he sells well for all of his matches and He has at the very least decent psycology compared to everybody else in ROH.

Then that's an absolutely damning indictment on the rest of the ROH locker room. Seth's psychology is terrible when he's on offence, in that he'd rather do some totally kewl movez rather than something that makes fucking sence. and sells pain for all of thirty seconds when he starts his comeback. Dreadful, dreadful wrestler.

I don't know how you can say that who cares how he acts CM Punk the WWE's Hottest Act today is one of the biggest douchebags I've seen in my entire life if you going by his twitter and social media sites.

CM Punk is a multiple time world champion. Seth Rollins gets pissed when John Cena doesn't call him the best guy in FCW. Can you see the difference?

Have you seen him in FCW the most flashy thing he's done in FCW is a fucking super kick and winning a tournament.

Yes I watch FCW, that's why I'm able to accurately call Seth Rollins overrated and shit. In his matches against Ambrose Seth has done plenty of flashy bullshit moves. Off the top of my head he's done a Phoenix Splash, suicide dives, suicide sentons, a rope aided swining neckbreaker (which he didn't follow up on), a suplex over the top rope and God's Last Gift. Your statement is bullshit. Next.

Plus he's freaking over in Florida while he normally used to wrestle all the way up north in New York I believe.

And Husky Harris is far more over in Florida, and why the fuck would I care where else he's wrestled?
The ones with Dean Ambrose sucked ass.

Then that's an absolutely damning indictment on the rest of the ROH locker room. Seth's psychology is terrible when he's on offence, in that he'd rather do some totally kewl movez rather than something that makes fucking sence. and sells pain for all of thirty seconds when he starts his comeback. Dreadful, dreadful wrestler.

CM Punk is a multiple time world champion. Seth Rollins gets pissed when John Cena doesn't call him the best guy in FCW. Can you see the difference?

Yes I watch FCW, that's why I'm able to accurately call Seth Rollins overrated and shit. In his matches against Ambrose Seth has done plenty of flashy bullshit moves. Off the top of my head he's done a Phoenix Splash, suicide dives, suicide sentons, a rope aided swining neckbreaker (which he didn't follow up on), a suplex over the top rope and God's Last Gift. Your statement is bullshit. Next.

And Husky Harris is far more over in Florida, and why the fuck would I care where else he's wrestled?

I watch FCW too, and it sounds to me like you are a John Cena fan with a personal agenda. Seth Rollins is an amazing talent, which is why WWE signed him, put him in FCW and put the title on him. His matches vs. Ambrose are a lot of things, none of which involve any kind of shit. Are you so sure Rollins tweet was him being "pissed", or was it him in character like everyone else these days using social media? Your analysis of Rollins is far more inaccurate and ridiculous than any praising him.
If this comment isn't enough to prove what's wrong with pro wrestling today, I don't know what is. Spoiler alert: the answer is you crazy kids! Do you know how difficult it is to become WWE or World Champion? When you consider the mass numbers of people who enter the business, "a two or three time champion" is considered to be Hall of Fame, 1% success. What exactly does it take to impress the mighty youth of today? No wonder everyone is always complaining about everything.

Dolph will undoubtedly become a Hall of Famer. But that doesn't change the fact that becoming a World Champion two or three times in your career simply isn't enough and will most likely be completely overlooked when looking at the overall history of the WWE. Today's standards are much stronger. You have Triple H, John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge and a few others who have become WWE or World Champion more times than they probably should have. However, that doesn't stop Dolph from being completely overrated. He's damn sure capable of winning the big title a couple of times in his career but he will never be on John Cena's or Randy Orton's level without a tweak in character.
Dolph will undoubtedly become a Hall of Famer. But that doesn't change the fact that becoming a World Champion two or three times in your career simply isn't enough and will most likely be completely overlooked when looking at the overall history of the WWE. Today's standards are much stronger. You have Triple H, John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge and a few others who have become WWE or World Champion more times than they probably should have. However, that doesn't stop Dolph from being completely overrated. He's damn sure capable of winning the big title a couple of times in his career but he will never be on John Cena's or Randy Orton's level without a tweak in character.

I definitely agree that Dolph Ziggler will never be on the same level of Cena or Orton, with or without a character tweak. That spotlight is reserved for even less than 1%. If there are people in the IWC who have said that he will be, then I agree that is overrating him. I think if Dolph ends up with 2 or 3 legit WWE title reigns that puts him on a level very few ever achieve, and one that would be considered a great success for him all things considered. I think he is capable of that. His feud with Edge proved to me he was. Beyond that, I do not see him (along with most everyone) joining the ranks of HHH, HBK, Undertaker, Cena and Orton etc...
Zach Ryder: He isnt bad, but he isnt anywhere as good as i think he is made out to be in the forums.

Drew McIntyre Boring, and bland. His standing int he ocmpany I guess is a good enough indication of that.

John Morrison Again I just cannot see the appeal, the guy looks weird for a start, his gimmick is a stinker and he really is just a 'spot-monkey' which cause the timing and rythem in his matches to be out while people stand still to allow him to hop round.
Daniel Bryan is overrated not because he's bad by any means, just because people think he's the best in the world. The only thing he's the best in the world at is getting people who know nothing about wrestling to call him the best in the world. He's got a fast workpace, can cut a good, intense promo when he needs to, and seems like a nice guy, but he isn't over, not even one bit.

Tyson Kidd is overrated because I see his name get thrown around as one of the best wrestlers in the WWE when a lot of fans don't even know his name. He used to be "that guy with the stupid hair" but now he doesn't even have that going for him. He isn't even as over as Daniel Bryan, and that's saying a lot.

And finally, Alberto Del Rio is overrated by both internet fans and the WWE because he's the WWE champion and he has no heat whatsoever. He's getting manhandled by CM Punk and back at Night of Champions he got treated like a bitch by John Cena. He has no heat, zero ability to sell tickets on a microphone, and one of the ugliest wrestling trunk collections I've ever seen in my 15+ years of being a wrestling fan. Get the title off this guy ASAP.

Those of you saying Zack Ryder and John Morrison, stop bitching when their music hits and start listening. They're both over as fuck and that, if anything, makes them both UNDERRATED by the IWC.
Any wrestler who isn't over but the IWC who wants to be pushed is the most over-rated.

Pretty much any small, 6-pack having flippity guy is a guarantee to be loved by the IWC. Pretty much any small guy with kick pads is a guarantee to be loved by the IWC. Pretty much any guy who says what the IWC thinks is true is a guarantee to be loved by the IWC.

Right now, it doesn't get any worse than the Morrison love. He's not over.

Second, I don't even know, it seems more people are starting to realize that getting over is what makes you a good wrestler, not MOVEZ AND FILPZ.

I don't consider Punk over-rated because the guy is extremely over. He proved me wrong. I figured he'd fizzle out. He was smart though, he tweaked his character to be less whiny and it worked. Punk is overrated by the people who think he's the second coming of Magnum or something.

Kayoh, Morrison isn't over at all. He's mid card level over, and that's all he's ever been. People want him to be champion, he's overrated.
Kayoh, Morrison isn't over at all. He's mid card level over, and that's all he's ever been. People want him to be champion, he's overrated.
I agree with most of what you say but I do disagree with you to a certain extent here. Can you name anybody in the Raw midcard that is more over as a babyface than Morrison right now? I can't. Kofi is the only guy who's even close, really, and he's stuck in tag team land, so forget about him. Ryder is close, but he still doesn't get cheered as loudly as Morrison when that entrance hits, and Ryder has the advantage of his music actually STARTING with his catchphrase that is a major part of the reason he's as over as he is in the first place. Morrison is the most over babyface in the Raw midcard, and that makes him underrated by the IWC. That also makes him deserving of the US Title, and honestly I think Ziggler is at a point that he has outgrown the midcard. Let Swagger be Morrison's first feud for the US title if he wins it tonight, and since Cena doesn't have anything better to do between tonight and Wrestlemania, I'd love to see him put into a program with Ziggler.
the 3 most overrated...

1.) CM PUNk- My god, just because he said the real name of HHH and named a few guys who were fired, is he now the best in the world? He is an excellent mic worker but everyone knocks cena but shit Punk has 6 moves of death(1)the knee in the corner, 2)the bulldog out of the corner, 3) the clothesline off of the ropes, 4) The elbow drop, 5) the GTS, 6)The anaconda lock or whatever the hell its called. I don't get his eddie munster hairdo, his circa 1985 lip ring, his glow in the dark wrestling gear and his stupid X's on his wrist. He is good but best in the world? not in this lifetime

2) Colt Cabana- I get it he is CM Punk's buddy but come on. He is out of shape, he is average at best on the mic and he is average at best on the mat. Just because you are the best wrestler at your local VFW does not make you prime time ready. I wonder why he can't stay in the big leagues? And please don't give me the BS like he never got a shot or anything like that because he has had tryout after tryout after tryout

3) Samoa Joe- Now I do like Joe, but he is really overrated. Everyone acts as if he is the greatest of the great but in all honesty he is just an out of shape he's yokozuna with a little less weight. Now again, I like Joe but his hype is a little bit more than his actual skills

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