Bobby Heenan managed Colt Cabana & CM Punk?


Wise Guy
I was watching the WWF documentary on Bobby The Brain Heenan, great dvd btw. On a whim I decided to look up Heenan's wikipedia page, and at the bottom, it lists all the members of The Heenan Family and Colt Cabana & CM Punk are among the legends that have been managed by the Weasel. From there I looked around wikipedia and other places trying to learn more about this but I'm finding nothing on it.

So I was just curious if anyone here has any information about the time Bobby Heenan spent managing Colt Cabana & CM Punk? When was it? It would have to have been within the last 10 years right? I tried to look into what Heenan had done in TNA or something like that but nothing turns up regarding CM Punk or Cabana.
Bobby Heenan has had a very short spell within Ring of Honor, and while in it he managed The Second City Saints, who are the team consisting of CM Punk and Colt Cabana for only a couple matches, nothing which really stood out may I add. The only match which comes to mind is that he managed Punk in a bout with Mike Kruel, and I believe it is on record as one of the final matches which Heenan managed in.

Again, nothing too big, but Bobby did indeed manage Colt and Punk in Ring of Honor.
Oh how stupid of me, I saw that he had a feud with Jim Cornette in ROH, I should have realized it would have been with both of them as managers.

Thanks for the info I can go from here.

Still... pretty damned amazing just as a bit of trivia. What a great feather in the hat for CM Punk and Colt Cabana too, to be able to legitimately claim to have been (the last) members of the Heenan Family.

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