The Three Most Over-Rated WWE Wrestlers by the IWC

That's utter horse shit. I challenge you to name five people on WrestleZone who even give two shits about Kevin Nash? If anything, it's people like you who underrate him. He gets so much shit from the IWC for being "in bad shape" and a "horrible wrestler" when in reality, he is no different from all the other 7 foot, 300 pound big men from WWE's past.

You know what you're absolutely right, Kevin Nash is like every other 7 foot, 300 Pound WWE Big Man, past present and future. A 7 foot, 300 pound of horses shit.

Again, he was good, wait no he wasn't ever really good but he was slightly entertaining, but that was during his prime well over 12 years ago. Nash is washed up and need to take a walk away from in ring wrestling, and stick to promotional tours, until he gets put in the Hall of Fame.

You, nor anyone else can honestly say their looking forward to a Triple H vs Kevin Nash match of any sorts. Let alone Nash vs any younger talent in the WWE like Punk, Cena, Miz, Swagger (I do believe Nash has a video on Youtube, with Waltman talking miles of trash about Swagger and banging Swaggers wife.)
3. Undertaker
2. HBK
1. Ric Flair

All for the same reason. "Because they're the best thing ever to enter the ring." Seriously? I used to really really like these guys, but the ballwashing has got to stop. They're good, hell, they're great, but they're not perfect (no, that's not a reference I'm trying to make to say Curt Hennig was better). All of them have their ups and their downs. They've made stupid mistakes and ruined things for future generations, or for themselves, and I sure as hell don't see how any one of them is any better or worse than Hogan, Warrior, Goldberg, or Cena IE the IWC's anti-heroes.

If they're your favorite ever, that's cool, I get it. If all three of them are your top three, I might secretly think of you as an unoriginal bandwagon hopping lemming, but you're entitled to that opinion. But then you go on to attack others who enjoy Hogan, Warrior, Goldberg, and/or Cena and try and make it sound as if these guys were somehow inferior at entertaining the masses because they did it differently. Really? Why because there weren't elitist pigs like the Vince McMahon marks that think that unless you're a multi-generational life-long fan you're somehow inferior?

But this isn't about the guys the ICW crap on, it's about how hypocritical the IWC is in regards to the guys they DO enjoy. There is nothing from a fans perspective that separates HBK, Taker, Punk, Austin, & Ric Flair from Hogan, Warrior, Goldberg, & John Cena.

The point is, there are guys, particularly HBK, Taker, & Flair that the IWC seems to think never does, has never, nor ever will do wrong. Yet they're every bit as guilty of crimes equivalent to those of the IWC's anti-heros.

I agree with Undertaker,people think he is the greatest wrestler of all time etc but his gimmick is kind of stupid.If he kept his Deadman gimmick going into 2000 then it would have been somewhat ok but after seeing Biker Taker and going back to Deadman gimmick is kind of hokey,but I do miss gimmicks in wrestling.

HBK ? Why ? IWC overrates him ? Can't really say that a guy who puts 5 Star matches at every Wrestlemania can be called overrated.

Ric Flair - Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair are constantly bashed by the IWC.Considering Ric Flair's career he is kind of underrated by the IWC and isn't given much credit for his contributions to Pro-Wrestling.
CM Punk - He is a Good performer and Really good on the mic, Punk has alot going for him But alot of the Praise he gets is unwarrented. Alot of Fans are saying he is the BEST EVER, Or the BEST in Wrestling today, The end all and be all in wrestling. how Punk wants to change wrestling for the better and all fans, The Voice of the wrestling fans. Which is all a load of crap... Punks Character and real life persona is very hypocritical, He says he wants orginality right? Please look up Kenta. He is a Wrestler in Japan, You will see How Punk copied his wrestling style. Im not one to get worked up over a few moves taken from here and there, But Punk Basicly stole Kenta's entire move set, Not a few moves, no, He has copied everything from him. The diffrence is, CM Punk does the moves very poorly compared to Kenta, CM Punk GTS is very sloppy and fake looking.

Colt Cabana - He has been in the business for along time and i havent seen or heard of a Great Colt Cabana match, I heard of Good ones but not great ones, He never make it in the big leagues, he is a small time performer and in wrestling you got to have mass appeal and This man, Even though has talent is not a Great performer by any means, Colt is Decent, but he isnt one of the best in today as some will say, Colt isnt even the best on the Indy circuit or even in the top 10.

Zack Ryder - His move set is basicly just a comedy act, The rough Ryder is a ridcules finisher, All ryder does is do the moves to set up his catch phrases. Ryder is a comedy act and a medicore one at that. His mic skills need work, He looks very out of place on the mic and it seems like his lines are set up.He seems dead set on doing what he practices and it all seems very forced.Ryder's potential is no where near the Main event level or even mid card.

By the way,Forgot to put this guy :

Daniel Bryan :
This guy is really,really,bland. He doesn't even have a gimmick and is a Vanilla Midget completely overrated by the IWC as being the best alongwith CM Punk.
You know what you're absolutely right, Kevin Nash is like every other 7 foot, 300 Pound WWE Big Man, past present and future. A 7 foot, 300 pound of horses shit.
Oh so you hate every 7 foot, 300 pound wrestler. Ok.

Again, he was good, wait no he wasn't ever really good but he was slightly entertaining, but that was during his prime well over 12 years ago. Nash is washed up and need to take a walk away from in ring wrestling, and stick to promotional tours, until he gets put in the Hall of Fame.
Why? Because YOU don't like him? Which isn't even saying much because you hate just about everything the WWE does good.
You, nor anyone else can honestly say their looking forward to a Triple H vs Kevin Nash match of any sorts.
That just proves he isn't overrated. I'm guessing you just wanted to bad mouth Nash so you just had to included Kevin Nash in your post.
Let alone Nash vs any younger talent in the WWE like Punk, Cena, Miz, Swagger (I do believe Nash has a video on Youtube, with Waltman talking miles of trash about Swagger and banging Swaggers wife.)
And that proves he's overrated in what way exactly? In anyway? Your post was overall pointless and proved nothing. Nash isn't overrated. People hate him. You, among others, call him a washed up pile of shit because he's older but yet you have zero back up to your argument. People like you make him underrated, if anything.
By the way,Forgot to put this guy :

Daniel Bryan :
This guy is really,really,bland. He doesn't even have a gimmick and is a Vanilla Midget completely overrated by the IWC as being the best alongwith CM Punk.

Are you Kevin Nash or something? Vanilla midget; don't capitalize the "m".

Last person that got called a "vanilla midget" by an asshat such as Nash, ended up becoming the WWE Champion. And when he died because of his own mistakes fans, probably much like yourself balled their eyes out hoping that enough tears could ressurect Eddie Guerrero, sadly it didn't, but it doesn't change the fact that Eddie was labeled a ******ed label and now being an armchair ****** have done the same.

Congrats on that. You know why Danielson is rated so highly? Because he can make himself look good while getting others over. Unless you want to step into a wrestling and get your fat ass to attempt that, please shut the fuck up.

I've never read as much garbage in one thread.
without a doubt zack ryder is the most over rated wwe superstar by the iwc and then id say daniel bryan is thrown in there also dont get me wrong hes good but hes not this amazing star that people think he is hes got alot of work to get to main event level imo and the 3rd ill say alberto del rio i see alot of people loving him on here and saying how great he is but yet he cuts the same damn promos every week and he uses the same 3 or 4 (im being genrious) moves in each match he only looks like a strong wrestler because cena put him over and punks been putting him over and punk has the ability to make anybody look like a good wrestler
1. Wade Barrett - I have said it before and I will say it again, I just don't like this guy at all. That is NOT because he does he does his job well, and makes me hate him like that, it's more of a "get off my screen" dislike. Ever since his Nexus days were over he has been unbearably bland, and his ring skills were nothing too special to begin with. Now I am not someone to bash a guy based on the amounts of moves he has, but the only thing I ever see this guy do is punch, punch, punch. We get it he was a former bare knuckle brawler so strikes should make up the majority of his arsenal, not 99% of it! The IWC has loved him since the begging of his career, which I admit I enjoyed NXT 1 and Nexus but after that this guy freaking sucked at being interesting, and sucked in general ever since last December.

2.Kofi Kingston - This isn't nearly to the extent of Barrett, but I think he is just a bit overrated. People cream for him just because he can do his moves with a lot more height that the others high flyers. I will admit he is probably the best storyteller (that is a high flyer) in WWE at the moment but the overabundance of praise he gets for the height is ridiculous. Ya he can jump high, and..... Evan Bourne and Jomo can do the same but with more flash, and high risk. Now I know that doing moves high risk does not make you a good wrestler but at least it's more entertaining than watching Kofi leap up and come down with the same thing everyone else does. Just because he can do that doesn't make him the greatest high flyer in WWE right now, getting over with the crowd is what does and THAT is what he should be praised for.

I can't really think of a third one because everyone these days have a fair share of marks to their to name. If I had to choose it would be Natalya who is very average in every aspect that makes up her level of talent. Nothing more to say than that so I guess I have 2 main choices for now.
[QUOTE That's utter horse shit. I challenge you to name five people on WrestleZone who even give two shits about Kevin Nash? If anything, it's people like you who underrate him. He gets so much shit from the IWC for being "in bad shape" and a "horrible wrestler" when in reality, he is no different from all the other 7 foot, 300 pound big men from WWE's past.[/QUOTE]

I agree that Nash is underrated. IWC complain about him and his wrestling abilities but yet think Del Rio is great. Now Don't get me wrong I like Del Rio but Kevin Nash is awesome and may not be the wrestler he once was but is still better then half of the roster in WWE and TNA
[QUOTE That's utter horse shit. I challenge you to name five people on WrestleZone who even give two shits about Kevin Nash? If anything, it's people like you who underrate him. He gets so much shit from the IWC for being "in bad shape" and a "horrible wrestler" when in reality, he is no different from all the other 7 foot, 300 pound big men from WWE's past.

I agree that Nash is underrated. IWC complain about him and his wrestling abilities but yet think Del Rio is great. Now Don't get me wrong I like Del Rio but Kevin Nash is awesome and may not be the wrestler he once was but is still better then half of the roster in WWE and TNA[/QUOTE]

Agree, people are mad because he stole the spotlight for himself while their other favortie wrestlers (who all sucked!) never got a push. YOUR SUPPOSED TO STEAL THE SPOTLIGHT! In this business you can make friends or you can be successful.

Kliq 4 Life
1. Wade Barrett - I have said it before and I will say it again, I just don't like this guy at all. That is NOT because he does he does his job well, and makes me hate him like that, it's more of a "get off my screen" dislike. Ever since his Nexus days were over he has been unbearably bland, and his ring skills were nothing too special to begin with. Now I am not someone to bash a guy based on the amounts of moves he has, but the only thing I ever see this guy do is punch, punch, punch. We get it he was a former bare knuckle brawler so strikes should make up the majority of his arsenal, not 99% of it! The IWC has loved him since the begging of his career, which I admit I enjoyed NXT 1 and Nexus but after that this guy freaking sucked at being interesting, and sucked in general ever since last December.

2.Kofi Kingston - This isn't nearly to the extent of Barrett, but I think he is just a bit overrated. People cream for him just because he can do his moves with a lot more height that the others high flyers. I will admit he is probably the best storyteller (that is a high flyer) in WWE at the moment but the overabundance of praise he gets for the height is ridiculous. Ya he can jump high, and..... Evan Bourne and Jomo can do the same but with more flash, and high risk. Now I know that doing moves high risk does not make you a good wrestler but at least it's more entertaining than watching Kofi leap up and come down with the same thing everyone else does. Just because he can do that doesn't make him the greatest high flyer in WWE right now, getting over with the crowd is what does and THAT is what he should be praised for.

I can't really think of a third one because everyone these days have a fair share of marks to their to name. If I had to choose it would be Natalya who is very average in every aspect that makes up her level of talent. Nothing more to say than that so I guess I have 2 main choices for now.
:lol: said the fan of the spot monkeys to the w-r-e-s-t-l-i-n-g fans
The 5 most over rated wrestlers of all time on the internet or anywhere else are JOHN CENA-MATT MORGAN-BATISTA-JEFF HARDY-JOHN MORRISON ......FTW
3.Bobby Roode
Great tag team competitor. Never saw him going to main event stuff.IWC turned into a bunch of crybabys when he didn't win the Tna title.
2.Mark Henry
I like him just extremely overrated.
1. AJ Styles
The most over rated wrestler today.He is like the John Cena of TNA.Except John Cena has ring skill and mic skill.Don't see why everyone likes AJ.
But if I had to choose most overrated of all time by IWC it would be Chris Benoit. You guys treat him like he was right when he killed his whole family. NO ring skill can ever make up for what he did
Daniel Bryan is over-rated?Really?
I am not saying that because i am a fan of him but have you actually seen the guy in that ring?

All of you are complaining about the WWE that it hasn't wrestling anymore and the one of the few guys who are best in that ring you say him over-rated?

Tell me one match that DBD had and it is complete crap...And do not say the two matches with Mark Henry because both of them do their job and present Mark Henry as a beast and Daniel Bryan as a small guy who don't back off a fight.

Second you say that Cm Punk is over-rated.The only guy who fans do not get bored of him?Also the OP says that he has the same moves with Kenta.First yes he stole his finisher.But have you ever seen a match of Kenta?And if you did you saw that his moves are the same of Cm Punk?I don't think so..

Come on...I know that everyone has his own taste but this is not an over-rated threat,this is a threat to bash once again the IWC and feel like you said something important and clever
Oh dear God how I hate these threads!!!!!:banghead: They're as predictable as the sunrise each morning in that you can always guess who'll be named: those who are in the middle of a big push and/or those who are extremely over with fans. EVERY SINGLE TIME someone gets pushed or is really getting a great response from the crowd, people always come out saying that "he's overrated" i.e. CM Punk, John Cena.

On top of that, half the posters here don't seem to grasp the concept of a wrestler being overrated. The term is meant to be applied to wrestlers who don't have the ability to back up their hype. Instead, it's usually applied by posters to wrestlers that they themselves just don't like.

It's perfectly understandable if you don't like certain wrestlers. That's all well and good because that's how it's supposed to be because it's the most natural thing in the world to prefer some over others.

If you want an actual example of someone that's overrated, take a look at Mason Ryan. Ryan is someone that's being given a pretty solid push at this point in time but his ability to get the fans behind him or to perform inside the ring don't match up with the incredible physical look he brings. Over the past few months, we've seen Ryan portrayed as this beast that often dominates the reigning United States Champion by just physically overwhelming him. Whether you like Dolph Ziggler or not, his ability as a pro wrestler far outstrips that of Mason Ryan, yet Ryan is the one that comes out ahead at the expense of Ziggler.
I agree with Undertaker,people think he is the greatest wrestler of all time etc but his gimmick is kind of stupid.If he kept his Deadman gimmick going into 2000 then it would have been somewhat ok but after seeing Biker Taker and going back to Deadman gimmick is kind of hokey,but I do miss gimmicks in wrestling.

HBK ? Why ? IWC overrates him ? Can't really say that a guy who puts 5 Star matches at every Wrestlemania can be called overrated.

Ric Flair - Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair are constantly bashed by the IWC.Considering Ric Flair's career he is kind of underrated by the IWC and isn't given much credit for his contributions to Pro-Wrestling.

Well before I go any further let me preface that I love all 3 of these guys (well, not Ric Flair so much, but still).

HBK is fine. I get the hype and they're right, but then people take it too far, (same with all these guys) and it's gets obnoxious. HBK circa 1995-1997 (until he turned heel and formed DX) was amazing in the ring, but just plain stupid on the mic. Every single time he got on the mic I cringed because he was so damned hokey. It's like he was trying to be the atypical face he saw on TV when he was rookie. I swear if THAT Shawn Michaels had stayed around I'd've hated him by the time he retired at WM26. I would also point out that Shawn's accomplishments of match of the year came only during WWF's absolute worst years ever. So again, not perfect, but certainly great, and I don't mean to step on the toes of Shawn's fans, because he deserves a ton of respect. Just... stop idolizing the guy, it drives me insane. It's only the IWC that really does it, and that's why I say he's IWC's most over rated.

Taker. IMO he started off at his best. That first gimmick with Paul Bearer, and him as a zombie were just plain awesome. As a kid I marked the f**k out for him every time I saw him wrestle. But once he split with Paul Bearer he went downhill. And the American Badass was just... yuck, at least with the name Undertaker. Change his name to "The American Badass" Mark Callaway and I would have said that's pretty cool. But he's another guy whose fans just drive me insane. IWC marks have him very over-rated.

Ric Flair is a living legend, but the IWC treats him and Hulk Hogan with a double standard; that he put over guys and Hogan didn't (actually IWC just doesn't like who Hogan put over), and that he didn't bury young wrestlers but Hogan did. They never talk about how Ric Flair jumped ship from WCW to the WWF and was instantly propelled to the world title picture, but demonize Hogan for doing the same in going from WWF to WCW. They talk about how Hogan couldn't wrestle and was known for only 5 moves, but forget that Flair's most well known move of all is the knife-edge chop (to which crowds to this day all say "WOO!" every time anyone performs it).

Now I don't begrudge these guys any one of their faults. I'm pretty understanding and am ok with the fact that they're not perfect and have had a few mis-steps here and their and I try not to hold it against them. What I do have a problem with is when the IWC sit on their high horse and try and talk down about some legends like Hogan, Warrior, Goldberg, & Cena, and act as if they are scum of the earth and hold up other guys who are no better.

On top of that, half the posters here don't seem to grasp the concept of a wrestler being overrated. The term is meant to be applied to wrestlers who don't have the ability to back up their hype. Instead, it's usually applied by posters to wrestlers that they themselves just don't like.

Uh, with all due respect, an overrated wrestler is simply that of one who is valued too highly given their merits. It has nothing to do with living up the hype.

Although even so, Cena is in a sense overrated. WWE hypes him like crazy and he's NOT as good as WWE's hype. However this is about IWC's most over-rated not just who is overrated in general so Cena shouldn't even be brought up in these conversations.
If you want an actual example of someone that's overrated, take a look at Mason Ryan. Ryan is someone that's being given a pretty solid push at this point in time but his ability to get the fans behind him or to perform inside the ring don't match up with the incredible physical look he brings. Over the past few months, we've seen Ryan portrayed as this beast that often dominates the reigning United States Champion by just physically overwhelming him. Whether you like Dolph Ziggler or not, his ability as a pro wrestler far outstrips that of Mason Ryan, yet Ryan is the one that comes out ahead at the expense of Ziggler.

Mason Ryan has to be the only wrestler to ever have admitted in an interview that he was pushed too fast. This was while he was in FCW. Yeah.

Well Seth Rollins leads the pack here. Regularly praised as one of FCW's hottest prospects and in general thought to be awesome. Yeah, he's actually pretty shit. He's pretty shit on the mic and after four matches with Dean Ambrose which sucked complete ass has been exposed as a twat who thinks flashy movez are more important than telling a story in the ring and was handheld by his opponents who actually know how to work a basic WWE-level match. Combined with him coming off as an asshole on social media sites and he's going to fail when he's called up. And honestly, I'm going to rub it in people's faces that I called it happening.

Next up is Zack Ryder. I've been calling Ryder shit since he started ****ing himself out on youtube. He's average in the ring, decent on the mic but based on his merits as a performer he was exactly where he should have been on the card. Eventually he will stop ZTLIS and I'm sceptical how well he'll be able to keep his following without it.

And finally we have... I'm not sure who to put here. Mason Ryan is a given, but seeing as he himself knows he shouldn't have been given the push he has renders that kind of moot. But other than that I can't think of anyone who's any higher on the card than they should be. There are a few wrestlers I'm not massively keen on but most of them get booked on a show once every few weeks, so they hardly count. Especially in comparason to those two.
1. Zack Ryder: I am definitely a Zack Ryder fan, I liked him back when he was with Curt Hawkins as The Major Brothers and The Edgeheads, I liked him in his time in ECW, and I like him now but people are going overboard with how far they think he should go. His current gimmick is a mid-carder for life (if that because if he loses his connection with the fans, that is lower card gimmick) and I am fine with that. Ryder being a staple in the mid-card with a good amount relevancy sounds pretty good to a Zack Pack member like me.

2. Daniel Bryan: I like the guy, I do. His match against William Regal (Regal for WHC, still waiting) on Superstars last week was great. Technically sound, has quite a few nice moves but lacks charisma. If you're a World champion you need charisma in order to promote yourself, make yourself heard and command the spotlight and he hasn't been able to do that. If he won the World title any time soon I would not buy it and I would have my money on the champ winning the title back from him at the following PPV. That part is of course WWE's fault for not using him better. Anyways, like I said, I like Daniel Bryan but he needs to up his game outside the ring if he is truly going to become as great as many people already make him out to be.

3. Christian: Honestly I am a child when it comes to Christian. I have simply never liked him as much as others especially Edge. To me he should have remained a mid-carder for life though he did put on some really good matches. I get what people see in him but to me he just doesn't shine through as a must see kind of guy. Just my opinion.
Daniel Bryan - I have never found the guy to be that 'great' in the ring. He wrestles a good strong style that works in ROH. But his WWE style is horribad imo. He just doesn't pull it off. He looks sloppy and out of sync.

Samoa Joe - I have never been impressed with Joe. Even back in ROH. He just looks lazy in the ring.

CM Punk - I love Punk and his mic work. But people of the IWC act like he is the second coming of jesus. The guy is a good wrestler just like dozens of good wrestler before him. Just like dozens of good wrestlers after him. CM Punk as good as he is, still isn't on the level of Randy Savage, Ric Flair, or the other greats who could go in the ring and on the mic. To me he isn't even as good as the wrestler I think he is most like, Chris Jericho.
I love the fact that everything popular becomes "over rated". I think what people forget is this is pro wrestling. The company can book whoever the hell they want to be great. If they wanted Khali to be one of the greatest of all time they can make him be.
John Morrison - One of the most overrated guys on the entire WWE roster. There were kids saying this guy should have a title shot and that he's main event material and "not bad on the mic." Give me a break. He's decent in the ring but nothing special and he can't talk at all. I've never really understood the obsession with him by the IWC.

Rey Mysterio - Originally he was brought for the Latino fan base. He started to catch on with everyone else and his fanbase grew. However, the guy is a shrimp and every match he fights in is not believable. I mean he was in World tite matches against Batista and Great Khali!! Please. He's good and a lot better than many of the guys on the roster but let's not go crazy like some of the IWC does. He's a midcarder at best.

Evan Bourne - This guy is a joke and a half. I don't understand the IWC'obsession with him. There were people saying he should get a title shot or should be pushed into the main event picture, not that long ago. He is kind of entertaining in the ring but is at the absolute best, a lower
You are a idiot. All these guys are very talented wrestlers. John Morrison can't talk and is decent in the ring? Morrison is great in the ring, the fans get behind him, he has the look of a future champion and for people that say he can't talk, look up his stuff with the Miz. Great stuff.

As for Rey Mysterio, you need to realize that this is entertainment! It doesnt have to be believable. The fans love him and he can still go in the ring, he is also good at putting over future stars such as Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler. As for his matches with Khali and Batista, he made them heaps more entertaining.

Evan Bourne is great in the ring and deserves a single title. He can put on a good match with almost anyone and hasn't been given a chance on the microphone. Also, he has a great finisher
Zack Ryder. He is the guy from the WWE that comes to mind. The guy is average in ring. I like him but people have been going a little overboard with him. The guy is a mid card comedy wrestler... I dont care how much merchandise he is selling or not. Sin Cara sells merchandise too, but that doesn't mean he should be anywhere near the main event.

Some of the ROH wrestlers are really overrated by the IWC. A lot of them can do acrobatics and just try to hit a bunch of different moves as quickly as possible, and they get labeled as "great wrestlers". But they cant tell a story in the ring.
Mason Ryan has to be the only wrestler to ever have admitted in an interview that he was pushed too fast. This was while he was in FCW. Yeah.

Well Seth Rollins leads the pack here. Regularly praised as one of FCW's hottest prospects and in general thought to be awesome. Yeah, he's actually pretty shit. He's pretty shit on the mic and after four matches with Dean Ambrose which sucked complete ass has been exposed as a twat who thinks flashy movez are more important than telling a story in the ring and was handheld by his opponents who actually know how to work a basic WWE-level match. Combined with him coming off as an asshole on social media sites and he's going to fail when he's called up. And honestly, I'm going to rub it in people's faces that I called it happening.

What the fuck are you talking about. Shit matches? Those were fucking good he sells well for all of his matches and He has at the very least decent psycology compared to everybody else in ROH. I don't know how you can say that who cares how he acts CM Punk the WWE's Hottest Act today is one of the biggest douchebags I've seen in my entire life if you going by his twitter and social media sites. Have you seen him in FCW the most flashy thing he's done in FCW is a fucking super kick and winning a tournament. Plus he's freaking over in Florida while he normally used to wrestle all the way up north in New York I believe.
Dolph Ziggler is probaby the IWC's most overrated Superstar. Everyone and their mothers want him to become more than what he's capable of. He's a damn fine wrestler but I just can't see him becoming more than a two or three time champion without changing his character a little.

If this comment isn't enough to prove what's wrong with pro wrestling today, I don't know what is. Spoiler alert: the answer is you crazy kids! Do you know how difficult it is to become WWE or World Champion? When you consider the mass numbers of people who enter the business, "a two or three time champion" is considered to be Hall of Fame, 1% success. What exactly does it take to impress the mighty youth of today? No wonder everyone is always complaining about everything.

Colt Cabana is hugely overrated, and no one overrates him more than himself. His gimmick is similar to Santino, and he'd probably get over for a little while, but he's not a star.

Steven Regal He doesn't get as much love around here as other places, or as much lately, but the slobbering over this guy is offensive. Yes, he can "wrestle". So can millions of college kids but we don't need them to be champion either.

Mick Foley famous for falling off of a cage. Total money ****e with zero self respect. Willing to talk shit about/grovel at the feel of anyone as long as it puts money in his pockets. Horrible, horrible wrestler. Most overrated guy ever.

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