The Technology Troubleshooting Thread

Should be able to. You need a saved file from the game you want to play, so put the disc in play for a while and save it, then next time you want to play the game just open the saved file on hard drive (works for me).
Without the disc?

What is the install thing about? I have tried installing the game/disc and it still won't save the actual game.

It says put disc in...
I don't know if there was already a thread like this. If there is, My bad!!!

I just got a modded Xbox and I was wondering if anyone knows if you can put a disc in (360 Game), save/install it to the hard drive, and then play it in there without the disc in it?

Wait did you get a modded Xbox 360 or a regular modded Xbox because you can't use a 360 disk with a regular Xbox.
Does anyone know how to listen to an alternate audio track for a video with windows media player 11? I know this is an odd question, so I'll try to explain it as simply as possible:

I have a video file that was ripped from a dvd, and I also have a (separate) mp3 file that was ripped from the dvd (the commentary). Does anyone know how I can watch the video with the second audio file?

With older versions of wmp, you could do that just by clicking the play menu and selecting the audio you wanted. Maybe there's a better player to use instead of wmp?

Thank you!
Does anyone know how to listen to an alternate audio track for a video with windows media player 11? I know this is an odd question, so I'll try to explain it as simply as possible:

I have a video file that was ripped from a dvd, and I also have a (separate) mp3 file that was ripped from the dvd (the commentary). Does anyone know how I can watch the video with the second audio file?

With older versions of wmp, you could do that just by clicking the play menu and selecting the audio you wanted. Maybe there's a better player to use instead of wmp?

Thank you!

You're much better off using either VLC from VideoLan or BSPlayer. They have the option to choose audio tracks.
I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right section or thread, I'm honestly not trying to SPAM the forums. This isn't a question, this is just information for those who happen to be searching for a way to be able to skip 30 seconds ahead on shows recorded on their Motorola DCH3416 HD Dual Tuner DVR (mainly used for skipping commercials, similar to the way a Tivo box or remote is able to skip 30 seconds at a time).

I found this info while surfing the web this morning, and wanted to pass the information along to anyone who is a Comcast Digital Cable subscriber, and uses this particular box. I have two of these boxes in my house, and legitimately got this to work for both remotes/boxes:

The original info I found was from this address (this link also includes info on how to get this to work for the older Motorola DCT3412 box):

The way that this works is by temporarily changing the AUX function on your remote to control your cable box, programming the button you'd like to use to skip 30 seconds (an unused or unneeded button on the remote), and then you can change your AUX button back to whatever you want.

The button I used for my "30 second skip" is the one at the very bottom, labeled "PIP CH" (this is for the silver Comcast remote, for use with the Motorola DCH3416 HD Dual Tuner DVR). I don't normally use this button, so it was a perfect choice...especially since it's alone at the bottom of the remote, so it's easy to remember. Here are the instructions (all of this is done on the silver Comcast remote):

How to change AUX to CABLE:

-- select (tap) AUX
-- hold SETUP (2 flashes)
-- type 01376 (2 flashes)

How to set 30-second skip:

-- Select (tap) AUX
-- Hold SETUP (2 flashes)
-- Type 994 (2 flashes)
-- Tap SETUP
-- Enter 00173
-- Tap CABLE
-- Tap button to be programmed (2 flashes)

After all of this is completed, you can change the AUX function back to your usual device (if you don't use the remote's AUX function, then don't worry about changing it).

I SINCERELY don't mean any harm by posting this information, and I promise that it will work (as long as you have a Motorola DCH3416 cable box). This is a fantastic feature, especially since Comcast recently changed the way the DVR controls work for fast-forward and rewind (at least in my area). It makes skipping the commercials SOOOOO much easier for shows recorded on the DVR.

If I posted this in the wrong section, please feel free to delete the post, or I can/will repost in the correct section. I wasn't sure if this was okay to post as a "normal thread" or not, or where this info belonged. Again, I'm sorry if I posted in the wrong section, I really don't mean any harm. Hope this info helps someone out!
Alright so I bought some new ink cartridges for my printer today... turns out my dumbass bought the wrong kind, and in an even bigger act of stupidity I tried to use them anyways, now my printer won't work and I can't get the cartridges out

I have an HP printer (deskjet 350 I beleive) anybody has any idea of how to get the danm things out with fucking up my printer the help would be greatly appreciated
Hmm...that's a tough one. It will probably just be a matter of forcing them out.

If you do mess it up, Wal-Mart usually has Canon printers for $50 or less. Good ones too.
My crappy notebook recently is starting to take longer and longer to start up sometimes taking up to ten minutes a time. It just stays there on the black logo when you first turn it on. (where you can go into advanced settings) is there any way I can fix this piece of shit?
My crappy notebook recently is starting to take longer and longer to start up sometimes taking up to ten minutes a time. It just stays there on the black logo when you first turn it on. (where you can go into advanced settings) is there any way I can fix this piece of shit?

Possibly, it depends on what the problem is. What operating system are you running? And what do you mean "where you can go into advanced settings"? Like the BIOS screen?

Also, how big is your Hard Drive and how much RAM do you have?
Windows XP, but I think they changed it a bit because it being a notebook and yeah the bios screen. Is there an easy way to tell how big the hardrive and ram thing, I lost the sticker that says it all.
Windows XP, but I think they changed it a bit because it being a notebook and yeah the bios screen. Is there an easy way to tell how big the hardrive and ram thing, I lost the sticker that says it all.

Wait, when you say "notebook", do you mean a laptop, or a netbook? Those are two different things completely.

As far as hard drive goes, just open your My Computer. For RAM, hold down the Windows key and press Pause.
So I'm trying to set up the wireless connection I have in my house on my laptop that I bought today. It says I need a Security Key or something of the sort, and I have no idea what that is. I figure my Step mom may have it or know it since to set up her wireless on her computer, she had to do a bunch of stuff since she has a wireless network thing in her computer, where as for mine, I just needed to have the internet plugged in because I have no piece for a wireless connection on my computer. Please help me.
So I'm trying to set up the wireless connection I have in my house on my laptop that I bought today. It says I need a Security Key or something of the sort, and I have no idea what that is. I figure my Step mom may have it or know it since to set up her wireless on her computer, she had to do a bunch of stuff since she has a wireless network thing in her computer, where as for mine, I just needed to have the internet plugged in because I have no piece for a wireless connection on my computer. Please help me.
You need the wireless security key. It's what keeps undesired people from getting on your network, collecting your personal files and stealing your Internet.

Whoever set up your wireless network should have the security key. In case no one remembers, you can log in to the wireless router through a web browser and change it. If no one knows your wireless key, get back to me and I'll walk you through how to get it set up.

Барбоса;2529714 said:
In my experience, the Security Key can be printed on the back of the hub you have plugged into
This is possible, but most people like to create a custom one they can easily remember.
Hey mister slyfox, is there a program I could read books with online?
It depends upon what you mean. If you mean simply reading files online, it would depend upon what file format the books are in. Usually they would be in PDF form, and FoxIt or Adobe Reader would do it.
I feel like a cheap person for even asking but maybe I'll buy the books when I get more money. Can you actually download wrestling books.. like Mick Foleys or Jericho?
Ok so I got a new laptop on Monday. As far I know it's last year's model and I've only had it for about 5 days. It runs windows vista, and I had to install service pack 2 to be able to install msn.
well when it turns on it comes to a screen saying " configuring updates, stage 3 of 3 0% do not turn off computer then instantly goes to another that says " shutting down " and reboots itself
Ok so I got a new laptop on Monday. As far I know it's last year's model and I've only had it for about 5 days. It runs windows vista, and I had to install service pack 2 to be able to install msn.
well when it turns on it comes to a screen saying " configuring updates, stage 3 of 3 0% do not turn off computer then instantly goes to another that says " shutting down " and reboots itself
Where did you get the machine from? Do you have a disc with it?
I went into the set up and just did a system restore I believe it was. It wasn't a big deal since I had nothing on the laptop anyway.
My sister Gave me her Computer its a Acer Computer

I Turn it on it Shows the Acer Logo But then says No Signal/Connection Found

My Dad Thinks its the Router ButI want to know if it Could be anything else

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