The Swagger vs American heroes.


Getting Noticed By Management
I have been a WWF fan for so many years. I have seen so many stars try and be the American hero. Hogan, Angle, Henry etc. But it was like a lame attempt to keep those people getting over.

Now there is Jack Swagger, who has flip flopped so many times in his short lived career. But I think he has finally hit his stride, with We the people. WWE/WWF has always used world media to drive the storylines and now is not different.

I would say with the look and attitude of Swagger is far more effective than anyone else.

So a question. Who is your favorite "WWE American Hero" and why?
I would have to agree with you on Swagger hitting his stride here. Most of the credit though would have to go to Zeb Colter who has helped him immensely on the mic duties. Swagger couldn't talk his way out of a wet paper bag, and I think that's what's held him back.

My favourite would have to be Hogan, he's the original Real American and he really hasn't ever veered from that. He's just been around for so long that the name has become synonymous with him. That's why it didn't work for Swagger in my opinion. He's no Hogan.

To tell you the truth though, the American vs everyone else, only really works inside the US. The rest of the world doesn't really care that much. The anti-American sentiment out is pretty strong, and it's not the WWE's fault, more the fault of the way America is perceived throughout the rest of the world.

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