The Superstar You Believe Has No future, But Is Still Being Pushed

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its gotta be evan bourne for me. like 'penguin' said, how in the hell does bourne get a clean ppv victory over a former world champion?? bourne has no future at all, he's never held a title and i dont think he ever will. swagger should have turned face during the whole cole/lawler angle... im beggining to fear for swagger's future. but OT: bourne should not be pushed or be included on ppv cards, i would rather see the blue meanie haha

Bourne had a run at a title , US I think, but got sidelined by an injury. Ever since, they've done nothing with him. He's not a big guy, but so friggin what? Rey is smaller, but everyone seems to love him! Bourne has the problem of being about 10 years too late. If he had been with the company when the Light Heavyweight title was in use, he'd be a top contender every time. Go back and watch Bourne/Sin Cara again and tell me he doesn't have a future if he's used right.
I would say that the award would have to go to Kane. Dude is a throwback to a time before the attitude era. Im talking the cartoonish Doink era. He is just doesn't fit in with the current crop of YOUNG talent at the E. Too many pushes lately
I would say that the award would have to go to Kane. Dude is a throwback to a time before the attitude era. Im talking the cartoonish Doink era. He is just doesn't fit in with the current crop of YOUNG talent at the E. Too many pushes lately

I agree. I know Kane's push was last year and it's cooled down as of late, but every couple of years they seem to push Kane for a few months. His character is just soooooo played. Big Show and Mark Henry fall into the same category.

Kane, Big Show, and Mark Henry are perfect examples of why we need a WCW type competition in wrestling. If WCW still existed those 3 guys would have jumped ship about 7 years ago seeing as how they weren't being used by WWE and WWE had pretty much done everything that could have been done with them. If WCW were still around, they could have signed with them and injected new life into there careers. But since there is no WCW, more and more guys are becoming WWE lifers.

Cena and Orton are already played and they're both barely 30. To think we have 10 more years of them. Honestly. It's crazy. This is why wrestling needs multiple top tier companies, so that talent can be traded back and forth. The same guys staying in the same places for such long periods of time is killing wrestling.

Kane is the epitomy of that problem. He was last relevant over a decade ago and is still occasionally getting World title pushes.

I don't have any problem with any young wrestler recieving a push. I'm all in favor of pushing as many new stars as possible. Riley, Truth, Jackson, Bourne, Kofi, Swagger, MacIntyre, Morrison, push them all. Throw as much against the wall as possible and see what sticks. But older guys like Kane, Mark Henry and Big Show should not be in the World or WWE championship title picture.
Heath Slater. He doesn't have a physique like Big Zeke, nor does he have the moves like Justin Gabriel. He doesn't have the mic skills of Wade Barret either. To me, he is just there, and has always just been there. The only time he seemed relevant was when John Cena called him Wendy's. Besides that, he just seemed like another guy in the gang.

He is a multiple time Tag-Team Champion and has "The One Man Rock Band" gimmick thing, but his character just doesn't seem very rocker to me. I see him every week, doing nothing but play "that other guy" to Gabriel.

I noticed Zeke was mentioned multiple times here, but I will give him the look of someone who should be in the ring. Slater just doesn't have that to me.
Heath Slater too, he always been the one member of Nexus (and later Corre and later just the tag team of him and Gabriel) that never interested me at all. He simple was there. He simple was "Gabriel's friend" and that's it.
He might have a future in a tag team division if he sticks around with Gabriel forever, but I can't see him doing anything as a single wrestler.

But who knows, he's still young, perhaps he can improve.
Wade Barrett - lost all his steam after losing to Orton and Cena on several occasions, he was one of the biggest stars of 2010, and now hes a middle carder

Ezekiel Jackson - what does anyone see in him? good on the mic, terrible in the ring, boring overall. He was suppose to be a big heel coming off of his ECW title win vs Christian but got injured and lost what little momentum he had

John Morrison - terrible on the mic, spot monkey in the ring, cant hold a candle to the Miz. Hell Riley is more over as a face than Morrison right now. Oh yeah and being injured and off air doesn't help Boringson much either.

Swagger - former WHC... should have turned face on Cole and helped King, although King didn't need help

McIntry - horrible garbage, he's gonna be out the door soon after taking SCM from HBK on Monday. Are they trying to line him up to be a Legend Killer type of Character? Because it has no chance of working, Booker T, DDP, and HBK would dance circles around this talentless hack.

Henry, Big Show, Undertaker, Kane - its time for all four of them to call it quits, period
Evan Bourne's win/loss record is 58 wins and 40 losses, the major thing with him is he's not the rock on the mic and everyone in this day and age exspects that but he's cut his teeth for 11 years now and he's also very humble and doesn't care for wins and losses I know this by watching a podcast with him and colt cabana. Evan Bourne has enough peeps behind him{Jericho, Cena, Rey, Bret Hart, Steamboat, Jim Ross} to stay in WWE for a LONG TIME and then get a christian/jeff hardy like push. Many people think he does not have a gimmick or charisma which are both untrue. charisma is not mic skills it is confidence and he has charisma, he's a proverbial babyface. I'd rate his mic skills 4/10. Back to the post my opinion is Kofi Kingston, he's great on the mic but nothing special in the ring plus he botches a lot. I dislike Christian and Morrison just for the fact that people blow smoke up their asses as if they deserve to be world champ. Christian he's a ring general albeit overatted, Morrison is a spotmonkey and you should look up Kota Ibushi before you get mad at me.
personally i think Alberto Del Rio is in there, I started watching WWE not long after the Royal Rumble after a few years out, and after coming from the years of the likes of Stone Cold, The Rock, Triple H winning the rumble I just couldn't work out what was so special about this guy and how after these legends winning it ADR comes in and suddenly wins, he's struggled to win me over since. I don't think Mark Henry and Big Show are actually being pushed either, i think they're being given a bigger role just to get some of the young, new blood over, what is happening now with ADR is what should have happened BEFORE he goes main eventing
Evan Bourne's win/loss record is 58 wins and 40 losses,

whoa whoa whoa there, where are you getting that information from? If you're counting anything but televised (WWE) matches then you're counting shit that doesn't matter. I'm positive his televised (WWE) record is something like 10 and 50. I've never gotten the impression that the WWE was going to push him.

Now, Dolph Ziggler I'm sorry to say seems to have no connection to the crowd, they seem to think of him as a main-Eventer, I don't think he'll get there, but he's decent enough to stick around. Problem is that nowadays it seems like if you're not Main-Eventing you're not worth a damn.

Honorable Mentions:

Mark Henry-C'mon now another push for him?
Ted Dibiase-I just don't see it
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