The Superstar You Believe Has No future, But Is Still Being Pushed

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I'm gonna go with Alex Riley.

While I have been thoroughly entertained by his feud with The Miz, it’s mainly because I enjoy protégé vs. master storylines as opposed to Riley himself, who in my opinion is bland, generic, and uncharismatic. In no way was he deserving of getting a pin over the man who headlined Wrestlemania, especially considering how awkward he is as a face.

I get that he’s currently over; but when his feud with (arguably) WWE’s biggest heel subsides, I see him struggling to be significant, and ultimately failing.

Then again, I said something similar about The Miz a couple years back.
For me it's sin cara the guy gets mood lighting for his matches and has the same moveset as Rey mysterio I never want cara to win a title he always botches and needs to be released
I am as of yet not ready to really give up all hope regarding this guy but it looks like Ezekiel Jackson is the sort of the guy whom the OP is looking for.

Big Zeke impressed in his brief time at ECW but he has hardly done anything of note ever since. His feuds with both Big Show and Wade Barrett on Smackdown have been largely unimpressive even though WWE has allotted a lot of time to both those feuds. He looks to be green in the ring and well below average on the mic. Obviously the thing that makes him stand out is his great look but look alone would not guarantee his success in the WWE, at least, not for long.

Big Zeke will obviously have to work very hard to make it big in the WWE. Or else he could take the easy option and wind up on Superstars alongside the likes of Chris Masters.
Vladimir Koslov
Probably not going anywhere, but what push has he been getting lately? Nothing serious, anyway.

Evan Bourne
I can't figure this out. No real story, kinda a program with Swagger... kinda a piss poor one. I'm not really seeing an aggressive push for him either though? Just seemingly random wins & losses week after week.

Big Zeke
I'm not willing to give up on him yet. They claim he's 300 something lbs (probably a little but of a stretchthere) and he has no actual Indy wrestling experience, perfect champ quality by today's standards. Still, I don't think he needs a title to be a star, I think he needs a manager.Batistas matches were usually pretty shitty, but he still made out alright.

He's still got his best years ahead of him anyway.

If I had to choose anyone (that was being pushed legitimately) it would be Sin Cara. I actually like Sin Cara, but I'm not ready to buy into another cruiserweight taking the world by storm like Mysterio did. Especially considering he's already been move to the Asshole Brand because of "technical difficulties".
i agree with big zeke he's just a typical slow strong guy with no charisma.

del-rio not sure why there shoveling this guy down our throats, the riding out with a car been done to death.

jack swagger- poor man's kurt angle
Reality check from the REAL super genius - the WWE is current a mire with many, many guys who are need to be moved on or at least redirected.

The ones who could be repackaged/styled etc are:
Drew McIntyre - The chosen one? chosen for what - obscurity?
Justin Gabriel - now out of the core and only the dead weight of slater to haul, this the next RVD but with the stoner issue.
Evan Bourne - The lack of mic ability is a problem but talent is overwhelming.
Bryan Danielson - I know it's harsh, but the best worker in the company is stagnating and needs to go back to the 'straight edge' style gimmick of ROH.
Christian - never going to be a champ again, but can do a job getting guys over.
Santino - drop the unfunny comedy and let him show his legit sambo/judo skill.
Koslov - drop Santino and tag him with Alex Koslov as no stereo type Russian heels.

No hope in hell.
Mark Henry - 15yrs of the same gimmick and the same mediocre standard of work.
Big Show - No longer a legit monster, so what's left?
Tyson Kidd - How many attempts at giving the guy an identity are they going to try?
JTG - God awful trying to be Kidd's 'Agent' hopefully the last shot.
R-Truth - lost the fans and now nowhere to hide his limited ring work quality.
Miz(erable) - remains the worst invest of time and 'training' in company history - but may have found his calling in jobbing to freshmen talent.

Now that's the truth.
I both agree and disagree with comments about R-Truth. I like the guy, and he has a great look for a main eventer... And I really liked the heel turn with him smoking and being edgy and what-not... But there is something about the delivery in his promos that just bothers me. It's not clean and polished, which to a lot of people may be a good thing. I don't really know either way, but there is something that doesn't sit well with me every time he comes out. Either way, I'm glad he is getting time, and we'll see where he goes. I think he has a future in the business, but I think he's going to end up fine-tuning a lot of his gimmick.

It's always surprising who comes out of nowhere. Just when you think somebody is dead weight, they win Money in the Bank and become a huge Superstar....yes, I'm talking about the Miz.

The person I honestly think doesn't have much of a future is...Zack Ryder. Please don't put bombs in my mailbox. I respect the guy for not sitting on his ass and waiting to be handed a feud. I think he's got great ability in the ring, and he's got the IWC wrapped around his finger... So honestly I'd lvoe to see him go places, I just don't see the WWE actually pulling the trigger on him. Him and Santino... Two guys with great amounts of potential in two very different ways that I think will eventually fade out and be recycled.
I agree R-Truth is indeed overrated!! He has never done anything in his career didnt do shit in TNA and damn there is 40 years old if not there already!! I think creative sometimes throws ideas out there hoping it will stick but it hasnt!! Come on WWE come up with something that the Little Jimmys can get behind!:banghead:

yeah you know, tna world champ, he didnt do shit.....idiot!

sure tna blows but he was the champ when he was there.

Wow I cant beilive how many people think hes a bad wrestler. I mean hes a little old now but hes still a better wrestler then 75% of the roster.

And his character is so over the top your either going to love or hate it.

So dont say WE think hes overrated, because you dont speak for me.

I think hes doing a great job. When he was coming out week after week doing whats up, now that was awful. At least you might actually care what he might do or say now, and im not even a r truth fan. Im just happy hes not rapping anymore.

And the little jimmy stuff is pretty funny.
The Great Khali is my choice.
After years in the WWE, he hasn't gotten better. He's still very slow and lacks any kind of response from the crowd. The recent heel turn is a last ditch effort since he works best as a heel.

Yes, he's big in India but he's not going anywhere in the WWE. This guy is the true "Big Slow."
Without a second of hesitation my choice is Mark Henry, since the draft he has been pushed as one of the top superstars on Smackdown, but why? Mark has been around for years and it's been so long since he's relevant I can hardly remember if he was, for so long in recent years he was just in the background on Raw and now he's suddenly a up there with Christian,Sheamus and Randy Orton because he interferred in a match the night of the draft. His career is nearly over and there's no way he has a title run in his short WWE future so there could not be a more pointless push in my opinion.
Mark Henry and The Great Khali are just good when it was the Attitude Era. Then they change to PG and those kind of monsters aren't good anymore.
Same thing with Kane.
Mark Henry

I know he has a few fans but he has consistently been given chance after chance by the WWE and has done absolutely nothing with them. I cannot believe he is still employed as a regular character on screen who often wins when he has done precisely nothing of note in about 15 YEARS with the company?!

Yeah, I get that when someone beats Henry they have beaten a monster and that countrs for something, but the man has had 0 good feuds his whole career, 0 good matches and 0 good promos. It annoys me that he is still given a moderate push when far more talented guys (e.g Shelton Benjamin), who have accomplished more and are beter in every way than Henry (even mic skills) are released.

Does Henry have pictures of Vince having an affair or something?! The man is stealing a living, and has been for years. He will contribute nothing until he retires, and will be forgotton as he should be.
Mark Henry and The Great Khali are just good when it was the Attitude Era. Then they change to PG and those kind of monsters aren't good anymore.
Same thing with Kane.

Brilliant. The same Great Khali that never wrestled under WWE during the attitude era?

Anyway I'm going to have to go along with Ezekiel Jackson and Mark Henry. I'm not somebody who immedietly jumps on the "he's big therefore he sucks" bandwagon but both of them are awful. Jackson has a soft voice, no mic skills, a terrible and bland moveset plus he makes them awful hideous grunting sounds. Other than his presence and physique he has absolutely nothing going for him.

Henry? Well I can't really add to anything else anyone has already covered but when your most memorable moment in 15 years in the company is when you were chasing Nexus while IN FRONT of them you know that you're not doing a very good job.
First off, I just wanted to know if someone can answer me this... Why is everybody saying summerslam is going to hold del rio vs cena?? Is there something I missed or are you all just assuming??

On that note, I think del rio is getting pushed and honestly I have no interest in him. As for r-truth, I'll accept his somewhat lack of in-ring abilities but he is hilarious.. The raw when he came out in the confederate uniform? I was in tears from laughter. And if you don't find r-truth funny, you must be lacking a degree of humor. Not to mention he is more than obviously over as a heel.

Mark Henry has got no future, neither does big show. Kane, honestly is the only big guy I'll be happy to stay, not only because of his long, impressive history but his in-ring abilities. I'm just starting to dread matches with big guys and hated big show Kane as a tag team. Swagger just seems to be going nowhere, the stint with Cole, taking losses and he is just plain annoying. Ezikel Jackson is bland, boring, no mic skills and they have made the intercontinental championship lower now giving it to him. All he has going for him are his fucking traps, maybe he should look into body-building and bore the shit out of that community...
Easy. Mark Henry the guys pushing 40 and has only won 1 title since returning in late 2005. He's way to old, rubbish in the ring so why push him as the 2nd top heel on Smackdown? Why is he a maineventer? Guys like Rhodes and Barrett should be in Henry's role but WWE continue to push Henry and most likely this will be his last push of his career.
I guess I don't really understand all the posts against Mark Henry. He's jobber to the stars, always has been, and this new push on smackdown is not going to change that. All this push is doing is building him up as a credible monster heel again, which is typically necessary after doing a stint as a face on raw for a while.

He's not going to win a belt, he's not going to be at the top of the smackdown show, but he is filling in a necessary role. I'm sure that many fans will want to see him get put down.

Besides, if he retires soon, what's wrong with giving him one more monster push?
I disagree with R-Truth. He's not really overrated. By some? Sure. But in general, he's rated where he deserves to be. Someone fresh who is playing the role well enough to stick around and actually has a purpose now.

My pick would be Ted DiBiase. True, he's not getting the biggest push in the world, but they are still trying. He's a decent enough talent base in the ring and on the mic, but he just can't connect. I don't see many fans even caring that he ISN'T connecting. He seems to be such an after thought that most people don't even waste time considering whether or not he's a waste of time.

Perhaps I'm wrong, but at this point, he's not making many strides.
I disagree with people saying R Truth, but you are entitled to ur own opinions. IMO, R Truth is the best thing going in the WWE right now. Its amazing how a change of gimmick can vastly impove a wrestler.

But i have to go with Ted Dibiase. So hes not actually being pushed at the moment as hes currently Cody Rhodes sidekick, but i feel with Ted being with Cody, its bringing Rhodes down. Cody is a really talented wrestler and is really good on the mic, he should be a main eventer, not wasting his time with an old tage partner !!!! And plus people dont give a shit bout DiBiase

- Alberto Del Rio: Am i the only one who thinks Del Rio is shite? This guy sucks. Yea, he's orlight on the mic but his in ring abilities are f~#kin shite. I am sick of this guy being rammed down our throaths.

- Big Show: Years ago i liked him, but now i find him really cheesy (cheesy-ier than Cena) and really boring. Iv had enough of this guy. Whenevr hes on i change the channel. Get rid of him.
i would have to say Ezekiel Jackson, now i know he has a pretty good look, but thats about as far as it gets. Same goes for Batista Jr. (Mason Ryan) Absolutely no mic skills. limited in ring ability, oh sure they can do some body slams and close lines but they really arent technically sound. And i think its a gash darn sham that Big Zek is beating someone like Wade Barrett. Someone who have all the potiental in the world. Last year he was in a fued with Cena now hes jobing to Jackson. And i just think its a desperate push for a baby face, a well needed baby face on Smackdown! but your trying to make a square peg fit in a round hole and its not doing it for me.
Now, just in the interest of my personal sanity, if you're going to bother reading my post, then at least read it carefully. I don't care to have people say 'But Barrett clearly has a future' when they haven't understood me properly.

A lot of people have been stating guys they dislike being pushed, Mark Henry et al., and while I can see where you guys are coming from, honestly, I'm really afraid for some of my favourites. First off, I need to state, that contrary to the title, I do not believe these guys have no future. I just think it's very sink-or-swim for these three at the moment. I don't know if there's anything in this, but mine are all SD guys who are being pushed through midcard atm.

1) Wade Barrett
Because his push is consistent, yet every time it takes a step forward, two weeks down the line it'll step right back. Barrett's push really confuses me, and I'm worried for his future because he's got all the necessary skills, but his matches are sucky unless he's paired with the right people.

Yes, Barrett's good, but he could very well go the way of Swagger or even McIntyre if creative lose interest in him.

2) Cody Rhodes
Because his gimmick is quite specific. First off, this guy is awesome, especially given how much he sucked prior to becoming 'Dashing'. But my thought is, how long can he continue to rant against ugliness? Before too much longer Rhodes will have to broaden the horizons of his gimmick or risk becoming stale.

3) Daniel Bryan
He's not mainstream, and while he is popular, Bryan's gimmick's a weird one, and difficult to push. He's the guy we want to succeed but he's also the guy we can't really envision at the top. I wonder how they'll deal with Bryan over the next couple of years, as like Barrett, I believe he could go either way.
A lot of the names on these lists are not getting pushed Kofi is stuck, and unless something drastic happens he will be stuck in this spot for the rest of huis career or until he leaves WWE. Kozlov is in no way being pushed if anything he is being buried. How do you do from fueds with John Cena, Triple H and The Undertaker to being in a tag team with Santino and consider that any bit of a push? Evan Bourne just got his ass handed to him by Mason Ryan Monday night, and before that got some lucky wins over Jack Swagger who also is arguably getting buried, not a push. Mason Ryan I think right now may not be the guy you want in the main event, has a future as long as he is given time to develop and not rushed into the main event picture much like Kozlov was. No Divas are being pushed, right now that division is dead until Kharma comes back I seen Eve's name on here, she is not being pushed if anything she is being buried within the division she may come off as "the leader" of the Divas to an extint, but A.J. and Kaitlyn have been getting more TV exposure than her, and she is a former champion. Kelly Kelly is getting pushed, but she has a future, she will be in WWE for a long time, not to sound sexist, but she is attractive, she is athletic, and she has mainstream appeal WWE isn't going to let her go anywhere. That being said here is my list of guys who fit the category of the question asked:

Ezekial Jackson:
You see this every couple years, a guy with an impressive physique and that is pretty much it. Big Zeke has yet to do anything to impress me his moveset is nothing that any other big guy couldn't do and he has the same look as 100 other guys before and 100 more after him will have. You can say all you want about Batista, but he could have a 30 minute match and keep me watching, I can't see Big Zeke even having a 30 minute match at all. He fits in the same category as Nathan Jones, Luther Reigns, Tomko, Shad Gaspard and Chris Masters as far as I'm concerned and will likely have about the same amount of success.

Sin Cara
I know I may catch it for this one, but I just don't see him ever living up to the hype. He has an awesome moveset don't get me wrong, but if we are going to base it off that Kaval, Paul London, Shelton Benjamin and Jimmy Wang Yang should all still be on the main roster and getting pushed to the moon. I think Sin Cara is just of "that other masked guy" he doesn't talk, I think people are eventually going to get tired of his "mood" lighting and you can't hide his botched spots on Smack Down forever. I'm not saying he is going to go anywhere WWE has invested a lot of time and effort into him, and he may put the axe to the grindstone and really become a star, but based off what I see now, I don't see him elevating any higher than upper midcard status.

Mark Henry
This happens once every couple of years. A Mark Henry push. He will fued with the top names, maybe main event a lower level PPV or have a title match on the Royal Rumble card, but that will be it. Mark Henry will probably never hold one of the current World titles, and if he does (which he shouldn't) I don't know it would be much longer than a couple of weeks. If ECW or a third brand were still around sure I would say he probably would get a title run or two, but it makes no sense. Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes, Sheamus, Christian hell even Jinder Mahal are all more likely candidates as heels on Smack Down in my eyes to have a title run before Henry. I think the booking of him is what ruins it. He is a monster now, but six months ago he was crying because he missed Evan Bourne, his little buddy. Plus I still havn't wiped his affair with Mae Young out of my head neither, and X Pac kind of buried him years ago too if anybody remembers, thats another reason I can't take him serious.

R. Truth
I will hand it to him, he is entertaining in his role, he is taking what is there and making the most of it, but what next? Where can R. Truth go from here? Whatever fued he has next is a step back Cena is going to move on to Del Rio, Riley need to fued with Miz a little longer to establish his characters, John Morrison is still hurt, Big Show is fueding with Mark Henry (kind of) there is no other top tier face for R. Truth to fued with. Triple H isn't coming back full time, Kofi, Evan Bourne and even Rey would all be steps back in my opinion. He will be in MITB, and then he will be back on the mid-card. The most he will get is maybe a U.S. title run, and I highly doubt that will happen.
Sin Cara I couldn't agree more with those of you who said Sin Cara. His matches, in my opinion, are boring and his inability to speak on the mic; weakens any feud they put him in. His matches are the same setup as Mysterio's, thus making them predictable. He starts off hot, then gets his ass kicked for 10 minutes, but then does a move out of nowhere and wins.

R-Truth I understand that some of you enjoy R-Truth, but his push will do nothing in the long run. They're not going to give him the belt, therefore he's stealing a push from one of the younger talents who could use the push. Guys like McIntyre are being buried while R-Truth gets a big push that will result in nothing.

Big Show I don't think the Big Show has that intimidation factor like he used to. There's plenty of big wrestlers in the league who can offer more in terms of athleticism and mic skills, than the Big Show can offer.
Alex Riley

He is a mid carder, his character won't do much for the show

Alberto Del Rio

Definately future champoin but i really don't see him lasting 3 years from now. I just don't see him becoming a star.

Kofi Kingston

He is just being used as a filler. He won't win the championship and he has just turned into a stale character. I see him jobbing to up and coming stars but further than that i just see him getting released.
Unquestionably it is Ezekiel Jackson. There are some other guys that are questionable (Mark Henry, Evan Bourne, Alex Riley) but considering where they're being pushed to, it doesn't bother me.

Jackson bothers me. I hate watching guys like him. Other than his physique, he literally has nothing. No mic skills at all and is awful in the ring. All clotheslines, scoop slams and the most entertaining finisher of all time: The Torture Rack.

I just hope his career doesn't go much higher than it is right now. Until he becomes compelling, a physique competitor like him doesn't deserve much more than a mid-card belt - and that's just for show.

For those that bundled Mason Ryan with him - just stop. Mason Ryan is not being pushed. They flirted with the idea for about a week or two when they made him Batista Jr., but that is as far as it went. His only match on Raw in the past month was due to a computer glitch that screwed Sin Cara.
Mostly everyone can have a good future but WWE just makes it difficult for them selfs...

They have punk, barrett, christian, del rio, jomo, DB, cody and yet they decide to put the ussual people infront of them and push people just for their look... i mean its stupid! On r-truth the guys got his dream gimmick and with time he can be a main event player. its how u push the people and if there afriad to make less of their main event then thats their problem. U need to put up out to get some.
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