The Streak


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Ive been reading a few threads lately now and I've noticed alot of talk about who will face Taker at WM26 and if they would ever end the Streak.

So this years WM I would like to see Taker face someone new. Since WWE is now in the process of giving pushes to Swagger and John Morrison I would like to see one of them have a shot. IMO Morrison is the better choice since he is also on smackdown. If and i mean IF they decide to end the streak which I dont think they will ever do I believe the push this would give Morrison would put him hopefully at the top of the brand and a legit main eventer.

So if you could chose who to face Taker this year and if you would like to see the streak end and who should be allowed to end it who would it be???
So this years WM I would like to see Taker face someone new.

The Undertaker faces someone new every year.

If and i mean IF they decide to end the streak which I dont think they will ever do I believe the push this would give Morrison would put him hopefully at the top of the brand and a legit main eventer.

While I'm all for giving pushes to rising stars, and a victory over the Undertaker could do wonders for a career, I think the streak should be preserved. Looking at the roster today, if anyone could have done it, I would have said Shawn Michaels, but we all saw that result at WM25. It is a part of the Undertaker's gimmick that he is undefeated at Wrestlemania, and I think his streak should be preserved for the entirety of his career. It is necessary for his character, for he doesn't have as many title runs to boast than someone like Triple H does. In the end, it is the least the WWE can do for an absolute legend like the Undertaker to keep such a trophy in his career.
Well when i say new i mean someone who he doesnt have a history with....I mean he and micheals went to war for a while in the 90s and we all kno about the history with kane. And i guess those are the only 2 people hes faced recently that he does have history with.
But i agree totally that they should not end the streak just because of what it represents.
Pfft. Fuck the streak. Taker is just like Michaels in that they are larger than life and don't need anything to preserve the love they get from their fans. Title reigns, streaks, win/loss records don't matter. Taker could lose the next Mania and everyone would still think that the Undertaker is undefeatable. I mean, Michaels doesn't have a undefeated streak at Mania, and everyone still thinks that he is golden.

As far as when it should be broken..only when Taker is going out for good. His final match should be doing what he needs to do and has been trying to do, building the new stars. Seeing as though the streak is the last real thing that Taker can hand off to someone, it should be saved as his last gesture. His "thanks for the memories, keep my company safe" move.

Who will do it? Swagger. Cena, Michaels, Triple H, the like don't need it. Morrison is a face right now, and the sheer act of ending Taker's streak will land you heat from now until the end of days. Henry, Jericho, Edge, Miz just don't seem like the right kind of heels to do it. Swagger fits the bill perfectly, and he can get the most bang out of the proverbial buck.
Eh, I think the streak is one of the things that makes 'Taker, " 'Taker". For him to lose it this late in the game would be pointless. Granted were he to lose it (and lose it clean) it would be a monumental boon to the "rookie" who did it, but personally I don't see any of the young guys as worthy of the honor. To break even, you have to end a legend by replacing it with a new legend. The only guy who was even close in terms of build up and hype was Lesnar but he, despite what others say, took his ball and went home and that's not the type of guy who you can count on or trust to end the streak. In a perfect world you need a guy who will give his heart soul and career to this business and on top of that be of good character enough to trust behind the scenes a la 'Taker's current backstage reputation. If that scenario is not possible around the time 'Taker is due to retire then I say let him keep the streak and go out on top. Two sayings come to mind: do it right or don't do it at all, and if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
If taker's streak DOES end it should be from a wrestler that has 2 qualities:
1) Someone who is relatively new (maybe around for 5 years)
2) It has to be someone who is the crowd is behind, someone that could be the FUTURE of the company so to speak, and someone who could use that win to push them into the main event level and basically become the face of the company (Think Austin vs. Hart at WM13 and think about how much that 1 match helped out/catapulted Austins career. IMO this match was more important than his famous 3:16 speech).

With that said thats why i don't think it should be a guy like Morrison, sure he could use the push and will be a main eventer down the road, but he is never going to be the face of the company, IMO he hasn't shown that he is over enough to be able to defeat someone like Taker at Wrestlemania, he hasn't earned the right to be able to do that.

If anyone does defeat him he has to be the right person at the right time (I know its hard, but I think pretty much everyone will know this person when it happens, LIKE AUSTIN) and has to be done for the Future of the business, to make that next big star.

I don't think this situation will come up within the next few years (since taker won't be around much longer, or at least I don't see it happening), and unless it does, it would be best to just leave the streak alone and let Taker retire with that streak (Since taker does deserve such an accolade since he may have been the biggest star they ever had considering he has been a main eventer pretty much since he walked into the WWE 19 years ago, and come on, who doesn't like taker HE'S AWESOME).
The streak should never end. Undertaker loosing to a main eventer would obviously be a waste and loosing to an up and comer (like Morrison or Swagger) would be to risky. What if the superstar never got over, got a career threatening injury shortly there after, or even upsets people in the back and ends up in TNA. Then the Undertaker's streak would end for nothing.
if the streak ends, i will probably go into depression for a month seeing as how taker is my all time favorite and i firmly believe that no one should snap it. however, if i were to pick one person to break the streak, i would want it to be another legend. possibly kane. can't think of anyone else at the moment.
I believe that they shouldnt end the streak, let taker go out on a high as him and shawn michaels are the best things in the company and also had an amazing match at WM 25, so they should keep his streak intact, they also shouldnt retire him at WM do it at suvivor series, a fitting ending to a career he started their.
I say the streak should end. In my opinion the streak now hurts Mania, why should any fan invest any interest in Taker's Mania matches when the outcome is always the same. I think Taker losing his streak whether it's his last match or not would be a huge Wrestlemania moment to never be forgotten. Like when Hogan slammed and beat Andre at Wrestlemania 3. Right now if I was looking at who it should be then you make the top guy in the company which right now is John Cena. It would help take Cena who would help take the company to even bigger heights. Cena is going to be the top guy for years to come why not pass the torch to him. You know you are passing the torch to some one who has such a huge passion for the business you helped build and who has so much class and integrity. If I was Taker that is who I would pass it too. At the end of the day it's up to Vince. Also another to look at if the WWE were thinking of turning Cena heel, it would be the perfect opportunity to do it by Cena cheating to beat the streak similar to the way Austin turned heel at Wrestlemania 17. Just a thought.
First, Undertaker has to retire with the perfect streak. If there's one thing the WWE can do right it's that.

Second, the next big match for Taker is against John Cena. He's the last big name left. It will be huge.
have shelton benajmine end the streak. it needs to be someone who is a pure athlete nd someone who can put on a good show. shelton always steals the spot light in the mitb matches imagine what he can do one on one with taker. it will be like watching michaels vs taker again
Shelton Benjamin isn't going to get a big push. He has no personality or charisma. I don't care how athletic he is you still need to have those two things to be a major star in the business.
you cant end the simply cant.takers been around for almost 2 decades now.he hasent really had a dominate title run.the streak is really the only thing taker has going for him that sets him apart from any other take that away from stupid would that look.18-1...or 19-1.or maybe 20-1,a perfect far as letting an up and coming star end the streak.i'll nix that idea.sure it will be a great werestlemania would be remembered for years and will hopefully get that superstar the push that they need to maintain a mainevent statues. but this is what it would do to takers would tarnish a perfectly good legacy that he would of left behind.i mean seriously 20-1???its impressive sure,but that one lose just throws everything off.

honestly if they ever did decide to end his streak.that would be it for stop me thats one of the more glorious things to watch at mania.sure we might all know hes gonna win.but its usually a fantastic show that taker puts me thats what wrestlemanias about.not the outcome of the matches themselves.tho equally as important.but the match quality cant put a new guy over if they put on a shitty ass performance
I'm sorry but i've given up on Shelton Benjamin. While he does put on a hell of a show in MITB, each year, that's about the only memoeable thing he does every year also. I think Cena VS Taker would be a huge match. The crowd would go nuts like at mania 18 with Rock and Hogan or at mania 22 with Cena and HHH.
Those who say they would stop watching are talking utter crap... NO man is bigger than Wrestlemania... The streak makes Taker just that...

If the streak ends, it has to be to someone who it is going to make SUCH an impact that their career is from then on enhanced forever...if it isn't big already... A newer wrestler has not necessarily earned basically the last major accolade in the business...

Imagine the scenario... any wrestler getting it would have to be under contract for at least 5 years... no chance of them leaving for the NFL, jumping or going to Hollywood... to get this they have to be either totally WWE or their irons in the fire cannot conflict...

It has to be someone who will "carry the Wrestlemania baton" from them on... the person who beats Taker will be the guy who becomes the new Mania legend... they have to have the proven chops to carry WM's best match, not necessarily for 20 years but for at least 5... till the new person arrives or is big enough to handle it...

Finally they have to be someone that their win will draw SO much heat... that there will be trash in the ring like Hogan turning... there has to be near riot state in the arena... the win has to be SO tainted but ultimately credible... someone getting the 1-2-3 out of the opportunity...that person will forever have to deal with hateful fans at every turn...

Add all that up... and there is only one guy who has the credentials to do all that

Chris Jericho

I rest my case...
i agree here with anyone that says ending the streak is a horrible idea. It's literally the only thing WWE has done right time after time after time. If they were to end the Takers streak it should have been done before he hit 10-0. Perhaps at 9-0 they should have had him lose. But now he's so far along why kill it off? They've had PLENTY of chances:

Randy Orton: Would have been a HUGE boost to his career back when he was still rising.

Kane: The first time, when Kane was "unbeatable" would have been the perfect time

A-Train/Big Show: You see to me personally when Nathan Jones came to the ring during that match (I know he was advertised) I thought it should have been a DQ. They announced the match as a HANDICAP match, therefore once the bell rings its a HANDICAP match. I'm glad WWE didn't screw that up though

So that leaves several KEY names left for Taker to have a match with at Mania:

John Cena
Kurt Angle
Chris Jericho
Jeff Hardy (Hey their ladder match on Raw years ago was OUTSTANDING) in a LADDER MATCH perhaps?

Now the question of why SHOULDN'T the streak end?

Very simple. A lot of fans honestly show up to Mania for the festivities and to see the Taker win. I've never heard a Mania crowd BOO the Taker regardless of how many years its been. People see him. They see him wrestle hurt, yet he continues to show love/gratitude consistently. His undefeated streak also draws serious ratings. I mean the whole "who's gonna end the streak!!??" build up is always great, the matches are usually flawless with a huge high risk spot. It's the culmination of a PERFECT story. It starts out with a glorious entrance that captivates the audiences attention now matter how young/old you are, the rise of the fight, that HUGE high risk spot that sends you over the top with excitement. Then the slow/steady battle of 2 drained superstars each with a seperate goal: One- To keep his streak alive, Two- To end the deadman's reign.
Then the match much like a perfectly written story/book ends with the heroic finish of the deadman as he battles and prevails.
Those who say they would stop watching are talking utter crap... NO man is bigger than Wrestlemania... The streak makes Taker just that...

Chris Jericho

I rest my case...

yes for one i would stop watching if that dont go as far as letting him win 19 times at wm.then just end somebody like chris jericho.i am a jericho fan.but y would it be y2j?hes not exactly a new up and comer.if they picked jericho.why couldnt hbk have done it?or edge or even orton.hell if your going to pick jericho to end the streak they could of easily done it with big show and a-train.if its going to be somebody in the industry would have to be cena.hes the only legit person i see wwe ever considering to end the deadmans not a fan of john cena.but if theres a person that would make it would be him
The streak should never end. IMO, the best thing for them to do is make you believe that the streak is going to end and then have Undertaker come out on top anyways. The last time anybody actually thought he stood a chance at losing is when he faced Triple H at WM17.
The Undertaker should never have his streak ended. He should stay until he gets 20 and then retire after match number twenty have him look at the crowd roll his eyes back one more time black out the arena and when the lights come back on he has disappeared never to be seen again.

Takers final three matches

WM26 Vs.Punk (would have been jericho but he will probably feud with edge at this one)

WM27 Vs. Jericho

WM 28 vs Cena
yes for one i would stop watching if that dont go as far as letting him win 19 times at wm.then just end somebody like chris jericho.i am a jericho fan.but y would it be y2j?hes not exactly a new up and comer.if they picked jericho.why couldnt hbk have done it?or edge or even orton.hell if your going to pick jericho to end the streak they could of easily done it with big show and a-train.if its going to be somebody in the industry would have to be cena.hes the only legit person i see wwe ever considering to end the deadmans not a fan of john cena.but if theres a person that would make it would be him

Simple, because neither was as hot as a mainstream heel than Jericho is right now... Forget Orton, Jericho is the best heel they have based on the grain of truth that runs through him... he hasn't changed... he is playing the perfect heel... cos he is right, I can see it now, Taker has had immense "help" to keep that streak... he has never done it "on his own", Jericho will point out all the screwjobs that punctuate Taker's career and point to his own... Jericho can get fans running to the ring or stop his car NOW!... imagine what could be achieved if he beat Taker! The news would break the mainstream... cos Jericho often does...

It would make Jericho the top heel in the business for the next 5 years, back to the old days which I thought was the whole point of WWE's plan? If there is gonna be a resurgence, they need a Golden Face and a Golden heel...
Nopee can't end it. No superstars (it seems) these days can be fully trusted to carry the company like that. I mean imagine if they had Brock Lesnar take Taker's streak down. The biggest up and coming star, pushed to the stars like he was and he leaves for (an attempt) at NFL, MMA. I do, however know of a way where he can keep his streak, and still push an up and coming heel to the moon. Think of it as Taker vs Kane, burried alive match or something at Mania...Then something along the line of an up and coming star burries them both, with both brothers never to be seen again.
edge should have ended the streak as discounting mitb was on his own streak, and in a few years someone could do the same to edge

heel_09 has a point the streak is harming wm. it now makes sense what ever the smarks think for either cena or a credible up and comer to take that streak. i would personally like a returning angle or edge take it
I have a storyline that would make everyone happy.A superstar is cutting a promo and all of a sudden the lights go out. A R.I.P. reef shows up in the ring when they come back on. The superstar gets stalked for a few weeks by a mysterious figure until after the royal rumble in which he is kidnaped. and Undertaker appears a few weeks later. Undertaker cuts a promo saying with something hidden in a box that he is responsible for the superstars disappearance. He then talks of molding the superstar into a dark appentice weather he wants to or not. Then he calls out the superstar. No one shows. Then he reveals whats in the box. The urn. Takers music hits and he comes out to the power of the urn.. As the pay per views go by he answers every test Undertaker puts in front of him becoming more like the Dead man even changing ring attire. Undertaker makes a few promos about WM being his final test before he gets the full power of the undertaker..WM comes and its a Hell in a Cell match. Undertaker escorts him to the ring and his he waits on his mystery opponent with Taker standing at ringside. The lights go out and come back on with the superstar looking at the ramp puzzled until he relizes his opponent is standing in the ring behind him. Undertaker. Back and forth match with Taker putting the superstar in all Takers Signature moves and kicking out of all of them. Then at the last minute the superstar sits up and puts Taker in the tombstone. Count goes to 2 and the lights go off. Then the ring fills with smoke. the lights come back on with the superstar in the ring looking through the smoke for taker but he is no where in sight. The Music hits, lightning strikes the ring and as the smoke clears the urn sits in the middle of the ring.... He picks it up and Taker shows up at the top of the ramp doing his signature gesture as the superstar does the same with the urn in hand....Taker stands up turns around and raises his hand one final time to the crowd and walks out for the final time....... As far as who the superstar is. I dont know of anyone who would deserve that honor of following in the phenoms footsteps. Maybe Jack Swagger. Or Batista. Swagger would be my pick because i think he will be the face of wwe in the future and it would be a perfect push for him.

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