The Streak: How Will You Feel If It Ends?

Why waste, arguably, the biggest rub one could receive on an already made man such as John Cena? The only way that I could see that one working is if Cena was to become the monster heel that everyone wants him to become. The reason I don't want to see a face Cena end the Streak is because if a face Cena ends the Streak, or any face for that matter, the Streak would die.

There are a number of reasons I can think of to have Cena end the streak.

1. The only way, in my opinion, the streak should end is if, like Sally suggested, it's to a legend. The problem with giving a superstar the "rub" of ending the streak is that you don't know how it will play out in the future. There was talk at one point of having Ted DiBiase face Undertaker, and end the streak, several years ago. How foolish would WWE look if that had happened? Pretty damn. But giving that rub to a superstar like Cena is one where you know the win won't be wasted.

2. The streak would be ended by the best. Cena is the top guy in the company, and that's not going to change until he retires. If Undertaker is going to have the streak ended, and retire, why not have it be by the best? Undertaker is booked as somewhat mythical in his ability to win at Wrestlemania, and for the streak to end believably, it needs to be by someone legendary. The only person on the roster who fits that description is Cena. Punk may someday reach that level, but he sure as hell isn't there yet.

3. It would make a win over Cena afterwards all the more special. Contrary to popular opinion, Cena's lost alot over the past 2 years, effectively shredding the "Superman" notion. But after beating Undertaker, and ending the most prestigious(however erroneous this may be) thing in sports entertainment, anyone who beat Cena from that point on would get one hell of a rub. Especially if he were to beat Rock and Undertaker in back to back years at Wrestlemania. As for Undertaker, he's a part-time, once a year performer. Having him lose his final match at Wrestlemania, against John Cena, wouldn't tarnish the previous 20 years of the streak whatsoever.

CM Punk, on the other hand, would bring it up just about every time he would cut a promo.

And it would get old and monotonous very quickly, as did his calling himself straight-edge, declaring himself the best in the world, and demanding respect did. Which is why he's had to, as Cena's pointed out, had to re-invent himself so many times. This would be no different.

Punk could use the victory to make his career even more successful then it is now. It would make him an even bigger heel than what he is now. What would Cena have to gain from the victory?

It would be the defining point of Cena's career, the same as it would Punk's. This is a blanket statement to be made, as it would make anyone's career more successful then it is now.

I don't disagree that it would benefit Punk. To address the initial question, the longer Undertaker continues to wrestle, it almost becomes imperative that the streak ends. As a once a year performer, even at Wrestlemania, having Undertaker go over full-time wrestlers stretches things, realistically. I wouldn't have a problem with Undertaker losing the streak to a CM Punk, but it needs to be in Undertaker's last match if that's the case. Undertaker going to 20-1 and continuing to wrestle at 'Mania just doesn't have the draw, the one guaranteed draw, that 20-0 does.
As an aside, if a face wrestler is the one to end the streak someday, they do need to book a major show of mutual respect at the end of the match. Something similar to the last Taker vs HHH match.
Because otherwise, the win could generate a lot of heat.
1. The only way, in my opinion, the streak should end is if, like Sally suggested, it's to a legend. The problem with giving a superstar the "rub" of ending the streak is that you don't know how it will play out in the future. There was talk at one point of having Ted DiBiase face Undertaker, and end the streak, several years ago. How foolish would WWE look if that had happened? Pretty damn. But giving that rub to a superstar like Cena is one where you know the win won't be wasted.

2. The streak would be ended by the best. Cena is the top guy in the company, and that's not going to change until he retires. If Undertaker is going to have the streak ended, and retire, why not have it be by the best? Undertaker is booked as somewhat mythical in his ability to win at Wrestlemania, and for the streak to end believably, it needs to be by someone legendary. The only person on the roster who fits that description is Cena. Punk may someday reach that level, but he sure as hell isn't there yet.

Cena is already the top guy in the WWE and as you yourself said, that's not going to change until he hangs it up. So why give the already undisputed #1 guy in the business the biggest rub of them all? It couldn't possibly further Cena's career any whatsoever. There's no higher spot then what Cena has now. It just doesn't make sense to me to have a guy who's as made as he can be get a rub like that.

I understand the notion of having 'Taker lose to the best. I really do, however, I want to see the Streak be used to advance someone's career. Not just to be simply used as another feather in the cap for someone. That's why I don't think a legend should end the Streak. It just doesn't make sense to me.

And it would get old and monotonous very quickly, as did his calling himself straight-edge, declaring himself the best in the world, and demanding respect did. Which is why he's had to, as Cena's pointed out, had to re-invent himself so many times. This would be no different.

I didn't literally mean he should use it in every single promo that he cuts. I meant it in the same vein that Jericho likes to remind us about his victories over the Rock and Austin in the same night to become the first WWE Undisputed Champion. He should definitely use it in the months after 'Mania, then in the future, just give us the once in awhile reminder. Cena wouldn't brag about it and thus the Streak will have died.
It's always been my belief that there's a compromise to be made here that would make both supporters and detractors of the streak happy. In this compromise, the streak would (shakily) stay intact but 'Taker's opponent would ultimately end his career in a feud that culminated at Summerslam. Here's an outline:

1) The Undertaker faces his opponent at Wrestlemania in either a 30-minute Ironman match or two-out-of-three falls bout. Undertaker's opponent would pin him in this match but 'Taker would ultimately prevail in sudden death circumstances.

2) At Extreme Rules Undertaker and his Wrestlemania opponent face off in a match where his opponent dominates him. This ends the feud for the time being.

3) Either at Money in the Bank or the period between it and Extreme Rules, Undertaker's opponent wins either the WWE Championship or the WHC. We witness 'Taker win MiTB and him coming out to challenge his Wrestlemania opponent at the end of the PPV. In cashing in his briefcase, 'Taker asks for the match to take place at Summerslam and for the match to have a Title vs. Career stipulation.

4) At Summerslam, the rubber match takes place. Since 'Taker (at least in his current gimmick) has never or rarely submitted, his Wrestlemania opponent takes him out in the most ignominious of fashions, making him submit cleanly in a nail-biter, thus ending 'Taker's career.
Cena is already the top guy in the WWE and as you yourself said, that's not going to change until he hangs it up. So why give the already undisputed #1 guy in the business the biggest rub of them all? It couldn't possibly further Cena's career any whatsoever. There's no higher spot then what Cena has now. It just doesn't make sense to me to have a guy who's as made as he can be get a rub like that.

Like I said, it's essentially a domino effect. While a victory over Cena is a big deal, a victory over Undertaker at Wrestlemania would be the culmination of a career. If he's not there yet, it moves Cena to lengendary status, no questions asked. Undertaker doesn't have many rubs left to give, wrestling once a year. But John Cena does. A victory over a man who beats Undertaker at Wrestlemania, preferably ending his career, would be an incredible rub. John Cena's the guy who can give that rub. CM Punk is not, and still wouldn't be, even if he beat Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

I understand the notion of having 'Taker lose to the best. I really do, however, I want to see the Streak be used to advance someone's career. Not just to be simply used as another feather in the cap for someone. That's why I don't think a legend should end the Streak. It just doesn't make sense to me.

But it would advance John Cena's career. Just like a victory over the Rock in 4 weeks would advance John Cena's career. If Cena beats Rock for the title, and retains in a rematch, the person who beats Cena for the title down the road gets an even bigger rub then if Cena had taken the title off of Randy Orton. Same logic goes if Cena ends the streak. The man who next even knocks off Cena has bragging rights that he beat the man who ended the streak.

Just because Cena can't be elevated more in this day and age doesn't mean he can't be elevated in the overall context of history. And historically, who better to end the streak then the man who for damn sure will do something with it, and be able to provide rubs to others as a result?

We know Cena would be able to provide that "domino effect" rub. Can't say the same for Punk, or anyone else in WWE, truthfully.
I don't get why people think cena should beat the streak. I don't care if Cena wins the title 100 times he's more in the class of Bret Hart especially in the merchandise sales criteria. How many WM moments does one guy need cause he will never ever be as popular as Rock or Austin and thats not Cena's fault thats VKM's fault.

If Punk's not the answer and with UT defeating Flair,HBK twice,HHH three times, and then next year defeating Cena there is only one way to build WM 31 especially at Cowboys Stadium. The build up after RR where Cole mentions there has been no contenders recently to challenge The Streak and have UT come out on Raw after RR and get ready to announce his retirement as the only undefeated man in WM and that makes him the greatest Superstar off all-time. Then the lights go out and the WM 31 logo goes up on the Tron and a sledge hammer in the video breaks the glass. As many think it would be HHH the lights go out again and the Austin 3:16 sign comes up and SCSA is the guy in Texas to defeat UT seeing thats the State where they both became noticed for the big leagues
the iwc makes me sick with this Punk is god crap....No punk should not end the streak. Undertaker should either lose to the best or not at all and the best is Cena. why give your number 2 guy the biggest rub possible when there is no way he can become the number 1 guy. CM punk doesnt have the star power to be the one to beat the streak. Punk reminds me alot of Jericho. Jericho was the best in the ring, great on the mic, won lots of titles but never a true top guy and thats exactly who punk is. Punk will never be on the level of Cena, Rock, Austin, Hogan even if he beats Taker so why do it. Cena and Punk are a year apart. For the majority of Punks career and the rest of punks career Cena will hold the wwe title, main event wrestlemania and every other ppv. So by the iwc logic lets let some guy break the streak so he can wrestle the mid card or world title matches for the rest of his career
I don't remember Jericho ever topping Austin or Rock in merchandise sales and when Punk was face after MITB for a six month stretch Punk and Cena alternated of who was on top of the merchandise sales. So we have a top guy in Cena where at the very least 50% of the fans don't cheer for Cena. Sounds like a great idea in having him defeat UT seeing he has has WM moments in the past and if Cena was to end the streak he would be hated even more. I am sorry Punk doesn't look like a reject from WBF just the best wrestler and best mic work in the biz today. How many WM moments does Cena need for him to try to be cheered by fans who thinks hes a more athletic version of HH and a better wrestler than HH but most fans who jeer him thinks his message is bs. Its not 1985 anymore and actually Punk's message is more suitable for kids not to fall to peer pressure by other so called cool kids in drinking and doing drugs. Being Straight Edge is a more positive message than HH 2.0
I don't remember Jericho ever topping Austin or Rock in merchandise sales and when Punk was face after MITB for a six month stretch Punk and Cena alternated of who was on top of the merchandise sales. So we have a top guy in Cena where at the very least 50% of the fans don't cheer for Cena. Sounds like a great idea in having him defeat UT seeing he has has WM moments in the past and if Cena was to end the streak he would be hated even more. I am sorry Punk doesn't look like a reject from WBF just the best wrestler and best mic work in the biz today. How many WM moments does Cena need for him to try to be cheered by fans who thinks hes a more athletic version of HH and a better wrestler than HH but most fans who jeer him thinks his message is bs. Its not 1985 anymore and actually Punk's message is more suitable for kids not to fall to peer pressure by other so called cool kids in drinking and doing drugs. Being Straight Edge is a more positive message than HH 2.0
Wow punk topped in merchandise for a couple months so lets let him end the most incredible streak in the history of the business lol. Punk had his mania moment last year with Y2j and just facing taker at mania is a mania moment but ending the streak is not just any old mania moment IT IS HISTORY. Punk is hot now but how long til Cena reclaims his spot and is unbeatable again. Yes the straight edge thing is good for kids but Punk has other traits that parents wouldnt want their kids role model to have. He has a ton of tattoos, lip peircing and punched a fan in the face on live tv. I have tattoos so im not hating on them but be real to say punk is a better role model for kids than cena is is just plain stupid
It goes both ways.

On the one hand, this is The Undertaker. A veteran of all veterans, with 20 years plus under his belt. If he personally doesn't want the streak to end, I wouldn't mind. IMHO, it's none of Vince's business, or anyone else's. It's up to him, and him alone. If he retired 21-0, or 22-0, then I say hats off to him. He's more than earned that right.

On the other hand, the rub alone from him doing the job would be phenomenal. Jump start someone with potential and catapult them to the top...or to legendary status, depending on who it is. For instance, say Wade Barrett were to pin the Undertaker. Instant main event for life. He can talk, he can wrestle, he's a good guy. You don't want to waste it, though. Right now, Barrett struggles to get over. Dolph is struggling to get over. Having Taker lose at the wrong time would help...but would hurt if that person wasn't already on the rise.

I argue the legend should only beat Taker statements that have been repeated here. It will do precisely NOTHING for their career. HHH and HBK were already on their way out, they were already future hall of famers, and had nothing left to prove. Cena is already the same way, whether we want to admit it to ourselves or not. He doesn't need a rub from Taker, since he's gone as high as he's going to. Double digit world champion, Feuded with literally everybody out there, is a future hall of famer. What does he stand to gain from pinning Taker? He's already the face of the company. He's going to beat The Rock. He's also almost 36 years old if the previously mentioned doesn't do it for you. He's a walking legend. Not as much as SCSA or HBK or HHH, but the fact of the matter is, he's there. And for the record, I can't stand him, before you throw me in with the Cena marks.

As for Punk...he would, in fact, stand to gain from this. He is (currently) above the Title in my opinion, but he falls short of where Cena is. Not that I'd compare the two, but Punk could close the gap by a great deal by putting Taker down. Will he retire at 35? Perhaps. That doesn't mean you can't skyrocket him for the last few years. And if he doesn't retire, then you have ANOTHER guy (potentially) on Cena's level of stardom.

So, to recount -

Would I be fine with the streak ending? Yes. It's much more important than the World Title (for now).

Would I like to see it end? Yes. But I won't hold it against Taker if he wants it.

Should a legend beat Taker? No. The legend has nothing to gain, nothing to prove. He's already a legend, there's nowhere left to climb.

It should be a young person, or a person just short of that legendary status, such as CM Punk. As for the young guys...right now, there's no young person that's ready for what it would bring. Be it a lack of getting over, being too green, or not being quite good enough is irrelevant.
I don't get why people think cena should beat the streak.

Because if the streak is to end at all, I can't see anyone but the best of the best ending it; that's Cena.

Let's presume for a moment that Mark Calaway himself has the final say as to whether his streak is to end. What would he want?

-If he doesn't want it to end at all, I figure it won't. There's are strong reasons for keeping it intact.....concerning 'Taker's legacy and the way he's perceived in the future. If he loses at WM, that feature is done with; we'll remember that he was great but can never point to the unbroken string of victories at the biggest PPV of the year.....which is an achievement no one else will ever equal.

-I can't see 'Taker agreeing to lose his streak to a visiting dignitary. If the long-rumored Undertaker-Sting match ever took place at WM, I can't fathom WWE management wanting Undertaker to lose; that makes me consider the fantasy of Vince McMahon saying: "We put our best against your best.....and we lost." This also applies if someone like Kurt Angle or Goldberg came in to fight Undertaker; the match might happen, but they'd have to lose to the Dead Man.

-The same thing applies to The Rock or Steve Austin. They can almost be considered visiting dignitaries, except that they've performed only for WWE since their glory days. I just can't see what would be accomplished by Rock or Austin ending the streak. I doubt they would have an objection to losing to Undertaker if they took the match.....mostly, though, there would be no promotional advantage to either of them winning because they aren't around to continue their efforts in the ring after ending the streak, which would be considered one of the greatest achievements ever. Would I pay to see Undertaker-Austin or Undertaker-Rock? Hell yes, but I can't see the logic of either of them beating 'Taker.

This brings it to today's crop of top-flight wrestlers. We'll find out about the first one in a few weeks, but I honestly can't see C.M. Punk winning this match; he just isn't "legendary" enough to do it. I would think even he realizes this, although with Phil ("I was almost out the door") Brooks, who knows?

As to the rest, whom do you see beating Undertaker? For one thing, there are so few guys even in a position to be granted the opportunity to try. Triple H was a great choice, but he's an exception to the rule; he's not even an active wrestler anymore. Same goes for Shawn Michaels. Besides, both of them tried and failed already.....twice.

Who else? Ryback? Sheamus? Orton? ......anybody?

I say John Cena. If the streak is to end at all, only Cena has the rep and star power to get the job done. If Undertaker-Cena were taking place today, I honestly don't know how I'd call it......and I consider it the highest tribute to Cena that it's even a question, because anyone else would lose to 'Taker.

Best guess would be that the streak never ends, however many more times Mark Calaway is able to climb into the ring.
I do agree that Punk's fan interaction has cost him the possible top spot or the very least 1A. In my post I never said he should end the streak but I gave my sypnosis of who would be the best to end the streak and thats SCSA. You do understand VKM is going to do anything to keep cena the guy so most of the marketing goes to Cena much like it did with Hogan. VKm doesn't want another talent to be made by the fans like SCSA. Lots of insiders believe SCSA was never suppose to be the man it was suppose to be The Rock. VKM couldn't turn away from the merchandise sales SCSA brought in even before he became the big star. SCSA merchandise sales was very strong leading into WM 13. VKM wants to make his own top guy and not let the fans choose. That philosophy alone is one reason why so many fans don't like Cena because fans want to decide themsleves and not have the decision taking out of their hands. The only way VKM"s philosophy works is when you have a guy like Hogan thats far ahead of everyone else. Alot of Punk's outside of wrestling work he got those gigs himself and has pissed off some upper management. The one good thing about Punk his future as being in management is alot brighter than anyone in wrestling today. Could you imagine if Punk walked off the WWE job like two years from now and decides to be the sole runner of ROH that product would be way better than it is now. I am a Punk fan but I don't think hes the answer to beating the streak unless UT wants him to be
-Why is Cena considered the best
-No other top guy under VKM's direction has been booed than this guy
-Marketing Cena has been done similiar to HH as Cena gets 90% of the marketing and everyone else has to scramble for the scraps
-His drawing power is no better than Bret Hart
-His average yearly merchandise sales is a little under 2.5 mill
-Why does Cena need the rub when so many consider him a mega star already
-If VKM marketed other top guys just as hard as he has done Cena this company would be making 1 bill which is very good under the PG format
-I enjoy most of Cena's matches I just think all HLR stuff is Hulkamania 2.0 and doesn't draw as much as Hogan
-This talent has been jammed down the people's throat and the more VKM does that the more Cena will be booed
-The guy is booed right outside his hometown in Boston and thats as a face
-Most fans find Cena's message as giant pile of bs just like with Hulkamania
-Why is Cena considered the best
-No other top guy under VKM's direction has been booed than this guy
-Marketing Cena has been done similiar to HH as Cena gets 90% of the marketing and everyone else has to scramble for the scraps
-His drawing power is no better than Bret Hart
-His average yearly merchandise sales is a little under 2.5 mill
-Why does Cena need the rub when so many consider him a mega star already
-If VKM marketed other top guys just as hard as he has done Cena this company would be making 1 bill which is very good under the PG format
-I enjoy most of Cena's matches I just think all HLR stuff is Hulkamania 2.0 and doesn't draw as much as Hogan
-This talent has been jammed down the people's throat and the more VKM does that the more Cena will be booed
-The guy is booed right outside his hometown in Boston and thats as a face
-Most fans find Cena's message as giant pile of bs just like with Hulkamania
I will explain it to you by countering everything you just said step by step

- in this business the person that brings in the most money is pretty much the best
- The rock was booed
- He gets 90% because thats what the fans want
- I hate when people compare drawing power because it just doesnt make sense...wrestling is not the popular thing right now so numbers will be down regardless of what you do. You cant draw people to watch something they dont want to watch regardless of how good the product is
-who cares
-He doesnt need the rub and neither does punk but if you have to choose out of them two than you obviously go with the bigger star...Cena
- I dont agree with this... as much as people want to say Cena was created by Vince you have to give Cena credit. You cant get over as much as he is if you are not good. Who else are you going to promote besides punk and cena???
-Once again when Hogan was wrestling, wrestling was the cool thing to watch. If you replace Cena with Hogan in that era you would get the same result
- Vince isnt worried about fans booing Cena. Cena brings in money and the kids love him. The only people booing are the iwc. Boo or cheer doesnt matter because Cena still gets the biggest reactions.
- Im a grown ass man, I dont care about Cena's message thats for the little kids and its a good message for kids
-Yes I understand how the biz works but if you market the hell out of one guy some fans no matter what cheer for the face
-Drawing power is also determined by merchandise sales and you say that doesn't matter but thats how VKM decides to be in the ME
-Most of the fans don't want just Cena they want a balance thats why "Attitude" had worked
-Rock as the top face was not booed in almost every building every night like Cena
-Furthermore if you compare Cena to Hogan,Hart,HBK,and SCSA he is the most booed because those are your top faces in WWE History
-I go to alot of wrestling events and the biggest problem most fans have with WWE is they want more balance and stuff that makes sense
-Go to any wrestling event and with kids you see alot more Punk T-Shirts now not as much as Cena but more kids are wearing other T's than just Cena
-My question is how many more moments does Cena need in VKM's mind to curb some of the negativism
-I don't hate Cena but clearly his character must evolve at some point because hes not Steamboat or Hogan faces who were overwhelmingly cheered at the height of being face
-HLR all that message is Hulkamania 2.0
I'm tired of the whole dismissive attitude towards the prospects of Punk beating the Undertaker at Mania. CM Punk might not be a legendary enough name to take the streak ... but don't tell me "Oh Cena's the only man on the roster to do it"

give me a break. I respect your opinion, don't necessarily agree, because If it's gotten to that point, where Cena's the only man with the possibility of beating Undertaker, well then the state of pro wrestling is in a sad state.

and Cena isn't the "best of the best" either. That's just how he's booked. Like the face of the company, and the center of attention. I find it disappointing, and pretty sucky that Punk was referred to as a Mid Card Champion and booked under Cena for most of his title reign

it's a slap in the face especially when Cena's main eventing with John Laurinaitis .. while Punk has to settle for not getting put on last.

yet when Cena wins the Rumble, Punk loses the belt to Rock, all of a sudden, it's Cena-Rock 2 .. for the Richest Prize in the Game

Cena isn't just going over a 40 year old Rock at WM 29, lets not forget he's also picking up the WWE Title

with that in mind, if Cena were to beat Taker next year it doesn't really enhance anything .. it just re-enforces the idea that Cena's the best booked Superstar

-Multi time Champ, 2x Rumble Winner, Tag Champ so on and so forth
-Beat HBK and Triple H in back to back Mania's as well as Rock (*pending)

The people saying Punk should not win vs Taker, and instead suggesting Cena need to realize that all the reasons they suggest for Punk not winning are why he should

**and if Punk's "not on Cena's level" .. translation, not booked as well

beating the Undertaker's streak is the exact kind of stand out moment Punk needs to narrow the gap considerably

all that said CM Punk is still very likely to lose vs the Undertaker at Mania. But I SMH at the notion of brushing off Punk as not worthy of ending the streak and subbing in John Cena
I really can't make up my mind with this. The streak is iconic, its really is. It's the only thing of its kind in wrestling, and there is noone more deserving of holding the streak than The Undertaker. To appear at 20+ wrestlemania's is incredible.

On one hand, I don't want to see it end. I want to see the Deadman go out with a win, and the streak remaining intact forever, it would be a fantastic achievement and the perfect way to thank the Undertaker for all he has done for the WWE over the last 20+ years.

However, putting someone over on his way out would do wonders for that wrestler's career..IF its the right person and WWE capitalise on the victory. Most of the great wrestlers end up going out on their back, Flair and Michaels immediately spring to mind and ending the legendary streak could boost someone up to the next level.

This is really too hard for me to decide on. I don't think Punk will end the streak this year, but if 'Taker wrestles once more after this, at next year's WM...I think he will retire. So I reckon the big question of the streak ending is for WM30.
'Taker has expressed exactly the oppposite in an interview. That the streak *should* end, and further; that it should end at the hands of a younger guy who can really use it.

Nothing, to me, makes less sense, than having Cena break the streak.

WWE have a golden opportunity to make a career. Shift someone to a main event level figure in one match. Plus, whoever does it, can trade off it for a LONG time. As an example, Hogan 2 weeks ago, mentioned 'slamming giants', you give someone an astonishing accolade, and bragging rights for DECADES.

WHY take that and give it to Cena? A guy who can main event anything, anywhere, anytime for at least another 10 years?
Great debate.The thread is slowly turning into a Punk-Cena-who's better thread.Let's see what are the problems if the streak ends:
-If a part time/veteran/established face ends it,it doesn't do anything for him.He's already on the top of the game.He doesn't need this rub.
-If a young gun/next in line to be on top/heel ends it,it can backfire.You can't say that he might draw even after ending the greatest streak in wrestling history.If he doesn't draw,you're ending WM's biggest draw for nothing.
So what can be the solution?Simple,don't end it.I know UT wants to end streak and give a young gun some fire power(He wanted Mark Henry to end it at WM22,Mark Henry!) but it's better if it stays alive.It's better business also.You can sell DVDs of the greatest streak in history with backstories and build.Also most fans cherish the streak and want it to remain intact.Ending it may turn a portion of them away.So don't mess with it.
-If a part time/veteran/established face ends it,it doesn't do anything for him.He's already on the top of the game.He doesn't need this rub.

-If a young gun/next in line to be on top/heel ends it,it can backfire.You can't say that he might draw even after ending the greatest streak in wrestling history.If he doesn't draw,you're ending WM's biggest draw for nothing.
So what can be the solution?

It's better business also.You can sell DVDs of the greatest streak in history with backstories and build.Also most fans cherish the streak and want it to remain intact.Ending it may turn a portion of them away.So don't mess with it.

I agree that an established person should not end the streak. It does nothing.
However, I disagree, in part, with the "young gun". OF COURSE it may backfire and the heel doesn't use it as a stepping stone but the likelihood is that it the heel in question becomes a mega-star. The WWE knows when to take risks and this would be a very good one. There is no point letting the streak die and never being mentioned after WM30.

The may sell a lot of DVD's if the streak remains intact but if it does end: they can sell an entire career. Surely that is worth more.
I agree that an established person should not end the streak. It does nothing.
However, I disagree, in part, with the "young gun". OF COURSE it may backfire and the heel doesn't use it as a stepping stone but the likelihood is that it the heel in question becomes a mega-star. The WWE knows when to take risks and this would be a very good one. There is no point letting the streak die and never being mentioned after WM30.

The may sell a lot of DVD's if the streak remains intact but if it does end: they can sell an entire career. Surely that is worth more.

The Undertaker's legendary career sells DVD's regardless of whether or not The Streak remains intact. Streaks/records are made to be broken. If Joe Dimaggio hit in 56 straight games in 2012, people would pay to see it immortalized on DVD or what have you, regardless of the hitless game 57. Game 57 would also be very interesting to watch, in my opinion, just as match #21 will be/would be interesting to watch if it were to feature a loss.

Now, as far as Punk being a streak-ender...I have to say, I've been thinking hard about this and I feel like Punk is as good a choice to end the streak as anyone right now. If not Punk, then who? As far as I'm concerned, allowing it to end at the hands of someone who isn't established would be way too risky. Imagine a Dolph Ziggler or a Sheamus ends it, only to fizzle out somewhere down the road. You'd be facing a waste. However, with Punk, you have a guy that I think will forever be over in the eyes of the WWE fans. It'd be just the feather in his cap that he needs to solidify himself as a major player.

Cena? Get real. Cena doesn't need it. His career wouldn't be advanced one bit by it.

Lesnar/The Rock/any other part-timer? Waste of time to even discuss.

The Undertaker is the epitome of a wrestling everyman. He's a wrestler's wrestler, whatever the fuck that means. If someone's going to end it, it's going to be someone Taker views as an equal, a peer, and an "in" guy. "One of us," as they say. Punk is just that kind of guy. I severely doubt Punk will end it this year, but if he did, I think it'd be a satisfying conclusion to this particular pro-wrestling arc and a worthy passing-of-the-torch moment.

Either way, I think it ends only if this is Taker's last dance. His health is clearly in question. It'd be a waste to leave The Streak intact. If he wins this year, he NEEDS to wrestle at WM30. Anything short would be a major disappointment.
CM Punk should beat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 29 and end the Streak.

It should be a clean pinfall or submission win.

I love the Undertaker, but it is time to cash in the biggest accolade Vince McMahon has had up his sleeve for years. It all makes sense.

First, Undertaker is old. It's plausible that the younger man just got the best of the weary veteran. It doesn't hurt the Streak's credibility, because it still exists. It's just ended. Much like Goldberg's ridiculous win streak, some fans never want to see it end. Capping it off with a defeat will do 2 things: Give fans closure and elevate a new star.

There hasn't been a star worthy of the rub ending the Streak will offer, until Punk. In a lot of ways Punk is similar to 'Taker, I doubt there is anyone else on the roster that 'Taker would want to give that rub to.

If Punk ends the Streak, he will make every guy who defeats him look so much better. If Punk loses, all he gets out of 'Mania 29 is a payday.

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