How Do You Feel?

Was It Time?

  • Yes - Taker's Simply Getting Too Old And It Gets Harder On Him Each Year

  • Yes - As Long As It Was Taker's Decision To End It

  • Yes - I'm Okay With It, Though I Wish It'd Been Someone Else

  • Undecided - I Still Can't Believe The Streak Is Over

  • No - WWE Is Throwing Away Money By Ending The Streak

  • No - I Think Taker Still Had Some Left In The Tank

  • No - Taker Should've Retired With The Streak Intact

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I have no problem with it ending at WM30, it solidifies it as a historic show with Cesaro slamming Big Show and Bryan going over twice. That few seconds of shock when I watched it live (the only time I've ever been shocked watching something fictional, or watching anything on TV for that matter) was a very cool feeling. The fan reactions were great and I definitely appreciate that this + the NXT call ups and Cesaro/Bryan/Shield/Barrett/etc. pushes are signs of a new era.

However, although I do see the potential of the next guy to beat Brock Lesnar getting a huge rub, I will always feel like they should have given it to Cena.

IMO Brock shouldn't have even been facing Taker this year in the first place. You could have fed him to Batista, who should not have won the Royal Rumble.

That should have been given to Daniel Bryan, who should have turned face against the Wyatts in the final moments of the Rumble. Luke Harper goes over the rope to the floor willingly. Eric Rowan goes over the rope to the floor willingly. Bryan goes over the rope, waits, looks at the Wrestlemania 30 sign, looks at the ground, then looks in the ring. Jumps on the top rope and Knee Plus into Bray Wyatt. Bryan wins. But anyways...

Cena doing something dirty to beat Taker, giving him a brutal beatdown after the match, and then blowing his nose into his bright neon shirt and then throwing it into the face of a kid after the match would have been as iconic and shocking as Hogan turning or the Screwjob. Wrestlemania would have been 10x more iconic because not only do you have the end of the streak, you have the unraveling of the character that was born a decade ago at WMXX and the character that has carried the WWE on his back for the past decade.

The biggest argument about Cena turning heel is that the money is in him being a face . . . but people love the bad guy. When people think of Star Wars, they think of Darth Vader, not Luke Skywalker. In the most successful era of pro wrestling, the biggest stars were heels: Hogan, Austin, Rock.

An edgy, asshole Cena that can fuck your girl; the high school jock who picks on the little/new guys. People now desperately want to see someone kick his ass. Which is where the retirement comes in.

I would have had him "retire" the next night after a historic heel promo. Hold off his in-ring competition for a year, people will be itching to see him get his ass kicked. For the next 12 months, he's a Flair type of guy in a stable of the OVW class of 03/04 with Batista and Orton. Add Triple H too. The old guard. The scapegoats for all the staleness of pro wrestling in the past decade.

The 30 Man Royal Rumble would be for the vacant Title (let's just say they kayfabe injure Bryan). Cena would screw Reigns out of it, coming in at #30.

This would all lead up to Roman Reigns vs. Cena for the WWE World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania 31.

Now I'm sure Roman or Cesaro will still go over Brock sometime in the next two years and still get the streak rub, but then what? Brock will leave until the HOF induction and over time people will forget. Even now, we see Brock is gone until probably Summerslam.

It just would have been much more lasting, iconic and made better TV over the next 12 months if Cena ended the streak to turn heel. You could even say they had a chance to do the nWo angle RIGHT.

But oh well.

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