The solution just presented itself..... GOLDBERG!!!!


Championship Contender
There no sarcasm here. Bill Goldberg was my 3rd All-time favorite star (behind HBK and Jericho).. I know there's reports out, hundreds of them, that its strictly for the Videogame with Bill. But we've also herd that from other videogame stars. But they reappeared on TV as guests, or run-ins at Mania (namely Austin among others). And unlike them, Goldberg in certain interviews before had expressed interest in a part time return, ala Brock Lesnar. And unlike Austin, Hart, hbk, edge, etc, Goldberg is relatively healthy enough.

Now I know there's a ton of Goldberg haters, tons of em. And I'm sure if he's asked or Vince is asked they will deny it, but could you imagine? Imagine even if not to wrestle, but HHH is out trashing the old era (as nxt is his baby) and Goldberg's music blasts and he spears the shit outta HHH. Or advertise the crap out of him to be a special guest host for the reformed new Smackdown Live premier episode in July. That would set the ratings on fire!!!

Agree? Would you "heel or face" a Goldberg return in some form?
I said in another thread that I really don't want to see a Brock Lesnar version 2. By this I mean someone that is booked like a monster but only appears very few times. Don't get me wrong I like Lesnar, I just don't want another person doing this. It just puts feuds and matches at cross roads e.g Ambrose vs Lesnar. Sure we knew Lesnar would win, but Ambrose has just lost all his momentum since Mania and it wasn't really any different from any other big stars taking on Lesnar. If Goldberg wants to come back as a part timer and run through people like Lesnar then he is not the answer and I hope it doesn't happen, even if it does lead up to what we all wanted the first Lesnar/Goldberg to be.

If he comes back and does enough shows then I won't have a problem with it. Goldberg was on another level when it comes to popularity in WCW and he was one of the only things people would look forward to. Imagine Seth Rollins going up against him, Cena or even Kevin Owens, it would be awesome. Probably not the best technical match but it would still be awesome. He has to be a face because for 1) the fans will go nuts and 2) I don't think Goldberg is knows any different or can actually pull of a heel well. I liked Goldberg and wouldn't mind him coming back, depending on what his role is.
Goldberg would not be the drawer people think he will be. He has not been on mainstream TV or in wrestling/Sports entertainment for over 12 years. In his 1 year in WWE he was a flop aside from a tiny nice run with the Rock and a reputation deflating feud with HHH. Before then, when Goldberg was in WCW, he was damaged by his heel turn under Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff. So bad was his heel turn he went Babyface again 8 weeks later. His career, aside from the up and down run in WWE for a year, never reached the peaks of his 1998 success.

I am NOT saying Goldberg is not a legend, I am just saying he was booked poorly by Vince Russo and Vince McMahon. He still has a star aura but would have to return to WWE and booked one of two ways - either booked to run through the rosters with jacknifes and spears in weekly squash matches and lesser PPV's or he returns, and faces a big star at WM33 and gets inducted to the WWE HOF a year later. I would favour the latter,and have Goldberg appear on smaller PPV's than WM twice a year and once at WM or something.
Goldberg would generate some nostalgia buzz, he'd get people talking for a while but I think they'd ultimately get tired of him because this isn't 1997 and what made Goldberg a star circa 1997 will soon get him the "boring" treatment from modern day fans. Would he be some sort of mega draw? I doubt it because even guys like the Rock or Stone Cold don't generate that sort of interest anymore and they were bigger stars than Goldberg ever thought about being.

I was never a fan of Goldberg, I think he's one of the most heavily overrated wrestlers of my lifetime; he was something special as long as you kept him in matches that lasted for less than 5 minutes and his streak was comprised of mostly squash matches. It was a great marketing ploy for WCW at the time, no doubt about that, but you just barely had to glance beneath the surface to see that was really what the streak was all about. Once the streak ended, Goldberg lost what made him special because it sure as hell wasn't in-ring ability or charisma.

As I said in another post, I've no interest in Lesnar vs. Goldberg; Goldberg's nearly 50 years old and hasn't wrestled a match since around 2003. I didn't give a damn about him during the Attitude Era and I don't give a damn about him now.
Goldberg can be good in little doses, spear here, spear there, short feud for a not big 4 PPV to generate some $, Mania appearance, 5th member for a Survivor Series match. Full time and big promos are not for him.
The name Goldberg is now more synonymous with a campy 80's TV show on ABC starring Jeff Garlin than it is the wrestler. The guy has been gone for about 12 years. That's like 5 "Eras" and two generations. He is not going to bring that many eyes to the product. He is a nice get for a video game to sell to a niche audience but he's not exactly going to get people to watch a three or two hour wrestling show for much more than a nostalgia pop in ratings. That's not a bad thing but it's hardly a plan for a company with longer term goals.

If they were to bring him back and if could still go on occasion (once every couple weeks) I would build him to be an unstoppable heel until I found the guy who I wanted to give a meaningful win. After that I would just use him to give a couple other guys less meaningful wins. Of course none of this matters as Goldberg would have to be willing and capable of doing it. Him coming in and doing his schtick from the late 90's would just be bad for the roster and product.

In summary, who knows what he is willing to do? Don't go the dream match route (Cena, Lesnar, UT), screw the old Goldberg, make him a selfish heel and give someone a big rub who deserves a chance. Either Enzo or Becky Lynch since no one else on the roster has been as consistently good as those two ;) .
Less is more where Goldberg is concerned. That was the appeal in the first place and always has been. I doubt at this point he is looking at a full time return, he's had success outside of wrestling and pretty much has said his interest in wrestling lays more with letting his kids see what he used to do as opposed to wanting to go back full time. Given the fact Sting hurt himself last year and Austin hurting himself during or prior to his run in at 'mania I can't imagine WWE is too high on bringing in the aging superstars of yesteryear for too much. I have no issue with Goldberg returning to the company though, give him a short run against somebody at a PPV or bring him in at the Rumble or one of the various battle royals like they do with DDP.
He can't wrestle for longer than 2-3 minutes, god forbid you ever have him try an IM match. Also 173-0? Bullshit, it was about 65.
I don't see any reason to bring Goldberg back.

The guy has been retired now for a few years, he's lost a bit of weight and won't want to work more than an Undertaker/Lesnar schedule.

Goldberg was good back in the day, but he's not a Sting or HBK in that people wanted him to be around forever.

Thanks but no thanks, keep the wrestling gear hanging up on the hook.
I think a Goldberg return would be great. He's in great shape despite pushing 50, and if WWE pushes him in small doses I think there's plenty of money to be made off him. Goldberg vs Brock would be a huge money match, and if WWE books smart this could be what their 2004 encounter should have been. Goldberg vs Cena is another huge money match waiting to happen, as is Goldberg vs Undertaker. All of those matches would be huge, and WWE could easily flesh those out for a year, year and a half if they wanted.

Ultimately Goldberg is a name that will get people talking, and that's what WWE needs right now.
My lust for the product to be successful outweighs the nostalgia of a Goldberg return frankly. And really, nostalgia is the only reason that we would see Goldberg in a WWE ring. Let's face it, his only original WWE run was pitiful and ended with one of the worst WrestleMania matches we have ever seen.

Is there a place for Goldberg at the top table of wrestling any more? I am beginning to think not. He is past his prime by about 15 years at this point and, although he is healthy, there are no matches out there that I would really be dying to see. A lot has been said about Lesnar being the man who would step into the ring with Goldberg. But we've seen that already and it was rubbish to say the least. Wrestling fans have a short memory, however, and I think that it would draw given the right build. That said, if that's the best that the WWE can offer me, then consider me out.

The problem with Bill Goldberg is that he would want to come in and look like a monster and that does nothing for absolutely anyone. The same goes for Lesnar. How does Lesnar make anyone look good at this point? He has destroyed everyone that he has come across and now the WWE don't know what the hell to do with him. The same would be true of Goldberg. Sure, it would be nice seeing him doing his thing again. But, again, he is past his prime. The Goldberg of yesteryear is not the Goldberg of today. And I would hate to see more promising people be crushed under the mighty boot of Goldberg for no other reason that pure nostalgia.
Hell yeah, I mean OH HELL YEAH......But we need to market him newer so let's give him jean shorts instead of tights, Let's give him a few beers and instead of smoke and fireworks when he jumps up and down we make glass breaking noises......WOOT..

Let's see how many people actually play the steroided mute version of stone cold steve austin before we decided to spend money on this clown.
The only way to bring Goldberg back would be as a trainer for someone... whoever is their next Brock down in NXT and they use him in the Bruno/Zybysko style thing... Have the young talent build a streak similar to Bill's - short matches, quick wins but then just short of the record he surprisingly loses thanks to "Bill's screw up" and attacks him... They then set up a big match where Bill "loses by DQ" after pulling the Clint Eastwood Trick that Bret did on him... there's then a second match where Goldberg gets a win and finally he puts over the younger talent.

That makes sense, anything else with Goldberg would be as lacklustre as Sting was and doubly futile, as we've SEEN Bill in WWE before...It wasn't great...
I wouldn't say Goldberg's return would be the saviour for all of wrestling but I personally would love to see him back, So many great potential matches against Reigns, Cena, Rollins, Undertaker, Del Rio or a Rematch with Lesnar just to name a few, I would pay for the network again to watch him come back to see him fight anyone on the roster I think they could get a few big matches out of him and at the end of the day WWE is still a business the more profit and exposure the better even if his return is just short term.
I'll bet money right now we will see a lot Goldberg on TV hyping the game. Maybe a few spears.... Legend vs legend, wwe vs. Wcw (again) HHH vs. Goldberg!!!!!
A Goldberg-Lesnar rematch at SummerSlam isn't a bad idea.

Other than the occasional big match I can't see him doing what Lesnar does unless they put him with a good talking manager like Lesnar has Heyman. Goldberg isn't exactly charismatic and honestly they might get more results from this younger generation pursuing someone like Batista vs. someone like Goldberg who they have to reintroduce to this younger generation.

But Goldberg vs. Lesnar would be a nice match to fill up the SummerSlam card, even though a younger guy could use that Lesnar match.

Maybe HHH vs. Goldberg.
What does Lesnar do? That Goldberg can't? I think Goldberg can be an exact duplicate of Lesnar as far as wwe goes. I'm honestly surprised when "the hatch" video debuted on Raw revealing Goldberg as the game character that Vince didn't do it as a live segment with Goldberg on Raw.
Goldberg is what happens when someone that can't wrestle is given great booking and has an incredible look. Bringing him back for an actual match would be disastrous unless it was done perfectly. That's not to say he doesn't have value. But he would have to be carried. And he would have to be fighting the right guy. And that era is gone. I can't think of anyone that I would like to see him go up against. Not Lesnar. Not Bo Dallas. There is no one left, short of Triple H that would relate it to WCW either. And we've seen that match already. I don't need flashbacks of the Reign of Terror waking me up in a cold sweat. Not again. It took years of therapy to get that out of my head.
I would make him a face. I would capitalize on his popularity, and make as much money off of him as i possibly can. Plus, if he wants to wrestle, i would put him against guys the fans would love to see him crush. I think Roman Reigns is someone that would fit that bill.

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