The SD LD on 10/29 Will Watch As Kane Holds a Funeral for The Undertaker...Again!

Now all we need in order for me to be right is for Ziggler to put his title on the line and demand DBD do the same.
If I was Cole's wife (which I'm not...Thank the heavens!!) and saw him drooling over The Miz so much, I'd really be thinking its time for couples counseling.
LR79 It's like I said in the RAW LD: if Cole sucks Miz's dick any harder there's no way RAW will be able to stay PG
So what do you think of Striker drooling over "Dashing" Cody Rhodes then?

Like I said before, as long as long as you can admire the same sex, and still prove yourself to the opposite, ain't nothing wrong. I have no problem telling a girl she's sexy and still am able to prove myself to a man. ;)
Like I said before, as long as long as you can admire the same sex, and still prove yourself to the opposite, ain't nothing wrong. I have no problem telling a girl she's sexy and still am able to prove myself to a man. ;)

Well Milenko this right here will help me sleep and Kelly how dare you insult Dashing like that. He's more of a man than Gabriel!

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