The Rock vs CM Punk or Orton?


Occasional Pre-Show
With Cena fighting Lesnar, it seems like The Rock is gone for now. However, he stated in his farewell address that he'd probably be back and will aim at contending for a major title. With Punk as the WWE champion, and with it just being a matter of time before Orton takes the World Championship back, who do you think The Rock should face (and likely put over)?

I bring these two into contention, because both Punk and Orton make a decent claim at the number 2 face of the business right now and, after beating The Rock, could take their spots beside Cena at the very top (that, and they both made negative comments about The Rock in interviews that could be used).

Punk is the WWE champion, and he's among the best with both his mic work and ring skill, and I think he's be going no where but up. There are enough people around here that appreciate Punk for what he has done and what he brings, so I'll focus on Orton.

Orton's importance goes understated. Since Undertaker has left, Orton has apparently been the most significant locker room leader at Smackdown. He usually carries that brand whether he has the title or not. He is among the top 3 best technical wrestlers in the E today. What most people will point out is his ground-and-pound methodical style, but when he and his opponent are both standing, I think he has the most explosive style in the business among main event talent. That, and the guy can hit his finisher on anyone from practically any position (I still remember when he reversed Cena and Bourne's finishers into the RKO), which can always work as a huge, though arguably cheap, pop. Despite the limitations that his current character brings on the mic, I'd argue that he is a much better speaker than a lot of you seem to think. During his "legend killer" gimmick, he was awesome on the mic, and I'm fairly certain that skill didn't just disappear.

Personally, I'd pick Orton. Despite the praise you see one paragraph up (and trust me, I could have praised him so much more, but I thought I'd spare you guy :P), my opinion isn't as one sided as you might think. CM Punk is seemingly headed in the direction of Austin, and honestly, his style, character, and mic skills will probably get him to that top level on his own. While I would LOVE to hear CM Punk and The Rock pseudo-shoot promos against each other (no sarcasm), I think Orton needs it more and has a style that would probably work better with The Rock's newfound in-ring limitations.

I fully expect most people to say that they think CM Punk would be the better option here (hopefully without bashing me for thinking differently), but I think it would be fun to discuss why you think one would be more suited for it than the other. Let me know what you think.

Also, I would have added a poll, but I don't know how to do that...
Personally I don't see either being the guy Rock wins the belt off. I imagine it will be Lesnar at Summerslam. I get the feeling Rock is on one of those Hogan deals where he comes in as a special attraction and wins, then leaves.

Orton may get a match with him at WrestleMania 29 though based around their 3rd generation legacy.
I do not see Lesnar vs Cena strraight up, they arent goping to have Cena put another part timer over so soon after The Rock. Id say Lesnar will be turning up and taking out guys one by one. Cena vs Lesnar isnt going to be thrwon away at Extreme Rules or a rubbish ppv, that is money and will be saved for one of the big4.

The Rock vs CM Punk is another natural match up. The chemistry would be brillian, but Punk would have to come at Rock from another angle, not rehash all of Cena's lines. And Rock or Punk would need to turn heel for it to work. Rock vs Orton would be great, two third gen stars but Orton is in a rut and needs to be given decent storylines and turn heel again before he is given to The Rock as a feud.
Let me start by saying that I believe either would be worthy and great opponents for The Rock, Punk because of his character and ability to trash talk with the best (just imagine the promos) and Orton because he has the presence of a true great and his ability to carry feuds and matches is (IMO) second to none - jus remember 2011 vs Christian, Henry, Barrett, Rhodes.

But.....I reckon The Rock - the greatest superstar of all time after beating Hogan SCSA and Cena at WMs, the mos iconic superstar of all time and the most popular should feud with THE UNDERTAKER.

Undertaker vs Rock would be massive, would Rocky win? Doubtful with The streak, but he would be another legitimate threat to the streak. They could start promos for the feud around the turn of the year and if Rock does what he says and comes back to win the strap the match would be even bigger.

Think about it?
Is it too obvious that Taker would win?
What do other people think to Taker vs Rock?
CM Punk is seemingly headed in the direction of Austin, and honestly, his style, character, and mic skills will probably get him to that top level on his own

I think Orton needs it more and has a style that would probably work better with The Rock's newfound in-ring limitations.

Nailed it.

Both are deserving of top billing. Punk just needs Laurenitis/any "authority" to carry himself to the top, just like Austin did. Orton actually needs a rival that he can get into the ring with. His mic skills aren't bad at all, but his in-ring persona is what really carries him.
Tbh if they want Punk to me a megastar in wwe standards, Let him fued with the rock then let punk go over cleanly this will elevate Punk to new levels
I cannot see The Rock putting Punk over... I love Punk but no one looking from the outside in would ever believe Punk (Which is a better word for brat) could beat an Action Hero like The Rock... It would have to be Lesnar beating Punk & of course have The Rock return @ SummerSlam12

So I guess Orton which would make more sense
Orton has been so goddamn boring in the past few years, i honeslty think they need to go back to his cocky attitude.

How about you bring back the legend killer gimmick and feud with the rock like that, granted orton beat the rock at mania 20 but it was a tag match, maybe they can work that angle if the rock being the only legend orton hasnt beat.
I could see the Rock turning up at the next Royal Rumble as surprise; massive pop; winning and facing Randy Orton at WM29 for the WWE Title.

I love Punk and it would be better TV to see Punk 'shooting' on Rock but would anyone really give Punk a chance of beating Rock? A heel, nasty Orton would be better in my opinion.

I got to believe Lesnar will now end up facing Steve Austin at WM29 so, where does that leave Punk? I'm sure WWE will put on John Cena V Taker before Taker retires; probably at WM29. So, Punk v Bryan! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Firstly anyone saying Rock will win the Royal Rumble is just on a fantasy trip of what they want. Realistically Rock will not win the Rumble, it is a waste, it's pointless and someone else NEEDS it. CM Punk is a high possibility to win the Rumble in the near future and even he needs it more than Rock. Ziggler or Bryan should win it not Rock.

Rock won't have the title at WM29, as things stand. If he returns to WWE on a more regular schedule towards the end of this year then yes I see Rock winning or holding the title at next years WM and facing Brock. Okay most people will disagree saying it's stupid to have that match but really it's not. If Rock is going to be around MORE then it is fine for him to go over Brock and win the title from him. It doesn't harm Brock and he'll be going any way, it just creates more buy rates and views.

Rock has to be put in to the title picture to begin with though. Move Orton to Raw, have him go heel and feud with Rock for SummerSlam. Have Punk and Rock feud after Survivor Series to determine who faces Brock at WM29 for the title. All assuming Brock takes the belt from Punk or someone else. This gets both Orton and Punk over further and we get the big match at the biggest event.
Randy Orton ..... The Rock vs Randy Orton makes sense and would be better in my opinion. Randy Orton w/Evloution defeated the Team of Rock and Mick Foley at Wrestlemania 20 and they even had a confrontation in 2004.


And BTW I am not a big fan of Punk promos. His promo skills and his moveset both are overrated. CM Punk promos are all the same and monotoned. CM Punk vs Chris Jericho was built on promos and their promos were mediocre to say the least along with their match at Wrestlemania 28.
I have to agree with the OP and say Orton would be a better matchup for The Rock. Right now the Orton character is so stale and he's been getting rightfully bashed for being a bore and not being "headline material." While I agree that Orton needs a change, he still has major star quality and if given the right program and gimmick, he could be the biggest star heading into the summer.

As for Punk, I think most of us are holding onto the possibility that we get a Punk-Austin match at Mania. Just as Rock was the perfect opponent for Cena, Austin would be the same for Punk based on their anti-establishment similarities. I don't think the match would draw as well from an outsiders view but to wrestling fans this match is one we would die to see.

The rest of the roster just won't be built up enough to take on someone like The Rock. I don't see Lesnar chasing the title and someone like The Undertaker isn't going to come back full time for a program with The Rock. The best part is we don't have to wait around anymore for The Rock's return since the roster is looking pretty solid and more guys should move into the main event scene over the next year.
I'll go with neither. Cool?

Why? I'd rather see Cena vs. Rock II. They had a fantastic match, and their chemistry is off the charts. It's not Austin vs. Rock, but it's the best feud Cena has had. Rock is his best opponent, no question. I'd love to see it again, at least once.

I'd rather see Punk or Orton go against Lesnar. Preferably Orton, but he seems to be on someone's shit list as of late. I think the mentality of Brock, on camera, could look to be similar to that of Orton. Neither man needs to cut long, funny promos to be entertaining. They're both animals who don't mind destroying others. Would be an awesome feud.

I'm not sure what we could get out of Punk and Lesnar, but it could work. Both guys are fantastic, so they could make something out of nothing.

Rock and Orton have nothing to fight about, and I doubt the promos would make Orton look... capable. Punk and Rock could share some decent arguments, but then it turns into Rock vs. the world because Punk wouldn't have anything different to say from what Cena has been yacking about.

Cena vs. Rock II

Lesnar vs. Orton or Punk

Yeah... I like that.
On the mic, Punk vs Rock

Id rather not hear either of them speak, ever. But if it came down to it a battle of words would be more interesting between these two than an actual wrestling match.

In the Ring, Orton vs Rock

Orton clearly isn't the best on the mic, but he's the best wrestling in the WWE. So an actual physical battle between these two would be very interesting and exciting to see.

Long term feud.

Orton simply because he's better at carrying a feud than CM Punk.
I think Orton would be a better pick. Even though he is boring on the mic and with his lame gimmick, in the ring he can produce some exciting matches. While Punk is good on the mic sometimes his matches aren't really exciting (probably depending on who he is fighting). Orton has the ability of caring feuds longer than Punk. I don't think Orton has to turn heel for this to work but I do think he needs to get some momentum behind him. But at the same time we don't know who will hold either belt. For all we know Cena could become champion again and we can see a Cena vs Rock II for the belt.
I'll go with neither. Cool?

Why? I'd rather see Cena vs. Rock II. They had a fantastic match, and their chemistry is off the charts. It's not Austin vs. Rock, but it's the best feud Cena has had. Rock is his best opponent, no question. I'd love to see it again, at least once.

I'd rather see Punk or Orton go against Lesnar. Preferably Orton, but he seems to be on someone's shit list as of late. I think the mentality of Brock, on camera, could look to be similar to that of Orton. Neither man needs to cut long, funny promos to be entertaining. They're both animals who don't mind destroying others. Would be an awesome feud.

I'm not sure what we could get out of Punk and Lesnar, but it could work. Both guys are fantastic, so they could make something out of nothing.

Rock and Orton have nothing to fight about, and I doubt the promos would make Orton look... capable. Punk and Rock could share some decent arguments, but then it turns into Rock vs. the world because Punk wouldn't have anything different to say from what Cena has been yacking about.

Cena vs. Rock II

Lesnar vs. Orton or Punk

Yeah... I like that.

I mostly proposed this question because it seemed like WWE was moving away from Rock vs Cena by having Cena concede defeat and seemingly start a feud with Lesnar. As far as bell-to-bell work goes, I'd love to see another Cena/Rock bout, but I don't know if I want to sit through another year-long twitter feud between the two of them.

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