Wrestlemania 28 Dream Match: SCSA vs CM Punk/ Randy Orton

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Pre-Show Stalwart

So with the announcement of the dream match between The Rock and John Cena and this report from the main page:
When asked about a possible ring return: "I could still, you know if I was in a bad situation, I could still get two years out of my carcass on a full-time basis."
I started to think about SCSA having one more match at Wrestlemania 28 that would co-headline with the Rock and Cena.

There are only two people that could possibly be in the same ring with Austin for his last time in the ring and that would be CM Punk and Randy Orton. The reasonings behind this are that both superstars would (1) have a great feud with Austin building up towards 'Mania promo-wise, (2) be able to hang in the ring with Austin without looking out of their league kayfabe-wise and (3) would bring in a lot of revenue and buys for 'Mania because such a confrontation would be considered a "dream match".

I'll elaborate on these points:

CM Punk:


1. When THQ sent out their WWE video game, CM Punk called out Austin and it resulted in an entertaining twitter battle:


This is just an example of the promos that these two could cut against one another. Austin recently acknowledged this in a recent interview when asked about CM Punk:
"I really like C.M. Punk. I think he’s one of the top workers in the ring. I love his promos. I love his style. There’s no smoke and mirrors. I like the straight-edge lifestyle stuff he does. You want to start pairing that against the beer-guzzling “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, I think you’d have an interesting feud to say the least. He would push me to the limits, I would teach that kid a thing or two, and there would be some wonderful promos going back and forth. I like him a lot."

2. CM Punk: 3 time World Heavyweight Champion and is one of the best in-ring competitors today. Lets face it; if the WWE didn't have a certain style of wrestling that takes away form "dangerous" moves and didn't hinder certain movesets then Punk would be able to display more of his wrestling skill. In ROH, Punk was amazing in the ring. In the WWE, he's had to tone it down but he's still one of the best technical wrestlers in the game today.

3. CM Punk: Straight Edge vs Beer. The feud that would lead up to 'Mania would definitely be better than that of Rock's "fruity pebble" promos against Cena. Who WOULDN'T want to see Punk vs Austin? Punk has a way of getting under people's skin with his promos and I know a lot of people would buy 'Mania just to to see Austin beat up and shut up Punk.

Randy Orton:


1. Orton is no where near as strong on the mic as Austin or Punk but he wouldn't totally be overshadowed when face to face with the Rattlesnake. Orton usually doesn't talk much anyway and his face and expressions usually do all the talking. But one things for certain, when Orton is doing promos with his opponents, he never gets buried. The crowd is always behind the apex predator and even when heavily outmatched on the stick by Punk in their feud together, Orton was still able to hold his own. Promo- wise, Orton is definitely at a disadvantage but he won't be buried in the same way that Miz was during the Rock- Cena promo battles.

2. Randy Orton: 7-time World Heavyweight/WWE Champion and one of the most "over" competitors in the WWE. Everyone loves this guy from kids to adults and is celebrated as one of the best wrestlers in the WWE by fans. Such insight might not all be true but one things for certain; whatever Orton does, fans cheer and cheer loudly. His RKO is so over that it's ridiculous and so I feel that if Orton were to go one on one with Austin, he wouldn't be outclassed.

3. Randy Orton: The Viper vs The Rattlesnake. Two of the most celebrated superstars of their respective eras going one on one on the biggest stage in wrestling. This match would parallel Rock vs Cena more than Punk vs Austin in my opinion because Orton undoubtably is a bigger star than Punk. I'd probably think that this match would generate more money as well just because of the aesthetic of seeing a dream match between two wrestlers that many fans put on a pedestal as their favorite of all time.


I, personally, cannot decide which match I would like to see more at Wrestlemania. Both Orton and Punk are worthy candidates and both competitors would be dream matches. That's why I wanted to ask you, the WWE Universe, what match YOU would like to see more at Wrestlemania.

The question is pretty straightforward guys: What's YOUR dream match?:

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs CM Punk


The Rattlesnake vs The Viper

Side note: Anyone else think that Miz vs Jericho would be amazing and a dream match in it's own right, albeit on a smaller scale than that of Rock- Cena and SCSA- Orton/Punk?
Aren't there a bunch of other threads about this already? Anyways, CM Punk by a mile. The potential for a feud between those two on the mic is pure gold. Orton, not so much. Yeah they've got similar characters and they can play up the whole "rattlesnake vs viper" thing for about oh, two weeks before it gets old and stupid. Orton is not that great on the mic in my opinion. Plus he doesn't need the rub, he's already a top tier star. Punk was at the top of the game for a while there but then he got sidetracked being lumped in with SES and Nexus. Get this guy back on his own at the top again, and do it with an epic feud with Steve Austin. I strongly disagree with anyone who would choose Orton over Punk in this situation. Hell, you can watch the imaginary feud promo they put together for the WWE All Stars game on YouTube probably, you can see how much material they would have to bounce off of each other. What the hell would Orton say? "I am a legend killer! I will end your career for good Austin! I will punch the ring mat so hard I'll dislocate my shoulder again!". Screw that. Punk would be awesome.
Randy orton no doubt. VIPER VS RATTLESNAKE gives me chills.
People are underestemating Orton's mic ability, dont forget about legacy he did awesome mic work when he punted the mchmahons in the skull.
THE two biggest faces in the wwe no vs the two biggest faces of the wwf
For me its undoubtably Orton.

CM Punk vs Austin, is very viable due to their respective characters but seriously i'd MTFO for Austin vs Orton, much moreso then Rock vs Cena. I want to see Rock/Cena simply because I want Cena to be whipped by the Rock, not because its a match I want to see. Orton/Austin are so similar that it would be generation vs generation, similar to the Rock/Cena match.

Heel Orton vs Face Austin, seriously yes. yes. yes!
To be honest I'd love to see both matches, but if I have to choose I'll go with... Stone Cold vs Cm Punk. I believe the match and feud with Punk would be better then the match or feud with Orton because Punk is better then Orton when it comes to delivering promo's and wrestling, and this is coming from an Orton mark so there's no bias here.

Don't get me wrong, I think Orton vs Austin would be great and probably draw more then Punk vs Austin but the promo's from Austin and Punk alone would make the feud more interesting then Orton/Austin. If the WWE were to let these guys loose like they have with Cena and The Rock (when it comes to pg guidelines) then it could be the most entertaining feud and match we've see in years.

I just think Austin and Punk's gimmicks would mesh together in a feud better then Austin and Orton's because to me (and it might just be me) Orton's more like
Jake"the snake"Roberts then Austin and I don't think their characters would work as well together as Punk and Austin. With Punk's Straight Edge gimmick and Austin being known to drink beer after every match, the two of them would have so much to go on when it comes to attacking each other verbally and that would lead to a better feud and match in my opinion.
It would have to be Orton vs Austin, look at Cena vs Rock, one of the biggest names 10 years ago vs one of the biggest names today!

Imagine having the two biggest superstars 10 years ago vs the two biggest superstars of today at WM? The ticketsales would be through the roof! people would double up on seats if they could to see that! have CM Punk vs Taker (this could be the end of the taker being buried storyline)

Rock vs Cena
Austin vs Orton
Taker vs Punk

that triple headliner alone is worth watching, without the other 5 matches in the PPV
I would rather see CM punk go back to his straight edge gimmick and feud with SCSA over his values. they can feud and cm punk can say he is superior to SCSA because he does not drink then have SCSA pour beer on him or soak him with beer from the beer truck like he did on santino and vince mcmahon. that would be a great feud and make for a great match.
I think that Orton vs Austin would've been great back in 2005 when Orton was still doing his Legend Killer gimmick. Austin would've been a great legend for him to go up against. As for today, I would definitely have to say Punk.

The completely opposite lifestyle of these guys just sets up for a great feud base. Both of these guys are superb on the mic, and their ring skills are extremely high. No doubt it would make for a solid match.

Side note;
The thought of having Rock-Cena, Punk-Austin as non-title matches, AND an Undertaker 20-0 streak match, AND 2 World title matches, would make Wrestlemania 28 possibly the greatest of all time. The WWE would be ******ed if they f*cked that up.

Difficult to choose ....both are wins imo. For the legend killer angle, Orton is of course perfect...a good way to get him do what he does best, that match would be a great prospect. But then again when it comes to building up a match, the prospect of Austin cutting promos with Punk is a very exciting match.
If I had to pic one or the other right now, it would be CM Punk. Orton is the bigger star right now, but Punk can defintiely put on a better promo and make it a better story than Orton. There is already a face v face going on with Rock and Cena so my vote would be for Punk.

Personally, I don't think this should be considered a "dream match" so to speak. Sure they are from different eras, but Neither CM Punk or Orton are the best of the best in their own era. The reason the Rock/Cena matchup is so out of this world is because Cena is the face of the company and the Rock was at one point in time. I remember when SCSA was in his prime and we used to want dream matchups like SCSA/Hogan or Goldberg. Now that was a Dream Matchup. Best of the best.
OMG They could really do that!!
They could use The Rock vs Cena to make Dream feuds that would sell for sure!

WrestleMania 28 - Dream Bigger!!

I'm an Orton Mark, I just love the guy, so i go with Orton by miles!!
It is a more meaningful feud!! Faces of past and present!! That makes me chills
Stone Cold vs Randy Orton​

CM Punk dream feud has to be with Ric Flair or Bret Hart, not SCSA!!
I just hope they do it!!

And on the WWE Championship Match have
The Miz vs Chris Jericho (c)

That would be an AWESOME WrestleMania :D
I think The Miz would be perfect especially but maybe Summerslam would be better for The Miz and Austin to take the Tough Enough feud further!
CM Punk for me. All of the elements are already in place. Punk is the straight edge superstar. Austin is the beer drinking redneck. The promo's would be fantastic. Taking into account the fact they have been battling over twitter. The feud has practically built itself for them. Could you image Austin spraying Punk with beer from a truck like he's known to?
Am i the only one that doesn't want to see either? I dont want to see stone cold in the ring! Dont get me wrong i LOVE stone cold but his time has passed! This is a new Era and time for NEW stars! I want to see Orton (one of WWE's tops stars of this decade) take on a rising star not someone who is past his prime! But if i had to pick my pick would be Orton by a long shot!

I dont get all the beef on Orton's Mic skills...... HE ISN'T BAD ON THE MIC! When he was the "legend killer" he was very good on the mic his character now is more emotionless which is why he shows less emotion in his promos

It would be awesome to see Orton and Austin go at it but not at Mania, Mania should be saved for building the new stars so if Orton were to be in a match with Austin i feel it would take away from the whole "Youth movement" the wwe is investing so much time in
By all accounts I thought WWE was teasing Miz/Austin but Austin returning for one more run (mini run) then I'd be up for it, CM Punk/Austin would be okay at best I don't think it would turn out to be special at all, I just don't see them two working well together but Austin/Orton have that style that could compliment each other and Orton is known for be a safe wrestler so he could protect Austin where Punk I don't believe could carry Austin that sense. Plus Orton/Austin could go either way (probably Orton going over) but Punk/Austin I couldn't see Punk winning I don't think I'd buy it.

My guess would be Austin/Orton but I'm not holding my breath on it, look at what Austin said if he NEEDED to return than he could but he DOESN'T.

Thou Austin might get that buzz as it gets closer to Rock's return and try and get something going, Austin/Orton or Punk would be a headliner add that with Undertaker/HHH III (if it takes place that is) means 3 HEADLINE matches, now take into account IF the HHH/Undertaker takes place along with Rock/Cena you've got take into account the WWE AND World Championships being occupied with top guys doesn't leave a lot of scope so Austin/Punk or Orton on the card I just dont see it myself unless WWE is willing to have 5 main event matches, two title bouts, Undertaker/HHH, Rock/Cena and Austin/Orton or Punk, I just don't see how WWE can have 5 big head liners unless Austin/Orton or Punk takes the place of say King/Cole or Bret/Mcmahon, nothing major expected but name wise has value.
SCSA already said that he wouldn't wrestle again. He is retired.

But IF he does come back, then I would want him to face CM Punk.

Cm Punk is Straight Edge and SCSA likes to drink beer. Imagine the possibilities this feud could have. Cm Punk can insult SCSA for drinking beer and he can have massive heat. They are both good in the ring and on the mic. Cm Punk, the top heel of the company now, vs SCSA, one of the top faces in the Attitude Era.

Randy Orton vs SCSA would bore the hell out of me. Randy Orton's mic work is horrible and his in ring skills are even worse!!! I don't even know why the fans cheer for him. They have the right characters for a feud, but Randy Orton is just plain boring! Even his legend killer stuff back then were boring.
The way Stone Cold is talking about CM Punk in that interview really makes it sound like he badly wants to wrestle for that one despite his statements that he'd only do it if he needed to. It's easy to see Stone Cold wants to have another run but he doesn't just plainly and straight up says he will do it so people might get more excited if he indeed returns to wrestling.

Speaking of this dream match, it's hard to choose. CM Punk and Austin already has a build up with the twitter feud and their opposite lifestyles but Orton vs Austin seems so much more exciting with the similarities between the two and considering that Rock/Cena is already settled.

Let's face it, Cena and Orton are the biggest faces of this era while The Rock and Stone Cold were that for the attitude era. Having them clash on the next WM would be a dream come true and pure perfection. Even a tag-team match with the two the next night on Raw would be excellent!

And I really doubt Orton is bad on the mic, he just doesn't get much time to talk and his body expression gets the job done anyways. Though, I'm definitely hoping for seeing him go off script by himself if this feud was to, indeed, happen.
Stone Cold VS Randy Orton? Now THAT is a dream match. It's almost as good as John Cena VS The Rock. I would also like the idea of Stone Cold VS Cm Punk. If we were ever lucky enough to get Stone Cold facing either Orton or Punk, it would be a true legit dream match. If it could happen at Wrestlemania 28 that would be amazing, as we are already supposed to get Cena VS The Rock there too. I highly doubt it would happen but Stone Cold facing Orton/Punk would be a fantastic addition to the show because it would be a passing of the torch from a legend to a top guy and greatly increase the chances of high buyrates. There is one little problem, Stone Cold's injuries. One hit from an RKO that's too intense could be REALLY bad for Stone Cold. Same goes for Punk's moves. These might unfortunately be dream matches we will never see.
Punk vs. Austin. You'd get good promos, a better wrestling match, they would have a strong feud cause it's straight edge vs. beer. The only thing interesting about Orton vs. Austin really is just the gimmicks and that's it. Orton isn't a good wrestler nor good on the mic.
Thats right viper versus the ratllesnake on the grandest stage of them all WrestleMania 28. It can be the co main event to Rock versus Cena...It's the fantasy match up that all fans have been wanting for over ten years now ! The match is so huge that it needs it's own areana, no offense to Miami but a match this big needs to take place in the biggest state in America...Astrodome Houston, TX !!!

What do you guys think and how would you setup the match ?
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