Okay... to whoever bumped this thread... why? I made this thread over a year ago, and a lot of shit has changed since then. I ate my words in February when The Rock's music hit and he returned, if ever there was a time to bump it, it would be then.
But instead you bump it now? Nearly seven full months after that happened? Why?
Anyway, no shit I was wrong. The Rock came back, and if the rumors are true, he might pop in every couple of months to wrestle a match, which would be pretty freaking cool, but unlikely, because...
The Rock doesn't care about you as much as he cares about himself and his bank account.
But instead you bump it now? Nearly seven full months after that happened? Why?
Anyway, no shit I was wrong. The Rock came back, and if the rumors are true, he might pop in every couple of months to wrestle a match, which would be pretty freaking cool, but unlikely, because...
The Rock doesn't care about you as much as he cares about himself and his bank account.